15 research outputs found

    Fronts pionniers et structuration de l’espace dans le Cameroun mĂ©ridional: de nouveaux territoires en mutation rapide

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    En rĂ©action aux fortes densitĂ©s de population de certaines rĂ©gions du pays, l’État moins interventionniste, les missions catholiques et les ONG organisent depuis quelques annĂ©es les colonisations agricoles: descente des montagnards vers les plaines, colonisation des marges des plateaux densĂ©ment peuplĂ©es de l’Ouest, etc. Dans le prĂ©sent article, deux zones ont Ă©tĂ© retenues pour illustrer les nouvelles formes de dynamiques spatiales qui s’observent dans ces zones de colonisation rĂ©centes. Il s’agit des vallĂ©es du Mbam et du Noun en bordure du plateau Bamoun, qui accueillent les Ă©migrĂ©s bamilĂ©kĂ©, voutĂ©, yamba et tikar et des secteurs de Talba et de Mbonso, qui reçoivent les populations du dĂ©partement de la LĂ©kiĂ© et des zones anglophones. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, la stratĂ©gie des pionniers est la mĂȘme: installation d’une premiĂšre vague de migrants d’abord, suivie ensuite de vagues plus importantes constituĂ©es essentiellement des membres de la famille. Les formes de mise en valeur les plus courantes sont la crĂ©ation de vastes plantations de cafĂ© et de cacao, ainsi que des champs de cultures vivriĂšres et maraĂźchĂšres. De nouveaux territoires sont crĂ©Ă©s et dĂ©veloppent une dynamique que l’analyse de l’imagerie satellitale permet de mieux apprĂ©hender.Pioneer fronts and spatial dynamics in Southern Cameroon: a new land use organisation High rural densities, lack of cultivable lands, soil infertility, malnutrition, conflicts
 contribute to the movement of people from their original sites to pioneer fronts. With the help of the State (the Noun valley), and the church (Talba and Mbonso), they occupied new lands and put them into use. For many decades, vast lands below 1 100 m have remained unoccupied. They are now receiving people from different origins. A new form of land use is being organised here leading to important spatial dynamics. The aim of this work is to study the spatial dynamics observed in the areas of recent colonisation. Certainly, vast coffee and cocoa plantations are being created but dairy farming and market gardening, more profitable lead in land use here. The Mbam and Noun valleys bordered the Bamun plateau. Gallery forest and massif cover the Mbam valley. An important frontier occupied by the Bamun, Bamileke, Yamba, Voute found in this space sidelined those of overpopulated high lands. The vast empty spaces of Talba and Mbonso have attracted the population from the LekiĂ© and anglophones zones in need of cultivable space. New territories are created. They develop a new spatial dynamic which can be analysed with satellite images

    DĂ©sengagement de l’État et rĂ©ponses paysannes au Cameroun

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    PoussĂ© par les bailleurs de fonds, l’État du Cameroun s’est dĂ©sengagĂ© des secteurs de production et partant, des subventions multiformes de l’agriculture. En rĂ©action Ă  cette situation, les paysans ont dĂ©cidĂ© de se prendre en main eux-mĂȘmes en crĂ©ant ou renforçant les associations locales. L’émergence des associations locales de toutes sortes et la multiplication des initiatives locales ont contribuĂ© Ă©galement Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des conditions et du cadre de vie des populations rurales. La population s’organise pour contribuer financiĂšrement, physiquement et matĂ©riellement pour construire, amĂ©nager et rĂ©habiliter les infrastructures diverses. Ces initiatives communautaires, souvent appuyĂ©es financiĂšrement et techniquement par les ONG locales, nationales, internationales et aussi par la coopĂ©ration internationale constituent autant de tentatives de rĂ©ponse Ă  la dĂ©gradation des conditions de vie et de l’incapacitĂ© de l’État camerounais Ă  assurer un fonctionnement correct et rĂ©gulier des services publics et des Ă©quipements ruraux. MalgrĂ© les efforts multiformes faits par les associations locales, aucun village n’a atteint un degrĂ© de dĂ©veloppement apprĂ©ciable. Toutefois, la situation aurait Ă©tĂ© catastrophique si elles n’existaient pas.Disengagement of the national Government of Cameroon in the development of rural areas and reactions of the peasants The emergence of all types of local associations and the rapid increase of local initiatives to ameliorate their living conditions is today a very important phenomenon in the development of rural areas. Organised and contributing in cash, labour and materially to construct bridges, taps, schools, open up roads and renovate old infrastructures, these community initiatives supported financially and technically by local, national and international NGOs and by micro projects finance departments of Embassies and cooperation constitute some reactions to the degradating living conditions and the incapability of the state to assure a correct functioning and provide public services and rural infrastructures. Yet, no village is developed

