150 research outputs found


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    This thesis examines the extent to which the accommodation sector uses social media, specifically Facebook, to communicate dialogically with its consumers. Using Kent and Taylor\u27s (1998) five principles of dialogic communication, a content analysis of 34 different hotels\u27 Facebook pages were reviewed. Twenty-four posts and comments on each organizations\u27 Facebook page were examined over a 12 month span to determine if dialogic communication was occurring between the organization and its consumers. The study asked two questions. How is the accommodation sector of the hospitality industry employing the principles of dialogic communication through their Facebook posts? Is there is a relationship between market class and likeliness to use the dialogic principles within Facebook posts? The study found that the accommodation sector employed the principles of dialogic communication in 97.9 % of the Facebook posts. The results showed frequent occurrences of three of the dialogic principles. These three principles, dialogic loop, conservation of visitors and usefulness of information appeared in over 50% of total posts analyzed. The dialogic principle, generation of return visitors was the only principle to occur in less than 50% of the posts (29.3%). Only 2.1% of posts did not use any of the dialogic principles, with the mean falling at 2.29 principles used. Two statistically significant relationships were discussed between the market class and their likelihood to use the principles of dialogic communication within Facebook posts

    CMOS-compatible nanotube-microbolometer-infrared-detectors

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Entwicklung, Herstellung und Charakterisierung von innovativen und hochempfindlichen CMOS-kompatiblen Mikrobolometern. Der Ansatz der zum Patent angemeldeten neuartigen Struktur basiert auf der Realisierung der thermischen Isolierung und gleichzeitiger elektrischer Kontaktierung der Mikrobolometer mit Hilfe von ausreichend langen und dĂŒnnbeschichteten Hohlröhrchen (hier als Nanotubes bezeichnet), welche mit Technologien und Prozessen aus der Mikrosystemtechnik hergestellt werden können. Somit wird der relative FlĂ€chenanteil des Absorbers bei einer gegebenen PixelgrĂ¶ĂŸe maximiert, da laterale Stege, welche bislang Hauptbestandteil der thermischen Isolierung waren, komplett entfallen. Der resultierende thermische Leitwert kann ĂŒber die einzelnen Schichtdicken, den Grundradius und die LĂ€nge der Nanotubes flexibel und unabhĂ€ngig von der PixelgrĂ¶ĂŸe eingestellt werden. Basierend auf diesem Konzept wird ein skalierbarer Herstellungsprozess entwickelt, welcher eine Realisierung der Nanotube-Mikrobolometer ermöglicht. Die Nanotubes werden mit Hilfe eines Opferschichtprozesses hergestellt. Dabei wird zunĂ€chst mit Hilfe des Bosch-Prozesses ein Öffnung in die Opferschicht geĂ€tzt und diese mittels Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) beschichtet. Im Anschluss folgt die Entfernung der Opferschicht, sodass die gefertigten Nanotubes frei stehen. Die verwendeten Nanotube-Materialien weisen Schichtdicken in einem Bereich von wenigen Nanometern auf. Zur Untersuchung der thermischen LeitfĂ€higkeiten dieser dĂŒnnen ALD-Schichten, wird ein Messaufbau zur Anwendung der 3ω-Methode entwickelt. Ein weiterer Kernpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von rauscharmen und temperaturstabilen amorphen SiGe-Sensorschichten, welche im spĂ€teren Herstellungsprozess der Nanotube-Mikrobolometer implementiert werden. Generell muss der elektrische Widerstand der Sensorschichten an die spĂ€ter verwendete Ausleseschaltung angepasst werden. Die relativ langen und hohen Temperaturbelastungen bis zu 400 °C wĂ€hrend der Atomlagenabscheidungen können jedoch Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften der zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits auf dem Wafer befindlichen Sensorschichten nehmen. HauptsĂ€chlich nehmen zwei Effekte der Temperung Einfluss auf den spezifischen Widerstand von Bor-dotierten amorphen Si bzw. SiGe-Schichten. Zum einen bewirkt die Wasserstoffdiffusion eine Erhöhung und zum anderen die Aktivierung von Bor eine Reduzierung des spezifischen Widerstandes. In dieser Arbeit kann gezeigt werden, dass durch geeignete Variation der Prozessparameter der Einfluss beider Effekte kompensiert wird. Somit bleiben die resultierende Konfiguration der Atombindungen bzw. die ursprĂŒnglichen elektrischen Eigenschaften nach der Temperung erhalten. Die gefertigten Nanotube-Mikrobolometer werden zunĂ€chst anhand von Teststrukturen im Hinblick auf die elektro-optischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften grundlegend charakterisiert. Der Fokus liegt in dieser Arbeit auf PixelgrĂ¶ĂŸen von 12 ”m und kleiner. Weiterhin werden die Strukturen auf einer bestehenden CMOS-Ausleseschaltung mit einer optischen Auflösung von 320x240 Pixeln (QVGA) monolithisch gefertigt, um diese in bildgebenden Infrarotsystemen einzusetzen. Um WĂ€rmeverluste durch Gaskonduktion zu minimieren, werden die Mikrobolometer im Vakuum betrieben. Hierzu wurde am Fraunhofer IMS ein sogenanntes