11 research outputs found

    Characteristics of intradialytic hypotension: Experience of agadir center-morocco

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    We report in this retrospective study the experience of our hemodialysis (HD) center in the incidence of intradialytic hypotension (IDH) over 18 months. We first studied the de-mographic, clinical, biological and morphological data of our 52 HD patients and compared the characteristics of patients with frequent IDH and those without. We found that factors signi-ficantly associated with IDH include diabetes, left ventricular hypertrophy, impaired diastolic function, weight gain and high ultrafiltration rates. Despite these results, further larger studies are required to confirm them

    Conductive Polymer Coated Threads as Electrical Interconnect in e-Textiles

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    An organic polymer electrical interconnect is demonstrated. The ionomer mixture poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS; 1:2.5, w:w) was cast onto silk fibers from a 50:50 (v:v) ethylene glycol solution by a dip-coating process. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) results show that Young’s modulus and mechanical strength are maintained during the coating process from acidic solution (pH ∼1). DMA dynamic temperature scans reveal two new thermal transitions once PEDOT:PSS is applied to the silk fiber, and they are assigned to the glass transition temperature (59 °C) and melting point (146 °C) of the ionomer pair. Electrical conductivities of 8.5 S/cm were achieved with four cycles of the dip-coating process, only 10x less than Ag-coated thread control samples. SEM imaging of the PEDOT:PSS-coated fibers show slight texturing to the fibers due to the coating, as well as significant charging in the uncoated samples when compared to PEDOT:PSS-coated samples. The conductive fibers fabricated by this process were successfully applied as electrical interconnects in flexible, fully functional 555 timer circuits stitched into fabric substrates

    Boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integrals with rough kernels on Musielak-Orlicz Hardy spaces

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    Abstract Let φ : R n × [ 0 , ∞ ) → [ 0 , ∞ ) φ:Rn×[0,∞)→[0,∞)\varphi:\mathbb{R}^{n}\times[0, \infty) \to[0, \infty) satisfy that φ ( x , ⋅ ) φ(x,⋅)\varphi(x, \cdot) , for any given x ∈ R n x∈Rnx\in\mathbb{R}^{n} , is an Orlicz function and φ ( ⋅ , t ) φ(⋅,t)\varphi(\cdot, t) is a Muckenhoupt A ∞ A∞A_{\infty} weight uniformly in t ∈ ( 0 , ∞ ) t∈(0,∞)t\in(0, \infty) . The Musielak-Orlicz Hardy space H φ ( R n ) Hφ(Rn)H^{\varphi}(\mathbb{R}^{n}) is defined to be the set of all tempered distributions such that their grand maximal functions belong to the Musielak-Orlicz space L φ ( R n ) Lφ(Rn)L^{\varphi}(\mathbb{R}^{n}) . In this paper, the authors establish the boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integral μ Ω μΩ\mu _{\Omega} from H φ ( R n ) Hφ(Rn)H^{\varphi}(\mathbb{R}^{n}) to L φ ( R n ) Lφ(Rn)L^{\varphi}(\mathbb{R}^{n}) under weaker smoothness conditions assumed on Ω. This result is also new even when φ ( x , t ) : = ϕ ( t ) φ(x,t):=ϕ(t)\varphi(x, t):=\phi(t) for all ( x , t ) ∈ R n × [ 0 , ∞ ) (x,t)∈Rn×[0,∞)(x, t)\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\times[0, \infty) , where ϕ is an Orlicz function