47 research outputs found

    Digital Rights Management, Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Economic development: The case of digital piracy in the South Mediterranean countries

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    Abstract: The potential benefits that could be gained from information technologies in South Mediterranean economies are constrained by both DRM and institutional protection related to Intellectual Property Rights. But, pervasive piracy can appear to be a major obstacle to access these benefits. This paper through a simplified theoretical decision model attempts to suggest foundations to reveal levels of protection rates. This is followed by an empirical assessment of the likely effects of different macroeconomic variables in the context of selected South Mediterranean countries using software piracy data and the protection rates derived from the above model. This is intended to reveal the most important variables that drive software protection. The results attained show how protection should be strengthened through further investments in knowledge and through openness to foreign direct investments that lead to superior economic outcomes.Key words: DRM; Information and communication technologies; piracy; South Mediterranean economies.

    Quels modĂšles combinatoires des phraseotermes?

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    Dans cette Ă©tude, nous examinons les taux de frĂ©quence et la composition des phrasĂ©otermes et nous dĂ©limiterons leurs modĂšles de construction Ă  partir d’un corpus de cours magistraux – de biologie, de physique et de mathĂ©matiques – sous forme de MOOC. À l’issue de cette Ă©tude, dans laquelle nous mobilisons les humanitĂ©s numĂ©riques Ă  travers le logiciel d’analyse statistique IRAMUTEQ, nous allons montrer l’incidence des unitĂ©s phrasĂ©ologiques sur la comprĂ©hension du discours spĂ©cialisĂ© et nous dĂ©limiterons les structures qui rĂ©gissent leur lexicalisation

    De la validité écologique du FOU dans les filiÚres scientifiques et techniques au Maroc

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    La situation problĂ©matique de l’enseignement apprentissage au supĂ©rieur marocain est un fait. Elle se dĂ©cline en plusieurs facettes aussi complexes les unes que les autres et subit des interventions de tout bord sans qu’on puisse rĂ©soudre le problĂšme. Au sein des filiĂšres scientifiques et techniques, l’un des aspects majeurs de cette situation problĂ©matique rĂ©side, Ă  ce qu’il semble, dans la non-maitrise de la langue d’enseignement Ă  l’universitĂ© – le français en l’occurrence –.La didactique du FLE qui pourrait nous aider Ă  rĂ©soudre les difficultĂ©s relatives Ă  l’enseignement du français Ă  l’universitĂ© ne fait que les corser davantage vu qu’elle offre un Ă©ventail mĂ©thodologique aussi variĂ© que disparate. Face Ă  cette multiplicitĂ© mĂ©thodologique, il nous a semblĂ© intĂ©ressant d’opĂ©rer des choix didactiques relatifs Ă  l’enseignement du français au sein de ces filiĂšres. Dans cet article nous essayons de mesurer la validitĂ© Ă©cologique du FOU dans les filiĂšres scientifiques et techniques au Maroc. Nous cherchons Ă  savoir, en effet, jusqu’à quel point une dĂ©marche FOS/FOU pourrait rĂ©pondre aux particularitĂ©s des Ă©tudiants marocains des facultĂ©s scientifiques et techniques auxquels nous revendiquons l’appartenance au secteur LANSAD (langues pour spĂ©cialistes d’autres disciplines). Nous allons donc nous intĂ©resser dans un premier temps au profil de ce type d’étudiants, ensuite nous examinerons quelques propositions – effectuĂ©es dans quelques universitĂ©s – pour pallier les difficultĂ©s recensĂ©es chez les nouveaux Ă©tudiants au Maroc, avant d’interroger les mĂ©thodologies possibles dans des cas pareils, pour statuer finalement sur la voie que nous estimons convenable au contexte universitaire marocain

    « FOUACADEMIE » : Un dispositif hybride de formation en français sur objectif universitaire au Maroc

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    Cette contribution dĂ©crit le processus de conception, de mise en Ɠuvre et d’évaluation du dispositif hybride [WWW.FOUACADEMIE.INFO] destinĂ© aux Ă©tudiants scientifiques et techniques au Maroc dits LANSAD. Nous allons montrer l’intĂ©rĂȘt de ce dispositif technopĂ©dagogique qui mobilise une combinaison d’outils TICE et qui s’appuie sur une contextualisation de la dĂ©marche FOS-FOU Ă  travers des enquĂȘtes de terrain, des analyses des discours universitaires sous forme de MOOC. Nous allons proposer une lecture des besoins des Ă©tudiants LANSAD ainsi qu’une modalitĂ© quadripartite d’évaluation des dispositifs hybrides

