37 research outputs found

    P4-kbr: A key-based routing system for p4-programmable networks

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) architecture has provided well-known advantages in terms of network programmability, initially offering a standard, open, and vendor-agnostic interface (e.g., OpenFlow) to instruct the forwarding behavior of network devices from different vendors. However, in the last few years, data plane programmability has emerged as a promising approach to extend the network management allowing the definition and programming of customized and non-standardized protocols, as well as specific packet processing pipelines. In this paper, we propose an in-network key-based routing protocol called P4-KBR, in which end-points (hosts, contents or services) are identified by virtual identifiers (keys) instead of IP addresses, and where P4 network elements are programmed to be able to route the packets adequately. The proposal was implemented and evaluated using bmv2 P4 switches, verifying how data plane programmability offers a powerful tool to overcome continuing challenges that appear in SDN networks.This work has been funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), under project grant AriSe2: FINe, (Ref. PID2020-116329GB-C22 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033)

    VNF placement for service function chains with strong low-delay restrictions in edge computing networks

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    The edge computing paradigm, allowing the location of network services close to end users, defines new network scenarios. One of them considers the existence of micro data centers, with reduced resources but located closer to service requesters, to complement remote cloud data centers. This hierarchical and geo-distributed architecture allows the definition of different time constraints that can be taken into account when mapping services into data centers. This feature is especially useful in the Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement problem, where the network functions composing a Service Function Chain (SFC) may require more or less strong delay restrictions. We propose the ModPG (Modified Priority-based Greedy) heuristic, a VNF placement solution that weighs the latency, bandwidth, and resource restrictions, but also the instantiation cost of VNFs. ModPG is an improved solution of a previous proposal (called PG). Although both heuristics share the same optimization target, that is the reduction of the total substrate resource cost, the ModPG heuristic identifies and solves a limitation of the PG solution: the mapping of sets of SFCs that include a significant proportion of SFC requests with strong low-delay restrictions. Unlike PG heuristic performance evaluation, where the amount of SFC requests with strong low-delay restrictions is not considered as a factor to be analyzed, in this work, both solutions are compared considering the presence of 1%, 15%, and 25% of this type of SFC request. Results show that the ModPG heuristic optimizes the target cost similarly to the original proposal, and at the same time, it offers a better performance when a significant number of low-delay demanding SFC requests are present.This work was supported by the AEI/FEDER, UE Project Grants TEC-2016-76465-C2-1-R (AIM)

    Passive In-Band Network Telemetry Systems: The Potential of Programmable Data Plane on Network-Wide Telemetry

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    In the last few years, the emergence of Programmable Data Planes and the appearance of programming protocol-independent languages such as P4 have offered powerful tools to define new network protocols, as well as to redesign existing network applications and systems. Network telemetry is one of the main areas of interest identified by the P4 Application Working Group. The collection of network-wide, fine-grained network information in real-time is a critical requirement for the design of useful and adequate monitoring tools that can be integrated into complex Operations, Administration Maintenance applications. Recent research has focused on the definition and implementation of in-band monitoring systems, where specifically dedicated monitoring packets are not required. Even though the In-Band Network Telemetry specification proposed by the P4 Language Consortium is the starting point of many of the in-band monitoring systems, this is not the only alternative. Therefore, in this work, we will describe and compare other P4-based in-band passive telemetry proposals.This work was supported by the Research State Agency (RSA)/European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) through the European Union Project under Grant TEC-2016-76465-C2-1-R (AIM)

    A simulation study on the health concerns derived from GSM base station placement

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    In the last years a great concern has raised among population due to the placement of the base stations (BS) of cellular systems in urban areas. In some cases, it has been addressed with the (re)installation of BSs in far suburban areas. However, in these cases, mobile stations (MS) must raise transmission power. Thus, users may -potentially- suffer a higher radio exposure. In this paper we quantified the variation of the transmission power in this application scenario. The study has been done by means of the OPNET/GSM framework simulation tool. Suitable propagation models and the GSM power control algorithm have been added to the model, in order to compute the MS transmission power in a real environment. Results reveal a significative increment of the MS transmission power when the BS is relocated to suburban areas. Therefore, we conclude that it is necessary to introduce modifications in the GSM network architecture to solve this issue together with the BS placement problemThis work has been funded by the Spanish Economy, Industry and Innovation Council under the SOLIDMOVIL project (2I04SU044), by Fundación Séneca (Región de Murcia, Spain) ARENA project (00546/PI/04) and by the Spanish Research Council under the ARPaq project (TEC2004-05622- C04-02/TCM). The authors are also indebted to OPNET Technologies Inc. for granting licenses under the OPNET University program

