63 research outputs found

    Active methodologies mediated by technologies for the development of professional skills in a special modality professional programme

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    The article presents an action-research programme implemented in the 2019/2020 academic year to carry out the external internships of the students of a Special Modality Professional Training Programme in Auxiliary Operations of Administrative and General Services. Due to the pandemic in 2020, students could not carry out their internships in person in companies to complete their training in the programme. Given the importance that this internship has for the development of their skills and their incorporation into the working world, we proposed its completion in a virtual and synchronous way, using virtual and educational platforms like Genially and the Google Suite tools. In this virtual environment, we recreated a work setting in which they had to connect daily at the established time and perform the functions of an administrative assistant working in the different departments of the company. While the programme was ongoing, we reviewed and adapted the environment based on the results we were obtaining. The objective of this work was to show the effectiveness of active methodologies in the training of students in a special modality professional programme that, together with a Research-Action approach, facilitates the development of the students' work skills while enriching the process and experience of the internship for the teachers involved

    Teachers' professional development through the education practicum: A proposal for university-school collaboration

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    In this article we present the results of an investigation carried out in the 2019/2020 academic year whose objective was to understand how an inclusive and reflective practicum model can improve in teaching professional development as well as initial teacher training, in which the university, teaching practice students and school teachers all actively participated. For this investigation we have carried out a case study in which 2 schools of infant and primary education participated. This included a total of 9 teachers, 5 students of Primary Education Teaching and 2 research professors from the University. The data of the 3 discussion groups that were carried out with all the participants were analysed like so the practicum summaries of the students. The main results show the importance of schools with inclusive methodologies favour initial teacher training to have the theory-practice connection along with the improvement of personal and professional development

    Sistema de predicción por conjuntos a corto plazo sobre la Península Ibérica y Baleares

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    A short-range ensemble precipitation forecast system has been constructed over the Iberian Peninsula and Balearics by means of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Model (MM5). The ensemble system onsists of ten members, each run with a different combination of two different initial conditions from global models, IFS-ECMWF and GFS-NCEP, and five different subgrid-scale physics configurations for one month period, October 2006. The mesoscale verification is made by using observational precipitation data of the Spanish Climatic Network. The created short-range ensemble shows high spread-skill correlation values for daily precipitation. However, the asymmetric shape of the rank histogram indicates some underdispersion, suggesting a biased behaviour. The Talagrand shows as well the underdispersive effect because of its asymmetric distribution. The Relative Operating Characteristic curve shows a very outstanding area indicating the good discrimination capacity. The reliability diagrams are also indicative of the good reliability of the forecasting system, depicting in general good agreement between forecast probability and the mean observed frequency. Because of that, the verification proves the usefulness of the forecasting system over the study area.This work has been partially supported by the research projects CGL2007- 61328/CLI and UE Safewind G.A. No. 213740

    Derivació de línies de cèl·lules mare embrionàries humanes

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    Les cèl·lules mare embrionàries (CME) representen una font potencial de cèl·lules per a ús terapèutic en algunes malalties produïdes per la pèrdua de la funció cel·lular. Normalment, aquestes cèl·lules procedeixen d'embrions donats per les parelles sotmeses a tècniques de reproducció assistida (TRA). Es presenten els resultats obtinguts en el Banc de Línies Cel·lulars del Centre de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona (CMRB), on s'han descongelat 254 embrions donats per parelles sotmeses al programa de fecundació in vitro (FIV) de l'Institut Universitari Dexeus. La taxa de supervivència va ser del 51,9 %. S'han obtingut cinc línies de CME. Tres d'aquestes línies procedeixen d'embrions de mala qualitat i presenten la capacitat d'autorenovació, pluripotència i diferenciació característiques d'aquestes cèl·lules. Els embrions de mala qualitat, sovint descartats en els centres de RA, poden ser una font útil per a la derivació de CME.Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) represent a potential source for cell therapy for many degenerative diseases. Usually hESC lines are derived from surplus embryos donated from couples undergoing In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). We here present the results obtained in the Stem Cell Bank at the Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona. 254 embryos have been thawed. The embryos were donated from couples from the IVF programme at the Institut Universitari Dexeus. The embryo survival rate was 51.9%. Five ESC lines were obtained. Three of these lines came from poor quality embryos. The cell lines present self-renewal, pluripotency, and differentiation properties characteristic of these cells Poor quality embryos, usually discarded in assisted reproduction centres, could be useful for ESC derivation

