246 research outputs found

    Recursos alternativos para la identificación de Aspergillus spp. y la determinación de su potencialidad en la producción de aflatoxinas

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    Los mohos del género Aspergillus causan el deterioro de muchos productos alimenticios, debido a su crecimiento y/o a los productos metabólicos de la invasión fúngica, los cuales suelen ser muy tóxicos tanto para el hombre como para otros animales. Es por esto que la detección e identificación tanto de los hongos como de las toxinas son muy importantes para poder proponer medidas para su control y/o eliminación. Tradicionalmente la identificación de estos hongos se hace en base a las características macro y micromorfológicas, pero actualmente se han desarrollado métodos inmunológicos rápidos para su identificación y técnicas moleculares en base al polimorfismo del DNA nuclear, ribosomal o mitocondrial, para estudios a nivel intra- e inter-específico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de poder identificar a A. flavus de otros Aspergillus spp de importancia médica y económica a partir de cultivos microbiológicos, amplificando mediante PCR, las secuencias íntergénicas de los Aspergillus spp y mediante digestión enzimática ver los patrones electroforéticos en un análisis de PAGE, así como subclonar intermediarios de la ruta biosintética de aflatoxinas en E. coli como sistema de expresión de proteínas recombinantes, con objeto de que en investigaciones futuras se puedan generar anticuerpos policlonales y con esto, una técnica de detección de intermediarios de la ruta biosintética de aflatoxinas tipo ELISA. Se utilizaron 9 especies de Aspergillus (A. orizae, A. tamarii, A. pseudotamarii, A. sojae, A. niger, A. flavus, A. ochraceus, A. terreus, Eurotium chevalieri) cuya digestión de productos amplificados del rDNA por PCR-ITS fueron analizadas mediante PAGE y fue posible detectar un patrón electroforético característico con el que se puede identificar 6 de ellas (A. flavus, A. terreus, Eurotium chevaliery, A. ochraceus, A. orizae y A. niger), y otras 3 especies de Aspergillus (A. sojae, A. pseudotamarii y A. tamarii), obtuvieron el mismo patrón electroforético con el que se puede diferenciar de las otras 6 pero no entre ellas. Además, se sub-clonaron o los genes intermediarios de la ruta omt-A y ord-A de la biosíntesis de aflatoxinas, para que en futuras investigaciones sea posible el desarrollo de un método diagnóstico tipo ELISA y de esta manera evitar el uso de estándares de aflatoxinas en los métodos convencionales y de una manera indirecta inferir que está activa esta ruta de biosíntesis. Abstract Species of Aspergillus can grow on many food products, and some of their metabolic products could be toxic for man and animals. The traditional identification process for these fungi is based on macro and micro morphological characteristics, but currently new immunological rapid methods and molecular techniques based on nucleotide sequence polymorphism from nuclear, ribosomal or mitochondrial DNA for studies at intra or inter specific level, have been developed. The objectives of this investigation were 1) identify A. flavus from other Aspergillus species that are important in health or industry, using amplification of intergenic ribosomal sequence and its electrophoretic analysis bye PAGE. 2) to subclone two intermediate enzymes before of the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway on an E. coli system to obtain recombinant protein as a source for future studies on the potentiality of strains to produce aflatoxins. The isolates of Aspergillus spp (A. orizae, A. tamarii, A. pseudotamarii, A. sojae, A. niger, A. flavus, A. ochraceus, A. terreus, Eurotium chevalieri) were analyzed by restriction analysis of PCR-ITS amplification from rDNA. Six species were differentiated using this technique (A. flavus, A. terreus, Eurotium chevaliery, A. ochraceus, A. orizae y A. niger). The other (A. sojae, A. pseudotamarii y A. tamarii) have the same electrophoretic pattern. The omt-A and ord-A genes were sub-cloned on E. coli and the protein product expressed. These procedures are alternative methods to those previously established and open new field of research

