376 research outputs found

    Prevalence of migraine in people with temporomandibular disorders : a systematic review

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    RESUMEN: Introducción: los desórdenes temporomandibulares son la segunda causa de dolor orofacial más frecuente, que no solo incluye la propia articulación en sí y la musculatura masticatoria, sino también patologías dentales, auditivas, etc. Las migrañas se caracterizan por dolor de cabeza punzante intenso, que empeora con el movimiento y va acompañada de náuseas, vómitos, alteraciones visuales y puede durar hasta 72 horas. Objetivos: el propósito es estudiar la prevalencia de la aparición de migrañas en pacientes que padecen algún TMD y ver la asociación que existe entre ambas. Material y métodos: se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos de PubMed, Cochrane, MEDLine Plus y PEDro. Se selecciona un total de 12 artículos de los cuales, cinco, son descartados por la CASPe. La selección de artículos se realiza teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: la media de pacientes es n=192'5, todos mayores de 18 años y hay mayor porcentaje de mujeres. En todos los artículos aparece un grupo migrañas, un grupo TMD y en algunos hay un grupo control para comparar resultados. Discusión: los resultados nos revelan que hay una importante asociación entre ambas patologías, pero a veces no es evaluable por la presencia de ansiedad, depresión, lo que nos puede llevar a sesgos. En futuras investigaciones, se deben detallar más los criterios que se llevan a cabo para evaluar si hay asociación o no entre ambas. Conclusión: aunque todos coinciden en la asociación entre ambas patologías, es necesaria más evidencia científica, ya que el número de artículos encontrados es muy escaso.ABSTRACT:Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders are the second leading cause of orofacial pain more frequent, which not only includes the own joint itself and masticatory muscles, also includes dental pathologies, hearing, etc. Migraines are characterized by intense throbbing head pain, that worsens with movement and often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances and can last up to 72 hours. Aims: the purpose was to study the prevalence of the occurrence of migraines in some patients with TMD and see the association between both. Materials and methods: a search is performed in the databases PubMed, Cochrane , Medline Plus and PEDro. A total of 12 articles are selected, of which five are discarded by the CASPe. The selection of items is made taking into account the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Results: the average number of patients is n = 192'5, all are over 18 and there is a greater percentage of women. In all items appear a migraine group, a TMD group and some of them have a control group to compare results. Discussion: the results reveal that there is a significant association between the two diseases , but sometimes is not evaluable by the presence of anxiety, depression, what can lead us to bias. In future research, should detail more the criteria carried out to assess whether or not there is an association between the two. Conclusions: although all agree on the association between the two conditions, more scientific evidence is needed, because the number of items found is very poor.Grado en Fisioterapi

    Finite-size scaling study of the d=4 site-diluted Ising

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    We study the four dimensional site-diluted Ising model using finite-size scaling techniques. We explore the whole parameter space (density-coupling) in order to determine the Universality Class of the transition line. Our data are compatible with Mean Field behavior plus logarithmic corrections.Comment: Contribution to LATTICE 9

    Monte Carlo studies of antiferromagnetic spin models in three dimensions

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    We study several antiferromagnetic formulations of the O(3) spin model in three dimensions by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We discuss about the vacua properties and analyze the phase transitions. Using Finite Size Scaling analysis we conclude that all phase transitions found are of first orderComment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figures. Contribution to Lattice '9

    Matching microscopic and macroscopic responses in glasses

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    We first reproduce on the Janus and Janus II computers a milestone experiment that measures the spinglass coherence length through the lowering of free-energy barriers induced by the Zeeman effect. Secondly, we determine the scaling behavior that allows a quantitative analysis of a new experiment reported in the companion Letter [S. Guchhait and R. Orbach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 157203 (2017)]. The value of the coherence length estimated through the analysis of microscopic correlation functions turns out to be quantitatively consistent with its measurement through macroscopic response functions. Further, nonlinear susceptibilities, recently measured in glass-forming liquids, scale as powers of the same microscopic length

    A statics-dynamics equivalence through the fluctuation-dissipation ratio provides a window into the spin-glass phase from nonequilibrium measurements

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    We have performed a very accurate computation of the non-equilibrium fluctuation- dissipation ratio for the 3D Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass, by means of large-scale simulations on the special-purpose computers Janus and Janus II. This ratio (computed for finite times on very large, effectively infinite, systems) is compared with the equilibrium probability distribution of the spin overlap for finite sizes. Our main result is a quantitative statics-dynamics dictionary, which could allow the experimental exploration of important features of the spin-glass phase without requiring uncontrollable extrapolations to infinite times or system sizes