Chip-Scale-Package entwickelt, welches chipweise auf die hergestellten Arrays des Wafers aufgebracht wird. Es folgen die Bestimmung der ResponsivitĂ€t und NETD sowie die ersten Ergebnisse zum Einsatz im FIR-Kamerasystem.The present work deals with the development, fabrication und characterization of innovative and highly sensitive CMOS-compatible microbolometers. The approach of the patent pending novel structure is based on the realization of thermal insulation and simultaneous electrical contacting of the microbolometers by means of sufficiently long and thin coated hollow tubes (hereinafter referred as nanotubes), which can be fabricated with processes from microsystems technology. Thus, the relative area of the absorber is maximized at a given pixel size, since lateral legs are completely omitted, which were previously the main constituent of thermal insulation. The resulting thermal conductance can be tuned flexibly and independently of the pixel size by varying the individual layer thicknesses, base radius and length of the nanotubes. Based on this concept a scalable fabrication process is developed, which enables the realization of the nanotube microbolometers. The nanotubes are fabricated using a sacrificial layer process. Here, an opening is first etched in the sacrificial layer using the Bosch process and then coated by atomic layer deposition (ALD). Following this, the sacrificial layer is removed, so that the fabricated nanotubes are free-standing. The nanotube materials used in this work have layer thicknesses in the range of a few nanometers. For investigation the thermal conductivities of thin ALD layers a measurement setup for application of the 3ω-method is developed. Another key aspect of this thesis is the development and characterization of temperature-stable amorphous SiGe sensing layers that are implemented in the later fabrication process of the nanotube microbolometers. In general, the electric resistance of the sensing layer needs to be adapted to the operating range of the readout circuit. However, the relatively long and high temperature loads of up to 400 °C during the atomic layer deposition can influence the properties of the sensing layer, which is already located on the wafer at this point. Mainly two effects of heat treatment influence the resistivity of boron doped amorphous Si or SiGe layers. For one thing the diffusion of hydrogen causes an increase and for another thing the activation of boron a reduction of the resistivity. In this work, it can be shown that the influence of both effects can be compensated by appropriate variation of process parameters. Thus, the resulting configuration of atomic bonds and the initial electrical properties remain after heat treatment. Based on test structures the fabricated nanotube microbolometers are characterized essentially with respect to the electro-optical and mechanical properties. This work focuses on pixel sizes of 12 ”m and below. Furthermore, the microbolometers are monolithically fabricated on an existing CMOS readout circuit with an optical resolution of 320x240 pixels (QVGA) to use these in imaging infrared systems. The microbolometers are operated in vacuum to minimize heat loss from gas conduction. For this purpose, a so-called chip-scale-package was developed at Fraunhofer IMS, which is applied individually to the fabricated chips on the wafer. This is followed by the determination of the NETD and first results for application in the FIR camera system

    Deficiency in trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) increases tumorigenicity of human breast cancer cells and mammary tumor development in TFF1-knockout mice

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    Although trefoil factor 1 (TFF1; previously named pS2) is abnormally expressed in about 50% of human breast tumors, its physiopathological role in this disease has been poorly studied. Moreover, controversial data have been reported. TFF1 function in the mammary gland therefore needs to be clarified. In this study, using retroviral vectors, we performed TFF1 gain- or loss-of-function experiments in four human mammary epithelial cell lines: normal immortalized TFF1-negative MCF10A, malignant TFF1-negative MDA-MB-231 and malignant TFF1-positive MCF7 and ZR75.1. The expression of TFF1 stimulated the migration and invasion in the four cell lines. Forced TFF1 expression in MCF10A, MDA-MB-231 and MCF7 cells did not modify anchorage-dependent or -independent cell proliferation. By contrast, TFF1 knockdown in MCF7 enhanced soft-agar colony formation. This increased oncogenic potential of MCF7 cells in the absence of TFF1 was confirmed in vivo in nude mice. Moreover, chemically induced tumorigenesis in TFF1-deficient (TFF1-KO) mice led to higher tumor incidence in the mammary gland and larger tumor size compared with wild-type mice. Similarly, tumor development was increased in the TFF1-KO ovary and lung. Collectively, our results clearly show that TFF1 does not exhibit oncogenic properties, but rather reduces tumor development. This beneficial function of TFF1 is in agreement with many clinical studies reporting a better outcome for patients with TFF1-positive breast primary tumors

