176 research outputs found

    IOPT Petri Net State Space Generation Algorithm with Maximal-Step Execution Semantics

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    This paper presents an algorithm to efficiently generate the state-space of systems specified using the IOPT Petri-net modeling formalism. IOPT nets are a non-autonomous Petri-net class, based on Place-Transition nets with an extended set of features designed to allow the rapid prototyping and synthesis of system controllers through an existing hardware-software co-design framework. To obtain coherent and deterministic operation, IOPT nets use a maximal-step execution semantics where, in a single execution step, all enabled transitions will fire simultaneously. This fact increases the resulting state-space complexity and can cause an arc "explosion" effect. Real-world applications, with several million states, will reach a higher order of magnitude number of arcs, leading to the need for high performance state-space generator algorithms. The proposed algorithm applies a compilation approach to read a PNML file containing one IOPT model and automatically generate an optimized C program to calculate the corresponding state-space

    Vigilância Sanitária de estabelecimentos veterinários: uma área carente de legislação sanitária

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    Introduction:  Veterinary facilities are those places were medical-veterinary procedures are performed. They are subject to sanitary surveillance actions. Objective:To discuss the lack of sanitary laws applicable to veterinary facilities, seeking to reflect upon the  importance of such laws in the context of a Unified Health perspective. Method: This is a documental analysis study, whereby a set of documents has been selected and analyzed, particularly those arising from the Unified Health System and the National System of Sanitary Surveillance. Results:The activities carried out at veterinary facilities involve risks to the human health, animal health and environmental health. A legal framework, particularly at a federal level, is required to support the sanitary surveillance actions carried out at said facilities, which are not even regarded as health care centers according to the Ministry of Health. Conclusions: One can easily notice the lack and the need of a nationwide regulatory framework that understands and regards veterinary facilities as health care centers and that regulates and combines the sanitary surveillance actions performed thereat. Additionally, we understand that the mentioned said rules should be prepared under the Unified Health perspective, aiming at encompassing human health, environmental health and the animal health.Introdução: Estabelecimentos veterinários são aqueles onde são realizadas intervenções médico-veterinárias, sendo sujeitos às ações de vigilância sanitária. Objetivo:   Discutir a carência de legislação sanitária incidente sobre esses estabelecimentos, buscando refletir sobre a importância da existência da mesma no contexto da Saúde Única. Método:Trata-se de estudo de análise documental em que foi selecionado e analisado um conjunto de documentos, com prioridade para os oriundos do Sistema Único de Saúde e do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Resultados: As atividades desenvolvidas nos estabelecimentos veterinários envolvem riscos à saúde humana, animal e ambiental. Há carência de arcabouço jurídico, principalmente em nível federal, que dê suporte às ações da vigilância sanitária em relação a esses estabelecimentos, que sequer são considerados estabelecimentos de saúde, à luz do Ministério da Saúde. Conclusões: Tornam-se muito perceptíveis a carência e a necessidade de um arcabouço normativo em nível nacional que entenda e preveja esses estabelecimentos como estabelecimentos de saúde e normatize e homogeneíze as ações de vigilância sanitária realizadas em relação a eles. Além disso, entende-se que tais normas devam ser elaboradas sob a perspectiva da Saúde Única, visando contemplar tanto a saúde humana, como a ambiental e dos animais

    Optimization of fast moving robots and implementation of I2C protocol to control electronic devices

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    This paper briefly describes the main changes in the robots from Minho Team since the last RoboCup. Work has been carried out on the robots in order to constantly improve their capabilities, based on the experiences from previous participations. The main topics to deal in this paper are related with the I2C new communications protocol recently implemented in the robots, a description of the whole electronics system based on a new diagram which contains all the devices used in the robots, the inclusion of new faster motors, a description of the robot game play strategy, some operating system remarks which are related to some requirements of our actual system, and the main conclusions related to the work carried out so far. The use of the I2C protocol forced the team to change all the electronic boards and these were completely redesigned in-house, tested and implemented on the robots.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POSI/ROBO/43892/200

    Controlling omni-directional Wheels of a MSL RoboCup autonomous mobile robot

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    Autonomous Mobile Locomotion is of extreme importance in RoboCup robots. Even though in 2050 the robotic team will very likely use legs rather than wheels, at the moment all teams on middle size league use wheels to overcome other problems first. Most teams are using two driving wheels (with one or two cast wheels), four driving wheels and even three driving wheels. The Minho team has been using two driving wheels for the last 5 years (with two caster wheels), but for reaction speed optimization purposes a new approach of three wheels is being developed. This paper deals with the description of such platform, it describes the advantages and also the type of control used

    Cooperative Behaviour of specific tasks in multi-agent systems and robot control using dynamic approach

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    In order to foster research and development in a multi-agent robotic environment three fundamental improvements on the robots need to be carried out: a) a very reliable and robot control which works at high speeds and a dynamic approach is described in this work; b) Cooperative behaviour is very important since without it there is no ball pass, and that is becoming more and more necessary; c) Upwards kick, since traditional horizontal kickers are already very common. Other improvements were carried out in the robots but due to lack of space in this paper are not described. This paper describes how these three issues were tackled by the MINHO team and shows their next directions

    Three omni-directional wheels control on a mobile robot

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    Traditional two wheels differential drive normally used on mobile robots have manoeuvrability limitations and take time to sort out. Most teams use two driving wheels (with one or two cast wheels), four driving wheels and even three driving wheels. A three wheel drive with omni-directional wheel has been tried with success, and was implemented on fast moving autonomous mobile robots. This paper deals with the mathematical kinematics description of such mobile platform, it describes the advantages and also the type of control used