31 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the nutritional quality of veal supplemented with organic selenium and its effect on selenium status of people

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    In the first stage of our research we found out a higher content of selenium in the meat of calves of experimental group (with added the organic form of selenium to the feed mixture) compared to control group (fed without organic form of selenium). In the second stage of our research we focused on monitoring the impact of selenium enriched veal meat and on selenium concentration in blood serum and the selected biochemical parameters of lipid spectrum of the experimental group of volunteers. Ten people who were participating in the research were at the age range between 29 - 56 years. All the volunteers consumed veal meat enriched with organic selenium for 4 weeks. Before starting the experiment we took venous blood of the volunteers and this blood was considered as a control sample of selenium in blood serum of the experimental group. Selenium concentration in blood serum of the examined group was determined by an average of 58.31 ±5.36 mg.L.-1 and none of them reached the optimal level of selenium. Consequently, we carried out the additional blood sampling after 2 and 4 weeks of the consumption of veal meat. There was registered a slight increasing of selenium status, whereas after the finishing the consumption, we determined the average selenium concentration in blood serum of the experimental group 60.73 ±4.05 mg.L-1. The evaluation of lipid profile of the experimental group showed (after input blood sampling) higher values of total cholesterol level and lower levels of HDL cholesterol. This fact shows the higher risk of starting the cardiovascular diseases. Reported research results didn't show statistically significant changes of blood lipid spectrum of the experimental group. We concluded that the consumption of supplemented veal meat can positively affect the level of selenium in our body and thereby increase it can increase the protective effect against the influence of free radicals

    Effect of short-term consumption bitter apricot seeds on the body composition in healthy population

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    The distribution of fat in different areas of the body is important since accumulation of fat within the abdominal cavity represents a much more severe cardiovascular risk than accumulation in subcutaneous adipose tissues. Apricot seeds contain a wide variety of bioactive compounds and that consumption can decrease blood pressure and total blood cholesterol levels, fight oxidative stress and maintain body weight. The aim of the study was to analyse body composition: body fat mass (BFM), fat free mass (FFM), skeletal muscle mass (SMM), body fat percentage (%BFM), visceral fat area (VFA), total body water (TBW) - intracellular water (ICW) and extracellular water (ECW) and to evaluate the changes that occur after 6-weeks consumption of bitter apricot seeds. The study group finally consisted of 34 healthy adults volunteers (21 females and 13 males). Volunteers were recruited from the general population of Slovakia. Respondents were 23 - 65 years old, where the average age of women was 40.65 ±11.31 years and the average age of men was 36.91 ±9.98 years. All participants were asked to consume 60 mg.kg-1 of body weight of bitter apricot seeds daily during 6 weeks. Body composition was diagnosed by multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MFBIA) by InBody 720 (Biospace Co., Korea), which measures the total impedance at frequencies of 1, 5, 50, 100, 500, 1000 kHz. At baseline mean body weight was 85.78 ±14.66 and 62.84 ±12.19 kg in the male and female participants, respectively. After 6 weeks of consumation we observed non-significant decreasing of mean body weight. The mean BFM was 19.25 ±8.81 kg in the male group and 19.47 ±7.21 kg in the female group. After six weeks, BFM decreased non-significantly (on average 0.5 kg) in both groups. The mean FFM at baseline was 43.37 ±5.98 and 66.54 ±7.98 kg in the female and male participants, respectively. The statistical analysis confirmed that the increase of FFM (43.37 ±5.98 kg to 43.56 ±5.80 kg) in the female were statistically significant (p <0.05). VFA was greater in the men (82.04 ±39.82 cm2 at baseline and 78.65 ±39.79 cm2 after 6 weeks) comparison to women (79.82 ±29.03 cm2 at baseline and 78.29 ±29.90 cm2 after 6 weeks). The mean of TBW in males before the start of study was 48.78 ±5.77 kg and 47.88 ±5.57 kg after 6 weeks of consumption. The results of study show the small weight loss in the both group. Therefore, the results from this study indicate that daily consumption of bitter apricot seeds produce measurable health benefits, but further studies are also required

    Benefits of sea buckthorn juice consumption in women of productive age with hypercholesterolemia

