260 research outputs found

    Spanish society's perceptions about socially responsible investing

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    The debate surrounding the financial needs of investors and the impact on society of investment is considered to be an important research topic due to the growth of socially responsible financial markets. The objective of this research is to study the perception of the Spanish public about socially responsible investing (SRI) criteria and real-life investment needs. To examine the Spanish perception of SRI, we conducted a field survey. The results show that SRI is in an early stage and Spanish investors need more exact information regarding social, environmental, and governance criteria in order to invest in socially responsible companies and products

    Changes in the influence of board characterisitcs on corporate results due to the recent global financial crisis

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    The main purpose of this study is to analyse the changes caused by the global financial crisis on the influence of board characteristics on corporate results, in terms of corporate performance, corporate risk-taking, and earnings management. Sample comprises S&P 500 listed firms during 2002-2008. This study reveals that the environmental conditions call for different behaviour from directors to fulfil their responsibilities and suggests changes in normative and voluntary guidelines for improving good practices in the boardroom

    Responsabilidad social corporativa e internacionalización bancaria: el caso de la banca española en Argentina, Brasil y Chile

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    Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer la posición de labanca española en términos de responsabilidad socialcorporativa en Latinoamérica (Argentina, Brasil y Chile)a través del estudio de los casos de los dos gruposbancarios españoles con mayor presencia en estospaíses: el Banco Santander y el Banco Bilbao VizcayaArgentaria. Para este estudio se ha utilizado lainformación pública de estas dos entidades. Entre lasprincipales conclusiones cabe señalar que se observanevidencias de traslación de los estándares de gestión dela casa matriz a sus filiales en Latinoamérica, aunquecreemos que se necesita una mayor adaptación de estosa cada contexto geográfico concreto

    La gestión del acoso por razón de sexo y del acoso sexual en las empresas españolas. Una propuesta de mejora de los protocolos existentes

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    This work aims to develop a proposal to improve protocols for prevention and action against sexual harassment at work and gender-based harassment of Spanish institutions and companies. For this reason, a total of 94 protocols have been reviewed, being 37 from Spanish public organizations, 40 from private organizations, and 17 from international organizations, mainly from United States, since this country was a pioneer in this field. A database was created classified into four types of information: legislative framework; principles and guarantees; behaviors and prevention; and intervention procedures. Following this classification, the selected protocols have been analyzed, establishing the strengths and areas for improvement. After the review, important shortcomings were found in the general development of the protocols on sexual harassment, such as, for example, the difficulty in reaching a consensus on the definitions of sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, or workplace bullying. We also found deficiencies in preventive measures and in the intervention procedures, which are in many cases ambiguous and with a lack of content. For this reason, a series of improvements have been proposed to take into account in the development of future protocols and for future lines of research, intervention, or prevention.El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en desarrollar una propuesta de mejora de los protocolos de prevención y actuación frente al acoso sexual laboral y por razón de sexo de las instituciones y empresas españolas. Para ello se revisan un total de 94 protocolos, siendo 37 de organizaciones públicas españolas, 40 de organizaciones privadas y 17 de organizaciones internacionales, principalmente de Estados Unidos, país pionero en este tipo de protocolos. Posteriormente se crea una base de datos en función de una serie de criterios divididos en cuatro grandes grupos de información presentes en la mayor parte de los protocolos: marco legislativo; principios y garantías; conductas y prevención; y procedimiento de actuación. Siguiendo esta división se analizan los protocolos seleccionados, estableciendo los puntos fuertes y áreas de mejora. Tras la revisión se encuentran importantes carencias en el desarrollo general de los protocolos en materia de acoso sexual, como, por ejemplo, la dificultad en el consenso en las definiciones de acoso sexual, acoso por razón de sexo o acoso laboral. También hay deficiencias en las medidas preventivas y en el procedimiento de actuación, que son en muchos casos ambiguos y escasos de contenido. Por ello, se proponen una serie de mejoras para tener en cuenta en la elaboración de futuros protocolos y para futuras líneas de investigación, intervención o prevención

    Auriculoterapia como cuidado de enfermería para disminuir el consumo de marihuana y cocaína

