983 research outputs found

    Productive structure of caprine farms in pampean west (Argentina)

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    In La Pampa, the average caprine farm land is 5700 ha, without fences and poor infra-estructure for animal management, there are two farmyards with an area of 5-8 m2/goat and a shed for kids housing with an area of 0.15 m2/kid. The average flock size is 164 goats, with horses and catle, extensively grazed daily and penned at nigth, without planning or suplementation. Reproducers usually began with the sexual activity before to have an apropiate weight. Kidding peaks occurs between end of september and middle of november. The number of bocks is 1-3/100 female. Reproductive parameters are: fertility 97,3 percent; fecundity 89,4 percent; real prolificity 177,2 percent and comercial prolificity 160,6 percent. Major health problems were contagious ectima, diarrhoea in kids, mastits and pediculosis.Las explotaciones caprinas pampeanas, son de 5700 ha, sin delimitación perimetral e infraestructura muy deficiente, con un par de corrales sin techar de 5-8 m2/cabra y uno techado para cabritos (0,15 m2 por cabrito). En promedio 164 cabras, con equino y vacuno, pastorean extensivamente, con encierro nocturno, casi sin planificación y sin suplementación alimenticia. Los reproductores entran en servicio sin suficiente peso y la paridera va de fin de septiembre a mediados de noviembre. Con 1-3 machos/100 hembras, los índices reproductivos son: fertilidad 97,3 p.100; fecundidad 89,4 p.100; prolificidad real 177,2 p.100 y prolificidad comercial 160,6 p.100. Los problemas sanitarios son ectima contagioso, diarrea de los cabritos, mastitis y pediculosis

    Coulomb explosion sputtering of selectively oxidized Si

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    We have studied multiply charged Arq+ ion induced potential sputtering of a unique system comprising of coexisting Silicon and Silicon oxide surfaces. Such surfaces are produced by oblique angle oxygen ion bombardment on Si(100), where ripple structures are formed and one side of each ripple gets more oxidized. It is observed that higher the potential energy of Arq+ ion, higher the sputtering yield of the non conducting (oxide) side of the ripple as compared to the semiconducting side. The results are explained in terms of Coulomb explosion model where potential sputtering depends on the conductivity of the ion impact sites.Comment: 9 pages and 3 figure

    Candidate counterparts to the soft gamma-ray flare in the direction of LS i +61 303

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    Context. A short duration burst reminiscent of a soft gamma-ray repeater/anomalous X-ray pulsar behaviour was detected in the direction of LS I +61 303 by the Swift satellite. While the association with this well known gamma-ray binary is likely, a different origin cannot be excluded. Aims. We explore the error box of this unexpected flaring event and establish the radio, near-infrared and X-ray sources in our search for any peculiar alternative counterpart. Methods. We carried out a combined analysis of archive Very Large Array radio data of LS I +61 303 sensitive to both compact and extended emission. We also reanalysed previous near infrared observations with the 3.5 m telescope of the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemn and X-ray observations with the Chandra satellite. Results. Our deep radio maps of the LS I +61 303 environment represent a significant advancement on previous work and 16 compact radio sources in the LS I +61 303 vicinity are detected. For some detections, we also identify near infrared and X-ray counterparts. Extended emission features in the field are also detected and confirmed. The possible connection of some of these sources with the observed flaring event is considered. Based on these data, we are unable to claim a clear association between the Swift-BAT flare and any of the sources reported here. However, this study represents the most sophisticated attempt to determine possible alternative counterparts other than LS I +61 303.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Candidate counterparts to the soft gamma-ray flare in the direction of LS i +61 303

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    Context. A short duration burst reminiscent of a soft gamma-ray repeater/anomalous X-ray pulsar behaviour was detected in the direction of LS I +61 303 by the Swift satellite. While the association with this well known gamma-ray binary is likely, a different origin cannot be excluded. Aims. We explore the error box of this unexpected flaring event and establish the radio, near-infrared and X-ray sources in our search for any peculiar alternative counterpart. Methods. We carried out a combined analysis of archive Very Large Array radio data of LS I +61 303 sensitive to both compact and extended emission. We also reanalysed previous near infrared observations with the 3.5 m telescope of the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemn and X-ray observations with the Chandra satellite. Results. Our deep radio maps of the LS I +61 303 environment represent a significant advancement on previous work and 16 compact radio sources in the LS I +61 303 vicinity are detected. For some detections, we also identify near infrared and X-ray counterparts. Extended emission features in the field are also detected and confirmed. The possible connection of some of these sources with the observed flaring event is considered. Based on these data, we are unable to claim a clear association between the Swift-BAT flare and any of the sources reported here. However, this study represents the most sophisticated attempt to determine possible alternative counterparts other than LS I +61 303.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Unveiling optical signatures of outflows in accreting white dwarfs