    Bioethics for Biotechnologists: From Dolly to CRISPR

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    Abstract: Bioethics, as a discipline, has developed mainly, but not exclusively, around themes of moral importance for the medical practice, such as abortion and euthanasia, a never ending discussion that has been shaped by social mores and influenced by scientific and technological advance. However, in the past 20 years an important shift has been taking place, one where bioethical issues and their discussion are starting to being driven by the so-called emerging biotechnologies, from cloning to genome sequencing and editing. If Bioethics is concerned with human beings, and their interaction with other living beings and the environment, it makes sense for Biotechnology, by definition the use of living systems or organisms to develop products, to become an important, if not the most important, source of bioethical conflicts in modern era and for future society. As Biotechnology keeps expanding and becomes entangled in everyday life, so does the need for ethical competent biotechnologists, with competencies built not only on ethical principles but also on a realistic grasp of the impact these technologies could have on human society and the world we inhabit. Keywords: Biotechnology, genome editing, animal cloning, ethics, fairness, biothreats, biosafety, biosecurit

    Multifactor implicit measures to assess enterprising personality dimensions

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    Background: Several implicit measures have been proposed to overcome limitations of self-reports. The present study aimed to develop a new implicit association test (MFT-IAT) to assess enterprising-related traits, exploring its reliability and validity evidence. Method: A total of 1,142 individuals (Mean age 42.36 years, SD = 13.17) from the general population were assessed. Participants were asked about sociodemographic data, employment status, and personality traits using the Battery for the Assessment of the Enterprising Personality (BEPE). They completed an MFT-IAT designed to assess the BEPE’s traits (achievement motivation, autonomy, innovativeness, self-effi cacy, locus of control, optimism, stress tolerance and risk taking). Reliability was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha. Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFAs) were performed to assess the internal structure of the MFT-IAT. Correlations and a Multiple Analysis of Variance were used to estimate validity evidence based on the relationship towith participants’ employment status. Results: EFAs provided validity evidence for all dimensions with high internal consistency (a = .92-.93). Correlations between implicit and explicit measures were non-signifi cant. Non- implicit measures yielded signifi cant differences between employment statuses. Discussion: This is a pioneering study in this fi eld and more research is needed to improve the feasibility and practicality of implicit measures in applied assessment settings.The present study was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Refs: PSI2014-56114-P and PSI2017-85724-P) and a predoctoral grant (Ref: BES- 2015-073327). Both funding sources played no role in the study design, data collection, analysis or interpretation of the result

    El uso de ítems inversos en las escalas tipo Likert: una práctica cuestionable

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    The use of positively worded items and reversed forms aims to reduce response bias and is a commonly used practice nowadays. The main goal of this research is to analyze the psychometric implications of the use of positive and reversed items in measurement instruments. Method: A sample of 374 participants was tested aged between 18 and 73 (M=33.98; SD=14.12), 62.60% were women. A repeated measures design was used, evaluating the participants with positive, reversed, and combined forms of a self-effi cacy test. Results: When combinations of positive and reversed items are used in the same test the reliability of the test is fl awed and the unidimensionality of the test is jeopardized by secondary sources of variance. In addition, the variance of the scores is reduced, and the means differ signifi cantly from those in tests in which all items are either positive or reversed, but not combined. Conclusions: The results of this study present a trade-off between a potential acquiescence bias when items are positively worded and a potential different understanding when combining regular and reversed items in the same test. The specialized literature recommends combining regular and reversed items for controlling for response style bias, but these results caution researchers in using them as well after accounting for the potential effect of linguistic skills and the fi ndings presented in this study.Antecedentes: el uso de ítems formulados positivamente junto con otros inversos es una práctica habitual para tratar de evitar sesgos de respuesta. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las implicaciones psicométricas de utilizar ítems directos e inversos en la misma prueba. Método: se utilizó una muestra de 374 participantes con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 73 años (M=33.98; DT=14.12), con un 62,60% de mujeres. Mediante un diseño de medidas repetidas se evaluó a los participantes en una prueba de autoefi cacia con tres condiciones: todos los ítems positivos, todos negativos y un combinado de ambos. Resultados: cuando se utilizan en la misma prueba tanto ítems positivos como negativos su fi abilidad se deteriora, y la unidimensionalidad de la prueba se ve comprometida por fuentes secundarias de varianza. La varianza de las puntuaciones disminuye, y las medias difi eren signifi cativamente respecto de las pruebas en las que todos los ítems están formulados positiva o negativamente. Conclusiones: los resultados de este estudio presentan una disyuntiva entre un posible sesgo de aquiescencia cuando los ítems tienen una redacción positiva y una comprensión potencialmente diferente cuando se combinan ítems regulares e invertidos en la misma prueba. La literatura especializada recomienda combinar ítems regulares e invertidos para poder controlar el sesgo del estilo de respuesta, pero estos resultados advierten a los investigadores que los usen también después de tener en cuenta el potencial efecto de las habilidades lingüísticas y de los hallazgos presentados en este estudio.This research was funded by the Spanish Association of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences and Health (AEMCCO), member of the European Association of Methodology (EAM), and by the FPI programme from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain (PSI2014-56114-P, BES2012-053488, and PSI2017-85724-P)

