14 research outputs found

    30P Nowa fizyczna metoda wczesnego diagnozowania i monitorowania leczenia chorych z rozpoznaniem nowotworu

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    Pole magnetyczne o indukcji B > 10 tesli znajduje zastosowanie w analizie indukowanej dwójłomności kołowej surowicy krwi. Analiza oddziaływania silnego pola magnetycznego i elektromagnetycznego pola wiązki świetlnej z surowicą krwi wykazała, że w silnym polu magnetycznym ujawnia się wyraźnie ilościowa różnica magneto-optycznych efektów obserwowanych dla surowic dawców krwi chorych z nowotworami. Dokonano analizy 110 surowic krwi. Pomiary wykonano w silnym impulsowym (B ≅ 30 tesli). Próbki surowicy 23 dawców krwi zostały poddane badaniom mającym na celu określenie naturalnej aktywności optycznej. Surowice te stanowiły punkt odniesienia do analiz surowic chorych onkologicznych. Analizowano surowice chorych z rozpoznaniem raka prostaty, jelita grubego, raka jajnika, w którym w trakcie leczenia oznacza się poziom markerów nowotworowych. Druga grupa chorych to pacjenci z mierzalnymi guzami gruczołu piersiowego, mięsaka, czerniaka, szpiczaka. Dokonano pomiarów magneto-optycznych współczynników a, b, c oraz naturalnej aktywności optycznej α0 surowic.Wykazano wyraźną współzależność między stanem chorego, a wartością współczynnika b oraz jego korelacją ze wzrostem poziomu markerów nowotworowych lub wielkością ognisk przerzutowych. Prowadzone po raz pierwszy badania magnatyczno-optycznej dwójłomności kołowej surowicy są szybką metodą analityczną. Mogą w przyszłości mieć zastosowanie w diagnostyce i monitorowaniu leczenia nowotworów

    70. Meningiomas treated in Greatpoland Cancer Center between 1990–1997

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    IntroductionWe analyzed correlation between age of patient with anaplastic meningiomas, extension of tumor excision, histopatological recognition and time to recurrence and survival.Material and methodsBetween 1990–1997 7 patients with anaplastic meningioma, 3 patients with haemangiopericytoma, 2 patients with sarcoma meningeum (6 women and 6 men) have been irradiated. 7 patients underwent radical excision of the tumor, 5 patients non radical. The patients were irradiated from limited fields to total dose 56–60 Gy/T mostly by energy Co-60 (9 patients) and photons 9 MV (3 patients).ResultsThere are 6 patients with anaplasticum meningioma still alive. 3 patients living 96–108 months, 3 other 30–39 months. Recurrence was confirmed in two male participants who underwent radical surgery in 12 and 29 month from the start of treatment. The first patient died after 16 months with recurrence of the disease. One patient (39 years old) with heamangiopericytoma lives 40 months after radical surgery without evidence of recurrence. Two patients died – one 11 months after radical surgery (41 years old) and the other one (42 years old) 21 months after non radical surgery. Both patients (24 and 59 years old) with sarcoma died (one after 8 months, and the other one after 21 months).ConclusionsPatient with anaplastic meningiomas have long survival. The extension of tumor excision didn’t influence on survival

    71. The results of postoperative radiotherapy in 63 patients with low-grade gliomas treated in Greatpoland Cancer Center

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    IntroductionLow-grade glicomas represents 15% of all primary brain tumors.Material and MethodBetween 1990–97 63 patient with low-grade gliomas were treated in Greatpoland Cancer Center (39 males, 24 females; age between 20–60 year). 15 patients had andegrone complete surgical excision, 48 partial or subtotal excision of tumor. The frontal lobe was affected in 33 patients, the temporal lobe in 14 patients. Patients received conventional irradiaton of 60 Gy.Results*Five patients with histologically verified pilocytic astrocytomas(I) were treated after partial excision, median of age 29.2 year median survival 58 months (27–108). Only one patient died 27 months after radiotherapy. *Thirteen patients with fibrylar astrocytomas(II)-11 post subtotal excision-median age 37.7 year median survival 32.5 months. Recurrent tumor in two patients. Five patients are alive. *Ten patients with protoplasmatic astrocytoma(II)-7 post subtotal excision median of age 43.5 year median survival 30.8 months. Four patients alive. *Seven patients with gemistocytic astrocytomas(II) (6 post subtotal excision)-median age 36 year, median survival 32 months. Only one patient alive. *Eleven patients with oligoastrocytomas(II)-11 post subtotal excision, median age 38.6 year, median survival 43.9 months. Two patients with recrrent tumor. Alive 8 patients. *Seventeen patients with oligodendrogliomas (11 post subtotal excision) median age 39 years, median survival 39 months. One patien with recrrent tumor. Alive 8 patients.Conclusions*30 patients are alive(48%); *histopathologic diagnosis pilocytic astrocytomas asociated with age 10 years younger then either low-grade gliomas and long-term survivors; *poor prognistic factor in gemistocytic astrocytomas-only one patient alive; *five patients with recurrent tumor among 17 to 49 months after radiotheraphy

