735 research outputs found

    Dalla grazia cortigiana alla ragion di stato cattolica, ovvero un percorso della legittimazione politica da Carlo V a Filippo II

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    The Energy Landscape of Human Serine Racemase

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    Human serine racemase is a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent dimeric enzyme that catalyzes the reversible racemization of L-serine and D-serine and their dehydration to pyruvate and ammonia. As D-serine is the co-agonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors for glutamate, the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, the structure, dynamics, function, regulation and cellular localization of serine racemase have been investigated in detail. Serine racemase belongs to the fold-type II of the PLP-dependent enzyme family and structural models from several orthologs are available. The comparison of structures of serine racemase co-crystallized with or without ligands indicates the presence of at least one open and one closed conformation, suggesting that conformational flexibility plays a relevant role in enzyme regulation. ATP, Mg2+, Ca2+, anions, NADH and protein interactors, as well as the post-translational modifications nitrosylation and phosphorylation, finely tune the racemase and dehydratase activities and their relative reaction rates. Further information on serine racemase structure and dynamics resulted from the search for inhibitors with potential therapeutic applications. The cumulative knowledge on human serine racemase allowed obtaining insights into its conformational landscape and into the mechanisms of cross-talk between the effector binding sites and the active site

    Chemogenomics of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate dependent enzymes

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    Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) dependent enzymes comprise a large family that plays key roles in amino acid metabolism and are acquiring an increasing interest as drug targets. For the identification of compounds inhibiting PLP-dependent enzymes, a chemogenomics-based approach has been adopted in this work. Chemogenomics exploits the information coded in sequences and three-dimensional structures to define pharmacophore models. The analysis was carried out on a dataset of 65 high-resolution PLP-dependent enzyme structures, including representative members of four-fold types. Evolutionarily conserved residues relevant to coenzyme or substrate binding were identified on the basis of sequence-structure comparisons. A dataset was obtained containing the information on conserved residues at substrate and coenzyme binding site for each representative PLP-dependent enzyme. By linking coenzyme and substrate pharmacophores, bifunctional pharmacophores were generated that will constitute the basis for future development of small inhibitors targeting specific PLP-dependent enzymes

    Cooperative Oxygen Binding to Scapharca inaequivalvis Hemoglobin in the Crystal

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    Oxygen binding to homodimeric Scapharca inaequivalvis hemoglobin (HbI) crystals has been investigated by single-crystal polarized absorption microspectrophotometry. The saturation curve, characterized by a Hill coefficient n(H) = 1.45 and an oxygen pressure at half saturation p(50) = 4.8 torr, at 15 degrees C, shows that HbI in the crystalline state retains positive cooperativity in ligand binding. This finding will permit the correlation of the oxygen-linked conformational changes in the crystal with the expression of cooperativity. Polarized absorption spectra of deoxy-HbI, oxy-HbI, and oxidized HbI crystals indicate that oxygenation does not induce heme reorientation, whereas oxidation does. Lattice interactions prevent the dissociation of oxidized dimers that occurs in solution and stabilize an equilibrium distribution of pentacoordinate and hexacoordinate high spin species

    Global Diversification, Industrial Diversification, and Firm Value

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    Using a sample of 27,287 firm-years over the period of 1983-1993 we document an increasing trend in both the incidence and level of global diversification over time. This trend does not, however, reflect a substitution of global for industrial diversification. Global diversification results in average valuation discounts of the same magnitude as those for industrial diversification. Analysis of the changes in excess value associated with changes in diversification status reveals that increases in global diversification reduce excess value, while reductions in global diversification increase excess value

    Functional Properties of the Active Core of Human Cystathionine β-Synthase Crystals

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    Human cystathionine beta-synthase is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate enzyme containing a heme binding domain and an S-adenosyl-l-methionine regulatory site. We have investigated by single crystal microspectrophotometry the functional properties of a mutant lacking the S-adenosylmethionine binding domain. Polarized absorption spectra indicate that oxidized and reduced hemes are reversibly formed. Exposure of the reduced form of enzyme crystals to carbon monoxide led to the complete release of the heme moiety. This process, which takes place reversibly and without apparent crystal damage, facilitates the preparation of a heme-free human enzyme. The heme-free enzyme crystals exhibited polarized absorption spectra typical of a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent protein. The exposure of these crystals to increasing concentrations of the natural substrate l-serine readily led to the formation of the key catalytic intermediate alpha-aminoacrylate. The dissociation constant of l-serine was found to be 6 mm, close to that determined in solution. The amount of the alpha-aminoacrylate Schiff base formed in the presence of l-serine was pH independent between 6 and 9. However, the rate of the disappearance of the alpha-aminoacrylate, likely forming pyruvate and ammonia, was found to increase at pH values higher than 8. Finally, in the presence of homocysteine the alpha-aminoacrylate-enzyme absorption band readily disappears with the concomitant formation of the absorption band of the internal aldimine, indicating that cystathionine beta-synthase crystals catalyze both beta-elimination and beta-replacement reactions. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the heme moiety is not directly involved in the condensation reaction catalyzed by cystathionine beta-synthase

    Effect of pH and Monovalent Cations on the Formation of Quinonoid Intermediates of the Tryptophan Synthase α2β2 Complex in Solution and in the Crystal

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    Quinonoid intermediates play a key role in the catalytic mechanism of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes. Whereas the structures of other pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-bound intermediates have been determined, the structure of a quinonoid species has not yet been reported. Here, we investigate factors controlling the accumulation and stability of quinonoids formed at the beta-active site of tryptophan synthase both in solution and the crystal. The quinonoids were obtained by reacting the alpha-aminoacrylate Schiff base with different nucleophiles, focusing mainly on the substrate analogs indoline and beta-mercaptoethanol. In solution, both monovalent cations (Cs(+) or Na(+)) and alkaline pH increase the apparent affinity of indoline and favor accumulation of the indoline quinonoid. A similar pH dependence is observed when beta-mercaptoethanol is used. As indoline and beta-mercaptoethanol exhibit very distinct ionization properties, this finding suggests that nucleophile binding and quinonoid stability are controlled by some ionizable protein residue(s). In the crystal, alkaline pH favors formation of the indoline quinonoid as in solution, but the effect of cations is markedly different. In the absence of monovalent metal ions the quinonoid species accumulates substantially, whereas in the presence of sodium ions the accumulation is modest, unless alpha-subunit ligands are also present. Alpha-subunit ligands not only favor the formation of the intermediate, but also reduce significantly its decay rate. These findings define experimental conditions suitable for the stabilization of the quinonoid species in the crystal, a critical prerequisite for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of this intermediate
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