    Perception of learning through virtual simulation in initial teacher education

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    [EN] Despite the abundant literature on the virtues of simulation methodology in education, evidence of a lack of evaluation instruments to identify the impact of virtual simulation on the learning of future teacher participants is also scarce. The aim of this study is to identify the variables that best describe students learning of current educational issues. A questionnaire consisting of Likert-type items was used as a metacognitive assessment tool to provide data for the study. An exploratory longitudinal study was conducted over three years. Data were collected using students answers to the questionnaire. A convenience sampling procedure was used, with participating students enrolled in the Didactic Resources module of English as a Second Language (ESL) in an Official Master s Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching. The most strongly correlated variables that best explain the dependent variable ( I have gained deeper insights into current educational issues ) addressed inclusion, special learning needs, service learning, and simulation through intercultural dialogue. Each of the variables significantly contributes to the estimation of perceived acquisition of insight into current educational issues through virtual simulation.  [ES] Si bien se encuentra abundante bibliografía sobre las virtudes de la metodología de la simulación en educación, también se evidencia una falta de instrumentos de evaluación que identifiquen el impacto de la simulación telemática sobre el aprendizaje de los futuros docentes participantes. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las variables que mejor describen el aprendizaje de los futuros docentes sobre temas educativos actuales. Para ello, se utilizó un cuestionario de tipo Likert como herramienta de evaluación metacognitiva. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal exploratorio a lo largo de tres años. Los datos se recogieron a partir de las respuestas de los participantes al cuestionario. Se utilizó un procedimiento de muestreo por conveniencia con estudiantes matriculados en el módulo de Recursos Didácticos para la Enseñanza del Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL) en un Máster Oficial en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Las variables altamente correlacionadas y que mejor explican la variable dependiente ( He profundizado en temas educativos de actualidad ) se refieren a la inclusión, las necesidades especiales de aprendizaje, el aprendizaje servicio y la simulación a través del diálogo intercultural. Cada una de las variables contribuye significativamente a la estimación de la percepción de la adquisición de conocimientos sobre cuestiones educativas actuales a través de la simulación telemática.Angelini, ML.; Muñiz Calderón, R.; Cloquell Lozano, A. (2023). Percepción de aprendizaje a través de la simulación telemática en la formación inicial del profesorado. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 21(2):63-82. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2023.19055638221

