10 research outputs found

    Unemployment Duration and Attitudes Towards Work among People Over 45 Years Old

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    The situation of global economic crisis and the rapid increase of the unemployment rate cause changes in people's attitudes about the labor market. These changes, sometimes, are motivated by the influence of certain individual variables such as the duration of unemployment. The objective of this research is to analyze the mediator influence of unemployment duration in the attitudes towards work among unemployed people over 45 years old. The people who participate in the research are 161 unemployed that agreed voluntarily in taking part in the interview of attitudes towards work. The data took out from the interviews were analyzed with the statistical software ATLAS.ti 6.2. The results demonstrate that unemployment duration plays an important mediator role in the attitudes towards work when conditioning the job search behavior and favor the chances of finding a job. The conclusion is about practical suggestions and the continuity of research in this area

    Training in Values as an Incubator for Sustainability Attitudes

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    Following the proposals arising from the Schwartz model on the cognitive representationsof human needs expressed in his Theory of Values, instrumental values and terminalvalues, which are vital for understanding and entrepreneurship behavior, we have engagedin a critical review of this model and the types of values. We go on to examine the academiccurriculum of ethical and moral profiles as promoters of sustainable attitude values in orderto contribute an integrated and updated option to the academic world

    La espiritualidad de la educación integral como factor de bienestar bioético y sostenible

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    El evidente alejamiento entre los postulados religiosos y la actividad secular nos ha llevado al desorden espiritual y al olvido de las necesidades y aspiraciones auténticas del ser humano. La mentalidad y la praxis actuales, hacia lo que se considera meramente útil o verificable, nos ha llevado a esta antinomia de extremos polarizados, ya sea hacia un antropocentrismo que sobrevive en una felicidad paradójica, desproporcionada en la búsqueda de lo estrictamente tangible, o hacia un discurso económico o ecológico que olvida la idea ontológica, y el auténtico valor y significado del ser humano. Desde un análisis positivo y normativo, este estudio pretende enfatizar la importancia de la llamada Educación Integral, impartida por algunos centros universitarios, como promotora del bienestar psicológico y espiritual, así como de las actitudes de emprendimiento sostenible, de forma ética y responsable.The evident remoteness between the religious postulates and the secular activity has led us to spiritual disorder and the oblivion of the authentic needs and aspirations of the human being. The current mentality and practice, towards what is considered merely useful or verifiable, has led us to this antinomy of polarized extremes, either towards an anthropocentrism that survives in a paradoxical happiness, dispro-portionate in the search for the strictly tangible, or towards an economic or ecological discourse that forgets the ontological idea, and the authentic value and meaning of the human being. From a positive and normative analysis, this study aims to emphasize the importance of the so-called Integral Training, taught by some university centers, as a promoter of the psychological and spiritual well-being, as well as the attitudes of sustainable entrepreneurship, in an ethical way and responsible

    Factores psicosociales de riesgo y burnout en policías: un análisis de redes

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    Work stress has been identified as a critical factor affecting mental health in police officers. Psychosocial factors increase the impact of work stress on police officers and,in the long run,contribute to the onset of burnout symptoms. In this research asample of 323 was studied to study the relationship between psychosocial risk factors and the probability of suffering burnout symptoms. The participant’s answers to the MBI-GSandF-PSICO(version4.0) were analysed by using network analysis.There sults show that psychosocial risk factors are strongly associated in network models when higher level of cynicism and emotional exhaustion are observed. Additionally, higher levels of burnout in police officers were observed when lower autonomy,higher psychological demands, role ambiguities and alower perceived social support were present. Results are discussed considering its theoretical and applied relevance to design healthier work environments an defficient psychologicalinterventionsEl estrés laboral crónico ha sido identificado como uno de los riesgos laborales más importantes que afecta a la salud mental de los agentes de policía. Existen ciertos factores psicosociales que incrementan el estrés laboral en la policía y que, a largo plazo, desencadenan síntomas compatibles con el burnout. En este trabajo se ha utilizado una muestra integrada por 323 policías para valorar la relación que se establece entre los factores psicosociales de riesgo y la probabilidad de experimentar síntomas compatibles con el burnout. Las respuestas de los participantes al MBI-GS y al F-PSICO (versión 4.0) fueron examinadas utilizando análisis de redes. Los resultados muestran que existen redes de factores psicosociales de riesgo más cohesionadas cuando los niveles de cinismo y agotamiento emocional son más elevados. Además, se observa mayor nivel de burnout asociados con una baja autonomía, altas demandas psicológicas, conflictos en el desempeño de rol y un bajo apoyo social percibido. Los resultados son discutidos en términos de su implicación teórica y de su utilidad práctica frente al diseño de entornos de trabajo más saludables, así como frente a la intervención psicológica

    Psicología del Deporte: Algunas nuevas propuestas de desarrollo

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    This introduction should serve as a framework for the following monograph. While it is true that other authors have examined the discipline of sport psychology, the majority of them have done so from a very generalist perspective. For possibly the first time, there has been an attempt to rely on specialists who, from a very precise proposal, have offered us unique approaches with a wide scientific foundation applied to this area of study. A theoretical framework that adequately delimits the structure of this proposal regarding sport psychology is presented

