249 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Model Ctl Di SD

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    The problem in this research is an attempt to improve the learners\u27 learning activities by using contextual teaching and learning model\u27s (CTL) in mathematic subjects at the three grade students in the Elementary School 21 Sungai Kakap. This research method is descriptive, in classroom action research, and the nature of this research is qualitative research, the research subjects are teacher and learners elementary school three grade students in the Elementary School 21 Sungai Kakap which consisted of 36 people in whole. The techniques used in this research were the technique of direct observation, documentary technique, and data collection tool were used as observation guidelines. The result based on observation by using contextual teaching and learning model\u27s (CTL) had improved learners learning activities. This shows that the hypothesis that stated the application of contextual teaching and learning model\u27s in mathematic lessons at the three grade in the Elementary School 21 Sungai Kakap can improve learners\u27 learning activities, accepted

    Interpretasi Khalayak terhadap Konstruksi Realitas dalam Acara Parodi Politik Sentilan Sentilun

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    Seiring dengan adanya kebebasan pers khususnya penyiaran di Indonesia, semakin banyak media yang memproduksi tayangan di televisi dengan berbagai konsep yang menarik. Talk show bertemakan parodi politik salah satunya yang kini menghiasi program di berbagai stasiun televisi di Indonesia. Masyarakat yang kini sudah mulai jenuh dengan kegiatan politik praktis, menjadikan acara parodi politik sebagai salah satu pilihan acara hiburan yang sekaligus memberikan pendidikan politik. Acara Sentilan Sentilun merupakan salah satu acara parodi politik yang dikemas dengan konsep teater yang membahas mengenai isu sosial politik di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai pemaknaan khalayak terhadap konstruksi realitas dalam acara parodi politik Sentilan Sentilun. Berangkat dari persoalan tersebut, maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis resepsi. Dalam pelaksanaannya, proses penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam secara tatap muka dengan empat informan. Khalayak yang menjadi informan dalam penelitian ini merupakan khalayak yang pernah menonton acara Sentilan Sentilun. Keempat informan tersebut memiliki tingkat pendidikan dan lingkungan sosial yang berbeda. Dalam wawancara tersebut informan sebagai penghasil makna menyampaikan interpretasi mereka masing-masing terkait dengan tayangan Sentilan Sentilunsecara beragam.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa para informan memiliki kemampuan untuk memfilter diri dari apa yang disajikan oleh media massa. Para informan memiliki dasar sebagai khalayak aktif, mereka dapat memilih dan mengambil keputusan sesuai kehendaknya masing-masing dalam penggunaan media apa dan media mana yang diinginkannya. Dalam mengkonsumsi media didasari dengan alasan dan tujuan tertentu yaitu untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai isu sosial politik yang ada di Indonesia. Terdapat kesamaan pendapat dari para informan bahwa acara Sentilan Sentilun mampu menyampaikan informasi mengenai isu sosial politik yang selama ini terkesan kaku dan berat dengan penyampaian pesan yang lebih santai dan mudah dimengerti oleh khalayak

    Clicktivism Sebagai Dramaturgi Di Media Sosial

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    Media sosial adalah salah satu medium online yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini dengan angka pengguna yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Media sosial dipercaya telah membawa bentuk baru dalam dunia komunikasi, termasuk sosiologi komunikasi. Di Indonesia dan beberapa negara lainnya, penggunaan media sosial dalam sebuah aktivisme telah menjadi hal yang lumrah. Aktivisme suatu gerakan sosial menggunakan fitur-fitur yang terdapat dalam media sosial untuk mencari anggota/relawan dan mendukung penyebaran awareness dari gerakan agar menyebar luas (viral). Dengan tujuan tersebut, aktivisme dalam suatu gerakan sosial rentan berubah menjadi clicktivism, yaitu kemauan untuk menunjukkan kepedulian dari suatu gerakan sosial melalui aktivitas di dunia maya (click), tetapi tidak diimbangi dengan pengorbanan yang berarti (action) dalam membuat suatu Perubahan sosial di dunia nyata. Banyaknya clicktivism yang terjadi di media sosial seakan memberi peluang bagi pelaku (clicktivist) untuk memanfaatkan aktivitas tersebut sebagai upaya unjuk diri, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam konsep dramaturgi oleh Erving Goffman (1959). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna dan gagasan-gagasan clicktivist yang menjadikan clicktivism sebagai dramaturgi di media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis semiotika oleh Roland Barthes (1957). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumentasi, yaitu dengan mengumpulkan beberapa post di media sosial tentang gerakan Ice Bucket Challenge pada Agustus 2014. Data kemudian diinterpretasi menggunakan konsep analisis mitos dalam studi semiotika Barthes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa clicktivist menggunakan aksi dalam gerakan Ice Bucket Challenge sebagai upaya untuk menampilkan diri, seperti yang dijelaskan Goffman dalam konsep dramaturgi. Clicktivist menggunakan front stage untuk mempercantik tampilan dirinya melalui aksi yang dilakukan, atau pakaian dan atribut yang dikenakan. Clicktivist juga menggunakan impression management agar dipersepsikan secara positif oleh penonton sesuai dengan gambaran/image ideal dirinya. Impression management ditunjukkan melalui pakaian/atribut yang dikenakan, juga dari dialog dan gesture yang ditampilkan clicktivist. Sedangkan back stage merupakan fakta-fakta yang terdapat dalam aksi Ice Bucket Challenge yang dilakukan clicktivist. Fakta ini seringkali tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diungkapkan clicktivist pada front stage-ny

    Recent results from COMPTEL observations of Cygnus X‐1

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    The COMPTEL experiment on the Compton Gamma‐Ray Observatory (CGRO) has now observed Cyg X‐1 on four separate occasions during phase 1 and phase 2 of its orbital mission (April, 1991 to August, 1993). Here we report on the results of the latest analysis of these data, which provide a spectrum extending to energies greater than 2 MeV. A spectral analysis of these data, in the context of a classical Comptonization model, indicates an electron temperature much higher than previous hard X‐ray measurements would suggest (200 keV vs 60–80 keV). This implies either some limitations in the standard Comptonization model and/or the need to incorporate a reflected component in the hard X‐ray spectrum. Although significant variability near 1 MeV has been observed, there is no evidence for any ‘MeV excess.

