1,202 research outputs found

    Global and local media dynamics in identity construction among British Muslims after September 11

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    The terrorist attacks of September 11 have become a defining moment not only in the history of the US where they took place, but also in the history of Muslims around the world, particularly those living in Western countries. Muslim diasporas in the West have found themselves at the heart of global events and networks: a global war on terrorism, global flows of images and ideas, and a global Muslim community or Umma. Central to these various processes is undoubtedly the role played by new media and communication technologies, mainly transnational TV channels. Thus, based on an ethnographic study conducted in the city of Leeds, this paper explores the dialectic between local and transnational media, particularly British media and Arab satellite television channels, and the extent to which they have shaped identity building among British Muslims after September11. It argues that the use, appropriation and consumption of these media do certainly have a significant impact on how British Muslims define themselves. However, it demonstrates also that this role is far from being deterministic and it is only one among many other factors that condition identity building among British Muslims

    The impact of ownership structure on bank risk: case of Tunisia

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    The ownership structure and risk are two important variables in the banking sector . Indeed , shareholders have incentives to monitor bank risk according to their objectives . In the context of this article , we used a sample of 19 banks in Tunisia over the period( 2000-2010) . Through the method of panel static , we found that public ownership has a negative effect on bank   risk , while private ownership and foreign ownership have a positive effect on bank risk. Key words: Ownership structure , public ownership , foreign ownership , private ownership , bank risk , panel stati

    The impact of board administration on risk and financial stability of Islamic banks: an empirical investigation

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    The board of directors , risk and financial stability are important variables in the banking literature . Indeed , they are important for shareholders and other stakeholders of the bank .In this article , we have studied a sample of 40 banks ( 20 Islamic banks and 20 conventional banks ) in GCC countries over the period (2006…2012). We found that only the presence of institutional investors on the board of directors influence the financial stability of conventional banks . The Islamic banks are more stable when the debt ratio is low . The bank size has a positive but not significant impact on the financial stability of Islamic banks . This effect is negative on financial stability of conventional banks . Key words: board of directors , Islamic banks , conventional banks , risk , financial stabilit


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    Bank profitability and economic growth are important for financial development of each country. It is interesting to understand the characteristics of these two variables and the relationship between them. In this article, we investigate the effect of economic growth on bank profitability using a sample of 18 banks in Tunisia over the period (2000 - 2017). We employ ROA (return on assets), ROE (return on equity) as indicators of bank profitability like dependent variable, the other bank specific variation, economic growth as independent variable. We use panel method for regression of 2moels. We found that economic growth has a positive and significant effect on bank profitability.JEL: C33, G20, G21, E32  Article visualizations

    The Use of the Internet by Social Movements in Morocco: Implications for Collective Action and Political Change

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    The thesis examines the use of the Internet by social movements in Morocco and the extent to which it has empowered them in various struggles against political and social injustices. More specifically, it explores whether the Internet has transformed the collective action repertoire and enhanced social movements’ capacity to challenge Morocco’s semi-authoritarian regime and erode the hegemonic social orders in the country. In so doing, the thesis addresses some key polemical issues and questions germane to the topic, mainly the dialectic between technological and social determinisms and agency, the role of technology in development, and collective action and democratic change in the context of Muslim-majority societies. The thesis uses a combination of methodological approaches to explore the structural, textual and contextual dimensions of the Internet’s implications and impact. Through feature analysis, and framing analysis, the research studies 18 websites, collective blogs and wikis belonging to eight key Moroccan social movements. It equally draws on rich data derived from 37 semi-structured, in-depth interviews conducted with Moroccan social movement activists, journalists and international NGOs’ officials. It offers insights into the embeddedness of the Internet as a technology and medium, and into the interplay between activists’ and users’ practices and their social environment and physical world. Moreover, using a multidisciplinary conceptual framework, namely social movement theory, the social study of technology, alternative media studies, radical democracy theory and community informatics, the thesis examines the complex and multilayered interconnections between the Internet and the various social, economic and cultural processes shaping its appropriation and its potential for social change. It concludes that the Internet plays a significant role in enhancing Moroccan social movements’ collective action capabilities by favouring various forms of mobilization, and facilitating linkages between dispersed constituencies and translocal public spheres. The thesis argues, however, that the medium does not impact in any radical way the dominant political and social orders inasmuch as its implications and potential remain considerably limited by the various digital divides, and are mediated through the power relations characterizing society