    Storm Gloria: sea state evolution based on in situ measurements and modeled data and its impact on extreme values

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    Storm Gloria, generated on January 17th, 2020 in the Eastern North Atlantic, crossed the Iberian Peninsula and impacted the Western Mediterranean during the following days. The event produced relevant damages on the coast and the infrastructures at the Catalan-Balearic Sea, due to extraordinary wind and wave fields, concomitant with anomalously intense rain and ocean currents. Puertos del Estado (the Spanish holding of harbors) has developed and operates a complex monitoring and forecasting system (PORTUS System), in collaboration with the Spanish Met Office (AEMET). The present work shows how Gloria was correctly forecasted by this system, alerts were properly issued (with special focus to the ports), and the buoys were able to monitor the sea state conditions during the event, measuring several new records of significant wave height and exceptional high mean wave periods. The paper describes, in detail, the dynamic evolution of the atmospheric conditions, and the sea state during the storm. It is by means of the study of both in situ and modeled PORTUS data, in combination with the AEMET weather forecast system results. The analysis also serves to place this storm in a historical context, showing the exceptional nature of the event, and to identify the specific reasons why its impact was particularly severe. The work also demonstrates the relevance of the PORTUS System to warn, in advance, the main Spanish Ports. It prevents accidents that could result in fatal casualties. To do so, the wave forecast warning performance is analyzed, making special focus on the skill score for the different horizons. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how a storm of this nature results in the need of changes on the extreme wave analysis for the area. It impacts all sorts of design activities at the coastline. The paper studies both how this storm fits into existing extreme analysis and how these should be modified in the light of this particular single event. This work is the first of a series of papers to be published on this issue. They analyze, in detail, other aspects of the event, including evolution of sea level and description of coastal damages

    Validación de la base de datos reticular de la AEMET: temperatura diaria máxima y mínima

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008.[ES]Para cubrir la necesidad de conjuntos de datos reticulares, de alta resolución espacial y a escala temporal diaria, de elementos climatológicos tales como temperatura y precipitación, el Área de Climatología de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología ha desarrollado una base datos reticular de temperatura máxima y mínima con un espaciado de 25x25 km y un registro temporal desde el 1 de enero de 1931 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2006. Estos datos deben ser validados y deben ofrecerse junto con una medida de su precisión. Un método clásico consiste en eliminar del análisis espacial con el que se efectúa la interpolación unos pocos e independientes observatorios, y posteriormente utilizarlos para validar. Así, se mantienen la mayoría de las observaciones en la interpolación.[EN]In order to fulfil the necessity for climatological data onto a regular grid, the Climatic Area of Spanish Meteorological Agency (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología) has developed a regular database by spatial interpolation of maximum and minimum daily temperature. All available observed daily data for the period from 1 January 1931 to 31 December 2006 is used in the interpolation over a 25x25 km regular grid covering the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In order to assess estimation uncertainty, an independent validation procedure has to be carried out and a description of the precision of the grid database should be provided. A classical approach for this procedure is to split the data sample in two parts, and use those to parts for estimation and validation respectively.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el proyecto de investigación CGL2007- 61328/CLI

    Sistema de Predicción por Conjuntos a Corto Plazo para la Península Ibérica y Baleares

