32 research outputs found

    Solution of heat transfer inverse problem in thin film irradiated by laser

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    [EN] The presented article deals with inverse problems in nanoscale heat transfer identification problems [1]. Heat flow in solids can be modelled using various models. When dealing with objects of small dimensions, of the order of nanometres, and with fast heating processes, comparable to relaxation times, then it is reasonable to use molecular dynamics or the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) [2]. The presented coupled system of Boltzmann transport equations has the advantage over molecular dynamics that it has a less complicated mathematical apparatus and calculations proceed faster. A thin film irradiated by ultrashort laser pulse is modeled using BTE. Heat transfer parameters of the model are identified using evolutionary algorithm – an optimization algorithm inspired on biological evolution of species. Multicriterial identification is characterized as an optimization problem where the difference between obtained and expected results is minimized.The research is funded from the projects Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2021.Korczak, A.; Mucha, W. (2022). Solution of heat transfer inverse problem in thin film irradiated by laser. En Proceedings of the YIC 2021 - VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 200-204. https://doi.org/10.4995/YIC2021.2021.12580OCS20020

    Plastic Formed and Spot Welded Joints Strength of S350GD+Z Steel

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    This paper presents a research of the lap joint shear strength of S350GD+Z sheet material joined by resistance spot welding. The resistance spot welding process was done for five values of welding current. The joints strength structure analysis was done for the shearing curves. The influence of the welding current on the joints maximum strength and the shear curve of the resistance spot welded joints was presented. Welding current increase influence efficiency on the joints strength was analyzed. The analysis of the cold plastic formed joining technologies (clinching) was also presented. The clinching joints were made by using different tool types and uniform values of embossment minimum thickness. The influence of tool shape on the joint strength was described. In the case of round clinching joints the influence of forming force increase on the joints strength was studied

    Comparison of numerical and experimental strain distributions in composite panel for aerospace applications

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    [EN] In structural applications of aerospace industry, weight efficiency, understood as minimal weight and maximal stiffness, is of great importance. This criterion can be achieved by composite lightweight structures. Typical structures for aforementioned applications are sandwich panels (e.g., with honeycomb core) and stiffened panels (e.g., with blade ribs, T-bar ribs, or hat ribs). In this paper, a hat-stiffened panel, made of carbon/epoxy woven composite, is considered. Results of experiments, consisting of loading the panel and measuring exciting forces and strains (using strain gages), are presented. The results are compared to strains distribution obtained from finite element model of the panel.The research was partially funded from financial resources from the statutory subsidy of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, in 2021. W.M. acknowledges the National Agency for Academic Exchange of Poland (under the Academic International Partnerships program, grant agreement PPI/APM/2018/1/00004) for supporting training in the University of Minho, which enabled execution of the study.Mucha, W.; Kuś, W.; Viana, J.; Nunes, J. (2022). Comparison of numerical and experimental strain distributions in composite panel for aerospace applications. En Proceedings of the YIC 2021 - VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 403-411. https://doi.org/10.4995/YIC2021.2021.12572OCS40341

    Operational load monitoring of a composite panel using artificial neural networks

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    Operational Load Monitoring consists of the real-time reading and recording of the number and level of strains and stresses during load cycles withstood by a structure in its normal operating environment, in order to make more reliable predictions about its remaining lifetime in service. This is particularly important in aeronautical and aerospace industries, where it is very relevant to extend the components useful life without compromising flight safety. Sensors, like strain gauges, should be mounted on points of the structure where highest strains or stresses are expected. However, if the structure in its normal operating environment is subjected to variable exciting forces acting in different points over time, the number of places where data will have be acquired largely increases. The main idea presented in this paper is that instead of mounting a high number of sensors, an artificial neural network can be trained on the base of finite element simulations in order to estimate the state of the structure in its most stressed points based on data acquired just by a few sensors. The model should also be validated using experimental data to confirm proper predictions of the artificial neural network. An example with an omega-stiffened composite structural panel (a typical part used in aerospace applications) is provided. Artificial neural network was trained using a high-accuracy finite element model of the structure to process data from six strain gauges and return information about the state of the panel during different load cases. The trained neural network was tested in an experimental stand and the measurements confirmed the usefulness of presented approach.The project and publication of this article were financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (project number: PPI/APM/2018/1/00004) in the framework of Academic International Partnerships program

    Comparison of numerical and experimental strains distributions in composite panel for aerospace applications