    Análisis comparativo de plataformas MOOC: Coursera y Miríada X

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    [SPA] Los MOOC están siendo considerados como una apuesta de futuro por todas las universidades del mundo. En este trabajo se comparan las características de las plataformas Coursera y Miríada X, que son las mayoritariamente utilizadas por las universidades españolas. El objetivo es proporcionar una base que permita conocer los aspectos legales a tener en cuenta en el momento de implementar un curso MOOC, y a la vez resaltar las características relacionadas con la presencia de herramientas de aprendizaje y gestión de cursos, desde el punto de vista del usuario que accede a estas plataformas para impartir o realizar un MOOC. Para realizar la comparativa se han definido cuatro criterios: aspectos legales y de propiedad intelectual contemplados en cada plataforma, herramientas de aprendizaje, herramientas de soporte y gestión de cursos, y descripción técnica. Los resultados de la comparativa muestran que estas plataformas no presentan diferencias significativas en su estructura y en la gestión de los cursos. Sin embargo, sí en los aspectos legales y de propiedad intelectual. [ENG] MOOC are being considered as a future investment by all universities in the world. In this paper the characteristics of Coursera and Miríada X platforms, which are the most used by Spanish universities, are compared. The aim is to provide a basis for understanding the legal aspects when implementing a MOOC course, while it serves as a guide to highlight the features related to the presence of learning and course management tools. To perform the benchmark, four criteria were defined: legal and intellectual property aspects referred to on each platform, learning tools, support and course management tools, and technical description. The findings indicate that these platforms do not differ significantly in their structure and course management. However, they show differences in the legal and intellectual property aspects

    Desarrollo de servicios y sistemas de comunicación sobre redes overlay peer-to-peer

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    Las redes overlay aparecen con el objetivo de hacer frente a diferentes retos que han aparecido en Internet, tales como la necesidad de proporcionar servicios heterogéneos o la de controlar una red enorme en términos de complejidad y tamaño. Durante los últimos años el Grupo de Ingeniería Telemática de la UPCT ha trabajado en el estudio de los retos de un tipo específico de redes overlay, concretamente las redes P2P. Durante este tiempo se han realizado diferentes diseños con el objetivo de automatizar la gestión de este tipo de redes, proporcionar anonimato y facilitar la transmisión de contenidos multimedia en aplicaciones de video bajo demanda (VoD, Video-on-Demand).Plan I+D+i "Contribución a los nuevos paradigmas y tecnologías de red para las comunicaciones del mañana (CON-PARTE-1)" TEC2007-67966-C03-01/TC

    An INT-based packet loss monitoring system for data center networks implementing Fine-Grained Multi-Path routing

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    In-band network telemetry (INT) is a newer network measurement technology that uses normal data packets to collect network information hop-by-hop with low overhead. Since incomplete telemetry data seriously degrades the performance of upper-layer network telemetry applications, it is necessary to consider the own INT packet loss. In response, LossSight, a powerful packet loss monitoring system for INT has been designed, implemented, and made available as open-source. This letter extends the previous work by proposing, implementing, and evaluating LB-LossSight, an improved version compatible with packet-level load-balancing techniques, which are currently used in modern Data Center Networks. Experimental results in a Clos network, one of the most commonly used topologies in today's data centers, confirm the high detection and localization accuracy of the implemented solution.Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), under project grant AriSe2: FINe, (Ref.PID2020-116329GB-C22 founded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the project (Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province under Grant No. ZR2020LZH010)

    An INT‐based packet loss monitoring system for data center networks implementing Fine‐Grained Multi‐Path routing

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    In-band network telemetry (INT) is a newer network measurement technology that uses normal data packets to collect network information hop-by-hop with low overhead. Since incomplete telemetry data seriously degrades the performance of upper-layer network telemetry applications, it is necessary to consider the own INT packet loss. In response, LossSight, a powerful packet loss monitoring system for INT has been designed, implemented, and made available as open-source. This letter extends the previous work by proposing, implementing, and evaluating LB-LossSight, an improved version compatible with packet-level load-balancing techniques, which are currently used in modern Data Center Networks. Experimental results in a Clos network, one of the most commonly used topologies in today's data centers, confirm the high detection and localization accuracy of the implemented solution.Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), under project grant AriSe2: FINe, (Ref.PID2020-116329GB-C22 founded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the project (Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province under Grant No. ZR2020LZH010)