69 research outputs found

    Laboratorio di educazione urbana

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    La governance ambientale dell’Agro Pontino. Dalla rete ecologica ai contratti di fiume

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    Il critico scenario ambientale dell’Agro Pontino, afflitto da una progressiva perdita di funzionalità e diversità ecologica dell’agro-ecosistema, ha portato la Provincia di Latina a promuovere e sviluppare una serie di iniziative per la sua riqualificazione. Il contributo intende approfondire come la Provincia sia stata un laboratorio per sperimentare processi di governance collaborativa attraverso l’integrazione tra diversi strumenti. Tale percorso viene riportato al fine di evidenziare il ruolo chiave degli enti “intermedi” nei processi di governance; l’importanza del coordinamento da parte di un ente in grado di proporre e portare avanti una visione e una pianificazione strategica; la necessità dell’adeguata inclusione, partecipazione e condivisione dei processi pianificatori.The critical environmental scenario of Agro Pontino, characterized by a progressive loss of functionality and ecological diversity of the agro-ecosystem, has led the Province of Latina to promote and develop a series of initiatives for its rehabiliation. This paper aims to present the case of the Province as a laboratory for experimenting collaborative governance processes through the integration of different tools. This 20 years’ planning is deepened in order to highlight, in the governance processes, the key role of the "intermediate" bodies; the importance of having the coordination done by an institution capable of proposing and carrying out a strategic vision and planning; the need for an appropriate inclusion and participation of citizens and stakeholders


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    Il presente lavoro si inserisce nel filone di ricerca sulla mobilità intergenerazionale concentrandosi sull’analisi del ruolo giocato dalle origini familiari nel processo di trasmissione fra le generazioni dei genitori e dei figli. In questa ricerca, le influenze familiari sono indagate in maniera complessa, considerandone gli aspetti legati all’istruzione e all’occupazione, continuativa, osservandole in corrispondenza di determinati eventi della vita dei figli, e cumulativa, valutandone i vantaggi o svantaggi diretti e indiretti, ossia immediati e futuri. La tesi si compone di tre capitoli: nel primo ù presentato l’impianto metodologico della ricerca applicata, nei successivi due le evidenze empiriche. Nel dettaglio: il secondo capitolo ù dedicato allo studio dell’influenza della famiglia sulle scelte dei figli legate ai percorsi di istruzione e di transizione post-diploma. Nel terzo, invece, si indaga sulla relazione tra le origini familiari e le diverse opportunità di mobilità di istruzione e di occupazione dei figli

    ‘Greening’ Green Infrastructure. Good Italian Practices for Enhancing Green Infrastructure through the Common Agricultural Policy

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    The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was established by the European Community in the 1950s to provide financial support to farmers in member states, increase agricultural productivity by promoting technical progress, and ensure a fair standard of living for farmers. Over time; awareness about the externalities of intensive farming would prompt environmentally friendly practices. These include, in the current programming period 2014–2020, the so-called “greening”, which consists of: (i) crop diversification; (ii) the maintenance of permanent grassland surfaces; and (iii) the availability of 5% of arable land for ecological focus areas devoted to agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment. These provisions, spurred by a decades-long debate that also stresses the importance of creating/restoring ecological connectivity on different scales to counter land fragmentation, are in tune with spatial planning initiatives throughout Europe. Here the point is how to combine these directions with either “ecological networks” (EN), designed as physical corridors to be preserved and enhanced for plants and animals’ mobility needs; or “green infrastructure” (GI), defined on the European level as a “strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services” (European Commission; 2013). While in several European countries environmental measures targeting farmers and ecological networks directed at specific areas have been merged in a place-based approach, Italy is lagging behind. In general, no guidelines have been provided on the national level to support regional paths, while regions and municipalities lack the resources to implement GI. Conversely, while greening policies in the framework of the CAP are properly funded, they lack directions to be efficiently allocated. Against the backdrop of such concerns, this paper frames and reflects upon ongoing practices in three pilot areas in different Italian regions, selected based on desk analysis, in-depth interviews, and direct knowledge. Here, despite or thanks to the legislative framework, experimental approaches have been adopted to harness performance issues in targeted areas through broad participation by public and private stakeholders and multilevel governance schemes, opening possible pathways in view of the forthcoming programming period

    Environmental Contracts in Marine Protected Areas. Methodology and pilote cases from TUNE UP

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    This issue of leNote di U3 is an intermediate output of the project Interreg MED TUNE UP - Promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas, which faces the need for a strategic and collaborative approach to Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) management and biodiversity protection. The core idea of the project is to exploit the feasibility and lexibility of the Environmental Contract methodology in Med MPAs. This document has been developed in the framework of ‘WP4 - Transferring’ under the coordination of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University and with the contribution of all partners in order to transfer the tested methodology beyond this project partnership. It resumes the main steps and phases faced by the TUNE UP partnership, coordinated by ANATOLIKI SA, in the implementation of 10 MPA Contracts in Mediterranean countries