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    Comprobar la efectividad de la auriculoterapia como cuidado de enfermería en la disminución del consumo de marihuana y cocaína en el adulto joven. Material y métodos: estudio cuantitativo, correlacional y aplicado con un diseño pre-experimental, longitudinal y prolectivo. n=10 individuos. Se utilizó el SPSS v.17., aplicándose prueba Z para dos proporciones relacionadas y Wilcoxon (p<0.05; IC 95%). Resultados: el consumo de cocaína mostró una p=<0.05 con un IC del 95%, concluyendo que la auriculoterapia es efectiva en la disminución del consumo de cocaína en el adulto joven. Conclusiones: el consumo de drogas psicoactivas tiene la necesidades de ser abordado desde diferentes enfoque del cuidado.Comprovar a efetividade da auriculoterapia como cuidado de enfermagem na diminuição do consumo de maconha e cocaína em adultos jovens. Material e métodos: estudo quantitativo, correlacional e aplicado com desenho pré-experimental, longitudinal e proletivo. n=10 indivíduos. Fue utilizado o SPSS v.1, aplicando-se a prova Z para duas proporções relacionadas e Wilcoxon (p<0.05; IC 95%). Resultados: o consumo de cocaína resultou em p=<0.05 com IC de 95%, concluindo-se que a auriculoterapia é efetiva na diminuição do consumo de cocaína em adultos jovens. Conclusões: o consumo de drogas psicoativas deve ser abordado a partir de diferentes enfoques do cuidado.To check the effectiveness of auriculotherapy as nursing care in decreasing consumption of marijuana and cocaine in young adults. Material and methods: quantitative, correlational and applied studio with a pre-experimental, longitudinal and prolective design. n=10 individuals. Was used the SPSS v.17, applying Z test for two related proportions and Wilcoxon. (p<0.05, IC 95%). Results: the cocaine use showed a p=<0.05 with a IC of 95%, concluding that ear acupuncture is effective in the reducing cocaine use in young adults. Conclusions: the use of psychoactive drugs has the needs to be addressed from different care approach

    Computer labs on virtual environments: A flexible, portable and multidisciplinary model

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    Teaching of computer-aided practical subjects in engineering education creates new challenges. Computers have to be configured to support particular requirements of each subject. Virtual Environments allows the building of a Virtual Machine (VM) tailored to requirements of each subject, allowing flexible, versatile and low cost laboratories. However, the use of multiple VM at a shared computing facility creates new problems, both technical and related to the performance of the class sessions. To solve these challenges, we have developed the Virtual Machine on-Demand (VMoD) tool. It automates the adaptation of each VM to the environment in which it is deployed and simplifies its use to students. As a result, the creation of computer-aided engineering laboratories on a shared computing facility using VM is possible and profitable

    HIV screening and retention in care in people who use drugs in Madrid, Spain: a prospective study

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    Background: The burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in people who use drugs (PWUD) is significant. We aimed to screen HIV infection among PWUD and describe their retention in HIV care. Besides, we also screen for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among HIV-seropositive PWUD and describe their linkage to care. Methods: We conducted a prospective study in 529 PWUD who visited the "Cañada Real Galiana" (Madrid, Spain). The study period was from June 1, 2017, to May 31, 2018. HIV diagnosis was performed with a rapid antibody screening test at the point-of-care (POC) and HCV diagnosis with immunoassay and PCR tests on dried blood spot (DBS) in a central laboratory. Positive PWUD were referred to the hospital. We used the Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests, as appropriate, to compare rates between groups. Results: Thirty-five (6.6%) participants were positive HIV antibodies, but 34 reported previous HIV diagnoses, and 27 (76%) had prior antiretroviral therapy. Among patients with a positive HIV antibody test, we also found a higher prevalence of homeless (P < 0.001) and injection drug use (PWID) (P < 0.001), and more decades of drug use (P = 0.002). All participants received HIV test results at the POC. Of the 35 HIV positives, 28 (80%) were retained in HIV medical care at the end of the HIV screening study (2018), and only 22 (62.9%) at the end of 2020. Moreover, 12/35 (34.3%) were positive for the HCV RNA test. Of the latter, 10/12 (83.3%) were contacted to deliver the HCV results test (delivery time of 19 days), 5/12 (41.7%) had an appointment and were attended at the hospital and started HCV therapy, and only 4/12 (33.3%) cleared HCV. Conclusions: We found almost no new HIV-infected PWUD, but their cascade of HIV care was low and remains a challenge in this population at risk. The high frequency of active hepatitis C in HIV-infected PWUD reflects the need for HCV screening and reinforcing the link to care.This work was funded by a research grant from Merck Sharpe & Dohme (Grant Number MISP IIS#54846) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII; Grant Numbers PI20CIII/00004, and RD16CIII/0002/0002 to SR). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Detection of active hepatitis C in a single visit and linkage to care among marginalized people using a mobile unit in Madrid, Spain