    DĂ©fis et perspectives du dĂ©veloppement de l’activitĂ© touristique Ă  Foumban, ville historique de l’Ouest Cameroun

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    La simple Ă©vocation du nom de Foumban rappelle aux touristes nationaux et internationaux les grandes richesses culturelle et artisanale du peuple Bamoun. En effet, qu’il s’agisse du Palais royal Ă©difiĂ© au dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle, de son musĂ©e riche d’attributs royaux et d’objets anciens, ou encore de la diversitĂ© des pratiques ancestrales lors des manifestations du Ngouon, le chef-lieu du dĂ©partement du Noun attire en moyenne 4 500 Ă  5 000 visiteurs chaque annĂ©e. Ces visites sont tournĂ©es essentiellement vers le Palais et son musĂ©e. Les principaux acteurs intervenant dans l’activitĂ© touristique sont : le Sultan, Roi des Bamoun, qui supervise et coordonne le bon dĂ©roulement du tourisme afin d’en sauvegarder principalement l’aspect culturel ; des opĂ©rateurs touristiques, qui partent des grandes mĂ©tropoles avec leurs « clients » vers Foumban ; les guides locaux, qui selon le degrĂ© de confiance qui leur est accordĂ©, ont accĂšs au musĂ©e royal. En dĂ©pit du fait que chacun de ces acteurs joue un rĂŽle essentiel pour le dĂ©veloppement du tourisme dans la ville, quelques lacunes peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©celĂ©es. Ainsi, on peut remarquer entre autres : la concentration de l’activitĂ© au centre ville et donc la non visite de certains autres sites potentiels ; l’inexistence d’un circuit prĂ©Ă©tabli connu Ă  l’avance, d’oĂč la monotonie de celui actuel ; le nombre limitĂ© d’acteurs ; l’entretien non assurĂ© et la durabilitĂ© mise Ă  mal de certains sites et dans le milieu naturel en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Cette contribution part de l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle la gestion concertĂ©e du tourisme entre des acteurs diversifiĂ©s est une solution pour une meilleure dĂ©finition du rĂŽle des acteurs, une utilisation optimale et durable des sites touristiques de la ville, et par consĂ©quent une multiplication des flux. Son objectif est alors d’aboutir Ă  la proposition d’un schĂ©ma local de gestion touristique, avec reprĂ©cisions des rĂŽles des acteurs, en fonction de la hiĂ©rarchisation sociale et des exigences administratives et institutionnelles. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont la mise en place d’un schĂ©ma stratĂ©gique local de gestion concertĂ©e du tourisme, dont la configuration favorise la durabilitĂ©.The simple evocation of Fumban reminds national and international tourists of the great cultural and artistic treasures of the Bamun people. Be it the royal palace constructed at the dawn of the 20th century, her museum enriched with treasures and royal attires, and/or the diversities of ancestral practices during the Nguon celebrations ; the headquarters of the Noun division is a treasure which attracts between 4 500 and 5 000 visitors each year. Visits are mainly directed to the palace and its museum. The principal actors involved in the practice of touristic activities are : his Royal Highness the Sultan, King of the Bamun who supervises and coordinates the good functioning of the cultural aspects ; the touristic operators, who come from metropolis with their client to Fumban ; local guides who, according to the degree of confidence put on them, have access to the royal museum.if it seems that each actor plays an essential role for the development of tourism in the town, some lacunas can be observed ; outstandingly there is : a concentration of touristic activities in the central town ; the non existence of a predefined circuit, therefore monotony in the actual circuit ; a limited number of actors ; a lack of maintenance of some sites in the natural environment.This article relies on the hypothesis that concerted management of tourism between actors is a solution for a better definition of their role for an optimal and sustainable utilization of touristic sites in the town, and consequently, a multiplication of incoming flow. The objective is to propose a local scheme of touristic management, with precisions on the role of actors according to the social organization of institutional and administrative requirements. The main result is that the implementation of a strategic local scheme of concerted management of tourism with configuration favors sustainability