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    Accreting white dwarfs are known to show signatures of wind-type outflows in the ultraviolet. At optical wavelengths, however, wind detections have only been reported for a few sources. We present GTC-10.4m optical spectroscopy of four accreting white dwarfs (BZ Cam, V751 Cyg, MV Lyr, and V425 Cas) observed during luminous epochs, when their optical emission is expected to be dominated by the accretion disc. We focused the analysis on four emission lines: Hα\alpha and He I λ\lambda5876, λ\lambda6678, λ\lambda7065. Line profiles are complex and variable on short (minutes) and long (days to weeks) time scales, with transient absorption and emission components. Among them, we detect strong blue-shifted absorptions at ≳1000\gtrsim 1000 km s−1^{-1}. These high-velocity components, present only in the blue wing of the emission lines, are observed in all four sources and could be associated with accretion disc winds. For MV Lyr and V425 Cas, these would represent the first detection of optical outflows in these objects, while in the case of BZ Cam and V751 Cyg, the presence of outflows has been previously reported. This study suggests that, in addition to ultraviolet winds, optical outflows might be also common in accreting white dwarfs. We discuss the observational properties of these winds and their possible similarity to those detected in accreting black holes and neutrons stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Influencia de la fertilización nitrogenada sobre las concentraciones de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ y sus bioindicadores en raíces y hojas de plantas de judía

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    The pyruvate kinase (PK) and ATPase activities taking part in nitrogen (N) assimilation is essential for the growth and development of plants. Studies on the kinetics of these enzymes reveal that its activities are dependent of the cofactors K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to determine the effect of different doses of N on enzymatic activities of ATPase and PK as potentials biochemical indicators of the levels of K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ in the roots and leaves of green bean plants. The N was applied to the nutrient solution as NH4NO3 at the following rates: 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0, 18.0, and 24.0 mM of N. These results indicate that deficient conditions of N (N1 and N2) were characterized by the lowest accumulation of K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ in both total and soluble forms, and also minimum activities of PK and ATPase induced by K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+, with respect to the activity of basal PK and ATPase; this could mean near optimum conditions for these cations. On the contrary, high-N treatments (N4, N5 and N6) were characterized by presenting decreasing concentrations of total and soluble K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ in roots and leaves of green bean plants; however, the activities of PK and ATPase induced with K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were increased reaching their maximum activity with respect to basal PK and ATPase, both enzymes reflecting the level of cations in roots and leaves, hence being considered as good physiological bioindicators of these cations.Las actividades piruvato kinasa (PK) y ATPasa participan en la asimilación de nitrógeno (N), la cual es esencial para el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas. Estudios sobre cinéticas de estas enzimas revelan que sus actividades son dependientes de los cofactores K+, Ca2+ y Mg2+. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de diferentes dosis de N sobre las actividades de la ATPasa y PK como posibles bioindicadores de los niveles de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ en raíces y hojas de plantas de judía (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike). Se aplicó N a la solución nutritiva como NH4NO3 en las siguientes dosis: N1=1,5 mM, N2=3,0 mM, N3=6,0 mM, N4=12,0 mM, N5=18,0 mM y N6=24,0 mM. Los resultados indican que bajo condiciones deficientes de N (N1 y N2), las plantas presentaron menor acumulación de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ en su forma total y soluble, así como mínimas actividades PK y ATPasa inducidas por K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ respecto a la actividad PK y ATPasa basal; lo cual indica condiciones cercanas a las óptimas de estos cationes. Por el contrario, en los tratamientos elevados de N (N4, N5 y N6) las plantas presentaron concentraciones decrecientes de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ total y soluble tanto en raíces como en hojas; sin embargo, las actividades PK y ATPasa inducidas con K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ se incrementaron alcanzando sus máximas actividades con respecto a la PK y ATPasa basal, lo que indica una mayor necesidad fisiológica de estos cationes en los tratamientos elevados de N. Finalmente, la actividad ATPasa basal y la inducida con K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ se comportaron de forma similar a la actividad PK, lo que refleja el nivel de cationes en raíces y en hojas, por lo que se consideran buenos bioindicadores fisiológicos de estos cationes

    Optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of the black hole transient 4U 1543-47 during its 2021 ultra-luminous state

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    We present simultaneous optical and near-infrared spectra obtained during the 2021 outburst of the black hole transient 4U 1543-47. The X-ray hardness-intensity diagram and the comparison with similar systems reveal a luminous outburst, probably reaching the Eddington luminosity, as well as a long-lasting excursion to the so-called ultra-luminous state. VLT/X-shooter spectra were taken in two epochs 14 days apart during the early and brightest part of the outburst, while the source was in this ultra-luminous accretion state. The data show strong H and HeI emission lines, as well as high-excitation HeII and OIII transitions. Most lines are single-peaked in both spectra, except for the OIII lines that exhibit evident double-peaked profiles during the second epoch. The Balmer lines are embedded in broad absorption wings that we believe are mainly produced by the contribution of the A2V donor to the optical flux, which we estimate to be in the range of 11 to 14 per cent in the rr band during our observations. Although no conspicuous outflow features are found, we observe some wind-related line profiles, particularly in the near-infrared. Such lines include broad emission line wings and skewed red profiles, suggesting the presence of a cold (i.e. low ionisation) outflow with similar observational properties to those found in other low-inclination black hole transients.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Radio continuum and near-infrared study of the MGRO J2019+37 region