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    In structural applications of aerospace industry, weight efficiency, understood as minimal weight and maximal stiffness, is of great importance. This criterion can be achieved by composite lightweight structures. Typical structures for aforementioned applications are sandwich panels (e.g., with honeycomb core) and stiffened panels (e.g., with blade ribs, T-bar ribs, or hat ribs). In this paper, a hat-stiffened panel, made of carbon/epoxy woven composite, is considered. Results of experiments, consisting of loading the panel and measuring exciting forces and strains (using strain gages), are presented. The results are compared to strains distribution obtained from finite element model of the panel.The research was partially funded from financial resources from the statutory subsidy of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, in 2021. W.M. acknowledges the National Agency for Academic Exchange of Poland (under the Academic International Partnerships program, grant agreement PPI/APM/2018/1/00004) for supporting training in the University of Minho, which enabled execution of the study

    Decoding the Fucose Migration Product during Mass-Spectrometric analysis of Blood Group Epitopes

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    Fucose is a signaling carbohydrate that is attached at the end of glycan processing. It is involved in a range of processes, such as the selectin-dependent leukocyte adhesion or pathogen-receptor interactions. Mass-spectrometric techniques, which are commonly used to determine the structure of glycans, frequently show fucose-containing chimeric fragments that obfuscate the analysis. The rearrangement leading to these fragments—often referred to as fucose migration—has been known for more than 25 years, but the chemical identity of the rearrangement product remains unclear. In this work, we combine ion-mobility spectrometry, radical-directed dissociation mass spectrometry, cryogenic IR spectroscopy of ions, and density-functional theory calculations to deduce the product of the rearrangement in the model trisaccharides Lewis x and blood group H2. The structural search yields the fucose moiety attached to the galactose with an α(1→6) glycosidic bond as the most likely product

    Pogorszenie kontroli ciśnienia tętniczego skojarzone ze znaczną progresją przewlekłej choroby nerek u 68-letniej kobiety z przewlekłym zamknięciem lewej tętnicy nerkowej — opis przypadku

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    Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis is important etiology of secondary hypertension. Optimal treatment in this disease has been widely discussed for the recent 30 years. Authors present a case of a patient with a history of arterial hypertension, chronic closure of left renal artery, left kidney atrophy and chronic kidney disease with significant blood pressure control and kidney function deterioration in a short period of time. Miażdżycowe zwężenie tętnicy nerkowej stanowi ważną przyczynę wtórnego nadciśnienia tętniczego. W ostatnich 30 latach szeroko dyskutowano optymalne postępowanie w tej jednostce chorobowej. Autorzy prezentują przypadek pacjentki obciążonej nadciśnieniem tętniczym, przewlekle zamkniętą lewą tętnicą nerkową i z zanikową lewą nerką oraz przewlekłą chorobą nerek, u której w krótkim czasie doszło do znacznego pogorszenia kontroli ciśnienia tętniczego i parametrów funkcji nerek.

    Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the small intestine and the appendix — management guidelines (recommended by the Polish Network of Neuroendocrine Tumours)

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    W pracy przedstawiono uaktualnione polskie zalecenia postępowania z chorymi na nowotwory neuroendokrynne (NEN) jelita cienkiego i wyrostka robaczkowego. Jelito cienkie, a przede wszystkim jelito kręte jest miejscem najczęstszego występowania tych nowotworów. Większość z nich to nowotwory wysokozróżnicowane i wolno rosnące. Rzadko są to nowotwory niskozróżnicowane, szybko rosnące o niekorzystnym rokowaniu. Ich objawy mogą być nietypowe, a rozpoznanie przypadkowe. Typowe objawy zespołu rakowiaka występują w mniej niż 10% przypadków. W diagnostyce laboratoryjnej najbardziej przydatne jest oznaczenie stężenia chromograniny A, badanie stężenia kwasu 5-hydroksyindolooctowego jest pomocne w monitorowaniu zespołu rakowiaka. W obrazowaniu stosuje się ultrasonografię, tomografię komputerową, rezonans magnetyczny, kolonoskopię, wideoendoskopię kapsułkową, enteroskopię dwubalonową, scyntygrafię receptorów somatostatynowych. Szczegółowe badanie histologiczne jest kluczowym dla właściwego rozpoznania i leczenia chorych z NEN jelita cienkiego i wyrostka robaczkowego. Leczeniem z wyboru jest postępowanie chirurgiczne, radykalne lub paliatywne. W leczeniu farmakologicznym czynnych i nieczynnych hormonalnie NEN jelita cienkiego i wyrostka robaczkowego podstawowe znaczenie mają analogi somatostatyny. Terapia radioizotopowa u chorych z dobrą ekspresją receptorów somatostatynowych stanowi kolejną opcję terapeutyczną. Chemioterapia jest na ogół nieskuteczna. U pacjentów z rozsianym NEN jelita cienkiego i progresją choroby oraz nieskutecznością innych metod terapii można zastosować ewerolimus. Przedstawiono także zalecenia odnośnie monitorowania chorych z NEN jelita cienkiego i wyrostka robaczkowego. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (6): 444–493)We present revised Polish guidelines regarding the management of patients harbouring neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) of the small intestine and appendix. The small intestine, especially the ileum, is the most common origin of these neoplasms. Most of them are well differentiated with slow growth. Rarely, they are less differentiated, growing fast with a poor prognosis. Since symptoms can be atypical, the diagnosis is often accidental. Typical symptoms of carcinoid syndrome occur in less than 10% of patients. The most useful laboratory marker is chromogranin A; 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid is helpful in the monitoring of carcinoid syndrome. Ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, colonoscopy, video capsule endoscopy, balloon enteroscopy and somatostatin receptors scintigraphy are used in the visualisation. A histological report is crucial for the proper diagnostics and therapy of NENs, and it has been extensively described. The treatment of choice is surgery, either radical or palliative. Somatostatin analogues are crucial in the pharmacological treatment of the hormonally active and non-active small intestine NENs and NENs of the appendix. Radioisotope therapy is possible in patients with a good expression of somatostatin receptors. Chemotherapy is not effective in general. Everolimus therapy can be applied in patients with generalised NENs of the small intestine in progression and where there has been a failure or an inability to use other treatment options. Finally, we make recommendations regarding the monitoring of patients with NENs of the small intestine and appendix. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (6): 480–493

