124 research outputs found

    Strategies and Challenges for Marketing Electronic Resources: A Cross-Sectional Study of The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy

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    This study examined the strategies and challenges for marketing electronic resources at the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. It was conducted at Kivukoni Campus in Dar es Salaam region. Data were collected from 60 students and MNMA library staff using self-administered questionnaires and in depth interviews. The study established that the strategies used for marketing electronic resources were: notice boards, librarians, instructional website, orientation to new users, library home page, institutional newsletters, text messages, social networks, Current Awareness Services and Selective Dissemination of Information as well as posters and brochures while the challenges for marketing of electronic resources to the library users were poor quality of internet services and network in the library, unreliable power supply, inadequate knowledge for marketing of e- resources, limited number of library staff, inadequate budget, absence of active library web site, poor morale by the librarians and poor cooperation from the management. Based on these findings, the study recommends allocation of funds for marketing the e- resources, training librarians, increasing number of ICT infrastructures, and improving the quality of the internet at the library could improve the marketing of e – resources to library users at MNMA. The study, also recommends that MNMA library staff should make use of the following marketing strategies notice boards; librarians, social networks, institutions website, student orientation and institutional newsletters in a bid to enhance visibility of e-resources available at MNMA library

    Exploring the Provision of Information Services for Visually Impaired Students: Lessons Learned from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    This study employed a descriptive research method to investigate the provision of information services for visually impaired students (VIS) at the University of Dar es Salaam. The research conducted a comprehensive examination by employing a census sampling technique, targeting a population of 25 VIS. Qualitative methodologies were utilized to collect data, with thematic analysis serving as the means to categorize and describe the gathered information. The study\u27s findings revealed that VIS have specific information needs, notably necessitating orientation programs for university management and the acquisition of effective computer application skills to manage their studies proficiently. Additionally, the study identified commonly used equipment among VIS, including Perkins braille devices, braille embossers, typewriters, long white canes, and audio recorders. Furthermore, the research exposed limitations in inclusive education, which fails to adequately accommodate the information-seeking requirements of VIS. Limited access to modern facilities and challenges related to mobility stemming from less supportive infrastructure were identified as significant barriers affecting the information-seeking process. Generally, the study emphasized that VIS primarily center their information needs around academic requirements. This highlights the imperative of modern facilities and supportive infrastructure to ensure effective information provision for VIS. These insights emphasize the critical importance of addressing the specific information requirements and challenges faced by visually impaired students within the higher education context

    Agricultural information sources, channels and strategies for sharing agricultural research findings among farmers in Iringa district in Tanzania

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the agricultural information sources and strategies for disseminating agricultural research findings to farmers in Iringa District, Tanzania. A total of 90 farmers were interviewed by using self-administered questionnaire. The statistical Package for Service Solutions (SPSS) software and Spreadsheet were used as instruments to analyse the findings. Results of this study indicate that radios, church leaders, village leaders and seminars are the main channels of information used by extension officers to disseminate agricultural information to farmers. With regard to strategies the study revealed that, the use of religious leaders and government officials; use of primary school teachers and pupils; non-political interference; repackaging and packaging of technical information reports; deployment of extension officers in rural areas; use of community-based organisations and the establishment of agricultural information boards were the main effective strategies for disseminating agricultural research information to farmers. It is therefore, concluded that radio, church leaders, seminars, Newspapers, brochures and fliers should be intensively used to disseminate agricultural information among farmers so as to raise productivity in their farms. The study suggest that, there is a need to use other disseminators such as influential people, religious leaders, political leaders, primary school teachers and pupils to disseminate such information in addition to repackaging of agricultural research findings to tailor it to the farmers’ needs

    Non-Print Information Resources and The Preservation Approaches Recommendation in Tanzanian Academic Libraries

