30 research outputs found

    Haff disease: from the Baltic Sea to the U.S. shore.

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    Haff disease, identified in Europe in 1924, is unexplained rhabdomyolysis in a person who ate fish in the 24 hours before onset of illness. We describe a series of six U.S. patients from 1997 and report new epidemiologic and etiologic aspects. Although Haff disease is traditionally an epidemic foodborne illness, these six cases occurred in two clusters and as one sporadic case

    Clinical Laboratory Parameters Among Adult Males During a Primaquine Chemoprophylaxis Trial in Irian Jaya, Indonesia

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    Primakuin yang digunakan sebagai profilaksis malaria terbukti efektif dan diterima dengan baik oleh tubuh manusia yang normal terhadap aktivitas enzim 6 glukosa-6 fosfat dehidrogenase (G-6PD). Pemeriksaan laboratoris klinik adalah bagian dari uji coba secara acak dengan kontrol plasebo dalam rangka mengevaluasi penggunaan primakuin sebagai profilaksis pada penduduk transmigran yang tidak kebal di Irian Jaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 129 pria Jawa dewasa yang normal G-6PDnya. Pemeriksaan hematologi, fungsi hati dan ginjal, dan pemeriksaan limfosit dilakukan berulang kali selama waktu penelitian profilaksis dilakukan untuk menjamin keamanan dari sukarelawan tersebut dan mengawasi Perubahan yang mungkin terjadi akibat obat profilaksis. Seperti yang diperkirakan, pengguna primakuin tidak menunjukkan gejala peningkatan methemoglobin yang kembali dalam batas normal setelah 7 hari pemberian dosis terakhir. Pada akhir penelitian (12 bulan profilaksis) nilai hematologi, fungsi hati dan ginjal, dan nilai limfosit dari kelompok primakuin sebanding dengan kelompok plasebo, dan berada dalam batas nilai normal untuk orang Indonesia.Hasil penelitian ini memberikan masukan adanya keluhan fisik yang sedikit dari sukarelawan pengguna profilaksis primakuin. Untuk membuktikan hasil penelitian ini dan mempersiapkan penggunaan secara umum primakuin untuk profilaksis malaria, perlu dilakukan uji coba lebih lanjut keamanan primakuin. Di Indonesia, primakuin tidak digunakan sebagai profilaksis dan laporan hasil penelitian ini hendaknya tidak ditafsirkan sebagai laporan keamanan dari primakuin

    Randomised placebo-controlled trial of primaquine for prophylaxis of falciparum and vivax malaria.

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    Drug resistance has made malaria prevention difficult and the new agents are too expensive for widespread use. Primaquine, an established drug for treatment, is potentially useful for prevention. Malaria prophylaxis with primaquine was evaluated in Irian Jaya during one year in Javanese men who were not deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD). 126 volunteers were randomised to receive 0.5 mg/kg primaquine base or placebo daily (double-blinded), or 300 mg chloroquine base weekly (open). The protective efficacy of primaquine relative to placebo was 94.5% (95% confidence interval 57-99) for Plasmodium falciparum and 90.4% (95% CI 58-98) for P vivax. Attack rates for either parasite did not differ significantly between the chloroquine and placebo groups. Incidence density of physical complaints not associated with parasitaemia was low (17-18 complaints/person-year) and was about the same in all groups except for cough, which was increased in the primaquine group. Complete blood counts were normal and no evidence of hepatic or renal dysfunction was found with primaquine. However, at 50 weeks the primaquine group had a mean methaemoglobin of 5.8% (range 1.4-13%), which declined by half within 7 days of ending prophylaxis. When used daily for one year by men with normal G-6-PD activity, primaquine was well tolerated and effective for prevention of malaria

    Lymphocyte response to tetanus toxin T-cell epitopes: effects of tetanus vaccination and concurrent malaria prophylaxis

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    Synthesized T-cell epitopes of tetanus toxin are universally immunogenic and serve to enhance immune response when they are used as vaccine carriers of B-cell epitopes. The immunogenicity of the P2, P30, and P2P30 T-cell epitopes of tetanus toxin and whole tetanus toxoid (TT) was evaluated by in vitro proliferation assay of lymphocytes from men with no history of tetanus vaccination who were enrolled in a malaria prophylaxis trial. The enhancement of immune response by tetanus vaccination (Td) and possible antagonism by the antimalarial drugs, was measured by pre- and post-Td comparisons within and between immunized prophylaxis groups (primaquine, chloroquine, placebo) and a nonimmunized control group. Constructs demonstrated low immunogenicity relative to TT in all groups. Relative to both control and its own baseline, the immunized primaquine prophylaxis group was distinct in demonstrating significantly increased proliferation against all three subunits and at both high (30 microg ml(-1)) and low (3 microg ml(-1)) concentrations. Immunization elicited significantly increased proliferation responses by placebo and chloroquine prophylaxis groups against only the P2P30 construct. Despite these significant post-Td changes, a low concentration of TT 0.1 microg ml(-1)) stimulated proliferation 7-10 times over that induced by the greatest concentration of the constructs

    Lymphocyte proliferative response and subset profiles during extended periods of chloroquine or primaquine prophylaxis.

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    Immune suppression and disturbances of normal leukocyte populations are side effects attributed to many antimalarial drugs and were concerns during a recent year-long placebo-controlled trial that compared daily primaquine (0.5 mg of base per kg of body weight per day) with weekly chloroquine (300 mg of base one time per week) for malaria prophylaxis. The study took place in Irian Jaya, Indonesia, from July 1994 to August 1995 and enrolled 129 Javanese men with normal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase function. Tests for lymphocyte function and subset composition were conducted blindly on a cross-section of subjects during weeks 10 (n = 42) and 48 (n = 72) of supervised prophylaxis. Lymphocyte function, measured as the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to a panel of mitogens (pokeweed mitogen, phytohemagglutinin, and concanavalin A) and antigens (purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Clostridium tetani toxoid) and expressed as a stimulation index, allowed for statistical comparison between groups and sampling times. The lymphocyte subset composition for each group and time point was based on flow cytometry profiling, and the results were expressed as the mean percentages of CD3 (total T cells), CD19 (total B cells), CD4+ (T-helper and inducer cells), and CD8+ (T suppressor and cytotoxic cells), CD3/CD16+ CD56 (natural killer cells), CD3/anti-HLA-DR (activated T cells) cells and the CD4+/CD8+ ratios. Lymphocyte stimulation indices were statistically comparable among the placebo, primaquine, and chloroquine groups at both time points, although the primaquine group was distinguished by having repeatedly greater proportions of subjects with high ( > 3.0) stimulation indices. The lymphocyte subset profiles of these groups at both time points were also similar and undistorted relative to those of healthy reference populations matched for age, sex, and ethnicity. The results provide quantitative support for the safety of daily primaquine prophylaxis