7 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to realize the economic deterministic analysis of steers production system in full cycle, finished in feedlot or cultivated pasture at twenty-four months old, utilizing or not the quality bonus from slaughterhouses. The study was realized using data from meta-analytic survey of studies in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, in Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets. The systems were simulated considering the male and female calves weaned early, at the tree months of age, and finished at the 24 months of age in feedlot or cultivated pasture. After the slaughter, it was realized the economic deterministic analysis. According to financial return indicators net present value (NPV), benefit:cost index (IB:C) and additional return on investment (ROI) only the system in pasture show return at the end of planning horizon, and the internal return rate (IRR), modified internal return rate (MIRR) and discounted payback (PBd), show that this system possesses a higher risk of investment. The feedlot system show negative results as a investment project. The bigger cost center was depreciation, feeding supply and taxes, and the quality bonus shows up an interesting alternative of return, but was not sufficient to render the feedlot system a viable project.Keywords: bioeconomic; economic indicators; economic viability; productive systems; risk analysis


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate carcass characteristics and testicular biometry of non-castrated Hereford (H), 3/4H 1/4 Nellore (N), 5/8H 3/8N and 3/4 Charolais (C) 1/4 N males, slaughtered at fourteen months of age. No statistical difference occurred among genetic groups for final and carcasses weights and dressing percentages. The sawcut yield was higher in 3/4CN than other genotypes. Ribcut yield was higher for 5/8HN in relation to 3/4HN and 3/4CN. Longissimus dorsi area was higher for 3/4CN (71.5 cm2) animals in relation to Hereford (63.5 cm2). Hereford animals also showed lower leg length than all other groups. The 3/4CN males showed lower (2.6 mm) subcutaneous fat thickness than Hereford (5.0 mm), 5/8HN (4.1 mm) and 3/4HN (4.1 mm) ones. In conclusion, all genetic groups get compatible carcass characteristics for young cattle market. Besides, muscular development related characteristics, such as conformation and sawcut yield, were better in Charolais crossbred genotype, while characteristics related to fat deposition, such as fat thickness and ribcut yield, were better in Hereford and crossbred Hereford genotypes


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    O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa e análise foi realizar um levantamento dos conhecimentos empíricos sobre as atividades de campo acumulados por capatazes de pecuária, que trabalham na região de Dom Pedrito, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram entrevistados 20 capatazes de pecuária, com no mínimo oito anos de trabalho rural nesse cargo. A partir desses dados, foi feita uma análise técnica desses conhecimentos, com o intuito de criar informações que permitam a manutenção da profissão de capataz, reconhecendo nela uma atividade laboral melhor remunerada e que sempre foi motivadora dos trabalhadores dessa classe e daqueles subordinados a ela. Espera-se com isso, que surjam iniciativas que foquem a reciclagem da profissão e pesquisas que tragam explicações técnicas para um conhecimento empírico às vezes pouco valorizado pela sociedade

    Deterministic economic analysis of feedlot Red Angus young steers: slaughter weights and bonus

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    The joint analysis of indicators of the investment project is very relevant in making decisions, resulting in more consistent information regarding risk assessment and its confrontation with the possibility of return. This research aimed to evaluate the economic feasibility of Red Angus young steers finished in feedlot, slaughtered at 340, 373, 396 or 430kg with use of various financial indicators, marketed with or without bonus. The purchase of feeder cattle and feeding were variable costs with a higher share in the total cost. In the analysis with bonus, the regression analysis to gross margin, net margin, net present value, benefit:cost index and additional return on investment showed quadratic behavior, with the point of maximum at 406kg (R185.17),406kg(R 185.17), 406kg (R 161.76) , 393kg (R128.29),392kg(1.12),392kg(11.98 128.29), 392kg (1.12), 392kg (11.98%), respectively. In the analysis without bonus, gross margin and net margin showed a quadratic response (346kg, with R 110.31 and R$ 86.90, respectively), while for the other indicators, there was a linear reduction as an increase in slaughter weight

    Qualidade da carcaça e da carne de bovinos superjovens de diferentes grupos genéticos

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    Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar as características qualitativas da carcaça e da carne de 32 machos inteiros, pertencentes a diferentes grupos genéticos, sendo estes Hereford (H) e dois grupos mestiços H x Nelore (N) (3/4 H 1/4 N e 5/8 H 3/8 N) e 3/4 Charolês (C) 1/4 Nelore (3/4 C 1/4 N), confinados durante 188 dias a partir do desmame até o abate aos quatorze meses. Os animais 3/4 H 1/4 N apresentaram carcaça com conformação inferior, carne mais escura, porém mais macia do que os animais 3/4 C 1/4 N. O incremento da participação do genótipo Nelore no cruzamento com Hereford reduziu a conformação da carcaça, aumentou a quebra no descongelamento e afetou a palatabilidade da carne. Animais com o genótipo britânico 3/4 C 1/4 N apresentaram maior percentual de músculo, porém menor percentual de gordura do que os animais de genótipo 3/4 H 1/4 N ao abate aos quatroze meses de idade. Os animais Hereford puros apresentaram menor porcentagem de músculo e maior percentagem de gordura do que o grupo genético 3/4 H 1/4 N