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    Background and Context :Land is a key element for the practice of economic activities such as agriculture. In rural areas, its equitable access is an essential condition for sustainable development and the improvement of the living conditions of populations. The availability of land resources in an area like that of the Council of Koutaba in West Cameroon has encouraged agricultural migration to this area.Goal and Objectives:This study seeks to analyze land management and identify the modes of land acquisition by agricultural migrants in the Commune of Koutaba.Methodology:The methodology used is centered around data from primary sources such as socio-economic surveys of a sample of 126 agricultural households and interviews with administrative and traditional authorities. The literature review, the consultation of archival data and the exploitation of cartographic sources completed the methodological framework.Results:The main results highlight the presence of a dual land law, modern law and customary law. Furthermore, only 9% of the rural population holds a legal land title, while 48% of the migrant population has access to land thanks to donations made by the indigenous populations. Despite identity tensions between migrants and indigenous populations, the synergies of actors in the rural world put in place strategies to preserve social peace.


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    Context and Background:Women represent close to 51% of the Cameroonian population and they are more than 70% active in food and market gardening  activities (INS, 2010). To this end, they need land and  capital to carry out their activities in order to make agriculture profitable and ensure food security for their families. The rural women of Baigom, like those elsewhere, are fighting with all the means at their disposal to gain access to land and participate in the agricultural development of this village.Goal and objectives: This contribution makes it possible to analyze the socio-economic and cultural context which is largely unfavorable to women's access to land in Baigom. Women who are active in agricultural production activities are limited by the unavailability of land resources, which nevertheless constitute a no less negligible factor of production. This state of virtual exclusion of these leading actors in family farming is detrimental to the development of the agricultural economy.Methodology: To conduct this study, the methodology adopted focused on primary and secondary sources and field observations. As for the primary sources, socio-economic surveys were carried out with a target population made up of women producers in the village of Baïgom. Young girls are more like family labor in peasant agriculture. The socio-economic surveys reached 5% of women over the age of 15, in the end 150 questionnaires were collected in the five main districts of the village (Nkoupetgom, Nkou gahri, Chaanké, Mbayé, Njissen).The secondary data are the fruit of the literature review and the consultation of the archives. These archives are present in the decentralized services of the State of the specialized institutions which generate official statistics such as the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The webography was not, moreover, a source of acquisition of certain knowledge in terms of the gender approach to land issues in tropical Africa as a whole.Results:The main results indicate that women's access to land ownership is low, with only about 8% holding a land title. Furthermore, the juxtaposition of modern and customary rights complicates the marginalization of women's access to land, with a negative impact on agricultural production activities. In spite of these obstacles, solutions are envisaged by all the actors to involve women more in the management of rural land

    Risques économico-environnementaux liés aux emballages traditionnels pour vivres frais utilisés dans le bassin maraßcher de Foumbot (Cameroun)

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    The Foumbot agricultural region is become, due to his agricultural dynamism, one of the most important market garden centers of the western region of Cameroon. The rapid development of this region at the end of 1990’s has been accompanied by the adoption of a traditional packaging model. The choice concerning the packaging in Foumbot region presents two advantages. First the permanent availability due to the abundance of row materials collected in raffia forests/forests-gallery and, secondly, an affordable prices for farmers. However, considering the diversity of market garden produces within the region, the increasing volumes of produced collected and the quality of traditional packing, economical and environmental issues of traditional packing are become the majors concerns which need sustainable alternatives. The strategy consisting of adapting products to specific traditional packing, the afforestation process of endemic species such as raffia and other raw materials from forest-gallery, the direct selling without intermediaries and in the same way the scaffolding piles should be therefore confirmed as relevant strategies dealing with the sustainability of market garden distribution