    Cancellariidae Gray, 1853 del Plioceno de la provincia de Málaga, España

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    Se ha realizado un estudio sistemático de la familia Cancellariidae Gray, 1853 del Plioceno de la provincia de Málaga con el objeto de catalogar la malacofauna perteneciente a dicha familia y la consecuente revisión de las categorías taxonómicas supraespecíficas. Se citan 12 especies: una perteneciente a la subfamilia Admetulinae Troschel, 1869: Admetula sp., y 11 pertenecientes a la subfamilia Cancellariinae Gray, 1853: Cancellaria (Bivetiella) cancellata (Linné, 1766); Sveltia lyrata (Brocchi, 1814); Sveltia varricosa (Brocchi, 1814); Calcarata calcarata (Brocchi, 1814); Trigonostoma (Trigonostoma) umbilicaris (Brocchi, 1814); Trigonostoma (Trigonostoma) bellardii (De Stefani & Pantanelli, 1880); Trigonostoma (Ventrilia) cassidea (Brocchi, 1814); Tribia tribulus (Brocchi, 1814); Bonellitia serrata (Bronn, 1831); Bonellitia bonellii (Bellardi, 1841) y Brocchinia mitraeformis (Brocchi, 1814). Palabras clave: Cancellariidae, Gastropoda, Mollusca, Plioceno, Málaga, España

    Validity and reliability of an optoelectronic system to measure movement velocity during bench press and half squat in a Smith machine

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of a camera-based optoelectronic system to measure movement velocity during bench press and half squat at different load intensities. A total of 22 active males (age: 28.2 +/- 3.9 years; one-repetition maximum bench press: 77.9 +/- 19.0 kg; one-repetition maximum half squat: 116.6 +/- 22.5 kg) participated in this study. After an initial one-repetition maximum testing session, participants performed five repetitions for each load (40%, 60% and 80% one-repetition maximum) and exercise (bench press and half squat) on a Smith machine in the second testing session. A third testing session was used for the test-retest reliability study. Time, displacement and mean propulsive velocity were simultaneously determined by the reference method (T-Force system) and the Velowin system. In bench press, ordinary least products regression analysis revealed low fixed biases for mean propulsive velocity at 40%, time at 60% and displacement at 80% one-repetition maximum (intercept = 0.065 m s(-1), -28.02 ms and 0.87 cm, respectively). In half squat, low fixed biases were also detected for mean propulsive velocity at 40% and 80% one-repetition maximum (intercept = -0.040 and 0.023 m s(-1), respectively), time at 40% and 60% one-repetition maximum (intercept = -53.05 and -101.85 ms, respectively) and displacement at 60% one-repetition maximum (intercept = -1.95 cm). Proportional bias was only observed for mean propulsive velocity at 80% bench press. In half squat, there was proportional bias for time and mean propulsive velocity at 40% one-repetition maximum, and also for time at 60% one-repetition maximum. The reliability test showed low and comparable fixed and proportional biases between systems across exercises and intensities. Velowin confirmed to be a valid and reliable system to measure movement velocity across a wide range of intensities (40%-80% one-repetition maximum) for two basic strength exercises through a robust statistical approach. Velowin would provide coaches and trainers with a suitable, affordable and easy-to-use equipment capable of measuring movement velocity in various exercises at different load intensities

    The illuminated cavern: a singular Gravettian lamp throws light upon the rock art at the cave of La Pileta (Benaoján, Málaga)

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    En este trabajo presentamos el estudio arqueológico, paleontológico, tafonómico, cronológico y geoquímico de una valva de ostra hallada en la cueva de La Pileta. El ejemplar procede de depósitos fosilíferos neógenos dis-tantes más de 10 km del yacimiento. Una vez adaptada, la concha fue empleada como lámpara portátil. La cro-nología 14 C/AMS de la costra carbonatada que sellaba la cubeta nos remite al periodo Gravetiense. Según diversos indicios en la lámpara, durante su vida útil se procesaron o almacenaron pigmentos. Los datos aportados informan sobre la dispersión del simbolismo del Paleolítico Supe-rior Inicial hasta el extremo sudoccidental europeo, así mismo, suma nuevos elementos al debate sobre la exis-tencia de una fase presolutrense en el arte parietal de La Pileta y, por ende, de todo el sur de la Península Ibérica.This paper presents an archaeological, paleontologi-cal, taphonomical, chronological and geochemical study of a fossil oyster valve retrieved at the cave of La Pileta. The specimen was taken from Neogene fossiliferous depo- sits located more than 10 km away from the site. The shell was worked so as to become a portable lamp. 14C/AMS dating of the carbonate crust overlying the shell indicates a Gravettian chronology. Different lines of evidence indicate that during its use life, the valve was used to harbor or process pigments. The data presented throw light on the spread of symbolism in the southwestern corner of Europe during the Early Upper Palaeolithic, and add elements to the debate on the existence of a pre-Solutrean stage in the rock art of La Pileta and, by extension, of the southern Iberian Peninsula