    La pollution des eaux en Provence-CĂŽte d'Azur

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    Water pollution in Provence and CÎte d'Azur. Although the tight against pollution has not been undertaken since a long time, it is quite possible to calculate, localise and estimate the intensity and nature of pollution in rivers owing to chemical, administrative and juridical datas. Two kinds of pollution are to be distinguished : a «domestic» pollution which is very important down the rivers in the agglomerations and especially along the coast ; an industrial pollution, very spectacular, quite localised and constantly increasing in places where it did not exist before.Muckensturm F. La pollution des eaux en Provence-CÎte d'Azur. In: Méditerranée, deuxiÚme série, tome 12, 1-1973. pp. 81-93

    La quantification d'un phénomÚne social : l'indigence en France dans la premiÚre moitié du XIXe siÚcle (1790-1850)

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    [eng] Abstract The concept of destitution, frequently used in the nineteenth century, which is characterised by a state of poverty requiring some kind of assistance, can quite easily be studied in terms of quantitative analysis. Although they under-estimate the phenomenon, the fragmentary data collected in a geographical region or a city show a higher rate of poverty in the industrial cities. The 1790-1791 and the 1829-1831 national studies indicate that in western and northern France poverty is very severe. Through the statistical calculation of the linear regression treated by computer, one can establish a narrow proportional relation between destitution and densities on the one hand and between destitution and the presence of agricultural day-labourer on the other hand. [fre] RĂ©sumĂ© La notion d'indigence, frĂ©quemment employĂ©e au XIXe siĂšcle, qui se caractĂ©rise par un Ă©tat de pauvretĂ© nĂ©cessitant une assistance quelconque, se prĂȘte assez bien Ă  une analyse quantitative. Les donnĂ©es fragmentaires recueillies Ă  l'Ă©chelle d'une rĂ©gion ou d'une ville, tout en sous-estimant le phĂ©nomĂšne, montrent une indigence Ă©levĂ©e dans les villes industrielles. Les enquĂȘtes nationales de 1790-1791 et de 1829-1831 rendent compte d'une France de l'ouest et du nord sĂ©vĂšrement touchĂ©es par l'indigence. Le calcul statistique de la rĂ©gression linĂ©aire par traitement informatique permet d'Ă©tablir une relation Ă©troite et proportionnelle entre indigence et densitĂ©s d'une part, entre indigence et prĂ©sence de journaliers agricoles d'autre part.

    La participation des populations montagnardes dans le développement des stations de ski (Alpes-du-Sud)

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    The participation of the mountain, or native, population in the growth of ski-resorts depends on the local economic, political and financial situation, and varies according to the type of ski-resort. The mast complete integration of the mountain population appears in the older, more traditional resorts ; being very much reduced in the modern centres. The native population is employed mostly in «care of the snow», small commercial businnesses, hotelling and the construction industry.La participation de la population montagnarde dans la croissance des stations de ski dépend de la situation économique, politique et financiÚre locale, et varie selon le type de station. L'intégration la plus complÚte de cette population ap- paraßß dans les stations plus anciennes et plus traditionnelles , tandis qu'elle est trÚs réduite dans les plus récentes. La population autochtone est employée surtout dans les métiers de la neige, le petit commerce, l'hÎtellerie et la construction.Muckensturm F. La participation des populations montagnardes dans le développement des stations de ski (Alpes-du-Sud). In: Méditerranée, deuxiÚme série, tome 26, 3-1976. pp. 41-47

    C10H14O2 - Structure No. 42

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    Portrait romain d’Alexandre le Grand. L’histoire d’Alexandre selon Quinte-Curce, sous la direction de Mathilde MahĂ©-Simon et Jean Trinquier, 2014

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    Muckensturm-Poulle Claire. Portrait romain d’Alexandre le Grand. L’histoire d’Alexandre selon Quinte-Curce, sous la direction de Mathilde MahĂ©-Simon et Jean Trinquier, 2014. In: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, vol. 41, n°1, 2015. pp. 382-385