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     Background: Non-print information resources are increasingly becoming more important as vital learning materials in higher learning institutions. Academic libraries therefore, have to acquire, process, organize and preserve them for current and future use. Purpose: This paper aims to assess the factors affecting the non-print information resources and their recommended preservation approaches in academic libraries.  Method: The study adopted a convergent parallel mixed approach which collects and analyses data to produce integrated findings by using both qualitative and quantitative techniques in a single study. Data was collected by means of questionnaire and in-depth interview. Result: The study revealed that dust, loss of data on disc and hard disc, loss of data due to server failure, high heat, and excessive light, fading of disc surface, high humidity, fungus on disc surface, atmospheric pollutants and virus attack were factors affecting non-print information resources. It was also revealed that highly recommended preservation approaches were good cleanliness of library where information resources are kept, educating library users on how to handle and use information resources, migrating information resources from obsolete storage media to modern storage media, technology preservation and refreshing. Conclusion: The study concludes that library staff need to adopt recommended preservation approaches to safeguard the important information in academic libraries but also system librarians in academic libraries need to be employed to assist in trouble shooting issues.  Keywords: Non-Print Information Resources; Information Resources; Information Resources Preservation; Preservation Approaches; Academic Library   Abstrak  Latar Belakang: Sumber informasi non-cetak sekarang ini menjadi semakin penting sebagai bahan pembelajaran vital di perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu, perpustakaan akademik harus memperoleh, memproses, mengatur, dan melestarikannya untuk penggunaan saat ini dan masa depan. Tujuan: Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menilai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sumber informasi non-cetak dan pendekatan pelestarian yang direkomendasikan di perpustakaan akademik. Metode: Studi ini mengadopsi pendekatan campuran paralel konvergen yang mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data untuk menghasilkan temuan yang terintegrasi dengan menggunakan teknik kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam satu studi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa debu, hilangnya data pada disk/hard disk, hilangnya data karena kegagalan server, panas yang tinggi, dan cahaya yang berlebihan, memudarnya permukaan disk, kelembaban tinggi, jamur pada permukaan disk, polutan atmosfer dan serangan virus adalah faktor yang mempengaruhi sumber informasi non-cetak. Diungkapkan juga bahwa pendekatan pelestarian yang sangat direkomendasikan adalah kebersihan perpustakaan tempat sumber informasi disimpan, mendidik pengguna perpustakaan tentang cara menangani dan menggunakan sumber informasi, migrasi sumber informasi dari media penyimpanan usang ke media penyimpanan modern, pelestarian teknologi dan penyegaran koleksi. Kesimpulan: Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa staf perpustakaan perlu mengadopsi pendekatan pelestarian yang direkomendasikan untuk melindungi informasi penting di perpustakaan akademik, tetapi juga pustakawan di perpustakaan akademik perlu dioptimalkan untuk membantu memecahkan masalah yang ada.  Kata kunci: Sumber Informasi Non-Cetak; Sumber Daya Informasi; Pelestarian Sumber Daya Informasi; Pendekatan Pelestarian; Perpustakaan Akademik&nbsp

    Heavy Metal Content in some Commonly Consumed Vegetables from Kariakoo Market, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    This work reports on the levels of cadmium, lead, copper, manganese and zinc in 174 samples from eight varieties of green vegetables (amaranth, Chinese cabbage, cowpea leaves, green pepper, leafy cabbage, lettuce, okra and pumpkin leaf) commonly grown in Dar es Salaam and marketed at Kariakoo, Tanzania. The amount of cadmium and lead ranged between 3-42 and 11-60 ÎĽg/kg respectively. The amount of copper, manganese and zinc ranged between 0.35 - 2.12, 1.01 - 7.57, and 1.19 - 6.33 ÎĽg/kg respectively. On average consumption pattern, the contribution of these vegetables to the recommended daily intakes (RDI) for cadmium and lead ranges from 0.5 - 10.8% and 0.1 - 4.0%, respectively. The contribution of these vegetables for copper, manganese and zinc to the recommended daily intake is observed to mostly be less than 20%. The estimated dietary intakes through these vegetables show that they may be considered as an appreciable source of both heavy metals and essential trace elements due to their extensive consumption.Keywords: Heavy metals, Vegetables, Daily intake, Kariakoo market, Food safet


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    The study examined the challenges hindering library services automation and measures for speeding up the automation process. The study was conducted at the Institute of Adult Education (IAE) in Dar es Salaam region. The choice of the study area based on the availability of large library compared to those in other regional centres. Data were gathered 76 respondents using questionnaire as the main data collection method. Findings revealed that the challenges hindering library services automation at the institute of adult education are Lack of good planning, Inadequate communication between participants, Weak participation to both library staff and library users, Lack of enough ICT staff, Lack of seriousness, Poor categorization of responsibility, Lack of reliable power supply, Lack of priorities, Lack of enough support and Lack of enough library representation to the Institute of Adult Education management. Furthermore, the study the measures for speeding up the automation process include the following having a Standby generator, soliciting fund for automation process, imparting ICT skills to some of library staff, Use of KOHA open source software for automation, having adequate involvement and communication between participants, Library should be highly supported, Total representation of library to IAE library management, Increase seriousness, Priorities should be implemented, Library should have stable budget and conducting orientation to IAE administrators. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the IAE management should take appropriate measures to address the identified challenges in order to speed up the automation of library services at the Institute of Adult Education

