685 research outputs found

    Use of by-products rich in carbon and nitrogen as a nutrient source to produce Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) -based biopesticide.

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    The amount and sources of carbon and nitrogen used to produce Bacillus thuringiensis(Berliner)-based biopesticide may in fluence the quality of the final product. The objective of this research was to test different levels of carbon and nitrogen: medium 1 - 1.5% maize glucose + 0.5% soy flour, medium 2 - 3.0% maize glucose + 1.0% soy flour, medium 3 - 1.0% maize glucose + 3.0% soy flour and medium 4 - Luria Bertani (LB) + salts (FeSO4, ZnSO4, MnSO4, MgSO4). The seed culture was produced in LB medium plus salt, under agitation (200 rpm) for 18h at 30oC. The strain 344 of Bt was used (B. thuringiensis var tolworthi ? belonging to the Embrapa ?s Bt Bank). The pH was measured at regular intervals. and After culturing for 96h, the pH of the four tested media was basified (6.91 and 8.15), the number of spores yielded 4.39 x 109 spores/ml in medium 3, where the amount of protein is high. The dry biomass weight accumulated in media 3 was 39.3 g/l. Mortality of 2-day-old larvae Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) was 100% when using Bt produced in media 3 and 4. CL50 for medium 3 was 8.4 x 106 spores/ml. All tested media were satisfactory to Bt growth, and medium 3 wass the most promising to be used on a large scale Bt-based biopesticide production. A quantidade de carbono e nitrogênio usados para produzir biopesticidas à base de Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) pode influenciar a qualidade final do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar meios com diferentes níveis de carbono e nitrogênio: meio 1 - glicose de milho a 1.5% + farinha de soja a 0,5%, meio 2 - glicose de milho a 3,0% + farinha de soja a 1,0%, meio 3 - glicose de milho a 1,0% + farinha de soja a 3,0% e meio 4 - Luria Bertani (LB) + sais (FeSO4, ZnSO4, MnSO4 e MgSO4). O inóculo semente foi produzido usando 150 ml de meio LB mais sais incubados por 18h a 30oC, sob agitação de 200 rpm. A cepa utilizada foi 344 (B. thuringiensis var tolworthi ? pertencente ao Banco de Microorganismos da Embrapa). O pH foi medido a intervalos regulares. Após 96h de cultivo, o pH de todos os meios testados tenderam ao básico (entre 6,91 e 8,15), o maior número de esporos foi de 4,39 x 109 sporos/ml no meio 3, onde o teor de proteína usado foi o mais alto. A produção de massa celular foi maior no meio 3, com total acumulado de 39,3 g/l. A mortalidade de larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) de dois dias de idade nos meios 3 e 4 foi de 100%. A CL50 para o meio 3 foi de 8,4 x 106 esporos/ml. Os meios alternativos usados promoveram crescimento satisfatório de Bt, sendo o meio 3 o mais promissor para ser usado na produção de biopesticida à base de Bt

    Indoor environmental quality in offices and risk of health and productivity complaints at work: A literature review

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    Many service jobs are carried out in modern offices, with individual offices being increasingly replaced by open-plan settings. The high number of adult people working in office buildings, in most situations sharing the work-place with many others during a considerable part of their daily time, highlights the importance of providing adequate guidance to ensure the quality of office environments. This paper aims to summarize existing data on modern offices' indoor environmental quality (IEQ) conditions in terms of air pollution (volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter and inorganic pollutants), thermal comfort, lighting and acoustics and the respective associations with health and productivity-related outcomes in workers. Evidence shows that al-though many offices present acceptable IEQ, some office settings can have levels of air pollutants, hygrothermal conditions/thermal comfort and illuminance that do not comply with the existing international standards and recommendations. In addition, findings suggest the existence of significant associations between the assessed IEQ indicators and the risk of detrimental effects on health and productivity of office workers. In particular, airborne particles, CO2, O 3 and thermal comfort were linked with the prevalence of sick building syndrome symptoms. Poor lighting and acoustical quality have also been associated with malaise and physiological stress among office workers. Similarly, better productivity levels have been registered for good indoor air quality conditions, in terms of VOC, airborne particles and CO2. Overall, the evidence revised in this work suggests that for promoting health and productivity recommendations for office building managers include actions to ensure that: i) all relevant IEQ indicators are periodically controlled to ensure that levels comply with recommended limit values; ii) declared in-door pollution sources are avoided; iii) adequate ventilation and acclimatization strategies are implemented; and iv) there is the possibility of conduct personalized adjustments to environmental conditions (following workers' preferences).The authors gratefully acknowledge Fundacao para a Ciencia e nologia (FCT) for the financial support of FF through the PhD BD/6521/2020

