9 research outputs found

    Inter-Cultural Non-Verbal Communication Strategies in Indonesian and Thailand Students’ Interaction

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    This thesis is a research about Inter-Cultural Non-Verbal Communication Strategies in Indonesian and Thailand Students’ Interaction. The objectives of the research are finding out the description of(1)the kinds of non-verbal communication strategies that used among Indonesian and Thailand students when communicate and(2) the ways of non-verbal communication to the students in communication. The method used in this research is quantitative method. The research collected data were interpreted in the observation, documentation, and questionnaire.The data were analyzed in four stages, identifying the students of Indonesian and Thailand non-verbal communication in each their interaction, listing according to each kinds of non-verbal communication (Emblems (Gesture), Eye Contact, Facial Expression, Haptics (Touch), and Posture), identifying the non-verbal communication through questionnaire, and analyzing it into percentage technique. The result of this research showed that there were 39 kinds of non-verbal communication which is included in the Kine sics (Body Motion Communication) of Novinger’s theory.There were 16 kinds of Emblems (Gestures), 6 kinds of Eye Contact, 7 kinds of Facial Expressions, 6kinds of Haptics (Touch), and 4kinds of Posture. The result of descriptive analysis showed the rate percentage of non-verbal communication strategies that have big roles in communication between Indonesian and Thailand students were90%gesture and10%eye contact. To communicate effectively, both of verbal and non-verbal communication should be involved. Even, non-verbal communication has great deal benefit in communication. Non-verbal communication mostly functions as substituting verbal messages, elaborating verbal messages, transmitting telling, etc. This thesis implicates to tell people that by knowing the communication strategies especially non-verbal communication, we can avoid misunderstanding especially conveyed meaning in inter-cultural non-verbal communication. Besides,this thesis can stimulate the students of English and Literature Department to learn more about inter-cultural non-verbal communication


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    Abstract This research is about inter-cultural non-verbal communication strategies in Indonesian and Thailand students’ interaction which is included in the Kinesics of Novinger’s theory. The objectives of research are finding out the description of the kinds of non-verbal communication strategies used among students and the ways of non-verbal communication to the students. This research applies descriptive quantitative method. The research instruments are documentation and questionnaire. The data analysis showed that there were 39 kinds of non-verbal communication. There were 16 kinds of Gestures, 6 kinds of Eye Contact, 7 kinds of Facial Expressions, 6 kinds of Touch, and 4 kinds of Posture. The result of descriptive analysis showed the rate percentage of non-verbal communication strategies that have big roles in communication between Indonesian and Thailand students were 90% gesture and 10% eye contact. Finally, non-verbal communication mostly functions as substituting verbal messages, elaborating verbal messages, transmitting telling, etc.Abstract This research is about inter-cultural non-verbal communication strategies in Indonesian and Thailand students’ interaction which is included in the Kinesics of Novinger’s theory. The objectives of research are finding out the description of the kinds of non-verbal communication strategies used among students and the ways of non-verbal communication to the students. This research applies descriptive quantitative method. The research instruments are documentation and questionnaire. The data analysis showed that there were 39 kinds of non-verbal communication. There were 16 kinds of Gestures, 6 kinds of Eye Contact, 7 kinds of Facial Expressions, 6 kinds of Touch, and 4 kinds of Posture. The result of descriptive analysis showed the rate percentage of non-verbal communication strategies that have big roles in communication between Indonesian and Thailand students were 90% gesture and 10% eye contact. Finally, non-verbal communication mostly functions as substituting verbal messages, elaborating verbal messages, transmitting telling, etc

    Inter-Cultural Non-Verbal Communication Strategies in Indonesian and Thailand Students’ Interaction

