33 research outputs found

    Study Of The Effectiveness Of Drip Irrigation Techniques On The Use Of Diferent Mulse In Dry Land Tomato Cultivation

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    In order to meet the water needs of tomato plants and ensure that they grow well, an adequate irrigation water supply systems that are ideal for tomato plans. This analysis aims to 1] determine the effectiveness of drip irrigation techniques on tomato plant growth on dry land, and 2] assess the impact of drip irrigation techniques on plots given silver and straw plastic mulch, as well as properties without both. This research used an experimental apporoach that included both field and laboratory experiments. A one-factor randomized blog design (RBD) was used in this analysis, with three treatments: P1 = no mulch and straw, P2 = silver color plastic mulch, and P3= straw. The least significant difference method (LSD) was evaluated at the 5% actual level using SPSS analysis. Observation data were analyzed using two apporoaches: a mathematical apporoach using Microsoft excel and statical analysis using ANOVA analysis. The serults showed that the parameters of plant height, stem diameter, and the number of leaves of tomato plants had a significant impact on P1 ( no mulch and straw), P2 ( Silver Color Plastic Mulch), and P3 (Silverr Color Plastic mulch) (straw). It applied drip irrigation techniques to the growth of tomato plants in dryland. Although tomato plant wet weight and tomato plant dry weight parameters had a significant impact on tomato  plant growth and dry weight than P1 and P3. It results in an average wet weight of 162.678 grams, P1 24.05 grams, P3 81.10 grams, and an average dry weight of 31.62 grams, P1 5.84 grams P3 18.74 gram, respectively


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    The purpose of this study was to design and test the performance of drip irrigation techniques on dry land. This research method used a completely randomized design with 3 treatments, namely the faucet slope of 150 , 450, and 900 with 4 replications. In order to obtain 12 experimental sample units. Furthermore, the design results were carried out by testing the droplet discharge, uniformity coefficient, wetted soil area, and the amount of water needed during the vegetative growth of tomato plants. The test results based on the discharge value and the uniformity of drops show that the drip irrigation technique design is very good for application on dry land. Based on the discharge value, the wetted area is obtained with a wetting width of 25 cm and a depth of up to 35 cm. So that during the vegetative growth of tomato plants in treatment 150  requires 10200 ml / day of water, 12200 ml / day in treatment 450 , and 30800 ml / day in treatment 900 . Seeing the effect on tomato plant growth, it can be concluded that 150  is the best treatment to apply. on dry land

    Testing the Effectiveness of Drip Irrigation Technique Design in Chili Cultivation on Dry Land

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    Dry land is productive land that can operate all year round, but with minimal water availability it is one of the obstacles for chili farmers. Therefore, the right solution for this problem is by applying drip irrigation techniques. The purpose of this research was to design and test the performance of the design on chili cultivation in dry land. This study used an experimental method with a direct experimental design on community agricultural land, by making 3 treatment groups, namely P1: surface drip irrigation, P2: subsurface drip irrigation, and P3: open channel irrigation. In this study, the parameters to be studied were designing and conducting performance tests on emitter discharge, water drop uniformity, and wetted areas. The results showed that the drip irrigation design consisted of several components, including primary reservoirs, secondary reservoirs, emitters and pressure regulators. The results of the performance test of the drip irrigation technique design can be said to be feasible to apply based on the discharge value and the drop uniformity coefficient, and the growth of chili plants, both with subsurface and above-surface drip irrigation techniques, does not have a significant effect. So it can be concluded that the method of providing water with subsurface and above-surface irrigation is both said to be effective and efficien