    A case report

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    Benign transient hyperphosphatasemia of infancy and early childhood is a self-limiting condition characte-rized by transiently increased serum alkaline phosphatase in the absence of liver, kidney or metabolic bone diseases. It is often accidentally found in children under five years old and it might be associated with a variety of underlying clinical disorders. Its pathophysiology remains unclear. Herein, we report a case of a 4-year-old girl with a 1-year history of persistent oligoarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, who was found to have transient hyperphosphatasemia during a periodic check-up. This clinical case underlines the importance of promptly recognizing this benign condition, which avoids unnecessary extensive investigations.publishersversionpublishe

    Acute Myocardial Infarction Associated with Anomalous Origin of Coronary Arteries (a Rare Case of Origin of the Left Coronary Artery From the Ostium of the Right Coronary Artery)

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    A origem da artéria coronária esquerda a partir do ostio ou do segmento proximal da artéria coronária direita é uma anomalia congénita rara (0,03 a 0,4%), e um achado angiográfico pouco comum (0,6 a 1,3%) (artéria coronária única). A anomalia congénita coronária mais frequente é a origem separada da artéria descendente anterior e da artéria circunflexa no seio coronário esquerdo. A segunda anomalia mais comum é a origem da artéria circunflexa no seio coronário direito. Descrevemos um caso de enfarte agudo do miocárdio com localização infero lateral, que evoluiu com choque cardiogénico e disfunção ventricular esquerda graves, após angioplastia primária de oclusão proximal da artéria coronária direita, e em que não foi possível cateterizar a artéria coronária esquerda por inexistência de ostio no seio coronário esquerdo. Destaca-se o papel importante das novas técnicas de imagem, nomeadamente da angio-TC das coronárias, na identificação das anomalias congénitas das artérias coronárias

    Influence of EBR on the structural resistance of RC slabs under quasi-static and blast loading: Experimental testing and numerical analysis

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    Flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures with externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) using carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) has in recent years received increased interest from specialists, particularly when dealing with protective structures against terrorist or accidental blast loading. Although a significant number of studies have been conducted on the failure modes of the bonded interface for quasi -static conditions, there is still limited published research on the effects of blast loading. In this paper, RC slabs externally strengthened with CFRP are tested in three-point bending as well as subjected to blast loading. The behaviour of the tested specimens under both loading regimes is evaluated with special focus on the mechanisms that lead to the disruption of the CFRP. It was found that the debonding of the CFRP was caused, in both cases, by the fracture and separation of a thin layer of concrete in the near vicinity of the bonded interface. However, the mechanisms that lead to this failure differ. A numerical model was developed and simulations performed using the finite element (FE) code LS-DYNA to investigate the validity of commonly used simplifications on the modelling of the interface in both cases. It was found that although the modelling technique used to represent the disruption of CFRP under quasi-static conditions provide accurate results, it does not return accurate predictions of the debonding of CFRP under blast loading

    Práticas agroecológicas de convivência com semiárido adotadas por agricultores familiares no sertão cearense.

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    Resumo: O modelo de agricultura adotado no Nordeste brasileiro tem provocado degradação da caatinga, reduzindo a capacidade produtiva do solo, geração de renda e a insegurança alimentar na região semiárida. A preservação da caatinga, fixação do homem ao campo, seu bem-estar, aliados à geração de renda, são possíveis fatores de sustentabilidade e de desenvolvimento local. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as práticas agroecológicas adotadas pelos agricultores familiares do assentamento Vista Alegre, em Quixeramobim, no Ceará. Foram aplicados 18 questionários semi-estruturados baseado em técnicas de Diagnóstico Rural Participativo. Todas as famílias adotam a pratica da adubação orgânica, pelo uso do esterco do rebanho, cerca de 90% dos agricultores não desmatam, quase 80% dos assentados não efetuam queimadas, cerca de 90% dos produtores não usam agrotóxicos. Estas práticas parecem ser essenciais para o desempenho da agricultura familiar, manutenção e melhoria da fertilidade dos agroecossistemas, sendo ferramentas importantes para a sustentabilidade da produção agrícola, e em um menor nível de dependência de insumos externos e redução dos custos da produção. [Agroecological practices using by smallholders in the brazilian semiarid]. Abstract: The agricultural model adopted in the Brazilian Northeast has caused degradation of the savanna, reducing the productive capacity of the soil, income generation and food insecurity in the semiarid region. The preservation of the savanna, fixing the man in the field, their well-being, combined with income generation, are possible factors of sustainability and local development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agroecological practices adopted by farmers nesting Vista Alegre in Quixeramobim, Ceará. Were applied to 18 semi-structured questionnaires based on techniques of Participatory Rural Appraisal. All families have adopted the practice of organic manure, the use of manure from the herd, about 90% of farmers do not deforest, almost 80% of the settlers do not make fires, about 90% of farmers do not use pesticides. These practices appear to be essential for the performance of family farming, maintaining and improving the fertility of agroecosystems, with important tools for sustainable agricultural production, and a lower level of dependence on external inputs and reduction of production costs