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    This research is about inter-cultural non-verbal communication strategies in Indonesian and Thailand students’ interaction which is included in the Kinesics of Novinger’s theory. The objectives of research are finding out the description of the kinds of non-verbal communication strategies used among students and the ways of non-verbal communication to the students. This research applies descriptive quantitative method. The research instruments are documentation and questionnaire. The data analysis showed that there were 39 kinds of non-verbal communication. There were 16 kinds of Gestures, 6 kinds of Eye Contact, 7 kinds of Facial Expressions, 6 kinds of Touch, and 4 kinds of Posture. The result of descriptive analysis showed the rate percentage of non-verbal communication strategies that have big roles in communication between Indonesian and Thailand students were 90% gesture and 10% eye contact. Finally, non-verbal communication mostly functions as substituting verbal messages, elaborating verbal messages, transmitting telling, etc

    Pengaruh Keteladanan Guru terhadap Akhlak Peserta Didik Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As’adiyah Callaccu Sengkang Kabupaten Wajo

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    Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif keteladanan guru Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As'adiyah Callaccu Sengkang Kabupaten Wajo berada pada kategori tinggi yaitu 88,9%, sedangkan akhlak peserta didik Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As'adiyah Callaccu Sengkang Kabupaten Wajo berada pada kategori tinggi yaitu 63%. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh thitung=5,867> t0,05(52) = 1,675 untuk taraf signifikan 1%. Karena thitung lebih besar dari ttabel maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh keteladanan guru terhadap akhlak peserta didik Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As'adiyah Callaccu Sengkang Kabupten Wajo. Diketahui besarnya persentase pengaruh keteladanan guru terhadap akhlak peserta didik, dapat dilihat pada nilai R Scuare = 0,398 yang artinya besarnya persentase pengaruh keteladanan guru terhadap akhlak peserta didik adalah sebesar 39,8% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 60,2% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu jika ingin melakukan penelitian yang serupa hendaknya menggunakan metode penelitian yang berbeda, serta lakukan penelitian terkait dengan faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi akhlak peserta didik

    Pengaruh Keteladanan Guru Terhadap Akhlak Peserta Didik Kelas IX MTs As'adiyah Puteri 1 Sengkang Kabupaten Wajo

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    Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif pengaruh keteladananguru terhadap akhlak peserta didik kelas IX MTs As’adiyah Puteri 1 SengkangKabupaten Wajo.Sementara hasil analisis deskriptif keteladanan guru terhadap akhlak peserta didik kelas IX MTs As’adiyah, dengan memperhatikan 36 peserta didik sebagai sampel, 17 orang atau 47,22% responden yang berada dalam kategori sangat baik (SS) dari aspek visual activities, 11 orang atau 36,11% responden yang berada dalam kategori baik (S) writing activities, 5 orang atau 13,8% responden yang berada dalam kategori kurang baik (ST) dari aspek oral activities, 3 orang atau 8,5% responden yang berada dalam kategori tidak baik (STS) dari aspek motor activities. Hal tersebut menggambarkan bahwa keteladanan guru terhadap akhlak peserta didik kelas IX MTs As’adiyah Puteri 1 Sengkang Kabupaten Wajo. berada dalam kategori sangat setuju (SS) 47,22% dari aspek writing activities

    Tradisi Sayyang Pattu’du’ dalam Peringatan Maulid di Kecamatan Balanipa Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang apa yang menjadi latar belakang adanya perbedaan pendapat dikalangan ulama mengenai maulid. Kemudian menjelaskan dasar dan rujukan para ulama memandang maulid sebagai suatu perbuatan yang diperbolehkan ataukah tidak diperbolehkan, sehingga dapat diketahui komparasi para ulama memandang tradisi maulid tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis kualitatif lapangan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Adapun sumber data pada penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Metode  pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik pengamatan lapangan dan teknik kutipan atau literature yang ada. Selanjutnya pengolahan data/analisis data yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik  ppenelitian kualitatif yaitu dengan menggabambarkan hasil penelitian dengan menguraiakan kalimat dan tekniknya menggunakan analisa deduktif yaitu mengambil suatu kesimpulan yang bersifat umum menuju ke pernyataan yang bersifat khusus. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 1) sejarah tradisi sayyang pattu’du’ dalam peringatan maulid tidak terlepas dari pengaruh agama dan budaya dapat dikatakan bahwa tradisi tersebut lahir dari akulturasi antara agama dan budaya. 2) prosesi pelaksanaan dari tradisi sayyang pattu’du’ dalam peringatan maulid tersebut tidak terlepas dari nuansa yang bersifat agamis seperti pembacaan barzanji dan sholawat Nabi dengan diselipi budaya yang masih sangat dilestarikan. 3) adanya perbedaan pendapat dikalangan para ulama dalam hal ini ulama klasik dan ulama kontemporer dalam menanggapi persoalan maulid ada yang mengatakan boleh dan adapula yang mengatakan tidak boleh bahkan di bid’ahk


