617 research outputs found

    The knowledge domain of affective computing: a scientometric review

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    Purpose – The aim of this study is to investigate the bibliographical information about Affective Computing identifying advances, trends, major papers, connections, and areas of research. Design/methodology/approach – A scientometric analysis was applied using CiteSpace, of 5,078 references about Affective Computing imported from the Web-of-Science Core Collection, covering the period of 1991-2016. Findings – The most cited, creative, burts and central references are displayed by areas of research, using metrics and througout-time visualization. Research limitations/implications – Interpretation is limited to references retrieved from theWeb-of-Science Core Collection in the fields of management, psychology and marketing. Nevertheless, the richness of bibliographical data obtained, largely compensates this limitation. Practical implications – The study provides managers with a sound body of knowledge on Affective Computing, with which they can capture general public emotion in respect of their products and services, and on which they can base their marketing intelligence gathering, and strategic planning. Originality/value – The paper provides new opportunities for companies to enhance their capabilities in terms of customer relationships.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The effect of emotions on brand recall by gender using voice emotion response with optimal data analysis

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    Purpose—To analyses the effect of emotions obtained by oral reproduction of advertising slogans established via Voice Emotion Response software on brand recall by gender; and to show the relevance for marketing communication of combining “human–computer Interaction (HCI)” with “affective computing (AC)” as part of their mission. Design/methodology/approach—A qualitative data analysis did the review of the scientific literature retrieved from Web-of-Science Core Collection (WoSCC), using CiteSpace’ scientometric technique; the quantitative data analysis did the analysis of brand recall over a sample of Taiwan’ participants by “optimal data analysis”. Findings—Advertising effectiveness has a positive association with emotions; brand recall varies with gender; and “HCI” connected with “AC” is an emerging area of research. Research limitations/implications—The selection of articles obtained depend on the terms used in WoSCC, and this study used only five emotions. Still the richness of the data gives some compensation. Practical implications—Marketers involved with brands need a body of knowledge on which to base their marketing communication intelligence gathering and strategic planning. Originality/value—It provides exploratory research findings related to the use of automatic tools capable of mining emotions by gender in real time, which could enhance the feedback of customers toward their brands.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Global affective computing research in the period 1997-2017: a bibliometric analysis

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    Notable fallouts in marketing and financial market prediction have raised the interest by the scientific community and the business world in Affective Computing (AfC). Automatically recognizing and responding to a user’s affective states, AfC shows a great potential to improve companies capabilities of customer relationship management. The aim of this study is to evaluate this field of research during the last twenty years, identifying for one side its evolution, by the major publications, citations, journals, authors, productive countries, productive institutions, and collaboration patterns; and for another side, identifying its trends through the analysis of research hotspots, burst keywords and areas of research done so far. This bibliometric analysis is based on the science citation index expanded (SCI-E), from the Institute of Scientific Information Web-of science, which is now firmly established as an integral part of research evaluation methodology especially within the scientific and applied fields. The results show a significant 4.19 rate of growth in AfC, doubling the number of publications in 4.02 years time. This field of interest is paving the way for creativity and innovation and provides opportunities for its greater development.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A Comparison between the Presence and Absence of Regulation in the Spanish Electricity Market

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    There is an important gap in the literature on the promotion of competition in electricity markets in what pertains to the analysis of two different streams: the absence and presence of regulation. Accordingly, the main objective of this study is to analyze the interactions among market power indexes, marginal costs, and bidding strategies in the two mentioned scenarios, for comparative purposes. The methodology used is based on panel cointegration methods. The results point to the significant inclusion of different bidding strategies in the retail market: (i) fuel prices exercise a differential impact on the power plants’ marginal costs, (ii) the marginal costs have a significantly positive effect on quantity sold and on net quantity, and (iii) the market power measures under regulation have a significantly positive long-term impact on the quantity sold and a negative impact on net quantity supplied in wholesale market. Although there is some literature on this issue, the main novelty of this article is the discussion of the regulatory implications that could have been adopted in order to control and mitigate the market power, to encourage new investments in new technologies, and to recover sunk costs with the transition to a competitive market

    Wood anatomical characterization and intraspecific variation in Protium apiculatum Swart at the second forest management cycle.