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    Background. Sea buckthorn contains almost 200 nutrients and bioactive substances, including phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, minerals, alkaloids, chlorophyll derivatives, amines, organic acids, fatty acids and phytosterols. Human and animal studies suggest that sea buckthorn may have a variety of beneficial effects: cardioprotective, antiatherogenic, antioxidant, anticancer, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antiinflammatory. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of regular consumption of 100% sea buckthorn juice on the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in women of productive age with hypercholesterolemia. Material and Methods. A clinical study involved 19 women with a mean age of 54.06 ±2.97 years who consumed 50 mL of sea buckthorn juice daily for 8 weeks. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters in blood serum were monitored before the start of sea buckthorn consumption and after 8 weeks of consumption. Body composition was determined using an multifrequency analyzer InBody720. Routine biochemical analyzes were performed by standard methods in an accredited laboratory of the University Hospital by automatic biochemical analyzer BioMajesty JCA-BM6010/C. Statistical comparison between individual measurements was performed using a paired t-test, using Statistica Cz version 10 (TIBCO Software, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA). Results. We observed significant decrease of body weight, body mass index (P0.05). After the intervention, we observed decrease of orosomucoid, immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M (P<0.001) and C-reactive protein (P<0.01). Conclusions. The obtained results support the hypothesis that the daily consumption of sea buckthorn juice for eight weeks could contribute to the beneficial effects of reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as the reduction of body and visceral fat, LDL-C, CRP and the increase of HDL-C

    Comparison between a tax burden of self employed person and shareholder of limited liability company

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    Diploma thesis is focused on a comparison between a tax burden of self employed person and limited liability company, precisely, its shareholder. Main goal is to draw a comparison between the taxation of individuals and also scrutinize benefits (or drawbacks) of becoming a self-employed person from a tax perspective or whether is more advantageous establishing a single-member limited liability company. The percentage of a withhold rate enables the quantification of a tax burden, an effective tax rate and an average tax rate. This thesis includes comprehensive case study based on several specified restrictions

    Physiotherapeutic Procedures in a Patient after Elbow Joint Fracture

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    FyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Psychologická rehabilitace depresí pomocí počítačů

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    Katedra psychologieFilozofická fakult

    Types of Text in "Menus" in Germany and Austria: Introduction and Sample Analysis

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    This bachelor thesis focuses on the specific types of text "Menus", where it deals with its similarities and differences on 40 samples from Germany and Austria. The theoretical part is focusing on the basic qualities of this specific text type. An analyse of ten menus from northern, central and southern Germany and from different parts of Austria will be done in the empiric part. The bachelor thesis focuses on the structure of menus, its diatopic specifics of using vocabulary regarding the field of gastronomy (Kloß vs. Knödel, Kartoffel vs. Erdapfel, etc. ) from the point of view of the semantics and word formation

    Regulation of the regional cerebral blood flow during functional activation and CNS pathology

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    Cíl práce: Zjistit, ZDA u potkanů s chronickou epilepsií dochází k dysregulaci regionálního krevního průtoku v mozků. Metoda: K vyvolání epilepsie u experimentální Skupiny was použit LiClpilocarpinový Model epilepsie. 3-6 měsíců po vyvolání iniciálního SE byly implantovány stimulační snímací elektrody přiložena sonda Laser Doppleru kontralaterálně od stimulačních Elektrod u kontrolni i experimentální Skupiny. Zmeny rCBF byly monitorovány v průběhu transcallosální stimulace se zvyšující se intenzitou proudu za současného snímání EEG. Výsledky: Stimulace kontralaterálního kortexu senzomotorického vyvolala signifikantní vzestup rCBF u obou Skupin potkanů. Tvar Křivky was u obou Skupin monofázický s tendencí rychlejšího návratu krevního průtoku na hodnotu Původní U experimentální Skupiny. Sklon Vstupné / dojít Výstupní Křivky was u experimentální Skupiny signifikantně vyšší. Závěr: Údaje o Výsledná poukazují na to, ZE JE rCBF u chronicky epileptických potkanů signifikantně změněný. Klíčová slova: regionální mozkový krevní průtok, epilepsie, transcallosální stimulace, LDF, EEG Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Financial analysis and financial plan of Vodňanská drůbež, a.s.

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    In this bachelor's thesis, in which a company named Vodňanská drůbež, a.s. is analyzed, is being discussed the evaluation of its financial health during the years 2006 and 2011 and the result of it is outlining of financial plan for the year 2012. The company does business in area of the "Wholesale of meat and meat products". The ratios and their pyramidal decompositions are used for financial analysis in the thesis and the bankruptcy and financial standing models are applied to the company. Whereas the company went through merger in the year 2010, it was proper to analyze advantage or disadvantage of the merger and also to compare the results of analyzed company with results, which arose by the sum of merging companies in monitored years. It was needed to find a similar company to draw a comparison thereby to determine economic stability of the analyzed company. The second part of the bachelor's thesis was focused on one-year financial plan, which was based on the values of 2010 and 2011, i.e. the years after merger. Due to working out this thesis I found out the results of the company were negatively affected by many events that happened during the years. Nevertheless the company showed more satisfying values than the companies involved in a merger. In opposite, the competitive company does its business better than the analyzed one