279 research outputs found

    Evaluation of temporal moments and Fourier transformed data in time-domain diffuse optical tomography

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    Time-domain diffuse optical tomography (TD-DOT) uses near-infrared pulsed lasers as light sources to measure time-varying exitance on the boundary of the target. These are used to estimate optical properties of the imaged target. Several integral-transform-based moments of the time-resolved data have been utilized in TD-DOT, the most common being the mean time of flight and variance. Recently, it has been shown that Fourier transforming the time-domain data to frequency domain enables utilization of these data at one or several frequencies, producing equally as good estimates as the whole time-domain data. In this work, we present a systematic comparison of the usage of the temporal moments and Fourier transformed data in TD-DOT. Both absolute and difference imaging are evaluated using numerical simulations. The simulations show that utilizing temporal moments and Fourier transformed data in TD-DOT provides good quality reconstructions with a good estimation accuracy. These estimates are improved if more than one data type is used. Furthermore, the simulations show that the frequency-domain computations enable computationally cheaper and straightforward implementation of the inverse solver when compared to the temporal moments

    A truncated Fourier-transform based approach for time-domain diffuse optical tomography

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    Time-domain diffuse optical tomography utilizing truncated Fourier series approximation

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    Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) uses near infrared light for in vivo imaging of spatially varying optical parameters in biological tissues. It is known that time-resolved measurements provide the richest information on soft tissues, among other measurement types in DOT such as steady-state and intensity-modulated measurements. Therefore, several integral-transform-based moments of the time-resolved DOT measurements have been considered to estimate spatially distributed optical parameters. However, the use of such moments can result in low-contrast images and cross-talks between the reconstructed optical parameters, limiting their accuracy. In this work, we propose to utilize a truncated Fourier series approximation in time-resolved DOT. Using this approximation, we obtained optical parameter estimates with accuracy comparable to using whole time-resolved data that uses low computational time and resources. The truncated Fourier series approximation based estimates also displayed good contrast and minimal parameter cross-talk, and the estimates further improved in accuracy when multiple Fourier frequencies were used

    A model-based iterative learning approach for diffuse optical tomography

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    Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) utilises near-infrared light for imaging spatially distributed optical parameters, typically the absorption and scattering coefficients. The image reconstruction problem of DOT is an ill-posed inverse problem, due to the non-linear light propagation in tissues and limited boundary measurements. The ill-posedness means that the image reconstruction is sensitive to measurement and modelling errors. The Bayesian approach for the inverse problem of DOT offers the possibility of incorporating prior information about the unknowns, rendering the problem less ill-posed. It also allows marginalisation of modelling errors utilising the so-called Bayesian approximation error method. A more recent trend in image reconstruction techniques is the use of deep learning, which has shown promising results in various applications from image processing to tomographic reconstructions. In this work, we study the non-linear DOT inverse problem of estimating the (absolute) absorption and scattering coefficients utilising a ‘model-based’ learning approach, essentially intertwining learned components with the model equations of DOT. The proposed approach was validated with 2D simulations and 3D experimental data. We demonstrated improved absorption and scattering estimates for targets with a mix of smooth and sharp image features, implying that the proposed approach could learn image features that are difficult to model using standard Gaussian priors. Furthermore, it was shown that the approach can be utilised in compensating for modelling errors due to coarse discretisation enabling computationally efficient solutions. Overall, the approach provided improved computation times compared to a standard Gauss-Newton iteration

    Perturbation Monte Carlo Method for Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography

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    Quantitative photoacoustic tomography aims at estimating optical parameters from photoacoustic images that are formed utilizing the photoacoustic effect caused by the absorption of an externally introduced light pulse. This optical parameter estimation is an ill-posed inverse problem, and thus it is sensitive to measurement and modeling errors. In this work, we propose a novel way to solve the inverse problem of quantitative photoacoustic tomography based on the perturbation Monte Carlo method. Monte Carlo method for light propagation is a stochastic approach for simulating photon trajectories in a medium with scattering particles. It is widely accepted as an accurate method to simulate light propagation in tissues. Furthermore, it is numerically robust and easy to implement. Perturbation Monte Carlo maintains this robustness and enables forming gradients for the solution of the inverse problem. We validate the method and apply it in the framework of Bayesian inverse problems. The simulations show that the perturbation Monte Carlo method can be used to estimate spatial distributions of both absorption and scattering parameters simultaneously. These estimates are qualitatively good and quantitatively accurate also in parameter scales that are realistic for biological tissues