    La espiritualidad de la educación integral como factor de bienestar bioético y sostenible

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    El evidente alejamiento entre los postulados religiosos y la actividad secular nos ha llevado al desorden espiritual y al olvido de las necesidades y aspiraciones auténticas del ser humano. La mentalidad y la praxis actuales, hacia lo que se considera meramente útil o verificable, nos ha llevado a esta antinomia de extremos polarizados, ya sea hacia un antropocentrismo que sobrevive en una felicidad paradójica, desproporcionada en la búsqueda de lo estrictamente tangible, o hacia un discurso económico o ecológico que olvida la idea ontológica, y el auténtico valor y significado del ser humano. Desde un análisis positivo y normativo, este estudio pretende enfatizar la importancia de la llamada Educación Integral, impartida por algunos centros universitarios, como promotora del bienestar psicológico y espiritual, así como de las actitudes de emprendimiento sostenible, de forma ética y responsable.The evident remoteness between the religious postulates and the secular activity has led us to spiritual disorder and the oblivion of the authentic needs and aspirations of the human being. The current mentality and practice, towards what is considered merely useful or verifiable, has led us to this antinomy of polarized extremes, either towards an anthropocentrism that survives in a paradoxical happiness, dispro-portionate in the search for the strictly tangible, or towards an economic or ecological discourse that forgets the ontological idea, and the authentic value and meaning of the human being. From a positive and normative analysis, this study aims to emphasize the importance of the so-called Integral Training, taught by some university centers, as a promoter of the psychological and spiritual well-being, as well as the attitudes of sustainable entrepreneurship, in an ethical way and responsible

    Análisis Paralelo y Resultados de Análisis Factoriales Confirmatorios

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    Material suplementario generado durante el proceso de revisión del artículo titulado "Propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación del Inventario Friburgo de Mindfulness" / "Psychometric properties of the adaptation of the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory" publicado en la revista Terapia Psicológica. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-4808202200010007

    nventario PID-5, perfil dimensional del DSM-5 para orientar el diagnóstico y las necesidades terapéuticas en los trastornos de personalidad

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    El Inventario PID-5 de la American Psychiatric Association, evalúa la personalidad y sus trastornos desde el modelo dimensional de rasgos (DSM-5 Sección III), orientando el diagnóstico y las necesidades te- rapéuticas individuales. Analizamos la utilidad de su aplicación en pacientes derivados a un Hospital de Día para Trastornos de Personalidad (Clústers B y C). En la muestra de 85 sujetos, 51 % son Trastorno Límite (TLP) y 47 % Trastorno de Personalidad No Especificado/Mixto (TPNE/TPM), pre- sentando el 65 % trastornos clínicos comórbidos. Del grupo TLP 89 % son mujeres, 53 % menores de 30 años; en el PID-5 presentan un perfil de mayor gravedad, destacando los Dominios Afecto Negativo y Desinhibi- ción, y las facetas depresión, impulsividad, anhedonia y distraibilidad. Pre- sentan mayor intensidad de síntomas límite (Cuestionario BEST), utilizan menos estrategias de afrontamiento de síntomas y más estrategias de evita- ción (Cuestionario COPE-28). En el TPNE/TPM, el 58 % son mujeres, 80 % mayores de 30 años, en su perfil del PID-5 destaca afectividad nega- tiva, especialmente la faceta ansiedad. Ambos grupos muestran rasgos lími- tes y evitativos en el screening IPDE. El PID-5 se ha mostrado útil para confirmar diagnósticos específicos (TLP), también para describir el perfil de rasgos y plantear las necesidades terapéuticas concretas tanto en TLP como en TPNE/TPM.The PID-5 Inventory of the American Psychiatric Association evaluates personality and related disorders based on the dimensional trait model (DSM-5 Section III), which guides individual diagnosis and thera- peutic needs. We analysed its usefulness as it was applied to patients that had been referred to a Day Hospital for Personality Disorders. In the sample of 85 subjects, 51 % had Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and 47 % had Personality Disorder NOS or Mixed (PD-NOS/MP), 65 % presenting comorbid clinical disorders. Among the BPD group, 89 % were women, 53 % were under 30 years old; they presented a PID-5 profile of greater severity, the Negative Affect and Disinhibition Domains stood out, as well as the facets of depression, impulsivity, anhedonia and distraction. Their borderline symptoms (BEST scale) were of greater intensity, they used fewer symptom coping strategies and more avoidance strategies (COPE-28 inventory). Among the PD-NOS/MP group, 58 % are women, 80 % were aged over 30 years, and negative affectivity, especially anxiety, stood out in their PID-5 profile. Both groups show borderline and avoidant features in the IPDE screening. The PID-5 was useful for con- firming specific diagnoses (BPD), for describing the trait profile as well as proposing the specific therapeutic needs of both BPD and PD-NOS/MP patients