89 research outputs found

    Broken Promises in a ‘Promised Land’: Race and Citizenship after 9/11 in Laila Halaby’s Once in a Promised Land

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    This paper examines the racialisation and gendering of a collective subject described as ‘Middle Eastern or Muslim’ in the US post-9/11. It examines how this category came to be visible and prominent through the workings of disciplinary powers and the politics of security and freedom. Analyzing the text Once in a Promised Land, the paper will show how Jassim and Salwa  inspite of relinquishing all forms of transnational political engagement and building their image in implicit compliance with the assimilative criteria that guarantee the good Arab-American label were victims of suspicion and downright racism. So the paper will explore how the novel goes beyond representing the consequences on Arabs in the post-9/11 America, and skillfully investigates the psychological, social, political and economic dimensions of the experiences of Arab Americans by questioning the concept of citizenship. How this text by imagining counter-hegemonic and heterogenous enactments of non-formulaic, non-binaristic types of US citizenship challenges homogenized depictions of Muslim Americans and forging in the process revisionary spaces that stand against and redefine exclusionary conceptualizations of US citizenship will also be explored. The centrality of race, class and religion to such forms of citizenship suggest that we need to rethink multiculturalism in relation to governmentality as a process of modern subject formation as well as to the state practices that use such subjects and contribute to their formation. So it will be analyzed how multiculturalism has become in the US post-9/11 as a state project to create racialised and gendered subjects who see themselves as American at some points and as different kind of Americans at other times and place

    Prevalence of cervical ribs and elongated transverse processes in Kashmiri population

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    Background: The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of cervical ribs and elongated transverse process in the Kashmiri population.Methods: We reviewed 2000 chest x rays of adult patients which were done in a period of 4 months in the department of Radiology, Govt Medical College Hospital, Srinagar, J& K.Results: The diagnosis of cervical rib was made in a total of 50 radiographs with a prevalence of 2.67%. The prevalence of cervical rib was higher in females (3.1%) as compared to males (2.1%). A total of 67 cervical ribs were seen in 50 patients. Unilateral cervical rib was seen in 33(66.0%) patients, right sided in 20(40.0%) and left sided in 13(26.0%). Bilateral cervical ribs were seen in 17(34.0%) patients. Elongated transverse process was seen in 280 patients constituting a prevalence of 14.96%. The prevalence in females (17.95%) was higher than males (12.15%).Conclusions: Prevalence of cervical rib and C7 transversomegaly is high in Kashmiri population. Similar results have been noted in Saudi population. Thus it is concluded that in the populations with higher rates of consanguinity, there is high probability of occurrence of cervical ribs because of HOX gene mutations. There is need for many more well designed studies to prove this association. Keeping in mind the high prevalence of cervical rib, patients with unexplained cervical pain need to be evaluated for this entity.

    Russia-Ukraine War and Its Impact on Global Oil and Food Prices

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    Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, oil and gas prices and food prices have risen worldwide. This disruption has affected the distribution and production of trade commodities for which Ukraine and Russia are key players. Among the reasons for the price increase were oil and food items, such as wheat, oilseeds, and gas. Due to this, people who are low-income survivors have a hard time surviving. In response, policymakers provided relief for these people with subsidies or lowered taxes. However, these short-run subsidies are inadequate and ineffective remedies that will lead to a shortage of supplies. Through targeted measures, such as cash transfers, policymakers can reduce the impact of these higher prices on lower-income households. Historically, commodity price shocks have induced policy and market responses that led to a larger supply of resources and, in the case of oil price shocks, greater efficiency in consumption and substitution away from oil. Likely, the recent price spike will once again spur more efficient energy consumption and a faster transition away from fossil fuels, especially if policy responses are supportive. We collected data from different sources, including the World Bank, the IMF, and the International Energy Agency, and reports from British Petroleum and the European Commission. The trends show that besides the rise in energy prices, prices of food items are also increasing, and this trend is making people's lives very hard. These price hikes will have the most significant impact on low-income countries, and this will also lead to food shortages worldwide. Changes in relative prices will also affect global food production. As a result of the war, however, there are many uncertainties related to food supply availability, and low-income countries may have a prolonged need for international assistance due to the war. &nbsp

