1,401 research outputs found

    Teleportation of a Zero-and One-photon Running Wave State by Projection Synthesis

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    We show how to teleport a running wave superposition of zero- and one-photon field state through the projection synthesis technique. The fidelity of the scheme is computed taking into account the noise introduced by dissipation and the efficiency of the detectors. These error sources have been introduced through a single general relationship between input and output operators.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Quantitative Relativistic Effects in the Three-Nucleon Problem

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    The quantitative impact of the requirement of relativistic invariance in the three-nucleon problem is examined within the framework of Poincar\'e invariant quantum mechanics. In the case of the bound state, and for a wide variety of model implementations and reasonable interactions, most of the quantitative effects come from kinematic factors that can easily be incorporated within a non-relativistic momentum-space three-body code.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field between two concentric spherical shells

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    In this work we consider the dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field -- under Dirichlet boundary conditions -- between two concentric spherical shells. We obtain a general expression for the average number of particle creation, for an arbitrary law of radial motion of the spherical shells, using two distinct methods: by computing the density operator of the system and by calculating the Bogoliubov coefficients. We apply our general expression to breathing modes: when only one of the shells oscillates and when both shells oscillate in or out of phase. We also analyze the number of particle production and compare it with the results for the case of plane geometry.Comment: Final version. To apear in Physical Review

    Relativity and the low energy nd Ay puzzle

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    We solve the Faddeev equation in an exactly Poincare invariant formulation of the three-nucleon problem. The dynamical input is a relativistic nucleon-nucleon interaction that is exactly on-shell equivalent to the high precision CDBonn NN interaction. S-matrix cluster properties dictate how the two-body dynamics is embedded in the three-nucleon mass operator. We find that for neutron laboratory energies above 20 MeV relativistic effects on Ay are negligible. For energies below 20 MeV dynamical effects lower the nucleon analyzing power maximum slightly by 2% and Wigner rotations lower it further up to 10 % increasing thus disagreement between data and theory. This indicates that three-nucleon forces must provide an even larger increase of the Ay maximum than expected up to now.Comment: 29 pages, 2 ps figure

    Action of the gravitational field on the dynamical Casimir effect

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    In this paper we analyze the action of the gravitational field on the dynamical Casimir effect. We consider a massless scalar field confined in a cuboid cavity placed in a gravitational field described by a static and diagonal metric. With one of the plane mirrors of the cavity allowed to move, we compute the average number of particles created inside the cavity by means of the Bogoliubov coefficients computed through perturbative expansions. We apply our result to the case of an oscillatory motion of the mirror, assuming a weak gravitational field described by the Schwarzschild metric. The regime of parametric amplification is analyzed in detail, demonstrating that our computed result for the mean number of particles created agrees with specific associated cases in the literature. Our results, obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, are restricted, under resonant conditions, to a short-time limit.Comment: 2 Figures, comments are welcom

    Open problems in nuclear density functional theory

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    This note describes five subjects of some interest for the density functional theory in nuclear physics. These are, respectively, i) the need for concave functionals, ii) the nature of the Kohn-Sham potential for the radial density theory, iii) a proper implementation of a density functional for an "intrinsic" rotational density, iv) the possible existence of a potential driving the square root of the density, and v) the existence of many models where a density functional can be explicitly constructed.Comment: 10 page

    Engineering cavity-field states by projection synthesis

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    We propose a reliable scheme for engineering a general cavity-field state. This is different from recently presented strategies,where the cavity is supposed to be initially empty and the field is built up photon by photon through resonant atom-field interactions. Here, a coherent state is previously injected into the cavity. So, the Wigner distribution function of the desired state is constructed from that of the initially coherent state. Such an engineering process is achieved through an adaptation of the recently proposed technique of projection synthesis to cavity QED phenomena.Comment: 5 ps pages plus 3 included figure

    La tuberculose extra-ganglionnaire de la sphere O.R.L.