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    Context.MGRO J2019+37 is an unidentified extended source of very high energy gamma-rays originally reported by the Milagro Collaboration as the brightest TeV source in the Cygnus region. Its extended emission could be powered by either a single or several sources. The GeV pulsar AGL J2020.5+3653, discovered by AGILE and associated with PSR J2021+3651, could contribute to the emission from MGRO J2019+37. Aims. Our aim is to identify radio and near-infrared sources in the field of the extended TeV source MGRO J2019+37, and study potential counterparts to explain its emission. Methods. We surveyed a region of about 6 square degrees with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at the frequency 610 MHz. We also observed the central square degree of this survey in the near-infrared Ks-band using the 3.5 m telescope in Calar Alto. Archival X-ray observations of some specific fields are included. VLBI observations of an interesting radio source were performed. We explored possible scenarios to produce the multi-TeV emission from MGRO J2019+37 and studied which of the sources could be the main particle accelerator. Results. We present a catalogue of 362 radio sources detected with the GMRT in the field of MGRO J2019+37, and the results of a cross-correlation of this catalog with one obtained at near-infrared wavelengths, which contains ∼3 × 105 sources, as well as with available X-ray observations of the region. Some peculiar sources inside the ∼1° uncertainty region of the TeV emission from MGRO J2019+37 are discussed in detail, including the pulsar PSR J2021+3651 and its pulsar wind nebula PWN G75.2+0.1, two new radio-jet sources, the Hii region Sh 2-104 containing two star clusters, and the radio source NVSS J202032+363158. We also find that the hadronic scenario is the most likely in case of a single accelerator, and discuss the possible contribution from the sources mentioned above. Conclusions. Although the radio and GeV pulsar PSR J2021+3651 / AGL J2020.5+3653 and its associated pulsar wind nebula PWN G75.2+0.1 can contribute to the emission from MGRO J2019+37, extrapolation of the GeV spectrum does not explain the detected multi-TeV flux. Other sources discussed here could contribute to the emission of the Milagro source.Instituto Argentino de RadioastronomíaFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Angle-resolved photoemission study and first principles calculation of the electronic structure of GaTe

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    The electronic band structure of GaTe has been calculated by numerical atomic orbitals density-functional theory, in the local density approximation. In addition, the valence-band dispersion along various directions of the GaTe Brillouin zone has been determined experimentally by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Along these directions, the calculated valence-band structure is in good concordance with the valence-band dispersion obtained by these measurements. It has been established that GaTe is a direct-gap semiconductor with the band gap located at the Z point, that is, at Brillouin zone border in the direction perpendicular to the layers. The valence-band maximum shows a marked \textit{p}-like behavior, with a pronounced anion contribution. The conduction band minimum arises from states with a comparable \textit{s}- \textit{p}-cation and \textit{p}-anion orbital contribution. Spin-orbit interaction appears to specially alter dispersion and binding energy of states of the topmost valence bands lying at Γ\Gamma. By spin-orbit, it is favored hybridization of the topmost \textit{p}z_z-valence band with deeper and flatter \textit{px_x}-\textit{py_y} bands and the valence-band minimum at Γ\Gamma is raised towards the Fermi level since it appears to be determined by the shifted up \textit{px_x}-\textit{py_y} bands.Comment: 7 text pages, 6 eps figures, submitted to PR

    Effect of band-filling and structural distortions on the Curie temperature of Fe-Mo double perovkites

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    By means of high resolution neutron powder diffraction at low temperature we have characterized the structural details of LaxSr2−xFeMoO6\rm La_{x}Sr_{2-x}FeMoO_6 (0≤x≤0.50\leq {\rm x}\leq 0.5) and CaxSr2−xFeMoO6\rm Ca_{x}Sr_{2-x}FeMoO_6 (0≤x≤0.60\leq {\rm x}\leq 0.6) series of compounds. This study reveals a similar variation of the mean bond-angle \FeOMo in both series. In contrast, the mean bond-distance \FeMoO\ increases with La but not with Ca substitution. Both series also present a different evolution of the Curie temperature (TCT_C), which raises in the La series and slightly decreases in the Ca one. We thus conclude that the enhancement of TCT_C in the La series is due to the electron filling of the conduction band and a concomitant rising of the density of states at the Fermi level.Comment: Revtex, 4 Journal pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl
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