926 research outputs found

    The Role of the Intestinal Context in the Generation of Tolerance and Inflammation

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    The mucosal surface of the intestine alone forms the largest area exposed to exogenous antigens as well as the largest collection of lymphoid tissue in the body. The enormous amount of nonpathogenic and pathogenic bacteria and food-derived antigens that we are daily exposed sets an interesting challenge to the immune system: a protective immune activity must coexist with efficient regulatory mechanisms in order to maintain a health status of these organisms. This paper discusses how the immune system assimilates the perturbations from the environment without generating tissue damage


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    Este artigo aborda alguns efeitos do envelhecimento sobre as identificações sob a perspectiva da psicanálise tendo como proposição principal: há um sujeito que não envelhece malgrado a velhice. Há traços identificados precocemente do Outro que nos acompanham e alguns não se modificam com a passagem do tempo. Todavia, novas traduções ou versões podem surgir disto que não se apaga. Retomamos dois contos, ambos nomeados de “O espelho” e pequenos fragmentos clínicos como ferramentas privilegiadas para se pensar as relações entre identificação e espelho. Palavras chaves: Identificação, ideal do eu, eu ideal, eu, narcisismo, imagem, espelho

    Transcription Factor T-bet Regulates Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Functional Maturation

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    SummaryThe intestinal epithelium harbors large populations of activated and memory lymphocytes, yet these cells do not cause tissue damage in the steady state. We investigated how intestinal T cell effector differentiation is regulated upon migration to the intestinal epithelium. Using gene loss- and gain-of-function strategies, as well as reporter approaches, we showed that cooperation between the transcription factors T-bet and Runx3 resulted in suppression of conventional CD4+ T helper functions and induction of an intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) program that included expression of IEL markers such as CD8αα homodimers. Interferon-γ sensing and T-bet expression by CD4+ T cells were both required for this program, which was distinct from conventional T helper differentiation but shared by other IEL populations, including TCRαβ+CD8αα+ IELs. We conclude that the gut environment provides cues for IEL maturation through the interplay between T-bet and Runx3, allowing tissue-specific adaptation of mature T lymphocytes

    Conflitos de Uso da Terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente no Alto Rio Jequitinhonha, Brasil

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    A exploração das riquezas minerais da região do Alto Rio Jequitinhonha, em Minas Gerais, condicionou a degradação ambiental produzida na paisagem desde o século XVIII. A partir disso, este estudo objetivou analisar o conflito do uso da terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP) de mata ciliar do rio Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais, segundo o Código Florestal brasileiro. Realizou-se o mapeamento do uso e cobertura da terra utilizando imagens RapidEye e a delimitação das APP em ambiente SIG. As classes geradas foram: (I) Vegetação Natural, (II) Afloramento Rochoso, (III) Área Antropizada e (IV) Curso Hídrico. A definição das APPs foi estabelecida de acordo com as diretrizes da legislação florestal. A sobreposição do mapa de uso e cobertura da terra com a delimitação das APP originou o mapa de usos conflitantes. A área total ocupada pelas formas de cobertura no território destinado à APP, subtraindo-se a classe Curso Hídrico, foi 2,10 km². Constatou-se 30,9% de uso indevido nos limites da APP (classe Área Antropizada). Diante dos resultados deste trabalho, nota-se que o cumprimento da legislação florestal e a fiscalização ambiental das propriedades rurais na área de estudo ainda são insuficientes. Salienta-se a necessidade de recomposição das áreas de APP, de modo a assegurar os serviços ecossistêmicos e hidrológicos relacionados à conservação ambiental. Os procedimentos metodológicos aqui aplicados, podem ser replicados para outras ecorregiões do Brasil, sob respaldo do código florestal brasileiro e legislações vigentes.