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    ABSTRAKPembuatan tahu menghasilkan volume limbah yang cukup banyak terutama limbah cairnya. Limbah cair tahu ini mengandung protein tinggi yang mudah terurai dengan cepat. Cairan ini apabila dibuang ke lingkungan tanpa dilakukan pengolahan terlebih dahulu dapat menyebabkan bau busuk dan suasana yang tidak enak. Maka dari itu tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk mengolah limbah cair tahu menjadi pupuk organik dengan cara fermentasi. Proses fermentasi membutuhkan waktu selama 14 hari dengan tambahan EM4, air kelapa, gula putih, dan air secukupnya. Semua bahan dicampur dan diaduk merata kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam wadah tertutup. Setelah dua minggu pupuk organik cair sudah dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pemupukan tanaman oleh masyarakat di desa Mertak Tombok Kabupaten Lombok Tengah.  Kegiatan ini melibatkan 15 orang mahasiswa KKN dan 12 orang masyarakat dikumpulkan dalam satu ruang siap menerima materi dan penjelasan. Bentuk evaluasi dilakukan secara berkala dengan melakukan kunjungan, memantau secara langsung proses fermentasi; dan pemanfaatan produk pupuk cair ini secara terbatas.Kata kunci: limbah cair tahu; fermentasi; pupuk organik cair. ABSTRACTMaking tofu produces a large volume of waste, especially liquid waste. Tofu liquid waste contains high protein which is easily broken down quickly. If this liquid is disposed of into the environment without treatment it can cause a bad smell and an unpleasant atmosphere. Therefore, the aim of this service is to process the tofu liquid waste into organic fertilizer by means of fermentation.The fermentation process takes 14 days with the addition of EM4, coconut water, white sugar, and enough water. All ingredients are mixed and stirred evenly then put in a closed container. After two weeks, the liquid organic fertilizer can be used for fertilizing plants by the community in Mertak Tombok village, Central Lombok Regency. This activity involved 15 KKN students and 12 community members gathered in one room ready to receive material and explanations. This form of evaluation is carried out periodically by conducting visits, directly monitoring the fermentation process; and limited use of this liquid fertilizer product. Keywords: Tofu liquid waste, fermentation, liquid organic fertilizer


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    Abstrak: Pembuatan kerupuk sepenuhnya dilakukan secara manual, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan tenaga kerja yang banyak terutama pada proses pengirisan. Tujuan pendampingan adalah menerapkan alat pengiris untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerupuk yang dihasilkan. Kegiatan pendampingan menggunakan 2 metode yaitu penyuluhan tentang pengaruh penerapan alat pengiris dalam pembuatan kerupuk dan praktik menggunakan alat pengiris kerupuk. Adapun sasaran utama kegiatan ini adalah tiga kelompok yang terlibat dalam pembuatan kerupuk baik itu pemilik usaha maupun tenaga kerja dengan total 18 orang terdiri dari 15 orang tenaga kerja dan 3 orang adalah pemilik usaha. Setelah kegiatan selesai dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian dievaluasi dengan cara wawancara menggunkan kuesioner. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan dengan menerapkan alat pengiris kerupuk yaitu mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan masyarakat sebesar 95%, pengirisan dapat dilakukan lebih cepat dan kebutuhan tenaga kerja lebih sedikit karena 85% alat pengiris kerupuk tersebut mampu dioperasikan dengan baik serta dapat meningkatkan produktivitas kerupuk dari 25% menjadi 65%.Abstract: Making crackers is completely done manually, so it takes a long time and a lot of labor, especially in the slicing process. The purpose of the assistance is to apply a slicer to increase the productivity of the crackers produced. Mentoring activities use 2 methods, namely counseling about the effect of the application of a slicer in making crackers and the practice of using a cracker slicer. The main targets of this activity were three groups involved in making crackers, both business owners and workers with a total of 18 people consisting of 15 workers and 3 business owners. After the activities are completed, the service activities are evaluated by means of interviews using a questionnaire. The results obtained after the mentoring activity was carried out by applying the cracker slicer were able to increase knowledge, community skills by 95%, slicing could be done faster and the need for labor was less because 85% of the cracker slicer were able to operate properly and could increase the productivity of crackers from 25% to 65%

    Overview of ENT

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    This presentation is part of the PEER Liberia ENT Lecture Series. It provides an overview of ear, nose and throat (ENT) medicine


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    Abstrak: Limbah cair tahu merupakan sisa selama proses pembuatan mulai dari tahap pencucian sampai pencetakan tahu. Cairan limbah ini mengandung kadar protein tinggi yang sangat cepat terurai sehingga jika dibuang tanpa pengolahan terlebih dahulu dapat menimbulkan bau busuk dan mencemari lingkungan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam pengolahan limbah cair tahu menjadi biogas. Adapun metode yang dilakukan yaitu melalui  penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Peserta kegiatan penyuluhan sebanyak 26 orang dan praktiknya ditempat produksi yang dipimpin oleh Rabbani dengan 8 orang anggota. Berdasarkan hasil penyuluhan dan praktik langsung dapat dinyatakan bahwa pemahaman mitra terkait pengolahan limbah cair tahu menjadi biogas sudah mencapai 90 %, artinya mitra sudah mampu mengelola sendiri tanpa harus didampingi. Selain itu juga dengan menerapkan reaktor 6 m3 limbah cair tahu mampu terolah sebanyak  3.600 liter dari 4.000 liter total limbah yang dihasilkan dan sisanya dianggap losses. Serta Biogas yang dihasilkan dapat dimanfaatkan kembali oleh mitra baik itu dalam pembuatan tahu maupun kebutuhan memasak.Abstract:  Tofu’s Liquid waste is  residue during the process of manufacturing process ranging from the stage of washing process to the process of molding. The liquid waste contains high protein level very quickly fallen apart if it is thrown without firstly processing can cause  bad odor and pollute the environment. The purpose of this devotional activity is to improve the knowledge and skills of partners in liquid waste treatment to know into biogas. The method of counseling and training is carried out. Participants of the counseling activities as many as 26 people and the practice at the production site led by Rabbani with 8 members. Based on the results of counseling and direct practice can be stated that the understanding of partners related to liquid waste treatment to know to be biogas has reached 90%, meaning the partner has been able to manage themselves without having to be accompanied. In addition, by applying a 6 m3 reactor the liquid waste knows it is capable of processing as much as 3,600 liters of 4,000 liters of total waste produced and the rest is considered losses. As well as biogas produced can be reused by partners both in the manufacture of to know and cooking needs