    92. Medulloblastoma in material of Greatpoland Cancer Ceter between 1990 and 1997

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    IntroductionMedulloblastoma represents 4% of all primary brain tumours.Material and methodBetween 1990-97 7 adults with medulloblastoma were irradiated (4 males, 3 females). It represented 1.7% of all primary brain tumours (we had 400 cases of them during this time). Patients were aged between 18–35 years (median 27.4 years). 5 patients had radical surgical tumour removal. 4 patients had tumour in cerebellar hemispheres and 3 in cerebellar vermis. 1 patient was irradiated with Co 60 beams (the whole neuraxis); the others had irradiation of the whole brain and boost in posterior fossa with X6 MV up to 56 Gy and spinal cord with 18–24 MeV electrons. In the same time 11 children with medulloblastoma (8 boys, 3 girls) were irradiated. During this time we had 101 children with all primary brain tumours aged between 2–16 years (median 8.5 years). Two of them were older then 14 years.ResultsThe longest survival (113 months) had patient aged 18 years after nonradical surgery, irradiation with Co-60 and chemotherapy. 2 patients survived 58 months 3 patients 44 months, 1 patient 28 months. Among children 3 boys survived 79, 54 and 26 months respectively. Other children died 2–24 months after treatment.Conclusions· Medulloblastoma is rare brain tumour. · Radiotherapy improved survivals fundamentally. · Analysis of the survivals shows that follow-up should be continued at least 10 years after treatment. · Young age is poor prognostic factor – children died during first two years after treatment

    On Degradation of Cast Iron Surface - Protective Paint Coat Joint

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    The paper is a presentation of a study on issues concerning degradation of protective paint coat having an adverse impact on aesthetic qualities of thin-walled cast-iron castings fabricated in furan resin sand. Microscopic examination and microanalyses of chemistry indicated that under the coat of paint covering the surface of a thin-walled casting, layers of oxides could be found presence of which can be most probably attributed to careless cleaning of the casting surface before the paint application process, as well as corrosion pits evidencing existence of damp residues under the paint layers contributing to creation of corrosion micro-cells

    On Degradation of Cast Iron Surface-Protective Paint Coat Joint

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    The paper is a presentation of a study on issues concerning degradation of protective paint coat having an adverse impact on aesthetic qualities of thin-walled cast-iron castings fabricated in furan resin sand. Microscopic examination and microanalyses of chemistry indicated that under the coat of paint covering the surface of a thin-walled casting, layers of oxides could be found presence of which can be most probably attributed to careless cleaning of the casting surface before the paint application process, as well as corrosion pits evidencing existence of damp residues under the paint layers contributing to creation of corrosion micro-cells

    78. Screening for prostate cancer in Greatpoland Cancer Center

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    IntroductionBetween November 2000 and January 2001 screening for prostate cancer has been conducted in Greatpoland Cancer Centre. Among men in Poland prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers and cause of deaths.The incidence of clinically diagnosed prostate cancer rises more rapidly with age than does any other malignancy.Material and methodsThe screening involved 1657 male participants. Our research was design with participants eligibility restricted to men 50 to 70 years old who were not already being evaluated for the disease.Screening for prostate cancer was based on prostate specific antigen and digital rectal examination.ResultsAmong patients with elevated PSA level, analysis at PSA ratio was performed (52 patients).All patients with abnormal PSA level and digital examination had (TRUS). Biopsy was performed for 6 patients. Three of them were proven for cancer. During our research we looked for genetic aspect of prostate cancer.ConclusionsScreening for prostate cancer was met with big enthusiasm among men and hopefully very similar screening would be introduced for larger group of patients

    The Effect of a Thin-Wall Casting Mould Cavity Filling Conditions on the Casting Surface Quality

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    The paper presents results of metallographic examination of faults occurring in the course of founding thin-walled cast-iron castings in furan resin sand molds. A non-conformance of the scab type was Observed on surface of the casting as well as sand buckles and cold shots. Studied the chemical composition by means of a scanning electron microscope in a region of casting defects: microanalysis point and microanalysis surface. Around the observed defects discloses high concentration of oxides of iron, manganese and silicon. A computer simulation of the casting process has been carried out with the objective to establish the cause of occurrence of cold shots on casting surface. The simulation was carried out with the use of NovaFlow & Solid program. We analyzed the flowing metal in the mold cavity. The main reason for the occurrence of casting defects on the surface of the casting was gating system, which caused turbulent flow of metal with a distinctive splash stream of liquid alloy

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population:a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold.</p

    Lipid levels, atrial fibrillation and the impact of age: Results from the LIPIDOGRAM2015 study

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