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXII Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Alcobendas (Madrid), del 28 al 30 de mayo de 2012.Se ha desarrollado un sistema de predicción por conjuntos generando predicciones probabilistas a corto plazo del campo de precipitación para la Península Ibérica y las Islas Baleares. El sistema está basado en la quinta generación del modelo desarrollado en colaboración entre la Universidad de Pennsylvania State y el National Center for Atmospheric Research (MM5). El sistema se fundamenta en la combinación de dos condiciones iniciales y de contorno provenientes de dos modelos globales, IFS-ECMWF y GFS-NCEP, con cinco configuraciones de parametrizaciones físicas de los fenómenos de sub-rejilla del modelo.Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a los proyectos de investigación CGL2011-25327, AYA2011-29967-C05-02 y VA025A10-2

    Determinación de la capacidad de P. protegens EMM-1 para inhibir a R. oryzae EMM en interacción con plántulas de maíz rojo criollo

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    El maíz es una especie que se originó en México y uno de los principales problemas para su producción es la contaminación por microorganismos patógenos, dentro de los que destacan los hongos fitopatógenos, ya que afectan el crecimiento y desarrollo de la plántula e incluso el almacenamiento de semilla. En el presente estudio se identificó, mediante su descripción fenotípica y molecular a R. oryzae EMM; una cepa aislada de germinados de maíz rojo criollo infectado. Posteriormente, se evaluó la acción antagónica de Pseudomonas protegens EMM- 1 utilizando como control positivo a Bacillus licheniformis LG sobre R. oryzae EMM por medio de los métodos de inhibición de placa dual y doble capa, aunado a esto se realizó una cinética de crecimiento de P. protegens EMM-1 en interacción con R. oryzae EMM en medio líquido y se determinó la acción de P. protegens EMM-1 en interacción tripartida con plántulas de maíz rojo criollo en un medio hidropónico con solución MSJ para lo que se determinó peso húmedo y seco de la plántula al igual que adhesión y colonización de P. protegens EMM-1. En placa dual se observó un porcentaje de inhibición de 83.11±3.66 causado por P. protegens EMM-1 y un 94.20±4.71 causado por B. licheniformis LG a las 96 h. En el método de doble capa, solo P. protegens EMM-1 presentó un halo de inhibición de 0.9±0.04 mm. En la cinética de crecimiento se observó que P. protegens EMM-1 ejerce un efecto inhibidor sobre el micelio de R. oryzae EMM. En la interacción de P. protegens EMM- 1 con R. oryzae EMM en presencia de plántulas de maíz en un sistema hidropónico se observó una disminución la capacidad de R. oyzae EMM para infectar a las plántulas de maíz. Además, la adhesión y colonización de P. protegens EMM-1 en la raíz del maíz fue mayor que la de R. oryzae EMM. En conclusión, P. protegens EMM-1 muestra un muy buen potencial para inhibir el crecimiento de R. oryzae EMM en interacción con plántulas de maíz rojo criollo

    Modifications to the delivery of a gross anatomy course during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Mexican medical school

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    The Coronavirus disease was declared a pandemic this year, causing an impact on medical education. Following the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations, Universities around the world implemented social distancing and the use of online platforms. Anatomists lead medical students, most of which are part of Generation Z. Different technological tools have been used in the gross anatomy course in combination with face-toface classes, but now are forced to move exclusively online. The Human Anatomy Department in the Medical School of the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León (UANL) implemented asynchronous sessions as a short-term resolution, transformed to synchronous sessions as the pandemic progressed. It is important to consider the adaptability of the student, the near-peer teacher, and academic staff, with the creation of innovative ideas to facilitate the learning for the student and to maintain the quality of the course. Their role in this modality should be assessed, as it may change medical education and the way to teach in the future for the new generation of medical students. Professors’ roles are changing and it is necessary to adapt to new situations

    Identificación y distribución temporal de transiciones tropicales en el Océano Atlántico Norte

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.Este trabajo esta parcialmente financiado por los proyectos de investigación PID2019-105306RB-I00 (IBERCANES) and CGL2016-78702 (SAFEFLIGHT). Este trabajo también tiene el apoyo de los Proyectos Especiales del ECMWF SPESMART y SPEVALE. Carlos Calvo-Sancho y Javier Díaz Fernández agradece el contrato otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Programa FPI (PRE2020-092343 y BES-2017-080025, respectivamente)