    Antropometry Analysisi Of Stove Cooking Tofu Production On the Employee’s Safety And Convenience

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    Ergonomics approach to vehicle design is emphasized on researching the limited capabilities of humans, both physically and mentally psychologically and their interactions in an integral human-machine system. Then systematically the ergonomics approach will then utilize this information for design purposes, so as to create a product system or work environment that is more suitable for humans. Objectives of the Research; Knowing the anthropometry of workers and the furnace knows the process of boiling tofu; determine the suitability of the anthropometry of workers with the tofu boiling process furnace; knowing the level of complaints felt by workers during the tofu boiling process. This study uses quantitative methods, with a descriptive analysis approach to the dimensions of the tofu boiling stove on the anthropometry of the workers' bodies. The instruments used in this research are literature study, observation and interviews. The variable used is the anthropometric data of workers in the manufacture of tofu. The dimensions measured include; hand width, the distance from the fingertips to the left to the right, the height of the hand grip from a vertical hand position up from standing upright, the distance from the hand grip to the back, the length of the hand, and the width of the palm. The body dimensions measured in the study are as follows: body height in standing position, shoulder height, elbow height, shoulder height in sitting position, elbow height in sitting position, shoulder width, hip width, body height in sitting position. The results of this study indicate that the measurement of the dimensions of the body of the community in the city of Mataram obtained varying results. The results of the measurement of body height when standing ranged from 131 to 153 cm and for the average body height of all people measured was 151 cm. Interviews on average workers complained of pain in the left elbow and right elbow and pain in the upper arm. left, right upper arm, right wrist and left wrist. By using the NBM questionnaire which is described in 27 points, the method of collecting data directly to workers by means of direct interviews on the spot is use

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Siswa pada Aspek Qiroah Melalui Metode Jigsaw di Kelas IX C MTs Negeri Semarang Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020

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    This study aims to determine the efforts to increase students' understanding of the qiroah aspect through the jigsaw method. The research method used classroom action research, this research was conducted at MTs Negeri Semarang Class IX C with 35 students. The design of this research is planning, implementation/action, observation and reflection. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that in the first cycle students still look confused with their assignments in class. The results of the understanding of the first cycle obtained a score of 131, meaning that students' understanding of the Qiroah aspect was good, and the number of students who had completed learning was 28 students, while the average class of the first cycle was 75,79. While in cycle II it was stated that students' interest in learning material increased. The results of the understanding of the second cycle obtained a score of 174 which means that the students' understanding of the Qiroah aspect is very good, and the number of students who have completed learning is 35 while the average class of the second cycle is 80,48

    Pembuatan Biogas Berbahan Limbah Nanas dengan Penambahan Limbah Tahu

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    One alternative energy source for making organic waste which can be renewed is pineapple waste and tofu waste. Biogas produced from these two materials is environmentally friendly so it does not disturb the environment. The purpose of this research was to determine the changes in temperature and pH that occurred during the formation of pressure and volume of biogas. The method used in this study was an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD). There are 4 treatments in this study, namely T1: pineapple waste; T2 : tofu liquid waste; T3 : addition of tofu solid waste; and T4 : addition of tofu liquid waste and tofu solid waste. The measurement results were then analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). If significantly different results were found, a further test was carried out with BNJ. The results showed that the addition of tofu waste significantly affected the temperature, pH, pressure and volume of bioga. The average temperature for each treatment was 28oC, while the highest pH was 8.55. The highest pressure calculation results were found at T4 of 109.42 N/m2, while for the highest volume it was found at T4 of 0.000016642m3. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the addition of tofu waste has a significant effect on the formation of bioga