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    A Floresta Nacional do Tapajós teve seu primeiro ciclo de corte em 1979 e a área foi monitorada através de inventários florestais desde então. Neste período houve mudanças na composição florística, com Protium apiculatum Swart sendo uma das espécies mais abundantes e frequentes. No entanto, não existem estudos das suas características tecnológicas da madeira. Assim, o estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar anatomicamente cinco árvores dessa espécie. Discos de madeira de foram coletados a dois metros de altura de cada árvore, o material foi separado para análise macroscópica e microscópica. Através dos resultados obtidos, percebeu-se variação intraespecífica entre os caracteres anatômicos de Protium apiculatum em um mesmo local e similaridade com outros indivíduos de seu gênero

    Congenital Lobar Emphysema: A Multilobar Presentation

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    O enfisema lobar congénito é umamalformação rara do tracto respiratório inferior detectada habitualmente nos primeiros meses de vida. Apresenta-se o caso de um lactente, do sexo masculino, de dois meses de idade, internado por suspeita de pneumonia, no qual a segunda radiografia de tórax revelou hipertransparência arredondada no lobo inferior esquerdo, sugestiva de enfisema lobar congénito. A tomografia computorizada torácica mostrou uma imagem quística,multilobar, e a broncoscopia excluiu obstrução brônquica. Foi programada cirurgia para os seis meses de idade, mas aos três meses foi submetido a intervenção cirúrgica urgente por pneumotórax hipertensivo. O exame anatomo-patológico da peça operatória permitiu o diagnóstico de enfisema lobar congénito. Destaca-se a apresentação multilobar e a complicação por pneumotórax

    Scientific determination and wood anatomical features of species know in Brazilian Amazonia as matá-matá (Eschweilera spp.).

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    Despite the large diversity, logging on Brazilian Amazon is restricted to a small number of species. On relating the local biodiversity to the density, region of occurrence and logging of traditional species, we verified the increment of their shortage. One way to minimize this problem is by introducing new species in the market. Based on these considerations, we sought to identify in the field, woods known as matá-matá (Eschweilera Mart. Ex DC. ? Lecythidaceae) of high frequency in the Brazilian Amazon. For this, eleven trees were collected for scientific identification, and for anatomical, physical and chemical analyses. During the identification, we verified the presence of six species (Eschweilera amazonica, Eschweilera coriacea, Eschweilera grandiflora, Eschweilera idatimon, Eschweilera ovata and Eschweilera sp.) which may be identified in the forest by their rytidomes and live bark characteristics. By organoleptic properties, we grouped the woods into three groups with distinct colours, which permitted the identification of two species by their characteristics of taste and smell. Macroscopically, all woods seemed similar, while microscopically, the species presented few differences which made their partial separation possible

    Quisto Broncogénico: Elemento Radiológico Sugestivo

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    O quisto broncogénico constitui a lesão quística mais comum do mediastino. Descreve-se o caso de uma criança do sexo feminino, de quatro anos de idade, com tosse estridulosa recorrente desde os dois anos e febre de início recente. A radiografia de tórax revelou desvio da linha ázigo-esofágica, o que levantou a suspeita de lesão mediastínica.A tomografia computorizada torácica mostrou lesão mediastínica que foi posteriormente identificada por ressonância magnética como correspondendo a um quisto broncogénico. Três meses depois foi submetida a cirurgia com exérese do quisto e desde então, decorrido um ano, tem estado assintomática. Destaca-se a importância da identificação de referências radiológicas que podem ser relevantes para o diagnóstico de lesões ocupando espaço no mediastino

    Teores de proteína bruta, extrato etéreo e minerais de gramíneas nativas Paspalum repens e Paspalum fasciculatum de ecossistemas de várzea do Baixo Amazonas, Pará, Brasil.

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    En un Inceptisol húmedos del campo experimental de la Amazonia baja (2°23? de latitud sur y 54°20? de longitud oeste, municipio de Monte Alegre, Pará, Brasil) de la Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa-Amazonia Oriental), en julio de 2003 (final del período lluvioso), septiembre de 2003 (período seco) y enero de 2004 (comienzo del período lluvioso) se determinaron los contenido de proteína cruda (PC), estracto etereo (EE) y minerales en el forraje de Paspalum repens (Perimembeca) e Paspalum fasciculatum (Mori) procedentes de la zona de varzea. Se utilizó un factorial de dos (especies nativas de forraje) y tres épocas de crecimiento (final y comienzo del periodo lluviosa y época seca). Se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05) para el contenido de PC de las especies, siendo más alto en Perimembeca (12.06%) que en Mori (6.65). El contenido de P en ambas gramíneas fue bajo. El contenido de Cu en la gramínea Mori fue adecuado en tanto épocas secas como húmedas. Los contenidos de Ca, K y Fe fueron bajos e influenciados por la época