12 research outputs found

    Levantamentos rápidos como ferramenta-chave para o inventário da fauna de morcegos do Brasil: novos registros na restinga costeira

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    The restingas present a considerable variation in the floristic structure and composition along their latitudinal and morphoclimatic gradients. This variation may have a direct influence on the set of conditions and resources available for their biological communities, including mammals. The present study is the first to assess the bat fauna of a coastal restinga habitat in northeastern Brazil. The study site was the RPPN Caju in the municipality of Itaporanga D’Ajuda, Sergipe. We collected data on 10 consecutive days in 2014, using mist nets set at ground level, sampling a different point on each day. We captured 191 bats (16 species, 14 genera and 5 families), including the first records of Saccopteryx leptura, Molossops temminckii and Eptesicus brasiliensis for the coastal restinga. The latter two species were recorded for Sergipe for the first time. The recorded species richness is one of the highest yet recorded for Brazilian restinga. We increased the number of records of bat species in the Brazilian restinga from 38 to 41, and the number of species known to occur in Sergipe from 48 to 50. We recommend the “wandering” placement of mist nets as an effective strategy for the rapid assessment of bat communities.Keywords: Chiroptera, Eptesicus brasiliensis, Molossops temminckii, Saccopteryx leptura, Sergipe.As restingas apresentam considerável variação na composição e estrutura florística ao longo do seu gradiente latitudinal e morfoclimático. Essa variação pode ter influência direta no conjunto de condições e recursos disponíveis para suas comunidades biológicas, incluindo os mamíferos. O presente estudo é o primeiro a avaliar a quiropterofauna da restinga do nordeste brasileiro. O local de estudo foi a RPPN Caju, no município de Itaporanga D’Ajuda, Sergipe. Foram realizados 10 dias consecutivos de amostragem, em 2014, usando redes de neblina no nível do solo. Em cada dia, foram amostrados pontos diferentes. Foram capturados 191 morcegos (16 espécies, 14 gêneros e 5 famílias), com destaque para os primeiros registros de Saccopteryx leptura, Molossops temminckii e Eptesicus brasiliensis para a restinga. As duas últimas espécies são registradas pela primeira vez para Sergipe. A riqueza registrada na RPPN representa uma das mais altas registradas na literatura para a restinga. Ampliamos o número de registros de espécies de morcegos para a restinga de 38 para 41, e o número de espécies conhecidas para Sergipe de 48 para 50. Recomenda-se a instalação errante de redes de neblina para avaliações rápidas das comunidades de morcegos.Palavras-chave: Chiroptera, Eptesicus brasiliensis, Molossops temminckii, Saccopteryx leptura, Sergipe

    Inventário de aves da restinga de uma Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, Nordeste do Brasil

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    The knowledge of the characteristics of bird communities found in each habitat type and the ecological requirements of each species helps to define the environmental conditions of an area. In the present study, we provide an inventory of the bird community of the Caju Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN Caju), in Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Sergipe, Brazil. We conducted a rapid assessment of the bird community between October 21st and 31st, 2014, using MacKinnon’s lists and mist-netting. We identified 89 bird species representing 36 families, of which the most diverse were Thraupidae (S=11), Tyrannidae (S=11), Columbidae (S=5), Falconidae (S=4) and Psittacidae (S=4). Five of the species recorded are endemic to Brazil and one (Herpsilochmus pectoralis) is considered vulnerable to extinction, according to IUCN criteria. We recorded bird species that are predominantly insectivorous (40.45%), omnivorous (25.84%), and carnivorous (11.24%). Other guilds (frugivorous, granivorous, detritivorous, piscivorous, and nectarivorous) represented together less than 25% of the records. The bird richness recorded at the RPPN Caju confirms the potential importance of the area as a conservation unit.Keywords: protected area, avian fauna, Sergipe.Conhecer as exigências ecológicas das espécies e a composição da comunidade de aves auxilia na identificação das condições ambientais de determinada área. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo apresenta resultados de um inventário de aves de restinga da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural do Caju, em Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Sergipe, Brasil. O inventário foi realizado com base no método de levantamento rápido, durante dez dias de outubro de 2014, através de amostragens com a confecção de listas de MacKinnon e uso de redes de neblina. Foram identificadas 89 espécies de aves distribuídas em 36 famílias, sendo Thraupidae (S=11), Tyrannidae (S=11), Columbidae (S=5), Falconidae (S=4) e Psittacidae (S=4) as mais representativas. Entre os registros totais, cinco espécies são endêmicas do Brasil, e uma é considerada vulnerável (Herpsilochmus pectoralis), de acordo com os critérios da IUCN. As espécies de aves insetívoras foram mais bem representadas (40.45%), seguidas das omnívoras (25.48%) e das carnívoras (11.24%). Outras guildas tróficas (frugívoros, granívoros, detritívoros, piscívoros e nectarívoros) representaram em conjunto menos de 25% do total dos registros. Os resultados indicam que a RPPN do Caju abriga uma diversidade de aves considerável, confirmando a importância da área enquanto unidade de conservação.Palavras-chave: área protegida, avifauna, Sergipe

