29 research outputs found

    Scavenger receptor B1 facilitates the endocytosis of \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e via TLR4 signaling in mammary gland infection

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    SCARB1 belongs to class B of Scavenger receptors (SRs) that are known to be involved in binding and endocytosis of various pathogens. SRs have emerging role in regulating innate immunity and host–pathogen interactions by acting in co-ordination with Toll-like receptors.Query Little is known about the function of SCARB1 in milk-derived mammary epithelial cells (MECs). This study reports the role of SCARB1 in infection and its potential association in TLR4 signaling on bacterial challenge in Goat mammary epithelial cells (GMECs). The novelty in the establishment of MEC culture lies in the method that aims to enhance the viability of the cells with intact characteristics upto a higher passage number. We represent MEC culture to be used as a potential infection model for deeper understanding of animal physiology especially around the mammary gland. On E.coli challenge the expression of SCARB1 was signifcant in induced GMECs at 6 h. Endoribonuclease-esiRNA based silencing of SCARB1 affects the expression of TLR4 and its pathways i.e. MyD88 and TRIF pathways on infection. Knockdown also affected the endocytosis of E.coli in GMECs demonstrating that E.coli uses SCARB1 function to gain entry in cells. Furthermore, we predict 3 unique protein structures of uncharacterized SCARB1 (Capra hircus) protein. Overall, we highlight SCARB1 as a main participant in host defence and its function in antibacterial advances to check mammary gland infections

    Engineering properties of sunflower seed: Effect of dehulling and moisture content

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    The study diagnosed engineering properties on varying moisture content of sunflower seed and kernel from 7.6 to 25% (wet basis). On increasing moisture, dimensional values increased for both seed and kernel. Bulk density, true density and porosity were found higher for kernel as compared to seed at each moisture content. On increasing the moisture content from 7.6 to 25%, true density, porosity and thousand kernel weight increased. Coefficient of static friction on plywood was found maximum for kernel at 25% moisture content, while it was minimum for seed on glass at 7.6% moisture content. The angle of repose was maximum for kernel as compared to seed. Initial cracking force, average rupture force and average rupture energy for seed and kernel decreased with an increase in the moisture content. The kernel was found to be more resistant to initial cracking than seed

    Physical, milling, cooking, and pasting characteristics of different rice varieties grown in the valley of Kashmir India

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    In the present study, three different rice varieties, namely frome chena (FC), safaid chena (SC), and barkat chena (BC), were evaluated for various quality aspects in terms of physical, milling, cooking, and pasting characteristics. Among the three rice varieties SC had the highest thousand kernel weight and length breadth ratio (L/B). While as, BC had the lowest thousand kernel weight and FC had lowest L/B. Bulk density was found to be highest for FC followed by SC and BC. FC had density of 769.01 kg/m3. Milling characteristic in terms of broken percentage and head rice yield showed non-significant difference between the varieties. Head rice yield was below 70% in all the three varieties. All the three varieties took similar time to cook and cooking time varied non-significantly between 23.66 and 25.83 min. L/B ratio after cooking was found to be highest for FC followed by BC and SC. Elongation ratio of rice after cooking did not varied significantly between varieties. Elongation ratio after cooking ranged from 1.60 to 1.70. Pasting profile of rice flour was determined using rapid visco analyzer. Significant difference was observed in pasting profile of studied rice varieties

    Adverse effects of consumption of anabolic steroids on heart: An Experimental Study

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    Background & Aims:  One of the most popular Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) among athletes and teenagers is Nandrolone Decanoate (ND), a synthetic testosterone analog. Chronic AAS consumption raises the risk of cardiovascular problems in athletes, however the mechanism causing such changes is not known. This experimental research aims to investigate the impact of nandrolone decanoate administration on heart in white male albino rats. Materials & Methods: Twenty male Albino rats, split into two groups, were used in the study. Group A served as a control, getting peanut oil injections, while Group B received decanoate injections at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight weekly for eight weeks. After the eighth week, the rats were sacrificed under anesthesia in accordance with the recommendations issued by the Ethical Committee. Following sacrifice, the rats were dissected and their tissues processed using normal histology procedures. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and microscopic observations were recorded in groups. In order to properly label and analyze the photos, photographic microscopy was used. Results:  After Eighth week, the control group's heart showed no obvious changes under microscopic examination, whereas the ND treated group showed intermuscular hemorrhages, congested myocardial vessels, widely separated cardiomyocytes, fragmented muscle fibers, and cardiomyocytes showing vesicular nuclei and few degenerative changes. These results suggest that ND treatment may cause particular cardiac structural changes in white male albino rats. Conclusion:  The study suggests that Nandrolone abuse can lead to cardiac problems such as severe degeneration, myocardial vascular congestion, and intermuscular hemorrhages. The study emphasizes the significance of investigating the long-term effects of these medications, as well as the importance of well-designed studies and proper dosage considerations

