19 research outputs found


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    Co-branding and brand loyalty: higher education institutions perspective

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    There are various strategies for creating brands. One of the branding strategies, i.e. the strategy of creating a brand in the minds of consumers, is the brand alliance, or co-branding. Co-branding is a kind of marketing agreement established to combine several brands. The aim of the article is to present the issue of co-branding and to determine the relationship between loyalty to the brand and the strategy of co-branding on the example of universities. The article is based on the analysis of the subject literature and presents the results of the authors’ original study.There are various strategies for creating brands. One of the branding strategies, i.e. the strategy of creating a brand in the minds of consumers, is the brand alliance, or co-branding. Co-branding is a kind of marketing agreement established to combine several brands. The aim of the article is to present the issue of co-branding and to determine the relationship between loyalty to the brand and the strategy of co-branding on the example of universities. The article is based on the analysis of the subject literature and presents the results of the authors’ original study

    WCAG 2.0 as an element of external communication and branding of selected public administration institutions

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    The article presents issues related to the elements of branding of public institutions (local government units) in the context of the implementation of effective standards for access to content published on the Internet (WCAG 2.0). The presented research results show a far-reaching divergence between the broadly understood image building and the complex aspects of the quality of communication, in particular directed to people with various disabilities

    Academic research on marketing in Central and Eastern Europe : a comparative analysis of scholarly papers published in Polish versus international journals

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    PURPOSE: Poland, as one of the largest countries in Central and Eastern Europe, is still in its early stages when it comes to scholarly development, particularly in the field of marketing. Even though Polish marketing scholars have been improving their research accomplishments for years now, they are still learning how to publish their work in highly ranked journals and how to make their work attractive to international audiences. This study was therefore designed to gain insights into scholarly practice of preparing manuscripts in Poland and to compare them with publications in highly ranked international journals.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: A content analysis was conducted on a sample of 93 papers taken from two distinctive publishers (i.e., 48 papers published in a Polish journal versus 45 manuscripts drawn from an international journal with a moderate impact factor).FINDINGS: Our content analysis allowed to assess the methodology behind academic papers published in both outlets. The results reveal systematic differences between the papers, and they show how the manuscripts vary on many levels (including research design, data analysis and conceptual backgrounds).PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This study could be potentially helpful for Polish scholars, as well as scholars from other emerging European markets, in increasing their chances to get their work published in good journals.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This is the first empirical attempt to investigate the quality of research in one of the largest countries from Central and Eastern Europe (Poland), and to make comparisons with more advanced scholarly markets. Prior studies on scientific excellence and research evaluation referred mostly to bibliometrics. Little has been done, however, to examine qualitative aspects of research practices in various countries.peer-reviewe

    Polskie marki modowe w świadomości młodych konsumentów

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    Poland’s political transformations and the ever-growing globalization caused by the increased popularity of internet and social media, have led to changes in the behaviour of buyers in both the luxury goods market (haute couture) and the market for products destined for mass consumption (prêt-à-porter). The aim of this article is to present the structure and development of the Polish clothing industry and the perception of Polish fashion brands by young consumers. The conclusions of the article are based on literature studies and the author’s research.Zmiana ustroju w Polsce oraz pogłębiający się coraz szybciej, szczególnie za sprawą Internetu i mediów społecznościowych, rozwój globalizacji na całym świecie spowodował zmiany w zachowaniu nabywców, zarówno na rynku dóbr luksusowych (haute couture), jak i dóbr masowej konsumpcji (prêt-à-porter) w Polsce.Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie struktury i rozwoju rynku odzieżowego w Polsce oraz postrzegania polskich marek modowych przez młodych konsumentów.Wnioski zawarte w artykule sformułowano na podstawie studiów literatury przedmiotu, jak i badań własnych o charakterze pierwotnym

    Zarządzanie instytucjami kultury w Polsce a współczesne trendy w konsumpcji

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    The current consumption trends and management of cultural institutions in PolandIn the rapidly changing world, culture is invariably one of the main determinants of society’s development. Culture, viewed as the totality of objective elements of society’s achievements, is an important basis for the existence of any society. In times of crisis and social impoverishment, when higher-level needs are suppressed, and especially in the era of rapidly changing environment and the emergence of new consumer trends, managers of cultural institutions have a particularly difficult task before them. There are, however, managers who respond to these new market conditions including tabloidization and so called “online shopping” with innovative solutions, attracting a growing crowd and, at the same time, contributing to the development of cities and regions. The paper presents contemporary consumer trends and in the context of current issues in the management of cultural institutions in Poland. The purpose of the paper is to verify these consumer trends and to analyse the image of cultural institutions, on the basis of the author’s own survey.The current consumption trends and management of cultural institutions in PolandIn the rapidly changing world, culture is invariably one of the main determinants of society’s development. Culture, viewed as the totality of objective elements of society’s achievements, is an important basis for the existence of any society. In times of crisis and social impoverishment, when higher-level needs are suppressed, and especially in the era of rapidly changing environment and the emergence of new consumer trends, managers of cultural institutions have a particularly difficult task before them. There are, however, managers who respond to these new market conditions including tabloidization and so called “online shopping” with innovative solutions, attracting a growing crowd and, at the same time, contributing to the development of cities and regions. The paper presents contemporary consumer trends and in the context of current issues in the management of cultural institutions in Poland. The purpose of the paper is to verify these consumer trends and to analyse the image of cultural institutions, on the basis of the author’s own survey