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    La tuberculose extra ganglionnaire est une pathologie rare en ORL. Elle pourrait poser des problèmes diagnostiques surtout avec la pathologie tumorale. Nous rapportons 10 cas de localisations extra-ganglionnaires, colligés au service ORL de l\'hôpital Tahar Sfar de Mahdia entre 1988 et 2004. Il s\'agissait de 7 femmes et 3 hommes, âgés entre 19 et 77 ans (moyenne : 39 ans). La maladie a touché le cavum dans 3 cas, les glandes salivaires dans 3 cas, les amygdales palatines dans 2 cas et le larynx chez 2 patients. Le diagnostic était dans tous les cas histo-pathologique. Tous nos patients ont reçu un traitement anti-tuberculeux. L\'évolution était favorable avec un recul moyen de 11 mois. Conclusion : La tuberculose extra-ganglionnaire en ORL pose surtout des problèmes diagnostiques. Son diagnostic est le plus souvent histo-pathologique. Son traitement repose sur la himiothérapie anti-tuberculeuse. Extra-nodal tuberculosis is a rare in ENT practice. We report 10 cases of extra-ganglionic localizations of tuberculosis, treated in ENT department of the Tahar Sfar hospital of Mahdia between 1988 and 2004. They were 7 women and 3 men, aged between 19 and 77 years (average: 39 years) . The disease has touched the nasopharynx in 3 cases, the salivary glands in 3 cases, the tonsils in 2 cases and the larynx in 2 cases. The diagnosis was in all cases histo-pathological. All our patients received an anti-tubercular treatment. The evolution was favorable with 11 months average outcome. Conclusion: Extra-nodal tuberculosis in ENT poses especially diagnostic problems. Its treatment is based on anti-tubercular chemotherapy. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 36-3

    Comportement des dromadaires sur patures Sahelien et Subhumide au Mali : 2. Especes vegetales et quantites de fourrage ingerees

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    Trois expériences ont été conduites entre 2014 et 2015 sur 12 dromadaires mâles adultes à Niono et 12 à Sotuba pour identifier les espèces broutées et la quantité de matière sèche ingérée correspondante en zones sahélienne et subhumide. Les données ont été collectées par suivi quotidien de 4 dromadaires porteurs de sac de collecte de fèces choisis au hasard, conduits avec le reste du troupeau durant 12 jours. A Niono, 32 espèces végétales ont été broutées et 71 espèces à Sotuba. A Niono, les espèces les plus broutées ont été Acacia seyal (19 %), Acacia senegal 14,8%), Balanites aegyptiaca (12,6 %) pour les ligneux et Zornia glochidiata (12,6 %) et Schoenefeldia gracilis (6,1 %) pour les graminées. A Sotuba, ce sont Ziziphus mauritiana (14,9 %), Vitellaria paradoxum (10,5 %) et les graminées Cassia tora (7,4 %) et Hiptis suaveolens (6,2 %). Dans le menu figuraient les feuilles, les rameaux, les fleurs et les fruits des espèces végétales consommées. Le taux moyen de protéines de l’ingéré a été de 13,3 % à Niono contre 8,7 % à Sotuba. La digestibilité de la matière sèche a été de 47,9 % à Niono contre 41,2 % à Sotuba. La teneur en protéines digestibles a été de 66,8 ± 0,8 g/kg MS à Niono contre 62,0 ± 0,7 g/kg MS à Sotuba. La quantité de matière sèche ingérée a été de 5,6 ± 0,2 kg à Niono et 5,1 ± kg à Sotuba. La connaissance de ces informations permettra de mieux organiser la complémentation alimentaire des dromadaires afin d’optimiser  leurs productions en zones sahélienne et subhumide du Mali. Mots clés : dromadaires, ingestion pâturage, sahel, subhumide, Mali English Title: Dromedary behaviour on Sahelian and subhumid pasture of Mali: 2. Plant species and feed intake Three experiments were conducted on 30 adult male camels to identify species grazed and the amount of dry matter ingested in the Sahelian (Niono) and sub-humid (Sotuba), zones during the rainy, cold dry and hot dry, seasons. Data were collected by monitoring 4 camels carrying faeces collection bags conducted with the rest of the herd. In Niono, 32 plant species were grazed and 71 species in Sotuba. The menu included leaves, twigs, flowers and fruits of consumed plant species. The average protein level of ingest was 13.3% in Niono and 8.7% in Sotuba. The digestibility of the material was 47.9% in Niono and 41.2% in Sotuba. The digestible protein content was 66.8 ± 0.8 g / kg of dry matter (DM) at Niono and 62.0 ± 0.7 g / kg DM at Sotuba. The amount of dry matter ingested was 5.6 ± 0.2 kg at Niono and 5.1 ± kg at Sotuba. Knowledge of this information is a key element to better organize animal feed supplementation in order to optimize camel production in the sahelian and sub-humid zones of Mali. Keywords: camels, grazing ingestion, Sahel, subhumid, Mal