133 research outputs found

    Datos estratigråficos sobre la serie mesozica del río de las Juntas (Montillana, Zona Subbética, Granada)

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    Se describe un corte de la serie mesozoica correspondiente al dominio Subbético medio. Una abundante fauna de Amonites precisa la edad Aalenense-Bajocense de una colada volcånica submarina interestratificada en la serie

    Toarcian GSSP candidate: the Peniche section at Ponta do TrovĂŁo

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    The Peniche section (Ponta do TrovĂŁo) in Portugal is presented as potential stratotype (GSSP) for the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary. The lithostratigraphic succession is described and the chronostratigraphy, based on ammonite assemblages, is presented; the change in foraminifera assemblages occurs later, only at the base of beds 16 (base of Semicelatum Subzone, Crosbeyi ? Horizon). An extensive bibliographical list of all scientific articles containing specific reference to this stratigraphic boundary, whether from the Lusitanian or Algarve basins, is also presented

    Essai de biozonation du Domérien portugais

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    The biozonation of the portuguese Domerian is presented. This biozonation is based essentially on fauna from the following sections: S. Pedro de Muel, Peniche (Stokesi zone and lower part of the Margaritatus zone) and Brenha (Margaritatus and Spinatum zones). The distribution of the main fossil groups enabled an accurate division of the Stokesi zone into three horizons: Occidentale, Monestieri-Nitescens and Lusitanicum. In the Middle Domerian, the extension of the Ragazzonii horizon was reduced. An Elisa horizon was individualized at the top of the Upper Domerian

    Henri Tintant face au problĂšme "Science et Foi"

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    From an early age Henri Tintant was conforted with the problematic relationships between Science and Faith. After a traditional religious education, he took responsabilities within groups of teenagers and adults through scouting and the J. E. C. (an organisation of catholic students). In 1940 he was at Montpellier distributing unauthorised leaflets defending religious faith. But more significant is his intellectual contribution. He was an active and inspiring member of several workshops and in one in particumar initiated by the Catholic University of Lyon entitled : "From Naturalist to Theologians" where he would start a very fruitful and compelling intellectual collaboration with Father Gustave Martelet a jesuit theologian and a strong supporter of a permanent dialog with the scientists. Throughout the years they will gradually come to the conclusion of a necessary synergy between the scientific and the theologic approach when dealing with the mystery of religious faith . Even in the last months of his life, Henri Tintant was writing to his friendon the subject, with the same profound religious faith that brought him the serenity and the open mindness he has showed throughout his teaching and scientific career. His legacy will remain in two of his last thoughts: "Almost 50 years of scientific research have brought me a lot of pleausures and satisfactions but no answer to the essential questions. In my personal case, science and researching have not driven me away from my religious faith, on the contrary the helped me in my awareness of its utmost necessity". "Faithful to my religious belief, I am convinced that with the death, the inevitable human destiny, not everything disapears completely but another form of live, unimaginable for our limited minds, emerges, bearing in itself the perfect realization of all our hopes and desires"

    Les acanthopleurocératinés portugais et leurs relations avec les formes subboréales

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    The evolution of the Portuguese Acanthopleuroceratinae is similar to the celto-souabe succession such as it was described in the collects of the Cottards (Cher, France). A subspecies of one of the oldest Acanthopleuroceras (A. carinatum atlanticum) is abundant in the lower part of the Portuguese Ibex zone; this form is described here. The species is recognized in France by several nuclei associated with A. arietiforme (Cottards-22). Generally the similarity between the successive French and Portuguese populations (A. maugenesti, A. valdani, A. alisiense, junior synonym of A. lepidum TUTCHER and TRUEMAN, 1925), is very good. This fact suggests their specific identity. It is typical for A. lepidum of which the greatest populations allow the biometric comparaisons. In Portugal, the mesogean Tropidaceras are missing. This absence of the subboreal Acanthopleuroceras ancestors suggests the straight celto-souabe derivation of the Portuguese Acanthopleuroceras and not a similar local evolution. A. lepidum the last Acanthopleuroceras reaches the western coast of Canada (British Columbia) probably by the Arctic ocean

    Sedimentation pelagique et encroûtements cryptalgaires: les calcaires gremeleux du Carixien portugais

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    In Portugal, Carixian is generally represented by alternative layers of marly limestones characterized by nodule and lumpy levels. These layers are particularly developped [show preferential development] on passage areas to a sedimentary basin, particularly along the slope of tilted blocks between the Meseta and Berlenga's horst. This facies is included in the range of the «nodular limestone» and of the «ammonitico-rosso». Limestones are radiolaria micrites with fragments of pelagic organisms (ammonoids, thin shelled gastropods). These layers can be affected by intensive bioturbation (Brenha) which is responsible for dismantlement, specially where the initial thickness does not exceed a few centimetres. This process can lead to the isolation of residual nodules (Brenha, São Pedro de Muel, Peniche) which can be mobilised by massive sliding (Peniche). The isolated elements, shell fragments or residual nodules, can also be incrustated, thus developing oncolitic cryptalgal structures. At Brenha the lump structure developed progressively into a sequence overlapping the normal sedimentary one (thick limestone beds alternating with bituminous shales). Cryptalgal structures correspond to rather unstable environment conditions on mobile margins. These structures are known in deep pelagic sediments corresponding to well defined events of the geodynamic evolution (end of the initial rifting). Cryptalgal accretions disappear towards the sedimentary basin, and the nodular levels are less important. In the articulation areas with the Tomar platform, small mounds and cupules (Alcabideque) developed within the alternating marly-limestone levels. They represent the so called «mud mounds» of metric dimensions. The upper part of these «mud mounds» is hardened, showing track remains and supporting some brachiopods and pectinids. Hence the lumpy facies of Portugal is included among the range of sedimentaty environments and can be used as «geodynamic tracer»