    Stillbirth in Pigs

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    Piglets that are born dead may have died at any time during the farrowing process or before. Causes of stillborn piglets can be divided into infectious and noninfectious. Infectious causes perhaps are overemphasized but are certainly important in epidemic situations. Noninfectious causes of stillborns are most common in endemic situations. Genetic, maternal, piglet and environmental factors can all affect the stillborn rate. The review attempts to describe the causes of stillborn piglets and the ways to mitigate them

    Evaluation of Bacteriological Quality of Ready-to-eat Chicken Products by Total Viable Count Method

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    The present investigation describes the total viable count of ready-to-eat chicken products (chicken patties and chicken rolls) in Srinagar city during two seasons viz. autumn and winter. A total of 120 ready-to-eat chicken products comprising of 60 chicken patties and 60 chicken rolls were tested. The mean bacterial count of 60 chicken patties and 60 chicken rolls was 5.1281 and 4.9395 log10 cfu/g. Bacillus cereus strains were isolated from 25 of chicken patties and 22 of the chicken rolls resulting in prevalence of 41.66% and 36.67%, respectively

    Management of closed shaft of humerus fractures in non admitted adult patients in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Fracture shaft humerus is among the most common of fractures. Proximal fractures are more common in elderly and are commonly attributed to low-energy falls, they make up to 5% of all fractures and 25% of humerus fractures, middle fractures about 60% and distal fractures contribute to the remaining fractures. Fractures shaft of humerus account for approximately 3% of all fractures encountered by the orthopedic surgeons.Methods: From November 2017 to October 2018 sixty-two fractures of humeral shaft presented at Emergency Orthopedic Department in Government Medical College Jammu, 30 fractures considered suitable for the study. All these patients were treated conservatively by using the Coaptation ‘U’ shaped slab discharged the next day and evaluation done both clinically and radiologically every two weeks.Results: This study showed that the angulation deformities were considerably reduced by the use of U slab and the POP cast. Smoking appeared to have negative effect on the rate of union.Conclusions: Conservative treatment is one of the most effective methods of treatment. Operative treatment should be limited as much as possible to specific indications given below

    Impact of Income on the Insurance Potential-A Case Study of Rural Sector of Jammu and Kashmir State

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    The Indian Insurance industry is flourishing with several national and international players competing and growing at rapid rates. The globalisation has allowed the Indian insurance sector to flourish as there is huge market potential for insurance in India and this potential will definitely increase further in future.  The survey was conducted from the state of Jammu and Kashmir using primary and secondary sources of data. This study has explored and assessed insurance potential in rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir State by analysing relationship between disposable income and Insurance potential. Looking at the source of information for households, it was found that television is the primary source for both insured and uninsured households. Other sources of information are friends, relatives and neighbours, news papers, radios, and transistors. Keywords: Households, Insurance, Information, Potential, Regulation

    Clinicopathological profile and operative outcomes of gastric cancer patients in Kashmir: a high incidence area

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    Background: The objective of the present study was to analyse the demographic, clinicopathological and perioperative outcome of patients undergoing D2 gastrectomy in a high-volume tertiary care hospital in Kashmir a high incidence area.Methods: A total of 89 gastric cancer patients operated in the department of surgical gastroenterology, SKIMS, Kashmir, from January 2018 to December 2021 were included. A standardized D2 lymphadenectomy with spleen/pancreas preservation was performed.Results: Most of the patients in our study were elderly males and the mean age of patients in our series was 60.12±9.4. Majority of the patients in this study had stage III (91%) disease. Nodal involvement (N2, N3) was seen in 66% of patients. The average blood loss during operation was (380.23±48.53 ml) in our patients. The mean number of harvested lymph nodes was (26.6±10.1) with the range of (12-40). Mean operative time was (180±32.58 min). Average hospital stay was (8±2.46 days) in this series.Conclusions: Data from our study suggests that D2-gastrectomy when performed by skilled team in high volume centre like SKIMS is safe and should be the standard of care for gastric cancer for improved outcome. 
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