    Uterine Rupture and Fetal Maceration in an Indian Mongrel Bitch

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    Uterine rupture and fetal maceration in an 11 year old mongrel bitch was diagnosed via lateral abdominal radiography and ventral midline laparotomy. The treatment of choice in cases of uterine rupture and fetal maceration is bilateral ovariohysterectomy along with plenty of intravenous fluid therapy and broad spectrum antibiotics. Incidences of uterine rupture and fetal maceration can be prevented by timely recognition of early signs of obstetrical-related complications and use of proper obstetrical techniques

    Sacred Groves: Myths, Beliefs, and Biodiversity Conservation—A Case Study from Western Himalaya, India

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    Religious and traditional beliefs, cultural mores, and practices play a crucial role in the conservation of environment and biodiversity. The present paper describes a case study of two sacred groves in Western Himalaya. Sacred groves (SGs) are patches of land that are communally protected with religious zeal. A preliminary survey was conducted in these SGs to study their role in biodiversity conservation. The data collected included the general information regarding the SGs and the associated deity, nearest human habitation, access to them, and their floral and faunal diversity. Ethnomedicinal property of plants was collected from the indigenous communities. Many taboos are associated with both the SGs, which help in managing resources well through ritual representation. Different festivals are organized, where the local communities reaffirm their commitment to the forest and the deity. Sacred groves, in general, are a valuable tool of biodiversity conservation. But people’s changing attitudes, erosion of traditional beliefs, and human impact have caused degradation of sacred groves over the years. Their conservation would not be possible without the active participation of the local people. By improving their living standards and by giving benefits of conservation to them, long-term conservation goals in these SGs can be achieved

    Location–allocation model applied to urban public services: Spatial analysis of fire stations in Mysore urban area Karnataka, India

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    Urban fire is one of the most disturbing problems in modern times with the development of technology designed for fire prevention and suppression, they continue to damage life and properties. Methods: Location-allocation model has been applied to find out the parts of the city having poor coverage. Potential sites were recommended wherefrom all demand points will be covered within a predefined impedance cutoff of time of five minutes as per the norms of Standard Fire Advisory Council (SFAC). The available sites to set up a fire station were identified using land use and land cover map that has been prepared from Landsat 8 satellite image were from agricultural land, wasteland land, follow land having area greater than 3 hectares were given as candidate (potential) sites. Results: Within the travel time of five minutes the result indicates that 66.45 percent of city population in the Southeast and Southwest is un-served. Two scenarios have been adopted to fulfill the requirements of such emergency facility; by relocating the existing facilities and without relocating existing facilities. In both the cases nine fire stations are required to cover the entire city effectively. Conclusion: Location allocation model provides the solution for spatial decision not to find the optimal locations for locating the emergency service facilities but also acts as tool to determine where and how many facilities are in need to fulfill the all requirements. Hence, it is advisable to adopt the second method that is, establishing six new fire stations without relocating existing three fire stations, which would be cost effective

    Characterization of Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity among Genetically Different Genotypes of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)

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    This study evaluated the antioxidant power, flavonoids and the total phenolic contents of forty-five genotypes of chilli. The antioxidant activities were tested forextraction scavenging using diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), azinobisethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS), assay of ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), and determining total phenolics (TP) and total flavonoids (TF) contents. There were a significant difference in the total phenolic content (17.38–131.5mg GAE/g dry weight), total flavonoid (14.07–56.15 mg quercetin/g dry weight), DPPH (0.55–5.60 mM AAE/g dry weight), ABTS (16.03– 38.12 mM AAE/g dry weight) and FRAP (0.80– 6.40 mM GAE/dry weight). Three genotypes viz. IC-561635, CITH-HP-22 and IC-561731 exhibited highest values for all the assays. Significant correlation coefficients were identified between TP–TF (r = 0.93) DPPH-ABTS (r= 0.71), ABTS-TP (r=0.81) and FRAP-TF (r=0.89). Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped the studied genotypes into seven clusters. The identified genotypes of chilli are powerful sources of natural antioxidants that slow down the oxidation processes in the body by protecting them from the active oxygen species

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    Cerebrospinal fluid lactate: a differential biomarker for bacterial and viral meningitis in children

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    Objective: To assess the performance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate as a biomarker to differentiate bacterial meningitis (BM) from viral meningitis (VM) in children, and to define an optimal CSF lactate concentration that can be called significant for the differentiation. Methods: Children with clinical findings compatible with meningitis were studied. CSF lactate and other conventional CSF parameters were recorded. Results: At a cut‐off value of 3 mmol/L, CSF lactate had a sensitivity of 0.90, specificity of 1.0, positive predictive value of 1.0, and negative predictive value of 0.963, with an accuracy of 0.972. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were 23.6 and 0.1, respectively. When comparing between BM and VM, the area under the curve (AUC) for CSF lactate was 0.979. Conclusions: The authors concluded that CSF lactate has high sensitivity and specificity in differentiating bacterial from viral meningitis. While at a cut‐off value of 3 mmol/L, CSF lactate has high diagnostic accuracy for BM, mean levels in VM remain essentially below 2 mmol/L