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    Background: The burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among marginalized people in Spain is high, despite the fact that HCV prevalence has decreased in recent years. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of a simplified point-of-care (PoC) model for screening for active HCV infection via a mobile unit and subsequent linkage to care with the assistance of navigators. Methods: We carried out a prospective study on 2001 participants from Madrid, Spain. A nurse and a navigator/educator screened for hepatitis C in a mobile unit, using the OraQuick HCV Rapid Antibody Test and Xpert HCV VL Fingerstick assay. Participants with active HCV were referred to the hospital the same day with a navigator for evaluation and treatment of HCV. Results: Overall, 1621 (81%) participants had not been exposed to HCV, 380 (18.9%) were positive for HCV antibodies, and 136 (6.8%) had active hepatitis C. Among the latter, 134 (98.5%) received the HCV screening results, 133 (97.8%) had an appointment at the hospital, 126 (92.8%) were seen by a physician once they were at the hospital, and 105 (77.2%) started HCV treatment. Being over 50 years old and a person who uses drugs, particularly people who inject drugs (PWID), was directly associated with active hepatitis C (p<0.05). PWID were the only patients with HCV reinfection (4.3% in people without recent injecting drug use and 5.9% in people with recent injecting drug use). Among PWID, no income and daily alcohol intake were also directly associated with active hepatitis C. People with recent injecting drug use showed the lowest rates of attendance at the hospital (91.8%) and starting HCV treatment (70.4%). Conclusion: HCV screening using a two-step PoC-based strategy and its linkage to care was extremely efficient for identifying and treating marginalized people with active hepatitis C, thanks to the use of a mobile unit with personnel and technical equipment, an interdisciplinary team, and collaboration between institutions.This work was funded by a research grant from Gilead Science (IN-ES-987-5391 and GLD20_0144) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII; grant numbers PI20CIII/00004 and RD16CIII/0002/0002 to SR). It also received funding from AbbVie, Asociación Española para Estudio del Higado (AEEH), and Madrid Positivo Association.S

    Tailoring basic and acidic properties of MgAl hydrotalcite by fluoride anions: Effect on glycerol oligomerisation

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    In this work, two families of catalysts based on mixed metal oxides derived from MgAl hydrotalcites were synthesized with a Mg/Al molar ratio of 3. On the one hand, in the first family, the fluoride anion was incorporated in the interlayer space by using ammonium fluoride, exploiting the “memory effect” characteristic of hydrotalcites. In the second family, fluoride anions substituted oxides anions in the layer, incorporating directly them during the precipitation of hydroxides, by using cryolite as a precursor for both fluorine and aluminium. The hydrotalcites were transformed into mixed metal oxides by thermal treatment and tested in the glycerol etherification reaction at 230 ºC, in a batch reactor at atmospheric pressure. The hydrotalcites and the corresponding mixed metal oxides were characterized by different experimental techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), elemental analysis (CHF), N2 sorption at -196ºC, thermogravimetric analysis (ATD-TG), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), temperature-programmed desorption of CO2 and NH3 (CO2-TPD and NH3-DTP) and solid state nuclear magnetic resonace (ssNMR) of 19F. It was found that the mixed metal oxides prepared from hydrotalcites, where fluorine was incorporated in the synthesis step using cryolite, achieved the maximum conversion values and complete selectivity towards diglycerol. Diglycerols were the unique detected products and, in some cases, the formation of triglycerols was also detected.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Sequencing and Analysis of the Myostatin Gene (GDF-8) in Bubalus bubalis Young Animals to Determine the Existence of Possible Mutations Expressed in Double Musculature Phenotype

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    Since the 19th century, the presentation of bovines with disproportionate muscle development have been associated with mutations that inhibit the action of the myostatin gene, it is referred to as double muscle mutation, which is common in some European Bos taurus breeds but it is not reported in buffaloes Bubalus bubalis. This study aims to evaluate if the phenotype observed in 6 young buffaloes with disproportionate muscle development has the same myostatin mutation reported in cattle. DNA was obtained from the blood of the animals of the Murrah breed. First, second and third exon was amplified end point PCR; the fragments were sequenced using capillary electrophoresis. Holstein cattle (Bos taurus) was used As control for normal phenotype. The results obtained from the comparison of the sequence of the myostatin gene show that the observed double-muscled phenotype did not show differences from normal controls. Interspecific variation was demonstrated by comparing exons two and three of the gene, finding 12 variations between the Bos taurus and Bubalus bubalis species in the evaluated fragments. It is necessary to study physiology, and the animals to explain the phenotype observed in buffaloes