    Gamma-Ray Spectra & Variability of the Crab Nebula Emission Observed by BATSE

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    We report ~ 600 days of BATSE earth-occultation observations of the total gamma-ray (30 keV to 1.7 MeV) emission from the Crab nebula, between 1991 May 24 (TJD 8400) and 1994 October 2 (TJD 9627). Lightcurves from 35-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-400, 400-700, and 700-1000 keV, show that positive fluxes were detected by BATSE in each of these six energy bands at significances of approximately 31, 20, 9.2, 4.5, 2.6, and 1.3 sigma respectively per day. We also observed significant flux and spectral variations in the 35-300 keV energy region, with time scales of days to weeks. The spectra below 300 keV, averaged over typical CGRO viewing periods of 6-13 days, can be well described by a broken power law with average indices of ~ 2.1 and ~ 2.4 varying around a spectral break at ~ 100 keV. Above 300 keV, the long-term averaged spectra, averaged over three 400 d periods (TJD 8400-8800, 8800-9200, and 9200-9628, respectively) are well represented by the same power law with index of ~ 2.34 up to ~ 670 keV, plus a hard spectral component extending from ~ 670 keV to ~ 1.7 MeV, with a spectral index of ~ 1.75. The latter component could be related to a complex structure observed by COMPTEL in the 0.7-3 MeV range. Above 3 MeV, the extrapolation of the power-law continuum determined by the low-energy BATSE spectrum is consistent with fluxes measured by COMPTEL in the 3-25 MeV range, and by EGRET from 30-50 MeV. We interpret these results as synchrotron emission produced by the interaction of particles ejected from the pulsar with the field in different dynamical regions of the nebula system, as observed recently by HST, XMM-Newton, and Chandra.Comment: To be published in the November 20, 2003, Vol 598 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    BATSE Observations of the Piccinotti Sample of AGN

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    BATSE Earth occultation data have been used to search for emission in the 20-100 keV band from all sources in the Piccinotti sample, which represents to date the only complete 2-10 keV survey of the extragalactic sky down to a limiting flux of 3.1 x 10^(-11) erg cm^(-2)$ s^(-1). Nearly four years of observations have been analyzed to reach a 5sigma sensitivity level of about 7.8x 10^(-11) erg cm^(-2) s^(-1) in the band considered. Of the 36 sources in the sample, 14 have been detected above 5sigma confidence level while marginal detection (3<sigma<5) can be claimed for 13 sources; for 9 objects 2sigma upper limits are reported. Comparison of BATSE results with data at higher energies is used to estimate the robustness of our data analysis: while the detection level of each source is reliable, the flux measurement maybe overestimated in some sources by as much as 35%, probably due to incomplete data cleaning. Comparison of BATSE fluxes with X-ray fluxes, obtained in the 2-10 keV range and averaged over years, indicates that a canonical power law of photon index 1.7 gives a good description of the broad band spectra of bright AGNs and that spectral breaks preferentially occur above 100 keV.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication on Apj

    Human development and climate affect hibernation in a large carnivore with implications for human–carnivore conflicts

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    1. Expanding human development and climate change are dramatically altering habitat conditions for wildlife. While the initial response of wildlife to changing environmental conditions is typically a shift in behavior, little is known about the effects of these stressors on hibernation behavior, an important life-history trait that can subsequently affect animal physiology, demography, interspecific interactions and human-wildlife interactions. Given future trajectories of land use and climate change, it is important that wildlife professionals understand how animals that hibernate are adapting to altered landscape conditions so that management activities can be appropriately tailored. 2. We investigated the influence of human development and weather on hibernation in black bears (Ursus americanus), a species of high management concern, whose behavior is strongly tied to natural food availability, anthropogenic foods around development and variation in annual weather conditions. Using GPS collar data from 131 den events of adult female bears (n = 51), we employed fine-scale, animal-specific habitat information to evaluate the relative and cumulative influence of natural food availability, anthropogenic food and weather on the start, duration and end of hibernation. 3. We found that weather and food availability (both natural and human) additively shaped black bear hibernation behavior. Of the habitat variables we examined, warmer temperatures were most strongly associated with denning chronology, reducing the duration of hibernation and expediting emergence in the spring. Bears appeared to respond to natural and anthropogenic foods similarly, as more natural foods, and greater use of human foods around development, both postponed hibernation in the fall and decreased its duration. 4. Synthesis and applications. Warmer temperatures and use of anthropogenic food subsides additively reduced black bear hibernation, suggesting that future changes in climate and land use may further alter bear behavior and increase the length of their active season. We speculate that longer active periods for bears will result in subsequent increases in human–bear conflicts and human-caused bear mortalities. These metrics are commonly used by wildlife agencies to index trends in bear populations, but have the potential to be misleading when bear behavior dynamically adapts to changing environmental conditions, and should be substituted with reliable demographic methods

    Search for gamma-ray emission from the Lagrangian points of PSR 1957+20

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    Compton Gamma Ray Observatory data of the COMPTEL and EGRET telescopes from 3 viewing periods have been used to search for gamma-ray emission from the Lagrangian points L_4_ and L_5_ of the binary system including the eclipsing pulsar PSR1957+20. The result was negative and the upper limits derived remain significantly below detections reported earlier