    Building scientific institution’s brand with online instruments

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    The brand image is fundamental for the scientific institution. In the high- competitive market the brand may have a significant impact on students decisions but also the decisions made by other stakeholders. The usage of online tools in creating brands and the brand awareness is standard nowdays and is present in many business strategies. The aim of the article is to present the problem on the example of scientific institutions. Based on literature review and empirical study the authors described the usage of most popular online tools in creating the scientific institutions’ brands

    Wykorzystanie instrumentów online w kreowaniu marki szkoły wyższej

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    The brand image is fundamental for the scientific institution. In the high- competitive market the brand may have a significant impact on students decisions but also the decisions made by other stakeholders. The usage of online tools in creating brands and the brand awareness is standard nowdays and is present in many business strategies. The aim of the article is to present the problem on the example of scientific institutions. Based on literature review and empirical study the authors described the usage of most popular online tools in creating the scientific institutions’ brands.Wizerunek marki stanowi fundamentalne znaczenie dla funkcjonowania szkoły wyższej. W okresie zwiększonej konkurencyjności marka może implikować decyzje zarówno studentów jak i pozostałych interesariuszy uczelni. Wykorzystywanie narzędzi online do komunikacji marki oraz kształtowania jej świadomości wśród konsumentów jest działaniem standardowym, na stałe wpisanym do strategii wielu przedsiębiorstw. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problematyki na przykładzie rynku szkół wyższych.. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy literaturowej oraz badań własnych, autorki opisują stopień wykorzystania najbardziej popularnych narzędzi online w kreowaniu wizerunku marki szkół wyższych

    Роль брендинга в некоммерческих организациях

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    Non-profit organizations come in many shapes and forms, and have- as their purpose to provide non-commercial help in different areas of need and that is why there are many definitions of non-profit organizations. The aim of the article is identification of the determinants and ways of creating branding process by NPOs as well as to examine how the process of branding is perceived by the brand managers of these organizations on the Polish market, using the IDEA concept. As a practical implication, this insight will allow managers of volunteer organizations to have a more clear understanding of their and other organizations’ brand image, and to take a more strategic approach to branding process. The research article was based on literature studies and analysis of reports and authors’ own research.Organizacje non-profit występują w wielu kształtach i formach, zaś za swój cel obrały udzielanie niekomercyjnej pomocy w różnych sferach potrzeb, zatem istnieje wiele definicji organizacji niekierujących się osiąganiem zysku. Celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie uwarunkowań i sposobów na proces tworzenia brandingu przez organizacje non-profit, jak również zbadanie, jak proces brandingu jest postrzegany przez zarządzających marką tych organizacji na polskim rynku z użyciem koncepcji IDEA (ang. integrity, democracy, ethics i affinity – rzetelność, demokracja, etyka i podobieństwo). W charakterze implikacji praktycznej wejrzenie w to pozwoli menedżerom organizacji wolontariackich lepiej zrozumieć wizerunek marki ich własnej i innych organizacji oraz mieć bardziej strategiczne podejście do procesu brandingu. Artykuł badawczy został oparty na studiach literatury i analizie sprawozdań oraz na własnych badaniach autorek.Некоммерческие организации выступают во многих формах и в качестве своей цели имеют предоставление некоммерческой помощи в разных сферах нужд, и потому существует много определний некоммерческих организаций. Цель статьи – выявить определители и способы формирования процесса брендинга некоммерческими организациями, а также изучить, как процесс брендинга воспринимается менеджерами бренда этих организаций на польском рынке, с применением концепции IDEA (англ. integrity, democracy, ethics и affinity – надежность, демократия, этика и сходство). В качестве практической импликации проникновение в суть вопроса поможет менеджерам благотворительных организаций более точно понять имидж бренда своей и других организаций и применить более стратегический подход к процессу брендин- га. Эта исследовательская статья основана на изучении литературы, анализе отчетов и на собственных исследованиях авторов

    Crowdfunding − an example of social sharing

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    Czynnikiem rozwoju relacji między przedsiębiorstwami i klientami jest obecnie doskonalenie interaktywności Internetu. Crowdfunding, rozumiany jako demokratyczna cyfrowa metoda finansowania projektów biznesowych i społecznych, w swoim rozwoju korzysta z nowych technologii komunikacyjnych. Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie cech rozwoju crowdfundingu jako miejsca i okazji do uzewnętrznienia prospołecznych i prośrodowiskowych postaw konsumentów idei związanej ze wspomaganym obiektem oraz korzystających z ekonomicznych i społecznych wartości (użyteczności) wynikających z uczestnictwa w nowo powstałej społeczności internetowej.Nowadays, the factor in the development of relations between enterprises and clients is the improvement of Internet interactivity. Crowdfunding understood as a democratic and digital method of financing business and social projects in its development uses new communication technologies and creates conditions to externalize pro-social and pro-environmental consumer attitudes of “ideas” related to the supported object and using economic and social values (usability) resulting from participation in the newly created online community. The aim of the article is to present the developmental features of crowdfunding