15 research outputs found

    The structure of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt as constrained by subsurface dat

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    The interpretation of the available seismic lines of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt, conveniently tied with the exploration wells, define the main structural features of this realm of the Pyrenees. In particular, they define the geometry and areal extension of the autochthonous foreland underneath the sole thrust. The mapping ofseveral selected structural lines brings constraints for the structural interpretation of the South-Central Pyrenees, including the cut-off lines between selected stratigraphic horizons of the autochthonous foreland and the branch line between basement-involved thrust sheets and the sole thrust. The thrust salient which characterizes at surface the geometry of the South-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt contrasts with the linear trend of these structural lines at subsurface. This salient has been the result of a secondary progressive curvature developed since Middle Eocene times by thrust displacement gradients during verthrusting of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets above a Paleogene autochthonous sequence. Displacement gradients resulted from the uneven distribution of weak salt layers, mostly the Triassic and the Upper Eocene ones. The minimum amount of South-directed displacement from early MiddleEocene times to Late Oligocene is 52km, which would be significantly higher if internal shortening by folding and cleavage/fracture development as well as hanging-wall erosion is added

    Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among primary healthcare patients in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area: the SeroCAP sentinel network protocol

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    Introduction SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies are currently being recommended and implemented in many countries. Forming part of the COVID-19 monitoring and evaluation plan of the Catalan Government Health Department, our network aims to initiate a primary healthcare sentinel monitoring system as a surrogate of SARS-CoV-2 exposure in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Methods and analysis The seroCAP is a serial cross-sectional study, which will be performed in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area to estimate antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. From February 2021 to March 2022, the detection of serum IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 trimeric spike protein will be performed on a monthly basis in blood samples collected for diverse clinical purposes in three reference hospitals from the three Barcelona healthcare areas (BCN areas). The samples (n=2588/month) will be from patients attended by 30 primary healthcare teams at 30 basic healthcare areas (BHA). A lab software algorithm will systematically select the samples by age and sex. Seroprevalence will be estimated and monitored by age, sex, BCN area and BHA. Descriptive and cluster analysis of the characteristics and distribution of SARS-CoV-2 infections will be performed. Sociodemographic, socioeconomic and morbidity-associated factors will be determined using logistic regression. We will explore the association between seroprevalence, SARS-CoV-2 confirmed cases and the implemented measures using interrupted time series analysis. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the University Institute Foundation for Primary Health Care Research Jordi Gol i Gurina ethics committee. An informed consent is not required regarding the approval of the secondary use of biological samples within the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. A report will be generated quarterly. The final analysis, conclusions and recommendations will be shared with the stakeholders and communicated to the general public. Manuscripts resulting from the network will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals

    Deformation pattern around the Conejera fault blocks (Asturian Basin, North Iberian Margin)

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    The Asturian Basin is located on the coastline of the North Iberian Margin. This basin is dissected by long-lived E-, NE- and NW-striking faults that delineate a series of extensional fault blocks that became shortened during the Upper Cretaceous to Cenozoic Alpine convergence. In the Conejera cove, the NE-striking and SE-dipping Conejera Fault displays a remarkable example of contractional deformation, promoted by the mechanical contrast within the Lower to Middle Jurassic stratigraphic series. Field observations and structural analysis carried out in this study reveal: i) a first system of orthogonal cross-joints oblique to the Conejera Fault and other major onshore boundary faults, ii) a second system of meso-extensional faults parallel to the Conejera Fault, and developed by the reactivation and linkage of the orthogonal cross-joints and iii) a series of contractional folds, thrusts and pressure solution with a predominant NE to ENE trend. Observed relationships and structural analysis suggest an obliquity between the here inferred direction of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous stretching (i.e. about N015E) and the onshore boundary faults, whereas the contractional structures are broadly parallel to the NE-striking Conejera Fault and suggest a roughly SSE- to SE-oriented Alpine convergence

    Weld kinematics of syn-rift salt during basement-involved extension and subsequent inversion : results from analog models

