98 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis terhadap kesantunan berbahasa dalam novel Ranah 3 Warna Karya A. Fuadi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kesantunan berbahasa dalam novel tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah catatan dokumentasi wujud pematuhan, pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan, dan skala kesantunan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Ranah 3 Warna Karya A. Fuadi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode simak dan teknik catat. Analisis data dengan teknik deskriptif analisis. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini meliputi membaca dan memahami percakapan antar tokoh, mengidentifikasi data kesantunan berbahasa, menandai percakapan antar tokoh, mengklasifikasi data, dan mendeskripsi data kesantunan.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah wujud pematuhan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa yang meliputi maksim kebijaksanaan, kedermawanan, penghargaan, kesederhanaan, pemufakatan, dan kesimpatian. Wujud pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan barbahasa yang meliputi maksim kebijaksanaan, kedermawanan, pengharhgaan, kesederhanaan, pemufakatan, dan kesimpatian. Skala kesantunan Leech dalam novel tersebut meliputi skala kerugian dan keuntungan, skala pilihan, skala ketidak langsungan, skala keotoritasan dan skala  jarak sosial

    The political economy between India Pakistan trade relations

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    In this paper scholar recognize the significant of India-Pakistan trade can be reconcile the all preceding disputes. This study emphasizes that superior level of trade resolve the skirmishes and also retain the idyllic relations between both countries. Reciprocal trade promotes peace and abating the conflicts. Furthermore, India and Pakistan trade relations; barriers of dyadic trade also current trade volume, territorial and border skirmishes and peace settlement have been analyzed. We identify numerous key issues, trade expenses; visas, trade routes between India-Pakistan and trade under trade SAFTA. Therefore, conclude that economic can play the vital role to accelerate the two-pronged relations and lessen the mutual conflicts. In this study, qualitative approach used to analyze the results and conclusion

    The Political Economy between India Pakistan Trade Relations

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    In this paper scholar recognize the significant of India-Pakistan trade can be reconcile the all preceding disputes. This study emphasizes that superior level of trade resolve the skirmishes and also retain the idyllic relations between both countries. Reciprocal trade promotes peace and abating the conflicts. Furthermore, India and Pakistan trade relations; barriers of dyadic trade also current trade volume, territorial and border skirmishes and peace settlement have been analyzed.  We identify numerous key issues, trade expenses; visas, trade routes between India-Pakistan and trade under trade SAFTA. Therefore, conclude that economic can play the vital role to accelerate the two-pronged relations and lessen the mutual conflicts. In this study, qualitative approach used to analyze the results and conclusion. Keywords: Trade Relations, Peace Process, Most Favored Nation (MFN), SAFTA, India, Pakistan

    Controllability Backbone in Networks

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    This paper studies the controllability backbone problem in dynamical networks defined over graphs. The main idea of the controllability backbone is to identify a small subset of edges in a given network such that any subnetwork containing those edges/links has at least the same network controllability as the original network while assuming the same set of input/leader vertices. We consider the strong structural controllability (SSC) in our work, which is useful but computationally challenging. Thus, we utilize two lower bounds on the network's SSC based on the zero forcing notion and graph distances. We provide algorithms to compute controllability backbones while preserving these lower bounds. We thoroughly analyze the proposed algorithms and compute the number of edges in the controllability backbones. Finally, we compare and numerically evaluate our methods on random graphs.Comment: Accepted in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 13-15, 2023, Singapor

    Impediments of Bilateral Trade Relation Between India and Pakistan

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    India and Pakistan are two gigantic economies in the entire of South Asia however; their trade relations are quite meagre owing to plentiful and cosmic impediments across the border of India and Pakistan. Therefore, in addition to in this paper scholar accentuated the trade impediments between India and Pakistan. In this paper, researcher used the qualitative technique to analyze the data in order that findings could come more appropriate in the context of India-Pakistan trade relations. The present study findings demonstrate that normalisation of bilateral trade relations could be rectified the territorial and border disputes with idyllic manner across the border of India and Pakistan. Keywords: India, Pakistan, Trade Relations, Impediments

    Developing India and Pakistan Bilateral Relations through Trade

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    Pakistan and India two largest economies in the entire of South Asia but their trade relations are very abysmally low owing to border disputes and lack of cooperation. In this paper scholar underscored that official trade relations between India and Pakistan could accelerate the bilateral relations in addition to resolution the all preceding issues with harmonious and brotherly manner.  However, both nations India-Pakistan have been involved in the unofficial trade which is not ever-increasing with rapid pace but also obliteration the government revenue and sabotage the domestic industry of both sides. Keywords: India-Pakistan, trade, Political relation

    Scalable Approximation Algorithm for Network Immunization

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    The problem of identifying important players in a given network is of pivotal importance for viral marketing, public health management, network security and various other fields of social network analysis. In this work we find the most important vertices in a graph G = (V;E) to immunize so as the chances of an epidemic outbreak is minimized. This problem is directly relevant to minimizing the impact of a contagion spread (e.g. flu virus, computer virus and rumor) in a graph (e.g. social network, computer network) with a limited budget (e.g. the number of available vaccines, antivirus software, filters). It is well known that this problem is computationally intractable (it is NP-hard). In this work we reformulate the problem as a budgeted combinational optimization problem and use techniques from spectral graph theory to design an efficient greedy algorithm to find a subset of vertices to be immunized. We show that our algorithm takes less time compared to the state of the art algorithm. Thus our algorithm is scalable to networks of much larger sizes than best known solutions proposed earlier. We also give analytical bounds on the quality of our algorithm. Furthermore, we evaluate the efficacy of our algorithm on a number of real world networks and demonstrate that the empirical performance of algorithm supplements the theoretical bounds we present, both in terms of approximation guarantees and computational efficiency

    Relations between India and Pakistan after Mumbai Attack 26/11

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    Mumbai is one of the best Indian cities that are easily reachable via Arabian Sea for the Pakistani public. It is also well known because of central point of multiple points for the high class and international tourists. A few years back on 27th of November in 2008, there were huge sequential attacks that destroyed many lives and injuries of innocent people. This attack mainly focused the high class people and the international tourists of Mumbai. This attack boosted up the differences between two states that is Pakistan and India. In response to the attack, the Indian Government and other higher authorities raised their voices against Pakistan. They claimed that Pakistan is the central place where terrorism is produced and promoted. In addition to this, India also held responsible Lashkar-e-Tayba for attacking Indian places. This cruel condition affected India-Pakistan relationship very much and raised a serious conflict between both states. Keywords: Political, Trade, Conflicts, India, Pakistan, Relation

    Game Theoretic Efficient Radio Resource Allocation in 5G Resilient Networks:A Data Driven Approach

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    In recent years, 5G resilient networks have gained significant attention in the wireless industry. The prime concern of commercial networks is to maximize network capacity to increase their revenue. However, in disaster situations during outages when cell sites are down, instead of capacity, coverage becomes predominant. In this paper, we propose a game theory–based optimal resource allocation scheme, while aiming to maximize the sum rate and coverage probability for the uplink transmissions in disaster situations. The proposed hierarchical game theoretical framework optimizes the uplink performance in multitier heterogeneous network with pico base stations and femto access points overlaid under a macro base station. The test simulations are based on a real‐time data set obtained for a predefined amount of time. The data statistics are then manipulated to create practical disaster situations. The solution for the noncooperative game has been obtained by using pure strategy Nash equilibrium. We perform simulations with different failure rates and the results show that the proposed scheme improves the sum rate and outage probability by significant margin with or without disaster scenario