    Mixed-species associations in cuxiús (genus Chiropotes)

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    Polyspecific or mixed-species associations, where two or more species come together to forage and travel as a unit, have been reported in many primate species. These associations appear to offer a number of benefits to the species involved including increased foraging efficiency and decreased risk of predation. While several researchers have suggested that cuxiús (genus Chiropotes) form mixed-species associations, previous studies have not identified the circumstances under which cuxiús form associations or whether they form associations more often than would be expected by chance. Here we present data on the formation of mixed-species associations by four species of cuxiús at eight different sites in Brazil, Suriname, and Guyana. We analyzed data from two of the study sites, (Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP), Brazil and the Upper Essequibo Conservation Concession (UECC), Guyana, to assess whether associations occurred more than would be expected by chance encounters and identify the factors influencing their formation. Cuxiús showed a high degree of inter-site variation in the frequency of time spent in association (ranging from 2 to 26% of observation time) and duration of associations (mean duration from 22min to 2.5hr). Sapajus apella was the most common association partner at most sites. At BDFFP, cuxiús formed associations more frequently but not for longer duration than expected by chance. For much of the year at UECC, associations were not more frequent or longer than chance. However, during the dry season, cuxiús formed associations with S. apella significantly more often and for longer duration than predicted by chance. Cuxiús at UECC formed associations significantly more often when in smaller subgroups and when foraging for insects, and alarm called significantly less frequently during associations. We suggest cuxiús form mixed-species associations at some sites as an adaptive strategy to decrease predation risk and/or increase foraging efficiency. Am. J. Primatol. 78:583-597, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Mixed‐species associations in cuxiús (genus Chiropotes

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    Polyspecific or mixed-species associations, where two or more species come together to forage and travel as a unit, have been reported in many primate species. These associations appear to offer a number of benefits to the species involved including increased foraging efficiency and decreased risk of predation. While several researchers have suggested that cuxiús (genus Chiropotes) form mixed-species associations, previous studies have not identified the circumstances under which cuxiús form associations or whether they form associations more often than would be expected by chance. Here we present data on the formation of mixed-species associations by four species of cuxiús at eight different sites in Brazil, Suriname, and Guyana. We analyzed data from two of the study sites, (Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP), Brazil and the Upper Essequibo Conservation Concession (UECC), Guyana, to assess whether associations occurred more than would be expected by chance encounters and identify the factors influencing their formation. Cuxiús showed a high degree of inter-site variation in the frequency of time spent in association (ranging from 2 to 26% of observation time) and duration of associations (mean duration from 22min to 2.5hr). Sapajus apella was the most common association partner at most sites. At BDFFP, cuxiús formed associations more frequently but not for longer duration than expected by chance. For much of the year at UECC, associations were not more frequent or longer than chance. However, during the dry season, cuxiús formed associations with S. apella significantly more often and for longer duration than predicted by chance. Cuxiús at UECC formed associations significantly more often when in smaller subgroups and when foraging for insects, and alarm called significantly less frequently during associations. We suggest cuxiús form mixed-species associations at some sites as an adaptive strategy to decrease predation risk and/or increase foraging efficiency. Am. J. Primatol. 78:583-597, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Relações entre profissionais de saúde e usuários durante as práticas em saúde Relationships between health professionals and users throughout health care practices

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    Apresenta-se uma revisão integrativa sobre estudos que abordam as relações entre profissionais de saúde e usuários durante as práticas em saúde. Objetivou-se identificar os aspectos pesquisados no cotidiano dos serviços acerca dessas relações. A coleta foi realizada nas bases Lilacs e Pubmed segundo os descritores: acolhimento; relações profissional-família; relações profissional-paciente; humanização da assistência; e a palavra 'vínculo' associada ao descritor Sistema Único de Saúde. Selecionaram-se 290 estudos publicados entre 1990 e 2010. Por meio da análise temática, foram criados cinco núcleos de sentido: a relevância da confiança na relação profissional-usuário; sentimentos e sentidos na prática do cuidado; a importância da comunicação nos serviços de saúde; modo de organização das práticas em saúde; e (des)colonialismo. Identificou-se que as relações estabelecidas nas práticas de saúde têm uma dimensão transformadora. No entanto, permanece o desafio de humanizar os serviços de saúde. A enfermagem se destaca na produção do conhecimento nessa temática.<br>This article presents an integrative review about studies that address the relationships between health professionals and users in health care practices. It aimed to identify aspects that were researched on the daily life of the services concerning such relationships. Data were collected from the Lilacs and Pubmed databases based on these descriptors: user embracement; professionalfamily relations; professionalpatient relations; humanization of the care; and the bonding word associated to the Single Health System descriptor. Two hundred and ninety studies, published from 1990 to 2010, were selected. Through thematic analyses, five meaning cores were created: the relevance of the confidence in the professionaluser relationship; feelings and senses in the health care practice; the importance of communications in health care services; ways to organize health care practices and (de)colonialism. It was found that relationships established in health care practices have a transformative dimension. However, the challenge to humanize health care services remains. Nursing stands out in the production of knowledge on such theme

    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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