14 research outputs found

    Comparative law and legal universalism: An historical perspective

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    At a time when world society is becoming increasingly mobile and legal life is internationalized, the role of comparative law is gaining in importance. One type of interest pertaining to knowledge and explanation in comparative law is associated with the traditional comparison de lege lata and/or de lege ferenda. Pursuant to this comparison are searches for models (both conceptual and substantive) for the interpretation of current law, or for the formulation and implementation of legal policy. Another type of interest is connected with the goal of integration, or at least harmonization and cooperation at a transnational or international level. The present paper considers the connection between comparative law and legal integration schemes from the viewpoint of legal history. It is believed that an historical examination of this connection can facilitate the understanding of some of the conceptual and practical challenges that the ongoing tendencies of globalization set for lawyers and jurists

    Restorative justice: some reflections on contemporary theory and practice

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    Over the past decade a new way of thinking about how we should view and respond to crime and delinquency has been gaining ground around the world and is beginning to exercise a significant influence on criminal justice policy and practice. Known as “restorative justice”, it revolves around the ideas that crime is primarily a conflict between individuals involving harm to people and human relationships; that the chief aim of the justice process should be to reconcile parties while addressing the harm caused by the offence; and that the resolution of the conflict demands a positive effort on the part of victims and offenders and assumption of responsibility by the community. This paper outlines the broad principles of restorative justice, examines the differences between restorative justice and other prevailing conceptions of justice, and identifies and comments on the constitutive elements necessary for restorative justice practice. The paper then considers contemporary restorative justice programmes, presenting information on origins, guiding principles, procedures and goals and identifying a number of issues and concerns that need to be addressed in the development and implementation of such programmes

    Applying Humanitarian Law to Bib-International Armed Conflicts

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    Restorative justice: some reflections on contemporary theory and practice

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    Over the past decade a new way of thinking about how we should view and respond to crime and delinquency has been gaining ground around the world and is beginning to exercise a significant influence on criminal justice policy and practice. Known as "restorative justice", it revolves around the ideas that crime is primarily a conflict between individuals involving harm to people and human relationships; that the chief aim of the justice process should be to reconcile parties while addressing the harm caused by the offence; and that the resolution of the conflict demands a positive effort on the part of victims and offenders and assumption of responsibility by the community. This paper outlines the broad principles of restorative justice, examines the differences between restorative justice and other prevailing conceptions of justice, and identifies and comments on the constitutive elements necessary for restorative justice practice. The paper then considers contemporary restorative justice programmes, presenting information on origins, guiding principles, procedures and goals and identifying a number of issues and concerns that need to be addressed in the development and implementation of such programmes. Herstellende geregtigheid: aspekte ter oorweging van die huidige teorie en praktyk Die afgelope aantal dekades het 'n nuwe benadering tot misdaad regoor die wรชreld posgevat en het dit 'n beduidende invloed op strafregbeleid en -praktyk uitgeoefen. Bekend as "herstellende geregtigheid", behels dit die idee dat misdaad primรชr 'n konflik tussen individue en benadeling van mense en menslike verhoudinge behels; dat die hoofdoel van die regsproses daarop gerig behoort te wees om die partye met mekaar te versoen, die benadeling deur die oortreding reg te stel en dat die oplossing van die konflik positiewe optrede van die slagoffers, oortreders en die aanvaarding van verantwoordelikheid deur die gemeenskap vereis. Hierdie bydrae skets breedweg die beginsels van herstellende geregtigheid, ondersoek die verskille tussen herstellende geregtigheid en ander heersende opvattings oor geregtigheid, en identifiseer en lewer kommentaar oor die onderliggende beginsels wat nodig is vir 'n praktyk van herstellende geregtigheid. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek kontemporรชre programme van herstellende geregtigheid, gee inligting oor die oorsprong, leidende beginsels, prosedures en doelwitte en identifiseer 'n hele aantal kwessies en bekommernisse wat in die ontwikkeling en aanbieding van sodanige programme aangespreek moet word. Jnl for Juridical Sci Vol.29(1) 2004: 1-2

    Applying Humanitarian Law to Bib-International Armed Conflicts

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