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    This study discusses the effect of the teacher's example on the morals of the students of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As'adiyah Callaccu Sengkang, Wajo Regency. The type of research used in this research is ex-post facto quantitative. Ex-post facto research is research in which the independent variables have been treated, or treatment was not carried out at the time of the research, so this research is usually separated from experimental research. This quantitative research aims to find out how much influence between variables. In this study, the research will examine the effect of teacher's example on the morals of the students of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As'adiyah Callaccu Sengkang, Wajo Regency. The example of the teacher is very influential on the morals of students, therefore a teacher is required to continue to show good examples, the example of the teacher is needed with the aim that students have good morals.This study discusses the effect of the teacher's example on the morals of the students of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As'adiyah Callaccu Sengkang, Wajo Regency. The type of research used in this research is ex-post facto quantitative. Ex-post facto research is research in which the independent variables have been treated, or treatment was not carried out at the time of the research, so this research is usually separated from experimental research. This quantitative research aims to find out how much influence between variables. In this study, the research will examine the effect of teacher's example on the morals of the students of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul As'adiyah Callaccu Sengkang, Wajo Regency. The example of the teacher is very influential on the morals of students, therefore a teacher is required to continue to show good examples, the example of the teacher is needed with the aim that students have good morals


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    The results showed that the influence of teacher exemplary behavior on the morals of grade IX students of MTs As'adiyah Puteri 1 Sengkang, Wajo Regency was very influential. The results of the descriptive analysis of the teacher's example of the morals of class IX MTs As'adiyah students, taking into account 36 students as samples, 17 people or 47.22% of respondents were in the excellent category (SS) from the aspect of visual activity, 11 people or 36 , 11% of respondents were in the good category (S) writing activity, 5 people or 13.8% of respondents were in the unfavorable category (ST) from the aspect of oral activity, 3 people or 8.5% of respondents who were in the no category both (STS) in terms of motor activity. This illustrates that the teacher's example of the morals of grade IX MTs As'adiyah Puteri 1 Sengkang students in Wajo Regency is in the category of strongly agree (SS) 47.22% of the aspects of writing activities

    The Development of Fatwas Based on Local Wisdom to the National Level: A Case Study of Panaik Money Fatwa

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    The fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council of South Sulawesi Province regarding panaik money is debated and considered cynical by some people who feel disturbed. The cultural shift in panaik money that occurred initially was intended to pay tribute to the bride's family, become a means of prestige, and show off in the community. This study aimed to reveal the potential for developing local wisdom fatwas at the national level by looking at the phenomenon of panaik money cases in the Bugis-Makassar community. This study was a qualitative method with a sociological approach to Islamic law. The Fatwa Commission of the South Sulawesi Provincial Ulama Council located in Makassar issued Fatwa Number 2 of 2022 concerning Panaik Money. The results of the study showed that the fatwa regarding panaik money had a crucial goal in addressing social, economic, and cultural problems related to the practice of panaik money in marriage, especially in the context of Bugis-Makassar community in South Sulawesi. The fatwa on panaik money described perspectives and suggestions from regional-level social institutions regarding the practice of panaik money in marriage based on Sharia principles. Making a regional fatwa a national fatwa required several steps. This usually depended on the laws and regulations in force in that country. This aimed to ensure that the fatwa complied with state law and had sufficient meaning to be implemented nationally. However, the fatwa on panaik money provided a better understanding of panaik money