74 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Berkarakter pada Mata Pelajaran Agama Islam di SMAN 7 Kota Banjarmasin

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    The research conducts qualitative approach with descriptive methods and applies documentation, interview, and observation techniques in collecting the research data. It is identified from the result of the research that some of the teachers syllabus and lesson plans of Religion subject in SMAN 7 Banjarmasin have embodied implicitly the character which will be taught. Even though they are not included in the syllabus and lesson plans, some characters taught which are in accordance with the basic competencies are fair, trustworthy, prejudiced rise, earnest, dressed and socialized Islamic, behave commendable, tolerant, thoughtful, disciplined, helpful, compassionate, good sense of brotherhood, love to read, forgiving, gentle, polite, alert, honest, obedient to their parents and teachers, generous, introspective, creative, innovative, etc. Meanwhile, the implementation of evaluation of character education was not thoroughly performed since the character themselves were not define in the learning objectives. Thus, the teachers only focused the evaluation on the aspects that were formulated in the learning objectives.Key words: Islamic religious education, learning, character.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode Diskriptif. Untuk menggali data digunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sebagian silabus dan RPP guru mata pelajaran PAI SMAN 7 Banjarmasin menuliskan secara eksplisit karakter yang akan diajarkan. Walaupun tidak termuat dalam silabus dan RPP, sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar yang ada dalam silabus maka karakter yang diajarkan adalah adil, amanah, berprasangka baik, bersungguh-sungguh, berpakaian Islami, bergaul Islami, berprilaku terpuji, bermuamalah Islami, bertoleransi, bersungguh-sungguh, bijaksana, disiplin, suka menolong, tidak berburuk sangka, rasa persaudaraan, penyayang, gemar membaca, pemurah, pemaaf, lembut, suka memberi, santun, waspada, jujur, patuh pada orang tua dan guru, teratur, tertib, sabar mendakwahkan Islam, mawasdiri, suka berderma, kreatif, inovatif, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan pelaksanaan evaluasi pendidikan karakter kurang terlaksana, karena karakter tidak dirumuskan dalam tujuan pembelajaran, sehingga guru melaksanakan evaluasi terfokus pada apa yang dirumuskan dalam tujuan pembelajaran.Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Agama Islam, Pembelajaran, Berkarakter

    Evaluasi Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kota Banjarmasin

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    A change in curriculum has commonly done in order to align education with the development of society. However, the changes that have been made in the SBC curriculum into the 2013 curriculum tend to be careless and and not well prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to study the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, especially in the subjects of PAI in the primary schools in Banjarmasin. The formulation of the problem in this study is: how the practice of the 2013 curriculum in the subjects of Islamic education (PAI) in the primary schools throughout Banjarmasin has been run. The study employs the method of field research (field reseach) with joining quantitative and qualitative approach. While,the subjects in the study are the parties involved in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in the primary schools, including the Head of Education Office and staff, the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office Head in Banjarmasin and staff, the Supervisory of PAI subjects in the primary schools, the principalsand the Islamic education (PAI) Teachersof ten primary schools that have implemented the 2013 curriculum. The result of the study has shown that the practice of the 2013 curriculum in the Islamic education subjects has been run appropriately. However, the results that have been achieved are not yet maximal and the curriculum practice still encounters some obstacles. Keywords : The 2013 Curriculum, Implementation , EvaluationWalaupun perubahan kurikulum merupakan hal yang lumrah demi menyesuaikan pendidikan dengan perkembangan masyarakat, tapi perubahan kurikulum KTSP menjadi kurikulum 2013 dianggap tergesak-gesak dan tidak disiapkan dengan matang. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap implementasi kurikulum 2013 khususnya pada Mata Pelajaran PAI di SDN se Kota Banjarmasin. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah : bagaimana penerapan kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada SDN di Kota Banjarmasin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan (field reseach) dengan pendekatan campuran (kaulitatif dan kuantitatif).Sedangkan subjek dalam penelitian adalah pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam penerapan kurikulum 2013 di SDN se Kota Banjarmasin, meliputi Kepala Kantor Dinas Pendidikan dan jajarannya, Kepala Kantor Kemenag Kota Banjarmasin dan jajarannya, Pengawas PAI SDN, Kepala SDN dan Guru Agama SDN di 10 SDN yang sudah menerapkan kurikulum 2013.Adapun alat pengumpulan data yang diperlukan adalah: angket, observasi, wawancara, serta dokomenter.Hasil penelitian adalah Penerapan kurikulum 2013 pada mata pelajaran PAI telah diterapkan dengan baik di seluruh SDN yang menjadi sekolah percontohan yaitu di 10 SDN Negeri se Kota Banjarmasin. Walaupun ada beberapa aspek yang penerapannya masih kurang baik, serta masih terdapat beberapa problema dalam penerapan kurikulum 2013 untuk mata pelajaran PAIKata Kunci : Kurikulum 2013, Implementasi, Evaluas