    Nature of the spin-glass phase at experimental length scales

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    We present a massive equilibrium simulation of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass at low temperatures. The Janus special-purpose computer has allowed us to equilibrate, using parallel tempering, L = 32 lattices down to T ≈ 0.64Tc. We demonstrate the relevance of equilibrium finite-size simulations to understand experimental non-equilibrium spin glasses in the thermodynamical limit by establishing a time-length dictionary. We conclude that non-equilibrium experiments performed on a time scale of one hour can be matched with equilibrium results on L ≈ 110 lattices. A detailed investigation of the probability distribution functions of the spin and link overlap, as well as of their correlation functions, shows that Replica Symmetry Breaking is the appropriate theoretical framework for the physically relevant length scales. Besides, we improve over existing methodologies to ensure equilibration in parallel tempering simulations

    A statics-dynamics equivalence through the fluctuation-dissipation ratio provides a window into the spin-glass phase from nonequilibrium measurements

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    The unifying feature of glass formers (such as polymers, supercooled liquids, colloids, granulars, spin glasses, superconductors, ...) is a sluggish dynamics at low temperatures. Indeed, their dynamics is so slow that thermal equilibrium is never reached in macroscopic samples: in analogy with living beings, glasses are said to age. Here, we show how to relate experimentally relevant quantities with the experimentally unreachable low-temperature equilibrium phase. We have performed a very accurate computation of the non-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation ratio for the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass, by means of large-scale simulations on the special-purpose computers Janus and Janus II. This ratio (computed for finite times on very large, effectively infinite, systems) is compared with the equilibrium probability distribution of the spin overlap for finite sizes. The resulting quantitative statics-dynamics dictionary, based on observables that can be measured with current experimental methods, could allow the experimental exploration of important features of the spin-glass phase without uncontrollable extrapolations to infinite times or system sizes

    The Role of Large and Small Scale Hydropower for Energy and Water Security in the Spanish Duero Basin

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    Hydropower has been increasingly seen as a two-fold solution to the provision of renewable energy and water storage. However, the massive deployment of both large and small scale hydropower projects has been reported to cause important environmental impacts at the basin scale. This study assesses the differential contributions to regional energy and water security of large (LHP) and small (SHP) scale hydropower deployment in the Spanish Duero basin, as well as associated cumulative environmental impacts. This is performed through a selection of indicators measured in absolute and relative terms. The results suggest that LHP deployment contributes more to energy and water security, performing better in 10 of the 12 indicators. It also shows higher absolute environmental impacts on flow regime and habitat loss. Meanwhile, when analyzed in relative terms, SHP shows greater impacts in all categories as a result of cumulative effects cascading along the rivers system. These findings suggest that optimizing the use of existing hydropower infrastructure would be beneficial for energy, water and environmental security. This could be implemented by substantially reducing the number of low capacity plants with almost no impact on final energy generation, while enhancing the pumping and storage potential of higher capacity plants

    Sequential nested assembly at the liquid/solid interface

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    This work was supported in part by The Leverhulme Trust (grant no. RPG-2013-177). The synthetic chemistry team thanks the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF, grant no. 200020-159730) for continuous and generous financial support. BK acknowledges EaStCHEM and the Funds for Women Graduates (FfWG) for postgraduate studentships.Studying the stepwise assembly of a four component hybrid structure on Au(111)/mica, the pores of a hydrogen bonded bimolecular network of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic diimide (PTCDI) and 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine (melamine) were partitioned by three and four-armed molecules based on oligo([biphenyl]-4-ylethynyl)benzene, followed by the templated adsorption of either C60 fullerene or adamantane thiol molecules. The characterisation by ambient scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) reveals that the pore modifiers exhibit dynamics which pronouncedly depend on the molecular structure. The three-armed molecule 1,3,5-tris([1,1′-biphenyl]-4-ylethynyl)benzene (3BPEB) switches between two symmetry equivalent configurations on a time scale fast compared to the temporal resolution of the STM. Derivatisation of 3BPEB by hydroxyl groups substantially reduces the switching rate. For the four-armed molecule configurational changes are observed only occasionally. The observation of isolated fullerenes and small clusters of adamantane thiol molecules, which are arranged in a characteristic fashion, reveals the templating effect of the trimolecular supramolecular network. However, the fraction of compartments filled by guest molecules is significantly below one for both the thermodynamically controlled adsorption of C60 and the kinetically controlled adsorption of the thiol with the latter causing partial removal of the pore modifier. The experiments, on the one hand, demonstrate the feasibility of templating by nested assembly but, on the other hand, also pinpoint the requirement for the energy landscape to be tolerant to variations in the assembly process.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Finite Size Scaling and ``perfect'' actions: the three dimensional Ising model

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    Using Finite-Size Scaling techniques, we numerically show that the first irrelevant operator of the lattice λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 theory in three dimensions is (within errors) completely decoupled at λ=1.0\lambda=1.0. This interesting result also holds in the Thermodynamical Limit, where the renormalized coupling constant shows an extraordinary reduction of the scaling-corrections when compared with the Ising model. It is argued that Finite-Size Scaling analysis can be a competitive method for finding improved actions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure