33 research outputs found

    A remark on the invariance of dimension

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    Combining Kulpa's proof of the cubical Sperner lemma and a dimension theoretic idea of van Mill we give a very short proof of the invariance of dimension, i.e. the statement that cubes [0,1]^n, [0,1]^m are homeomorphic if and only if n=m. This note is adapted from lecture notes for a course on general topology.Comment: latex2e, 8 pages, 1 eps figur

    On Charged Fields with Group Symmetry and Degeneracies of Verlinde's Matrix S

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    We consider the complete normal field net with compact symmetry group constructed by Doplicher and Roberts starting from a net of local observables in >=2+1 spacetime dimensions and its set of localized (DHR) representations. We prove that the field net does not possess nontrivial DHR sectors, provided the observables have only finitely many sectors. Whereas the superselection structure in 1+1 dimensions typically does not arise from a group, the DR construction is applicable to `degenerate sectors', the existence of which (in the rational case) is equivalent to non-invertibility of Verlinde's S-matrix. We prove Rehren's conjecture that the enlarged theory is non-degenerate, which implies that every degenerate theory is an `orbifold' theory. Thus, the symmetry of a generic model `factorizes' into a group part and a pure quantum part which still must be clarified.Comment: latex2e, 24 pages. Final version, to appear in Ann. Inst. H. Poinc. (Theor. Phys.). A serious gap in the proof of Prop. 2.3 has been filled in, but only under a rationality assumption. The main application to rational CQFTs is not affected, in fact strenghtened by the new Props. 3.8 and 3.14. Some remarks have been adde

    From Subfactors to Categories and Topology I. Frobenius algebras in and Morita equivalence of tensor categories

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    We consider certain categorical structures that are implicit in subfactor theory. Making the connection between subfactor theory (at finite index) and category theory explicit sheds light on both subjects. Furthermore, it allows various generalizations of these structures, e.g. to arbitrary ground fields, and the proof of new results about topological invariants in three dimensions. The central notion is that of a Frobenius algebra in a tensor category A, which reduces to the classical notion if A=F-Vect, where F is a field. An object X in A with two-sided dual X^ gives rise to a Frobenius algebra in A, and under weak additional conditions we prove a converse: There exists a bicategory E with Obj(E)={X,Y} such that End_E(X,X) is equivalent to A and such that there are J: Y->X, J^: X->Y producing the given Frobenius algebra. Many properties (additivity, sphericity, semisimplicity,...) of A carry over to E. We define weak monoidal Morita equivalence (wMe) of tensor categories and establish a correspondence between Frobenius algebras in A and tensor categories B wMe A. While considerably weaker than equivalence of tensor categories, weak monoidal Morita equivalence of A and B implies (for A,B semisimple and spherical or *-categories) that A and B have the same dimension, braided equivalent `center' (quantum double) and define the same state sum invariants of closed oriented 3-manifolds as defined by Barrett and Westbury. If H is a finite dimensional semisimple and cosemisimple Hopf algebra then H-mod and H^-mod are wMe. The present formalism permits a fairly complete analysis of the quantum double of a semisimple spherical category, which is the subject of the companion paper math.CT/0111205.Comment: latex2e, ca. 58 pages. Requires diagrams.tex V3.88. Proof of Thm. 6.20 and one reference include

    Galois Theory for Braided Tensor Categories and the Modular Closure

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    Given a braided tensor *-category C with conjugate (dual) objects and irreducible unit together with a full symmetric subcategory S we define a crossed product C\rtimes S. This construction yields a tensor *-category with conjugates and an irreducible unit. (A *-category is a category enriched over Vect_C with positive *-operation.) A Galois correspondence is established between intermediate categories sitting between C and C\rtimes S and closed subgroups of the Galois group Gal(C\rtimes S/C)=Aut_C(C\rtimes S) of C, the latter being isomorphic to the compact group associated to S by the duality theorem of Doplicher and Roberts. Denoting by D\subset C the full subcategory of degenerate objects, i.e. objects which have trivial monodromy with all objects of C, the braiding of C extends to a braiding of C\rtimes S iff S\subset D. Under this condition C\rtimes S has no degenerate objects iff S=D. If the original category C is rational (i.e. has only finitely many equivalence classes of irreducible objects) then the same holds for the new one. The category C\rtimes D is called the modular closure of C since in the rational case it is modular, i.e. gives rise to a unitary representation of the modular group SL(2,Z). (In passing we prove that every braided tensor *-category with conjugates automatically is a ribbon category, i.e. has a twist.) If all simple objects of S have dimension one the structure of the category C\rtimes S can be clarified quite explicitly in terms of group cohomology.Comment: latex2e, 39 pages. Style file included via filecontents command. Final version, to appear in Adv. Math. Purely notational improvement

    Tensor categories: A selective guided tour

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    These are the lecture notes for a short course on tensor categories. The coverage in these notes is relatively non-technical, focussing on the essential ideas. They are meant to be accessible for beginners, but it is hoped that also some of the experts will find something interesting in them. Once the basic definitions are given, the focus is mainly on k-linear categories with finite dimensional hom-spaces. Connections with quantum groups and low dimensional topology are pointed out, but these notes have no pretension to cover the latter subjects at any depth. Essentially, these notes should be considered as annotations to the extensive bibliography.Comment: 57 pages. Notes for a three-hour lecture course. Extensively revised, updated and extended. To appear in Revista de la Uni\'on Matem\'atica Argentin