    Mineralogy with Touch

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    En este trabajo se describe la actividad (taller-exposición) de divulgación científica inclusiva realizada dentro del Proyecto Mineralogía con Tacto de la Universidad de Sevilla y en colaboración con la Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles (ONCE). El taller se realizó en el Centro de Recursos Educativos ONCE de Sevilla para estudiantes con diversidad funcional visual de 3º y 4º de la ESO de las Comunidades Autónomas de Andalucía y Extremadura. El taller-exposición versó sobre los minerales, sus propiedades físicas, sus usos y su condición como formadores de rocas. Con el objetivo de hacer efectivo el aprendizaje de este alumnado, los contenidos se diseñaron, trabajaron y experimentaron desde las propiedades organolépticas o sensoriales de los minerales. La valoración del alumnado sobre el enfoque de este taller como estrategia de aprendizaje de conceptos geológicos fue muy positiva.This paper describes an activity (workshop-exhibition) of inclusive scientific divulgation carried out in the framework of the Project ‘Mineralogy with Touch’ supported by the University of Seville in collaboration with the National Organization of Spanish Blind People (acronym ‘ONCE’ in Spanish). The workshop was held in the facilities of the ‘Educational Resource Center ONCE’ (Seville) for students with visual functional diversity. The students, belonging to the 3rd and 4th courses of secondary education (acronym ‘ESO’ in Spanish), came from Andalusia and Extremadura (southern and western Spain, respectively). The workshop-exhibition focused on minerals, their physical properties, their uses and their conditions as rock-forming minerals. In order to make effective the learning of these students, the contents were designed, developed and experimented from the organoleptic or sensorial properties of minerals. The aim of this workshop as a learning strategy for geological concepts was positively assessed by the students.VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Sevill

    Does acute caffeine supplementation improve physical performance in female team-sport athletes? Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: Recent original research and meta-analyses suggest that acute caffeine supplementation improves exercise performance in team-sport athletes (TSA). Nonetheless, most of the studies testing the effects of caffeine on TSA included samples of male athletes, and there is no meta-analysis of the performance-enhancing effects of caffeine on female TSA. The aim of the present study was to synthesize the existing literature regarding the effect of caffeine supplementation on physical performance in adult female TSA. Methods: A search was performed in Pubmed/Medline, SPORTDiscus and Scopus. The search was performed from the inception of indexing until 1 Sep-tember 2021. Crossover randomized controlled trials (RCT) assessing the effects of oral caffeine intake on several aspects of performance in female TSA were selected. The methodological quality and risk of bias were assessed for individual studies using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale (PEDro) and the RoB 2 tool. A random-effects meta-analysis of standardized mean differences (SMD) was performed for several performance variables. Results: The search retrieved 18 articles that fulfilled the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Overall, most of the studies were of excellent quality with a low risk of bias. The meta-analysis results showed that caffeine increased performance in specific team-sport skills (SMD: 0.384, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.077–0.691), countermovement jump (SMD: 0.208, CI: 0.079–0.337), total body impacts (SMD: 0.488; 95% CI: 0.050, 0.927) and hand-grip strength (SMD: 0.395, CI: 0.126–0.665). No effects were found on the ratings of perceived exertion, squat jumps, agility, repeated sprint ability or agility tests performed after fatigue. Conclusions: The results of the meta-analysis revealed that acute caffeine intake was effective in increasing some aspects of team-sports performance in women athletes. Hence, caffeine could be considered as a supplementation strategy for female athletes competing in team sports. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland