205 research outputs found

    The Multifunctional Sorting Protein PACS-2 Controls Mitophagosome Formation in Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells through Mitochondria-ER Contact Sites.

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    Mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAMs) are crucial for lipid transport and synthesis, calcium exchange, and mitochondrial functions, and they also act as signaling platforms. These contact sites also play a critical role in the decision between autophagy and apoptosis with far reaching implications for cell fate. Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) apoptosis accelerates atherogenesis and the progression of advanced lesions, leading to atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability and medial degeneration. Though the successful autophagy of damaged mitochondria promotes VSMC survival against pro-apoptotic atherogenic stressors, it is unknown whether MAMs are involved in VSMC mitophagy processes. Here, we investigated the role of the multifunctional MAM protein phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 2 (PACS-2) in regulating VSMC survival following a challenge by atherogenic lipids. Using high-resolution confocal microscopy and proximity ligation assays, we found an increase in MAM contacts as in PACS-2-associated MAMs upon stimulation with atherogenic lipids. Correspondingly, the disruption of MAM contacts by PACS-2 knockdown impaired mitophagosome formation and mitophagy, thus potentiating VSMC apoptosis. In conclusion, our data shed new light on the significance of the MAM modulatory protein PACS-2 in vascular cell physiopathology and suggest MAMs may be a new target to modulate VSMC fate and favor atherosclerotic plaque stability

    Foliations of Isonergy Surfaces and Singularities of Curves

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    It is well known that changes in the Liouville foliations of the isoenergy surfaces of an integrable system imply that the bifurcation set has singularities at the corresponding energy level. We formulate certain genericity assumptions for two degrees of freedom integrable systems and we prove the opposite statement: the essential critical points of the bifurcation set appear only if the Liouville foliations of the isoenergy surfaces change at the corresponding energy levels. Along the proof, we give full classification of the structure of the isoenergy surfaces near the critical set under our genericity assumptions and we give their complete list using Fomenko graphs. This may be viewed as a step towards completing the Smale program for relating the energy surfaces foliation structure to singularities of the momentum mappings for non-degenerate integrable two degrees of freedom systems.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    Smooth extensions of functions on separable Banach spaces

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    Let XX be a Banach space with a separable dual XX^{*}. Let YXY\subset X be a closed subspace, and f:YRf:Y\to\mathbb{R} a C1C^{1}-smooth function. Then we show there is a C1C^{1} extension of ff to XX.Comment: 19 pages. This version fixes a gap in the previous proof of Theorem 1 by providing a sharp version of Lemma

    Immunohistochemical assessment of protein phosphorylation state: the dream and the reality

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    The development of phosphorylation state-specific antibodies (PSSAs) in the 1980s, and their subsequent proliferation promised to enable in situ analysis of the activation states of complex intracellular signaling networks. The extent to which this promise has been fulfilled is the topic of this review. I review some applications of PSSAs primarily in the assessment of solid tumor signaling pathway activation status. PSSAs have received considerable attention for their potential to reveal cell type-specific activation status, provide added prognostic information, aid in the prediction of response to therapy, and most recently, demonstrate the efficacy of kinase-targeted chemotherapies. However, despite some successes, many studies have failed to demonstrate added value of PSSAs over general antibody immunohistochemistry. Moreover, there is still a large degree of uncertainty about the interpretation of complex and heterogeneous staining patterns in tissue samples and their relationship to the actual phosphorylation states in vivo. The next phase of translational research in applications of PSSAs will entail the hard work of antibody validation, gathering of detailed information about epitope-specific lability, and implementation of methods for standardization

    Spectroscopic investigations of a semi-synthetic [FeFe] hydrogenase with propane di-selenol as bridging ligand in the binuclear subsite: comparison to the wild type and propane di-thiol variants