    Nowotwory neuroendokrynne żołądka i dwunastnicy z uwzględnieniem gastrinoma — zasady postępowania (rekomendowane przez Polską Sieć Guzów Neuroendokrynnych)

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    This paper presents the updated Polish Neuroendocrine Tumour Network expert panel recommendations on the management of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) of the stomach and duodenum, including gastrinoma. The recommendations discuss the epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical presentation of these tumours as well as their diagnosis, including biochemical, histopathological and localisation diagnosis. The principles of treatment are discussed, including endoscopic, surgical, pharmacological and radionuclide treatment. Finally, recommendations on patient monitoring are given. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (6): 444–458)W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono uaktualnione zalecenia grupy ekspertów Polskiej Sieci Guzów Neuroendokrynnych dotyczące zasad postępowania w nowotworach neuroendokrynnych żołądka i dwunastnicy z uwzględnieniem gastrinoma. Omówiono epidemiologię, patogenezę i obraz kliniczny tych nowotworów. Przedstawiono zalecenia dotyczące zasad postępowania diagnostycznego, z uwzględnieniem diagnostyki biochemicznej, histopatologicznej oraz lokalizacyjnej. Uwzględniono także zasady postępowania terapeutycznego, w tym leczenie endoskopowe i chirurgiczne, oraz omówiono możliwości leczenia farmakologicznego i radioizotopowego. Przedstawiono także zalecenia odnośnie monitorowania chorych z NEN żołądka, dwunastnicy z uwzględnieniem gastrinoma. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (6): 444–458

    Nowotwory neuroendokrynne trzustki — zasady postępowania (rekomendowane przez Polską Sieć Guzów Neuroendokrynnych)

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    We present revised diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for the management of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (PNENs) proposed by the Polish Network of Neuroendocrine Tumours.These guidelines refer to biochemical (determination of specific and nonspecific neuroendocrine markers) and imaging diagnostics (EUS, CT, MR, and radioisotope examination with a 68Ga or 99Tc labelled somatostatin analogue).A histopathological diagnostic, which determines the further management of patients with PNENs, must be necessarily confirmed by immunohistochemical tests. PNENs therapy requires collaboration between a multidisciplinary team of specialists experienced in the management of these neoplasms. Surgery is the basic form of treatment. Medical therapy requires a multidirectional procedure, and therefore the rules of biotherapy, peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy are discussed. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (6): 459–479)W niniejszej publikacji przedstawiono zaktualizowane zalecenia dotyczące diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego postępowania w nowotworach neuroendokrynnych trzustki (PNEN) zaproponowane przez Polską Sieć Guzów Neuroendokrynnych.Dotyczą one diagnostyki biochemicznej (oznaczanie specyficznych i niespecyficznych markerów neuroendokrynnych) i lokalizacyjnej (z uwzględnieniem EUS, CT, MR, scyntygrafii receptorów somatostatynowych z użyciem analogów znakowanych 68Ga lub 99Tc).Duże znaczenie ma rozpoznanie histopatologiczne, które determinuje dalsze postępowanie z chorymi na PNEN i musi być potwierdzone badaniem immunohistochemicznym.Terapia PNEN wymaga współpracy wielodyscyplinarnej grupy doświadczonych specjalistów zajmujących się nowotworami neuroendokrynnymi. Leczenie chirurgiczne jest postawową metodą postępowania. Dalsza terapia wymaga wielokierunkowego działania, dlatego omówiono zasady bioterapii, leczenia izotopowego, chemioterapii oraz celowanego leczenia molekularnego. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (6): 459–479