    Information Resource Sharing in Academic Libraries: Tanzanian Context

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    The study assessed the forms, benefits, and extent of academic libraries\u27 reliance on resource sharing. The study consisted of 66 respondents of which four (4) were library directors while sixty-two (62) were library staff. Library directors were purposely sampled while simple random sampling was used to select library staff for inclusion in this study. Data were collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) Version 20 was used to analyze quantitative data while qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. Findings revealed that the forms for resource sharing in academic libraries in Tanzania are consortia, networking, interlibrary loan and staff training. Findings also revealed that the benefits of resource sharing in libraries include increased subscription power, minimization of library storage spaces, helps in keeping up with publication pace, and brings materials not in stock at less cost. Furthermore, the study revealed that the extent of academic libraries\u27 reliance on resource sharing is medium. The study concludes that the medium extent of academic libraries\u27 reliance on information sharing is due to a lack of appropriate infrastructure that supports information resource sharing practices in academic libraries. Generally, the study recommends that academic libraries should formulate effective teams that will ensure library resource sharing is properly conducted using the right forms for the right patron at the right time to arrest the patrons\u27 information needs on time

    Disseminating agricultural research information: a case study of farmers in Mlolo, Lupalama and Wenda villages in Iringa district, Tanzania

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    This study investigated the extent to which agricultural research information is disseminated to farmers. It was conducted in 2015 at Mlolo, Lupalama and Wenda  villages of Iringa district. Data were collected from 90 farmers using questionnaires, indepth interviews and focus group discussions. The study established that the extent of disseminating agricultural research information to farmers was low. The main types of agricultural research information disseminated to farmers included information on improved seed varieties, information on the use of fertilisers, information on crop management and information on pest management. On the hand, the barriers to farmers’ access to agricultural research information included inadequate numbers of extension officers, inadequate funding, inadequate sources of information, nonavailability of electricity, political interference and the absence of information centres. On the basis of these findings, the study calls for joint efforts aimed to increase the timely dissemination of agro-information to the farmers. In addition, there is a need to use researchers, religious leaders, and community-based organisations as key dissemination pathways to disseminate such information. The study further recommends for the need to repackage agricultural research information tailored towards meeting the farmers’ needs. Furthermore, the study urges the government to recruit more extension officers and station them in rural areas. Also, improving access to electricity in villages, allocation of more funds to agro-sector, prohibiting political interference in professional jobs and establishment of community based information centres could improve the availability, access to and use of agricultural research information

    Post harvest changes in physico-chemical properties and levels of some inorganic elements in off vine ripened orange (Citrus sinensis) fruits cv (Navel and Valencia) of Tanzania

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    Two orange (Citrus sinensis) fruit varieties, Navel and Valencia, from Muheza in Tanga, were analyzed for their proximate composition (ash, acidity, crude fat, crude fibre, sugars and moisture content), ascorbic acid, sugars, concentrations of four macro elements (Ca, Mg, K, Na) and seven heavy metals (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn). The oranges had high moisture content (>68%), moderate titratable acidity (0.60 – 1.65% c.a.), low crude fat content (0.60 – 0.66 g/100 g-fresh weight (fw)), low crude fibre amounts (0.63 – 0.75 g/100 g-fw), low ash content (0.68 – 0.72 g/100 g-fw), high reducing sugars (6.6 – 13.1%), high total sugars (11.4 – 33.4%), high total soluble solids (11.5 – 31.8%) and high ascorbic acid (22.5 – 50.4%). Very low concentrations of the seven heavy metals were detected in the fruits. Ascorbic acid, moisture, titratable acidity, sugars content varied within the season and with storage-ripening time. Thehigh moisture content suggests the usefulness of these fruits in the treatment of obesity. The citric acid which these fruits contain makes them to be used as acid foods when required. The value of ascorbic acid which is above 30 mg/day in these fruits allows them to be considered as good sources of ascorbic acid for human nutrition

    Mesoporous Materials Prepared Using Cashew Nut Shell Liquid and Castor Oil as Surfactants

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    Preparation of useful materials using renewable resources, which are not in competition with food production is of particular importance in the current efforts to replace non-renewable resources. One example of a potential renewable resource, which is attracting the attention of researchers in the preparation of useful materials is cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). CNSL which is a by-product of cashew processing factories, is a mixture of four potential compounds, namely anacardic acid, cardanol, cardol and 2-methyl cardol. Among other potential applications, cashew nut shell liquid is a good template source for preparation of mesoporous materials. Heterogeneous catalysts prepared using CNSL templates are more efficient than those prepared using the commercially available templates. The pore sizes of mesoporous materials prepared using CNSL templates are large (up to 25 nm) enough to immobilize enzymes. Another renewable resource; castor oil, has also been reported to be a good template source for preparation of mesoporous materials. This chapter therefore is aimed at describing in detail the preparation, characterization and applications of mesoporous materials templated by cashew nut shell liquid and castor oil
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