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    Scaled analog models based on extensional basins with synrift salt show how basement topography exerts a control factor on weld kinematics during the extension and inversion phases. In the case of basement-involved extension, syn-rift salt thickness differences may lead to variable degrees of extensional decoupling between basement topography and overburden, which in turn have a strong impact on the development of salt structures. With ongoing extension and after welding, the basin kinematics evolves toward a coupled deformation style. The basin architecture of our experimental results record the halokinetic activity related to growing diapirs and the timing of weld formationduring extension. Moreover, the structures that result from anysubsequent inversion of these basins strongly depends on the inherited welds and salt structures. While those basins are uplifted,the main contractional deformation during inversion is absorbed by the pre-existing salt structures, whose are squeezed developing secondary welds that often evolve into thrust welds. The analysis of our analog models shows that shortening of diapirs is favored by: i) basement topography changes that induce reactivation of primary welds as thrust welds; ii) reactivation of the salt unit as a contractional detachment and iii) synkinematic sedimentation during basin inversion. Finally, in this article, we also compare two natural examples from the southern North Sea that highlight deformation patterns very similar to those observed in our analog models

    The structure of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt as constrained by subsurface dat

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    The interpretation of the available seismic lines of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt, conveniently tied with the exploration wells, define the main structural features of this realm of the Pyrenees. In particular, they define the geometry and areal extension of the autochthonous foreland underneath the sole thrust. The mapping ofseveral selected structural lines brings constraints for the structural interpretation of the South-Central Pyrenees, including the cut-off lines between selected stratigraphic horizons of the autochthonous foreland and the branch line between basement-involved thrust sheets and the sole thrust. The thrust salient which characterizes at surface the geometry of the South-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt contrasts with the linear trend of these structural lines at subsurface. This salient has been the result of a secondary progressive curvature developed since Middle Eocene times by thrust displacement gradients during verthrusting of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets above a Paleogene autochthonous sequence. Displacement gradients resulted from the uneven distribution of weak salt layers, mostly the Triassic and the Upper Eocene ones. The minimum amount of South-directed displacement from early MiddleEocene times to Late Oligocene is 52km, which would be significantly higher if internal shortening by folding and cleavage/fracture development as well as hanging-wall erosion is added

    Història gràfica de la Segarra

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    Direcció: Max Turull Rubinat ; coordinació: Elena Armengol Cera ... [et al.] ; selecció i textos: M. Dolors Allué Albareda ... [et al.].El volum que teniu a les mans representa i és, sens dubte, el testimoni gràfic més complet de la nostra historia recent, reflex fidel d'un temps pretèrit, però no tan allunyant per a nosaltres, entranyable per tot un seguit de raons i, naturalment, emotiu en tots els ordres per a tots aquells que conformen part d'aquesta comunitat segarrenca. Al llarg de les seves pagines, que ens transporten en un viatge imaginen, es pot recórrer el que ha estat la historia de la comarca, els esdeveniments més importants que varen succeir, les festes i tradicions, moltes encara avui, sortosament, arrelades i altres, malauradament, desaparegudes. També es pot reviure el desenvolupament de les activitats de tota mena, tant econòmiques com industrials, educatives, laborals, etc., que representaven els pilars fonamentals de la vida econòmica i social de la Segarra..

    Impact of late presentation of HIV infection on short-, mid- and long-term mortality and causes of death in a multicenter national cohort : 2004-2013

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    To analyze the impact of late presentation (LP) on overall mortality and causes of death and describe LP trends and risk factors (2004-2013). Cox models and logistic regression were used to analyze data from a nation-wide cohort in Spain. LP is defined as being diagnosed when CD4 < 350 cells/ml or AIDS. Of 7165 new HIV diagnoses, 46.9% (CI:45.7-48.0) were LP, 240 patients died.First-year mortality was the highest (aHR = 10.3[CI:5.5-19.3]); between 1 and 4 years post-diagnosis, aHR = 1.9(1.2-3.0); an