    FaciÚs, biostratigraphie et paléogéographie du Jurassique portugais

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    The facies distribution along the Jurassic stages in an already well established stratigraphic frame is defined for the three portuguese basins: North of Tagus, Santiago de CacĂ©m and Algarve. The deposits are organized in two sedimentary cycles. The first one from the Liassic to Calovian shows, in the Tagus Basin, a transgression from NW which did not surpass the Meseta present limits. The iniatilly brackish deposits only changed to marine by the end of Lotharingian. The sedimentation, mainly marly during the Liassic became more calcareous since the Aalenian. During the Dogger the basin differentiated into platform deposits towards East and South and open sea zone towards West. This zone underwent a progressive reduction and, during the Callovian, two small basins were individualized: Cabo Mondego basin in the North and Serra de El-Rei-Montejunto in the South. It is from the latter that the second sedimentary cycle (Middle Oxfordian-Portlandian) developed with open sea deposits along the Sintra–Torres Vedras axis surrounded by platform and litoral brackish formations. During the first sedimentary cycle only litoral platform deposits are known in Santiago de CacĂ©m and Algarve basins. During the second sedimentary cycle temporary sea open deposits are known in Santiago de CacĂ©m and Central Algarve

    Une succession de référence pour le Toarcien Moyen et Supérieur: les "Margas calcårias de São Gião" dans les environs de Cantanhede (sous-bassin nord lusitanien, Portugal)*

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    The geological sections studied at the São Gião sector (Cantanhede region) have allowed the establishment of a clear succession of ammonite associations during the Middle and Upper Toarcian (“Margas calcárias de São Gião” and “Calcários margosos de Póvoa da Lomba” Formations). The fossil collections were gathered over the last 40 years and, in spite of the apparent facies monotony, come from a thick and fossiliferous marly-limestone unit. The ammonite succession allows the establishment and/or verification of a certain number of biostratigraphical elements, of which are worthy of mention: – the tethyan character of the fauna from the Gradata to the Meneghinii Zones; this differentiation starts with the occurrence of Collina, Crassiceras and Furloceras of the Gradata Zone; – the succession of Osperleioceras, with the connection between the “caussenardes”(O. reynesi, O. authelini) forms and those from Algeria (O. nadorense, O. matteii), which is placed at the beginning of the Aalensis Zone; – the succession of Hammatoceratinae: H. roubanense (Gradata Z.), H. bonarellii (Bonarellii Z.), H. speciosum (Speciosum Sub-zone), followed by Crestaites meneghinii (Reynesi Sub-zone and Meneghinii Z.); Pseudaptetoceras appear next (Aalensis Zone). The dynamic evolution of the sector is characterized by the persistence of marly sedimentation during the Meneghinii Zone, in probable relation to the paleostructural play of the Arunca-Montemor meridian axis

    Atlas des fossiles caractéristiques du Lias portugais* III a) Domérien (Ammonites)

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    This fascicle, dedicated to the Domerian (Late Pliensbachian) ammonites faunas, is the third part of the “Atlas des fossiles caractĂ©ristiques du Lias portugais“. It follows two previous publications about the Hettangian-Sinemurian and the Carixian (Lower fifty species are concisely described and illustrated. The other groups (nautilids, belemnites, brachiopods, bivalvia...) will be published afterwards. The principal objective of the “Atlas des fossiles caractĂ©ristiques du Lias portugais“ is to make the main liassic lusitanian fossils known to a wide public. It also aims to support field studies by giving a rich iconography dedicated to the lusitanian invertebrate macrofaunas. In the case of the ammonites, all the species are described and the “Atlas” can be used as an exhaustive database for biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic studies

    Stratigraphie du Dogger et crise lusitanienne dans la Serra de Candeeiros

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    New elements about the stratigraphy of the Serra de Candeeiros Dogger and Lower «Lusitanian» are presented. The Lower Aalenian was recognized for the first time. Bathonian (more than 50 metres thick) is dated on brachiopods and foraminifera. It corresponds to a series of massive micritic, biodetritical, coral-reef, chaetetid, bryozoa and oolitic-limestones. Callovian (120 m) begins by whitish or yellowish limestones with ammonites and brachiopods of the Gracilis zone. It is followed by regressive limestone sequences ending with thick oncolitic layers. The «Lusitanian» base is formed by greyish lagoon brackish limestones; it lies unconformably on the Dogger, with or without angular and/or cartographic unconformity. This radical facies change is related to tectonic deformation of several blocks between the Nazaré and Tagus faults during Oxfordian times
