6 research outputs found

    Study of Squid Fishing Operation (Squid Jigging) and the Role of Parachute Anchors in Argentina Water and the Falkland Islands-UK in FV. Agnes 107

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    Falkland Island is an England area whose largest income comes from fisheries: the export of squid. Squid brings important economic value and occupies the third number in fisheries after fish and shrimp. The squid fishing line's operation consists of automatic fishing machines, roll, yudei, fishing line, swivel, and ballast. The fishing line for squid has operated automatically. The influence of waves and currents influence the fishing line to not operate properly. Meanwhile, a parachute anchor is a tool that maintains the balance of the ship and fishing line. The operation system of the parachute anchor is to restrain the movement of currents underwater. The mainline and float line connected to a hydraulic machine at the bow of the ship. The main rope sizes are 50 m, 60 m, 70 m, 80 m, and 90 m. In calm water or wind speeds of less than 10 km per hour, the size of the mainline used is 50 m, and if the wave is big or the wind speed is more than 35 km per hour, the size used is 90 m. The application of the right size keeps the boat and fishing line in balance. The number of catches during one trip is 119,970 kg, with the lowest catch occurred in January, amounting to 1,710 kg, and the largest catch occurred in March, amounting to 82,530 kg. Types of the catch divided into 2: squid with 20 kg and 10 kg. For 20 kg size, mostly obtained in March with a total catch of 2M = 33,040 kg and for the size of 10 kg with a total catch of a size of Y is 23,510 kg

    Green Mine Optimization Strategy of Acid Mine Darinage Protection: Fundamentally Scenario of Sustainable Water Contaminant Management in Coal Mining Project, Case Study; South Block Area Lamin Site Pt. Mega Alam Sejahtera East Borneo Indonesia

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    Mining activity has been a huge contributor of human environmental disaster mostly in one decades in earth. The consequences of technology approach and natural resources to complete people daily need showed the implication about the effect of mining area which contacting to human directly that would be created unbalance system among mining and human life which the source problem was Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). AMD has been the ultimate cases in mining production in the world that effects to environmental pollution and prior catalyst caused the flawed of production target in number of mining companies. Green Mine Optimization Strategy was developed sustainable system to protect water contaminant existence who will be occurred in the source of mining excavation area. South Block Area Lamin Site PT. Mega Alam Sejahtera has been conducted by number of scenario methods were Vadoze zone coal water contaminant, Run off water encapsulation, Water Monitoring Point management which all methods used MINESCAPE 4.119 to support sustainable water contaminant of management modeling system so that could be described the pattern of water management scenario from pre mining, mining and mining closure in simultaneous water indications from inlet flow forming until outlet flow forming by optimum condition. Therefore, as fundamentally resulted it would be got the best AMD protection formula for entire of coal mining project in the world to resolve a discourse among mining and human life so that both of cases will be running together.

    Hubungan Panjang Bobot Pada Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) Hasil Tangkapan Pole and Line di Perairan Ternate

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    Penangkapan ikan di kawasan Ternate Maluku Utara bersifat terbuka sehingga nelayan sering kali mengabaikan kelestarian sumber daya ikan meskipun sumber daya ini dapat pulih (renewable resources). Nelayan dalam melakukan aktivitas penangkapan cenderung tidak memperhatikan ikan layak tangkap dan bebas melakukan penangkapan serta daerah penangkapan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis ikan cakalang yang tertangkap di perairan Ternate yang meliputi jumlah hasil tangkapan, ukuran panjang dan bobot ikan. Semoga hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam menyusun pengelolaan perikanan cakalang di kawasan Ternate Maluku Utara. Data yang diambil adalah data panjang cagak ikan dan bobot ikan, hasil tangkapan pole and line. Selama penelitian, jumlah data adalah sebanyak 750 ekor, dengan 10 ekor setiap pemancingan (setting). Model pertumbuhan yang dihasilkan untuk ikan cakalang di kawasan Ternate Maluku Utara pada setiap bulan penangkapan adalah b >3. Hal tersebut menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan alometrik positif, yang berarti penambahan bobot lebih cepat dibanding pertumbuhan panjang ikan. Rataan panjang cagak (FL) ikan cakalang yang tertangkap yaitu 35-44 cm dan setiap bulan menunjukkan hasil yang sama. Mengacu pada Lm di perairan Maluku Utara sebesar 43 cm, ikan cakalang yang tertangkap pada Februari sampai dengan Mei didominasi oleh ikan tidak layak tangkap


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    This research took place from July 2019 to June 2020 at the Gentuma Fish Landing Port, North Gorontalo and MV. Doa Restu-01. The study of financial analysis of new boats within one year provides information to the government and the community as an effort to increase fishermen's income. This study aims to determine the feasibility analysis of purse seine vessels in the waters of North Gorontalo. The data taken in the form of primary and secondary data. The data in the analysis uses descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis as well as financial analysis in the form of Profit-Loss (Income Statement), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Break Even Point (BEP), Payback Period (PP) and Return Of Investment (ROI). The results show that the ring trawling effort at Gentuma meets the requirements and deserves to be continued. The results of the calculation of business feasibility in the purse seine fishing business of MV. Doa Restu-01 based on the projected profit and loss (R/L) the profit earned for 1 year is Rp. 113.856.050,-, the cost benefit ratio (B/C ratio) 1.10, Payback Period (PP) 9.61 years, income on investment (ROI) 10.40%, Break Even Point (BEP) unit 68,385 kg and Break Even Point (BEP) price Rp.965,499,137,

    Optimalisasi Kemampuan Mendengarkan untuk Sukses dalam TOEFL

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    Kemampuan mendengarkan (listening skill) merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam persiapan tes TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) yang mencakup pemahaman mendalam terhadap berbagai variasi aksen dan situasi percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris. Program pelatihan daring sepuluh pertemuan ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan "listening skill" peserta dalam persiapan TOEFL, yang melibatkan siswa, mahasiswa, alumni, dan masyarakat umum. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan dasar yang kuat bagi peserta dalam meraih kesuksesan dalam tes TOEFL dan mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang berguna dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Melalui program ini, peserta mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan mendengarkan, terutama dalam pemahaman variasi aksen dalam bahasa Inggris. Mereka juga merasa lebih siap dalam menghadapi situasi percakapan dalam konteks akademik. Peningkatan skor TOEFL peserta, rasa percaya diri yang ditingkatkan dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang bahasa Inggris adalah hasil yang dicapai dalam program ini. Kesuksesan program pelatihan "listening skill" ini menyoroti pentingnya mempersiapkan peserta untuk menghadapi tes TOEFL dan mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang kuat di dunia yang semakin terhubung secara global


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    Tuna and skipjack are large pelagic fish that have high economic value and have a very wide export market. The need for and the high market demand for tuna and skipjack causes the intensity of catching this fish to increase. To ensure that the potential of these fish resources remains sustainable, it is necessary to properly manage fisheries.The purpose of this study was to examine several aspects of biology, aspects of capture fisheries, aspects of utilization and management of yellow fin tuna and skipjack tuna. Data collection for yellowfin tuna was focused on one location, namely PPS Bungus, while data collection for skipjack tuna was focused on 4 location points, namely PPS Bungus, PPP Carocok Terusan, PPI Kambang and PPI Tiku. Productivity and cultivation levels of yellowfin tuna in West Sumatra have tended to decline in the past 4 years (2017-2020). Skipjack tuna in the West Sumatra region caught by boat charters was indicated to be overfishing, while skipjack tuna caught by troll showed the fish caught had not spawned yet. The productivity of skipjack tuna has fluctuated over the past 5 years (2016-2020)