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    Information about sample adequacy that represents soil chemical attributes distribution are fundamental for a better rationalization of the use of correctives and fertilizers. The objective was to evaluate the variability of these attributes and to size the minimum number of composite samples to represent the fertility of forest soils. The total area planted was 9,101ha, constituted of 265 commercial eucalypt stands. The 687 soil composite samples obtained were for chemical analysis. It was evaluated the performance of two exploratory analysis techniques and six sampling procedures. The attributes P, K, Ca, Mg and S presented higher coefficient of variation (>35%). In contrast, the distributions of Al, organic matter and, mainly, pH were the most homogeneous. The sample error was smaller as the amount of composite samples increased. The representative of all chemical attributes (sample error of 5%) was achieved with a minimum of 309 (one each 29ha, 1:29) and 295 (1:31) composite samples from sampling procedures simple casual and stratified by altitude class, respectively. Both procedures were promising for soil sampling, especially, when applying the boxplot for identification and removal of outliers


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    Geographic Information System tools, combined with mathematical methods for complex geospatial scientific investigations, are essential for environmental zoning. Among these tools, environmental fragility models evaluate criteria related to the physical attributes of the landscape to ensure multi-disciplinarity of the information plans used in a study. However, questions are raised on the priority allotted to each criterion or environmental factor within a multi-criteria analysis model. In this sense, the analytic hierarchy process is another mathematical model that is used in decision theory, which sorts criteria hierarchically. This study aims to use the AHP method as a tool to support multi-criteria decision making as applied to environmental fragility mapping, using the Jequitinhonha River Basin, Minas Gerais, Brazil, as a case study. The application of the AHP method provided a hierarchy of five important environmental criteria for the environmental fragility mapping. The use of AHP allowed the modeling of empirical evaluations in mathematically consistent results, to provide better conciseness in geospatial processes. Therefore, it is an adequate method to minimize subjectivity in environmental and territorial planning. It can also help the management of priority zones for conservation, preservation, or ecological restoration


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    O objetivo da pesquisa é estimular o uso de novas tecnologias na produção do conhecimento geográfico por parte de professores e alunos por meio de apresentação de recursos que o software Google Earth® oferece. O procedimento metodológico ocorreu pela análise de uma revisão de literatura, inclusive dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e Base Nacional Comum Curricular como suporte de referencial teórico/conceitual e estudo aprofundado dos recursos disponibilizados pelo software. O material desenvolvido pode ser complementar junto a alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental e foram elencados três recursos disponíveis pelo software como: Regulador de Zoom, Orientação Espacial, e Adicionar Caminho, considerados instrumentos relevantes quanto os conteúdos de Cartografia. Conclui-se que estudos associando métodos tradicionais de aprendizagem às novas tecnologias são necessários para o aprimoramento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem e desenvolvimento do aluno como sujeito atuante

    Regulatory T Cells Accumulate in the Lung Allergic Inflammation and Efficiently Suppress T-Cell Proliferation but Not Th2 Cytokine Production

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    Foxp3+CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cells are vital for peripheral tolerance and control of tissue inflammation. In this study, we characterized the phenotype and monitored the migration and activity of regulatory T cells present in the airways of allergic or tolerant mice after allergen challenge. To induce lung allergic inflammation, mice were sensitized twice with ovalbumin/aluminum hydroxide gel and challenged twice with intranasal ovalbumin. Tolerance was induced by oral administration of ovalbumin for 5 consecutive days prior to OVA sensitization and challenge. We detected regulatory T cells (Foxp3+CD25+CD4+ T cells) in the airways of allergic and tolerant mice; however, the number of regulatory T cells was more than 40-fold higher in allergic mice than in tolerant mice. Lung regulatory T cells expressed an effector/memory phenotype (CCR4highCD62LlowCD44highCD54highCD69+) that distinguished them from naive regulatory T cells (CCR4intCD62LhighCD44intCD54intCD69−). These regulatory T cells efficiently suppressed pulmonary T-cell proliferation but not Th2 cytokine production