    Impact of capital on financial performance of banks: the case of Tunisia

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    The Impact of Inflation on Bank Financial Performance: Case of Tunisia

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    Inflation is when the price of the most goods and services continue rising upward. This situation may cause the standard of living cost falls because, we have to spend a lot of money to get the same amount of goods and services that we bought previous time. On the other hand bank financial performance is important and is measured by several indictors . In this study we use a methodology of panel data in the sample of 11 banks in Tunisia over the period of ( 2000—2018). We found that inflation has positive impact on ROA  ( return on assets) and negative impact on ROE ( return on equity ) . Keywords: Inflation, bank financial performance, panel data, ROA, ROE DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-18-11 Publication date:September 30th 202

    L’imaginal habitant de la Médina de Tunis entre hier et aujourd’hui : cas des souks limitrophes à la mosquée Ezzitouna

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    Nous exprimons dans ce travail l’hypothèse que les pratiques de l’habiter dans tout espace architectural se font sur des lieux physiquement et matériellement définis, mais nous supposons que grâce à l’imaginal1, un dédoublement de ces lieux est fait. Ce dédoublement se produit grâce à un modèle imaginaire (pas dans le sens d’irréel) qui influence au quotidien toutes les pratiques sociales et spatiales. Ce modèle imaginal est le point de confluence des systèmes de représentations symboliques, de la vision du monde, de la cosmogonie, du religieux, etc. Notre étude sera focalisée sur l’espace commercial médinal et plus spécifiquement sur les souks aux abords de la mosquée Ezzitouna. Le choix de l’activité, à interroger dans cette étude, vient de notre conviction profonde que l’espace du commerce est un lieu fortement imprégné par l’imaginaire habitant, aussi l’enjeu économique, qui s’y déroule, laisse aux habitants le libre cours à l’utilisation de divers stratagèmes afin de «se défendre». La question qui se pose alors est, sur quelle idée essentielle allons-nous enquêter ? La réponse est que, grâce à l’enquête, aux entretiens proposés et aux relevés architecturaux nous allons sonder s’il y a vraiment pérennisation du système imaginal d’antan, ou s’il y a eu rupture dans ce mode de vision du monde.Peer Reviewe

    Greenwashing, la face cachée de la communication verte Une analyse conceptuelle

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    Depuis l’ère de l’industrialisation les défenseurs de l’environnement ne cessent de proclamer lanécessité de préserver les ressources naturelles. Face à ces voix qui s’élèvent, le marketing vertest mis en évidence comme la solution adéquate à ces maux. Ainsi, de plus en plus d’entreprisesadoptent les bases de ce marketing afin de miroiter leurs engagements écologiques et desatisfaire un nouveau segment émergent de consommateur engagés.Cette démarche marketing passe essentiellement par la communication verte, qui à travers laprésentation d’arguments écologiques vise à conforter et à valoriser les choix de cette politiquemercatique.Toutefois, cette solution « miracle » se voit critiquer à cause de son utilisation excessive, et leterme greenwashing fit son apparition pour revendiquer les abus et les dépassements de cettestratégie communicationnelle environnementale.Dans le présent article, nous tentons d’exposer la limite entre la communication verte et legreenwashing à travers une analyse conceptuelle de la littérature liées à ce sujet

    Showrooming & Webrooming : Revue de littérature par une étude bibliométrique.

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    Cette recherche vise à analyser la production scientifique, en anglais et en français, sur lescomportements de showrooming et de webrooming. Une étude bibliométrique, avec uneapproche mixte, a été réalisée avec une recherche sur le portail EBSCO et Google Scholar, ils’agit d’un examen systématique de la littérature. Malgré le fait que les travaux de recherchesur le sujet sont de plus en plus nombreux, seuls, une recherche a été sélectionnée qui a étudiéle comportement webrooming des consommateurs marocains (Knidiri Z., Ben moussa M.2019). Dans le but de soutenir les chercheurs qui cherchent à étudier ces comportements, laprésente recherche a généré un tableau de synthèse des principaux résultats et lacunes trouvésdans la littérature sur le sujet. L'objectif proposé est jugé pertinent par rapport au thème actuelet à l'impact qu'il provoque sur les organisations, étant à notre connaissance la première étudedu genre à être réalisée
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