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    [FeFe] Hydrogenases catalyze the reversible conversion of H2 into electrons and protons. Their catalytic site, the H-cluster, contains a generic [4Fe–4S]H cluster coupled to a [2Fe]H subsite [Fe2(ADT)(CO)3(CN)2]2−, ADT = µ(SCH2)2NH. Heterologously expressed [FeFe] hydrogenases (apo-hydrogenase) lack the [2Fe]H unit, but this can be incorporated through artificial maturation with a synthetic precursor [Fe2(ADT)(CO)4(CN)2]2−. Maturation with a [2Fe] complex in which the essential ADT amine moiety has been replaced by CH2 (PDT = propane-dithiolate) results in a low activity enzyme with structural and spectroscopic properties similar to those of the native enzyme, but with simplified redox behavior. Here, we study the effect of sulfur-to-selenium (S-to-Se) substitution in the bridging PDT ligand incorporated in the [FeFe] hydrogenase HydA1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using magnetic resonance (EPR, NMR), FTIR and spectroelectrochemistry. The resulting HydA1-PDSe enzyme shows the same redox behavior as the parent HydA1-PDT. In addition, a state is observed in which extraneous CO is bound to the open coordination site of the [2Fe]H unit. This state was previously observed only in the native enzyme HydA1-ADT and not in HydA1-PDT. The spectroscopic features and redox behavior of HydA1-PDSe, resulting from maturation with [Fe2(PDSe)(CO)4(CN)2]2−, are discussed in terms of spin and charge density shifts and provide interesting insight into the electronic structure of the H-cluster. We also studied the effect of S-to-Se substitution in the [4Fe–4S] subcluster. The reduced form of HydA1 containing only the [4Fe–4Se]H cluster shows a characteristic S = 7/2 spin state which converts back into the S = 1/2 spin state upon maturation with a [2Fe]–PDT/ADT complex

    The First Cellular Models Based on Frataxin Missense Mutations That Reproduce Spontaneously the Defects Associated with Friedreich Ataxia

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    BACKGROUND:Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), the most common form of recessive ataxia, is due to reduced levels of frataxin, a highly conserved mitochondrial iron-chaperone involved in iron-sulfur cluster (ISC) biogenesis. Most patients are homozygous for a (GAA)(n) expansion within the first intron of the frataxin gene. A few patients, either with typical or atypical clinical presentation, are compound heterozygous for the GAA expansion and a micromutation. METHODOLOGY:We have developed a new strategy to generate murine cellular models for FRDA: cell lines carrying a frataxin conditional allele were used in combination with an EGFP-Cre recombinase to create murine cellular models depleted for endogenous frataxin and expressing missense-mutated human frataxin. We showed that complete absence of murine frataxin in fibroblasts inhibits cell division and leads to cell death. This lethal phenotype was rescued through transgenic expression of human wild type as well as mutant (hFXN(G130V) and hFXN(I154F)) frataxin. Interestingly, cells expressing the mutated frataxin presented a FRDA-like biochemical phenotype. Though both mutations affected mitochondrial ISC enzymes activities and mitochondria ultrastructure, the hFXN(I154F) mutant presented a more severe phenotype with affected cytosolic and nuclear ISC enzyme activities, mitochondrial iron accumulation and an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. The differential phenotype correlates with disease severity observed in FRDA patients. CONCLUSIONS:These new cellular models, which are the first to spontaneously reproduce all the biochemical phenotypes associated with FRDA, are important tools to gain new insights into the in vivo consequences of pathological missense mutations as well as for large-scale pharmacological screening aimed at compensating frataxin deficiency

    High-Yield Expression of Heterologous [FeFe] Hydrogenases in Escherichia coli

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    BACKGROUND: The realization of hydrogenase-based technologies for renewable H(2) production is presently limited by the need for scalable and high-yielding methods to supply active hydrogenases and their required maturases. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this report, we describe an improved Escherichia coli-based expression system capable of producing 8-30 mg of purified, active [FeFe] hydrogenase per liter of culture, volumetric yields at least 10-fold greater than previously reported. Specifically, we overcame two problems associated with other in vivo production methods: low protein yields and ineffective hydrogenase maturation. The addition of glucose to the growth medium enhances anaerobic metabolism and growth during hydrogenase expression, which substantially increases total yields. Also, we combine iron and cysteine supplementation with the use of an E. coli strain upregulated for iron-sulfur cluster protein accumulation. These measures dramatically improve in vivo hydrogenase activation. Two hydrogenases, HydA1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and HydA (CpI) from Clostridium pasteurianum, were produced with this improved system and subsequently purified. Biophysical characterization and FTIR spectroscopic analysis of these enzymes indicate that they harbor the H-cluster and catalyze H(2) evolution with rates comparable to those of enzymes isolated from their respective native organisms. SIGNIFICANCE: The production system we describe will facilitate basic hydrogenase investigations as well as the development of new technologies that utilize these prolific H(2)-producing enzymes. These methods can also be extended for producing and studying a variety of oxygen-sensitive iron-sulfur proteins as well as other proteins requiring anoxic environments