    Perbedaan Bentuk Krendet dan Lama Perendaman terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Lobster (Panulirus SP.) di Perairan Cilacap

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    Lobster (Panulirus sp.) is one of the export commodities from fisheries which gives a quite high contribution of fisheries world, and has an important economic value. This high economic value are encouraging fisherman to catch lobster continuously. One of the fishing gear that can be operated is krendet. Krendet is a fishing gear that operated passively by the use of bait as atracted lobster. The purpose of this research are to understand and analyze the effect of different form of krendet, length of immersion differences and also the interaction between forms and length immersion towards the catches of lobster in cilacap water boundaries. The materials used were boat as transportation, krendet, and GPS to determain position. The method used in the research is experimental fishing method with 16 repetitions and 4 times treatments. The analyze of the data was used in this research normality test and ANOVA test with SPSS 17.0. The result showed the used of krendet forms and the length of immersion differences affected to the catches where the square shape and 12 hours of immersion are giving more catches. There is no interaction effect between krendet forms and length of immersion towards the catches of lobster

    Fabrication of carbon thin films by pulsed laser deposition in different ambient environments

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    In this work, carbon thin films are grown in different background environments (Air, Helium and Argon) at different pressures (60, 160, 500 and 1000 mbar) by ablating the graphite target with Nd:YAG laser of wavelength of 1064 nm, pulse energy of 740 mJ and pulse rate of 6 ns. 10,000 laser shots are used to ablate graphite target under different ambient conditions. Grown thin films are analyzed by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to measure thickness, roughness average, maximum profile peak height, average maximum height of profile and spacing ratio of the surface. The obtained results show that the roughness average, thickness of film, maximum profile peak height, average maximum height of profile and spacing ratio of thin films decreases with increase in ambient pressures and shows highest value at low pressure (160 mbar) in helium environment as compared with air and argon

    Transition metal oxide (NiO, CuO, ZnO)-doped calcium oxide catalysts derived from eggshells for the transesterification of refined waste cooking oil

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    This paper reports the synthesis of new transition metal oxide-modified CaO catalysts derived from eggshells for the transesterification of refined waste cooking oil. CaO is a well-known base catalyst for transesterification. However, its moderate basicity and low surface area have restricted its catalytic performance. Therefore, a new attempt was made to modify the CaO catalyst with transition metal oxides, including Ni, Cu and Zn oxides, via simple wetness impregnation method. The catalytic performance of the resulting modified CaO-based catalysts was evaluated through the transesterification reaction using refined waste cooking oil. The results showed that the NiO/CaO(10 : 90)(ES) catalyst calcined at 700 degrees C, demonstrated being highly potential as a catalyst. It gave the highest biodiesel production (97.3%) at the optimum conditions of 1 : 18 oil-to-methanol molar ratio, 6 wt% catalyst loading and 180 minutes reaction time as verified by response surface methodology (RSM). The high catalytic activity of NiO/CaO(10 : 90)(ES)(700 degrees C) was attributed to its high basicity (8.5867 mmol g(-1)) and relatively large surface area (7.1 m(2) g(-1)). The acid value and free fatty acids of the biodiesel produced under optimal process conditions followed the EN 14214 and ASTM D6751 limit with 0.17 mg KOH per g (AV) and 0.09 mg KOH per g (FFA), respectively

    Molecular diversity of Cotton leaf curl Gezira virus isolates and their satellite DNAs associated with okra leaf curl disease in Burkina Faso

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    Okra leaf curl disease (OLCD) is a major constraint on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) production and is widespread in Africa. Using a large number of samples representative of the major growing regions in Burkina Faso (BF), we show that the disease is associated with a monopartite begomovirus and satellite DNA complexes. Twenty-three complete genomic sequences of Cotton leaf curl Gezira virus (CLCuGV) isolates associated with OLCD, sharing 95 to 99% nucleotide identity, were cloned and sequenced. Six betasatellite and four alphasatellite (DNA-1) molecules were also characterized. The six isolates of betasatellite associated with CLCuGV isolates correspond to Cotton leaf curl Gezira betasatellite (CLCuGB) (88 to 98% nucleotide identity). One isolate of alphasatellite is a variant of Cotton leaf curl Gezira alphasatellite (CLCuGA) (89% nucleotide identity), whereas the three others isolates appear to correspond to a new species of alphasatellite (CLCuGA most similar sequence present 52 to 60% nucleotide identity), provisionally named Okra leaf curl Burkina Faso alphasatellite (OLCBFA). Recombination analysis of the viruses demonstrated the interspecies recombinant origin of all CLCuGV isolates, with parents being close to Hollyhock leaf crumple virus (AY036009) and Tomato leaf curl Diana virus (AM701765). Combined with the presence of satellites DNA, these results highlight the complexity of begomoviruses associated with OLCD