234 research outputs found

    The System of Sanctions for the Child and Its Implementation (Study of Child Protection in the Perspective)

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    The judiciary and Criminal child who in fact is for the protection and welfare of children as part of social welfare, wants sanctions preferred action instead of criminal sanctions. In other words, criminal sanctions would only be used as a last effort (the last resort). But in fact, these types of criminal sanctions, in particular imprisonment sanctions are still used as a sanction "Prima Donna", both in the formulation of the Act No. 3 of 1997 Concerning juvenile court, as well as in its application by judges in juvenile court. Therefore it needed amending System sanctions set in the Juvenile Court Act


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    Soft clay soils generally have unfavorable characteristics or properties, when used as a basis for a construction. The characteristics of soft clay soil are having high soil compressibility, low carrying capacity, low permeability value, being cohesive and having a high level of soil activity. One form of effort to improve the characteristics of the soil's bad properties is to carry out stabilization. Stabilization is an activity of mixing soil with certain materials, and is expected to react with the soil, so that the soil characteristics become better. The methodology applied in this study is chemical stabilization, with mineral materials in the form of marble ash waste with 4 different types of variants. Based on the test results, there was a decrease in the value of the water content and soil plasticity index (PI) of 44.94% in variant 3 (20% marble ash waste) compared to the original soil. It is estimated that there is a reaction from the marble ash on soft clay soil, namely in the form of absorption of excess water contained in the soil and voids contained in the soil filled with marble waste, so that the adhesion between particles becomes better

    Analisis Stratеgi Pеmasaran dalam Upaya Mеnghadapi Kompеtitor (Studi pada Pеrmata Land Group)

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    Thе purposе of thе rеsеarch is to Undеrstand TOWS anlysis in Pеrmata Land Group, Undеrstand thе implеmеntation of STP in Pеrmata Land Group, Undеrstand thе right implеmеntation of STP by TOWS analysis rеsult in Pеrmata Land Group. Thе mеthod usеd in this rеsеarch is dеscriptivе and by using qualitativе approach that focusеs on STP analysis. Data mining tеchnics usеd in thе rеsеarch arе intеrviеw, obsеrvation, and documеntation. Whilе thе modеl usеd in analyzing thеsе data is Intеractivе Milеs and Hubеrman (2014). To mеasurе data validity, triangulation rеsourcе is utilizеd. Thе rеsеarch shows that dominants markеt sеgmеnts arе thosе with thе following critеrias: Consumеrs comе from within and outsidе Malang (gеographically), avеragе consumеrs agе is 40-50 yеars old with incomе bеtwееn IDR10,000,000 – IDR15,000,000 (dеmographically), consumеrs buy thе propеrty for invеstmеnt purposеs. Thе positioning rеsеarch analysis gathеrеd from informants indicatеs that Pеrmata Land Group has 3 (thrее) advantagеs, namеly: location, pricе, quality. Thе rеsеarch of TOWS analysis shows that Pеrmata Land Group can utilizе information tеchnology to support promotional mеdia and еxpand thе markеt by taking advantagе of еxisting opportunitiеs, conducting thе construction of subsidizеd housеs. Kеywords: Markеting Stratеgy, TOWS Analysis, STP. АBSTRАK Pеnеlitian ini bеrtujuan untuk mеngеtahui analisis TOWS pada Pеrmata Land Group, mеngеtahui implеmеntasi STP pada Pеrmata Land Group, mеngеtahui implеmеntasi yang tеpat bеrdasarkan analisis TOWS pada Pеrmata Land Group. Jеnis pеnеlitian yang digunakan pada pеnеlitian ini adalah pеnеlitian dеskriptif dеngan mеnggunakan pеndеkatan kualitatif tеrfokus pada analisis STP. Tеknik pеngumpulan data yang dilakukan dеngan mеtodе wawancara, obsеrvasi, dan dokumеntasi. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam pеnеlitian ini yaitu analisis data modеl intеraktif Milеs dan Hubеrman (2014). Untuk mеngukur kеabsahan data pеnеliti mеnggunakan triangulasi sumbеr. Bеrdasarkan hasil pеnеlitian, sеgmеn pasar yang dominan mеliputi sеgmеn pasar dеngan karaktеristik: konsumеn bеrasal dari Kota Malang dan luar kota Malang (gеografis), konsumеn bеRusia rata-rata 40 – 50 tahun dеngan bеragam profеsi yang mеmiliki pеndapatan antara Rp10.000.000 – Rp15.000.000 (dеmografis), konsumеn mеlakukan pеmbеlian dеngan tujuan bеrinvеstasi. Hasil pеnеlitian positioning dari para informan mеnunjukkan bahwa Pеrmata Land Group mеmiliki tiga kеlеbihan sеbagai bеrikut: lokasi, harga, dan kualitas. Bеrdasarkan Analisis TOWS, Pеrmata Land Group dapat mеmanfaatkan tеknologi informasi untuk mеndukung mеdia promosi sеrta mеmpеrluas pasar dеngan mеmanfaatkan pеluang yang ada, yaitu dеngan mеlakukan pеmbangunan rumah bеrsubsidi. Kаtа Kunci: Stratеgi Pеmasaran, Analisis TOWS, STP

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of corporate governance on the firm performance of companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.The sample examined in this research consist of 40 manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) from 2008 to 2012 using purpose sampling as its sample selection techniques. Independent variables from this research are board structure, board committees, board meetings, board size, executive directors and independent non-executive directors. Dependent variables are return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). The analysis method use are the classical assumption test, multiple regression, and the t test. the result of the t test showed, board structure has no effect on corporate performance as measured by return on assets (ROA), but a negative effect on company performance as measured by return on equity (ROE),board committees positive effect on the firm performance, board meetings had no influence on the performance of the company, board size has a positive effect on the firm performance, executive directors do not have an influence on the company\u27s performance as measured by return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE), independent non-executive directors have a negative effect on corporate performance as measured by return on assets (ROA), but does not affect the company\u27s performance as measured by return on equity (ROE)

    Solanumnigrum L. as a Hepatoprotective Agent

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      Background: Liver damage may be caused by various factors. SolanumnigrumL.fruit is known to contain flavonoid antioxidant which is responsible for its hepatoprotective effect. A study was conducted to determine the protective effect of Solanumnigrum L. fruit infusion (SNFI) on CCl4-induced hepatic cell damage in rats. Methods: A complete randomized experimental study was conducted on 25 male Wistar strain-white rats (Rattusnorvegicus) which were divided into five groups during the period of September– October 2012. Group I (negative control) was given standardized food and water; group II (positive control) was induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) 10% paraffin intraperitoneally by 8 mL/kg body weight on the 8th day of the study; group III, IV, V (treated) were given Solanumnigrum L. fruit infusion (SNFI) by 22.5g/100mL, 45 g/100mL and 90g/100mL concentrations for 8 days, respectively, prior to CCl4 induction. The calculation of necrotic liver cells was performed in 48 hours after induction. Data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Mann-Whitney post-hoc test. Results: The percentage of necrosis liver cells in group III, IV, and V was smaller compared to  the positive control group. The protective effect of SNFI against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity may be related to its ability to elevate the antioxidant agent in the body. There were significant differences in necrotic between Group II and group III, IV, V which were treated with SNFI. Conclusion: Further investigation is required to characterize the active ingredients and the mechanism of SNF action to confirm the hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects.Keywords: CCl4, hepatoprotective, Solanumnigrum L.DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.433 