    Nonlinear approach to difference imaging in diffuse optical tomography

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    Difference imaging aims at recovery of the change in the optical properties of a body based on measurements before and after the change. Conventionally, the image reconstruction is based on using difference of the measurements and a linear approximation of the observation model. One of the main benefits of the linearized difference reconstruction is that the approach has a good tolerance to modeling errors, which cancel out partially in the subtraction of the measurements. However, a drawback of the approach is that the difference images are usually only qualitative in nature and their spatial resolution can be weak because they rely on the global linearization of the nonlinear observation model. To overcome the limitations of the linear approach, we investigate a nonlinear approach for difference imaging where the images of the optical parameters before and after the change are reconstructed simultaneously based on the two datasets. We tested the feasibility of the method with simulations and experimental data from a phantom and studied how the approach tolerates modeling errors like domain truncation, optode coupling errors, and domain shape errors

    Local volume fraction distributions of axons, astrocytes, and myelin in deep subcortical white matter

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    This study aims to statistically describe histologically stained white matter brain sections to subsequently inform and validate diffusion MRI techniques. For the first time, we characterise volume fraction distributions of three of the main structures in deep subcortical white matter (axons, astrocytes, and myelinated axons) in a representative cohort of an ageing population for which well-characterized neuropathology data is available. We analysed a set of samples from 90 subjects of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS), stratified into three groups of 30 subjects each, in relation to the presence of age-associated deep subcortical lesions. This provides volume fraction distributions in different scenarios relevant to brain diffusion MRI in dementia. We also assess statistically significant differences found between these groups. In agreement with previous literature, our results indicate that white matter lesions are related with a decrease in the myelinated axons fraction and an increase in astrocytic fraction, while no statistically significant changes occur in axonal mean fraction. In addition, we introduced a framework to quantify volume fraction distributions from 2D immunohistochemistry images, which is validated against in silico simulations. Since a trade-off between precision and resolution emerged, we also performed an assessment of the optimal scale for computing such distributions

    Do coherent risk measures identify assets risk profiles similarly? Evidence from international futures markets

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    The authors consider Lévy processes with conditional distributions belonging to a generalized hyperbolic family and compare and contrast full density-based Lévy-expected shortfall (ES) risk measures and Lévy-spectral risk measures (SRM) with those of a traditional tail-based unconditional extreme value (EV) approach. Using the futures data of leading markets the authors find that ES and SRM often differ in recognizing the risk profiles of different assets. While EV (extreme value) is often found to be more consistent than Lévy models, Lévy measures often perform better than EV measures when compared with empirical values. This becomes increasingly apparent as investors become more risk averse

    Population-based Bayesian regularization for microstructural diffusion MRI with NODDIDA.

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    PURPOSE:Information on the brain microstructure can be probed by Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI). Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging with Diffusivities Assessment (NODDIDA) is one of the simplest microstructural model proposed. However, the estimation of the NODDIDA parameters from clinically plausible dMRI acquisition is ill-posed, and different parameter sets can describe the same measurements equally well. A few approaches to resolve this problem focused on developing better optimization strategies for this non-convex optimization. However, this fundamentally does not resolve ill-posedness. This article introduces a Bayesian estimation framework, which is regularized through knowledge from an extensive dMRI measurement set on a population of healthy adults (henceforth population-based prior). METHODS:We reformulate the problem as a Bayesian maximum a posteriori estimation, which includes as a special case previous approach using non-informative uniform priors. A population-based prior is estimated from 35 subjects of the MGH Adult Diffusion data (Human Connectome Project), acquired with an extensive acquisition protocol including high b-values. The accuracy and robustness of different approaches with and without the population-based prior is tested on subsets of the MGH dataset, and an independent dataset from a clinically comparable scanner, with only clinically plausible dMRI measurements. RESULTS:The population-based prior produced substantially more accurate and robust parameter estimates, compared to the conventional uniform priors, for clinically feasible protocols, without introducing any evident bias. CONCLUSIONS:The use of the proposed Bayesian population-based prior can lead to clinically feasible and robust estimation of NODDIDA parameters without changing the acquisition protocol

    Approximate Marginalization of Absorption and Scattering in Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography

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    In fluorescence diffuse optical tomography (fDOT), the reconstruction of the fluorophore concentration inside the target body is usually carried out using a normalized Born approximation model where the measured fluorescent emission data is scaled by measured excitation data. One of the benefits of the model is that it can tolerate inaccuracy in the absorption and scattering distributions that are used in the construction of the forward model to some extent. In this paper, we employ the recently proposed Bayesian approximation error approach to fDOT for compensating for the modeling errors caused by the inaccurately known optical properties of the target in combination with the normalized Born approximation model. The approach is evaluated using a simulated test case with different amount of error in the optical properties. The results show that the Bayesian approximation error approach improves the tolerance of fDOT imaging against modeling errors caused by inaccurately known absorption and scattering of the target
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