    Computational genomics-proteomics and Phylogeny analysis of twenty one mycobacterial genomes (Tuberculosis & non Tuberculosis strains)

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    The genus Mycobacterium comprises different species, among them the most contagious and infectious bacteria. The members of the complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis are the most virulent microorganisms that have killed human and other mammals since millennia. Additionally, with the many different mycobacterial sequences available, there is a crucial need for the visualization and the simplification of their data. In this present study, we aim to highlight a comparative genome, proteome and phylogeny analysis between twenty-one mycobacterial (Tuberculosis and non tuberculosis) strains using a set of computational and bioinformatics tools (Pan and Core genome plotting, BLAST matrix and phylogeny analysis).Results Considerably the result of pan and core genome Plotting demonstrated that less than 1250 Mycobacterium gene families are conserved across all species, and a total set of about 20,000 gene families within the Mycobacterium pan-genome of twenty one mycobacterial genomes.Viewing the BLAST matrix a high similarity was found among the species of the complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis and less conservation is found with other slow growing pathogenic mycobacteria. Phylogeny analysis based on both protein conservation, as well as rRNA clearly resolve known relationships between slow growing mycobacteria.Conclusion Mycobacteria include important pathogenic species for human and animals and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex is the most cause of death of the humankind. The comparative genome analysis could provide a new insight for better controlling and preventing these diseases

    Computational genomics-proteomics and Phylogeny analysis of twenty one mycobacterial genomes (Tuberculosis & non Tuberculosis strains)

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    The genus Mycobacterium comprises different species, among them the most contagious and infectious bacteria. The members of the complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis are the most virulent microorganisms that have killed human and other mammals since millennia. Additionally, with the many different mycobacterial sequences available, there is a crucial need for the visualization and the simplification of their data. In this present study, we aim to highlight a comparative genome, proteome and phylogeny analysis between twenty-one mycobacterial (Tuberculosis and non tuberculosis) strains using a set of computational and bioinformatics tools (Pan and Core genome plotting, BLAST matrix and phylogeny analysis).Results Considerably the result of pan and core genome Plotting demonstrated that less than 1250 Mycobacterium gene families are conserved across all species, and a total set of about 20,000 gene families within the Mycobacterium pan-genome of twenty one mycobacterial genomes.Viewing the BLAST matrix a high similarity was found among the species of the complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis and less conservation is found with other slow growing pathogenic mycobacteria. Phylogeny analysis based on both protein conservation, as well as rRNA clearly resolve known relationships between slow growing mycobacteria.Conclusion Mycobacteria include important pathogenic species for human and animals and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex is the most cause of death of the humankind. The comparative genome analysis could provide a new insight for better controlling and preventing these diseases

    Digital Rights Management, Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Economic development: The case of digital piracy in the South Mediterranean countries

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    Abstract: The potential benefits that could be gained from information technologies in South Mediterranean economies are constrained by both DRM and institutional protection related to Intellectual Property Rights. But, pervasive piracy can appear to be a major obstacle to access these benefits. This paper through a simplified theoretical decision model attempts to suggest foundations to reveal levels of protection rates. This is followed by an empirical assessment of the likely effects of different macroeconomic variables in the context of selected South Mediterranean countries using software piracy data and the protection rates derived from the above model. This is intended to reveal the most important variables that drive software protection. The results attained show how protection should be strengthened through further investments in knowledge and through openness to foreign direct investments that lead to superior economic outcomes

    Digital Rights Management, Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Economic development: The case of digital piracy in the South Mediterranean countries

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    Abstract: The potential benefits that could be gained from information technologies in South Mediterranean economies are constrained by both DRM and institutional protection related to Intellectual Property Rights. But, pervasive piracy can appear to be a major obstacle to access these benefits. This paper through a simplified theoretical decision model attempts to suggest foundations to reveal levels of protection rates. This is followed by an empirical assessment of the likely effects of different macroeconomic variables in the context of selected South Mediterranean countries using software piracy data and the protection rates derived from the above model. This is intended to reveal the most important variables that drive software protection. The results attained show how protection should be strengthened through further investments in knowledge and through openness to foreign direct investments that lead to superior economic outcomes

    Intrathoracic extrapulmonary hydatid cysts

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    Hydatid disease caused by echinococcus granulosus is still a serious problem in both underdeveloped and developing countries. Clinical signs of the disease are not specific. Most patients have a few symptoms when a hydatid cyst is discovered. Symptoms depend on its location, size and complications. Parasite can settle in every organ and tissue in the human body. We report two cases with intrathoracic extrapulmonary hydatid cyst with multiple cysts. Pathophysiology of the mode of dissemination, and surgery are discussed.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13: