11 research outputs found

    Experimental investigations on electrorheological properties of lubricating oils containing ionic liquid. Part 2, Testing in dielectric spectroscopy

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań w tzw. spektroskopii dielektrycznej dwóch mieszanin oraz ich składników, tj. bazowych olejów izolujących i cieczy jonowych jako dodatków aktywnych elektrycznie. W pierwszej części badań [1] stwierdzono występowanie efektu ER w obu mieszaninach, gdy poddane były oddziaływaniu zewnętrznego stałego pola elektrycznego o natężeniu E ≤ 0,2 kV ⋅ mm⁻¹. Efekt elektroreologiczny był jednak krótkotrwały i niepowtarzalny na tej samej próbce cieczy, co sugerowało istotne zmiany jej struktury wewnętrznej. Stosując analizator impedancji HP 4192A, oceniono zmienność ich stałych dielektrycznych (ε) oraz rezystancji (R) i konduktywności (σ) w funkcji częstotliwości (f) stałego pola elektrycznego BIAS-u (DC), dla różnych wartości przyłożonego napięcia (U). Wykonano również testy powtarzane na tych samych próbkach mieszanin w celu zaobserwowania, jak pierwotnie przyłożone pole BIAS-u wpływa na dalsze zachowanie cieczy w polu elektrycznym. Na podstawie rezultatów badań uzyskano podstawę potwierdzenia symptomów zmian struktury wewnętrznej mieszanin, będących wynikiem działania zewnętrznego pola elektrycznego, prowadzących do zaniku efektu ER. W celu rozpoznania mechanizmu zaniku efektu ER zostaną przeprowadzone badania mikroskopowe in situ wytworzonych mieszanin poddanych działaniu zewnętrznego pola elektrycznego.The paper presents the results of investigations of two mixtures and their ingredients i.e. base insulating oils and ionic liquids as electrically active additives using, so called, dielectric spectroscopy. In part 1 of the study [1], the ER effect was found in both mixtures when they were subjected to an external constant electric field with the intensity of E ≤ 0.2 kV ⋅ mm⁻¹. However, the electrorheological effect was short-lived and unique on the same liquid sample, which suggested significant changes in its internal structure. Using the HP 4192 A Hewlett Packard impedance analyzer, the variability of their dielectric constans (ε), as well as the resistance (R) and the conductivity (σ), as a function of the frequency (f) of the constant electric field BIAS-u (DC) was assessed for different values of the applied voltage (U). Repeated tests were also carried out on the same samples of mixtures to observe how the originally applied BIAS field affects the further behavior of the liquid in the electric field. Based on the results of the research, the basis for confirming the symptoms of changes in the internal structure of mixtures, resulting, from the action of an external electric field, leading to the disappearance of the ER effect was obtained. In order to recognize the mechanism of disappearance of the ER effect, in situ microscopic tests of the prepared mixtures, subjected to an external electric field, will be carried out

    Threshold voltage decrease in a thermotropic nematic liquid crystal doped with graphene oxide flakes

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    We report a threshold voltage decrease in a nematic liquid crystal compound, 4-cyano-4′-pentylbiphenyl (5CB), doped with graphene oxide (GO) flakes at a concentration of 0.05–0.3 wt %. The threshold voltage decrease was observed at the same concentration in electro-optic and dielectric spectroscopy measurements. The effect is related to the disrupted planar alignment due to the strong π–π stacking between the 5CB’s benzene rings and the graphene oxide’s structure. Additionally, we present the GO concentration dependence on the isotropic–nematic phase transition temperature, electric anisotropy, splay elastic constant, switch-on time, and switch-off time. The shape and dimensions of the GO flakes were studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of the GO concentration on the physical properties and switching process in the presence of the electric field was discussed

    Electrically tunable total reflection of light by oblique helicoidal cholesteric

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    An oblique helicoidal state of a cholesteric liquid crystal (ChOH) is capable of continuous change of the pitch P in response to an applied electric field. Such a structure reflects 50% of the unpolarized light incident along the ChOH axis in the electrically tunable band determined by P/2. Here we demonstrate that at an oblique incidence of light, ChOH reflects 100% of light of any polarization. This singlet band of total reflection is associated with the full pitch P. We also describe the satellite P/2, P/3, and P/4 bands. The P/2 and P/4 bands are triplets while P/3 band is a singlet caused by multiple scatterings at P and P/2. A single ChOH cell acted upon by an electric field tunes all these bands in a very broad spectral range, from ultraviolet to infrared and beyond, thus representing a structural color device with enormous potential for optical and photonic applications