11 research outputs found

    Risk Factors Associated with Opportunistic Infections among People Living with HIV/AIDS and Receiving an Antiretroviral Therapy in Gabon, Central Africa.

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    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is still one of the main causes of death in sub-Saharan Africa. Antiretroviral therapies (ARTs) have significantly improved the health conditions of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Consequently, a significant drop in morbidity and mortality, along with a reduced incidence of opportunistic infections (OIs), has been observed. However, certain atypical and biological profiles emerge in ART patients post-examination. The objective of this study was to identify the risk factors that contributed to the onset of OIs in HIV patients undergoing ART in Gabon. Epidemiological and biological data were obtained from medical records (2017 to 2019) found at the outpatient treatment centre (CTA) of Franceville in Gabon. Samples for blood count, CD4, and viral load analysis at CIRMF were collected from PLWHA suffering from other pathogen-induced conditions. A survey was carried out and data were analysed using Rstudio 4.0.2 and Excel 2007 software. Biological and socio-demographic characteristics were examined concerning OIs through both a univariate analysis via Fisher's exact tests or chi2 (χ2), and a multivariate analysis via logistic regression. Out of the 300 participants initially selected, 223 were included in the study, including 154 (69.05%) women and 69 (30.95%) men. The mean age was 40 (38.6; 41.85), with individuals ranging from 2 to 77 years old. The study cohort was classified into five age groups (2 to 12, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, and 50 to 77 years old), among which the groups aged 30 to 39 and 40 to 49 emerged as the largest, comprising 68 (30.5%) and 75 (33.6%) participants, respectively. It was noted that 57.9% of PLWHA had developed OIs and three subgroups were distinguished, with parasitic, viral, and bacterial infections present in 18%, 39.7%, and 55.4% of cases, respectively. There was a correlation between being male and having a low CD4 T-cell count and the onset of OIs. The study revealed a high overall prevalence of OIs, and extending the study to other regions of Gabon would yield a better understanding of the risk factors associated with the onset of these infections

    Infection naturelle des primates non humains par les spumavirus et transmission inter-espèces au Gabon

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    Les spumavirus (SV) sont des rétrovirus exogènes de la sous-famille des Spumavirinae appartenant à la famille des Retroviridae. L’infection naturelle chez les primates non humains (PNH) est décrite dans la nature et en captivité, avec 75 à 100% de singes adultes infectés. Chez les PNH, la transmission des SV se fait à travers des morsures très graves. Par ailleurs, ces virus ont été isolés chez des travailleurs de zoo, exposés aux animaux infectés dans le cadre de leur travail. Récemment, des études ont aussi montré l’infection dans le milieu naturel chez des chasseurs au Cameroun. Cependant, aucune pathologie n’a jamais pu être associée à l’infection par ces virus. Au Gabon, les infections par des SV n’ont été que très peu étudiées. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont donc :1) D’évaluer au Gabon, la prévalence des SV dans la colonie de Mandrills en captivité au centre de primatologie (CDP) du CIRMF, ainsi que dans la nature chez un grand nombre d’espèces de primates non humains ;2) De caractériser sur le plan moléculaire les souches SV circulant au Gabon ;3) D’identifier chez des personnes mordues par un PNH des cas de transmission interespèces.Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons montré que 83% (70/84) des mandrills du CDP (38 males et 46 femelles) et 60% (9/15) des mandrills sauvages étaient infectés par le SV. L’infection augmentait avec l’âge et la différence entre les males et les femelles n’était pas significative (84% et 82%, respectivement). Un fragment de 425pb de l’integrase a été amplifié dans 60/69 et 53 nouvelles séquences ont été isolées. L’analyse phylogénétique a mis en évidence la circulation de 11 souches différentes dans la colonie, toutes étroitement liées sauf une. La confirmation de ces résultats à l’aide de séquences de virus chez des mandrills sauvages démontre l’existence de deux groupes de mandrills (nord et sud) localisés de part et d’autre du fleuve Ogooué. En plus, nous avons étudié 497 échantillons de plasma et tissus prélevés chez 13 espèces simiennes dans la nature. L’analyse sérologique a montré l’infection par SV chez 10.8% (31/286). Le fragment de l’integrase a été caractérisé dans 38/497 échantillons, avec la description de nouvelles infections naturelles chez les C. solatus, C. nictitans et C. cephus. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons décrit l’infection chez 20% (4/20) des travailleurs du CDP. La caractérisation moléculaire a été faite chez deux d’entre eux: l’un a été mordu il y a 10 ans par un mandrill clairement identifié, et l’autre par un macaque 25 ans auparavant. En milieu naturel, nous avons testé 78 personnes mordues par un PNH. Au total, 19 personnes mordues (24%) étaient séropositives pour le SV. Sur ces 19 individus, 15 séquences virales ont été obtenues dont 12 de gorilles, 2 de chimpanzés et une de cercopithèque. Ces résultats montrent que les PNH du Gabon sont infectés par les SV et que la transmission inter espèces des SV intervient chez des personnes mordues par ces animaux.Foamy viruses are members of the Spumavirus genus of the Retroviridae family. These complex exogenous retroviruses are highly prevalent in several animal species, including nonhuman primates (NHP). The seroprevalence of antibodies to Simian foamy virus (SFVs) in captive adult NHP populations can reach 75-100%. SFV infection has been reported in people occupationally exposed to nonhuman primates in zoos. Recently, naturally acquired SFV infections were described in a group of hunters living in Cameroon, central Africa.In Gabon, foamy viruses are less studied. In our study, we evaluated the natural history of SFV in a free-ranging colony of mandrills (CIRMF primate center) and in mandrills living in natura in Gabon (central Africa). We also determined the SFV prevalence in a series of 497 NHP living in different parts of Gabon. Lastly, we investigated the possible transmission of SFVs to humans.First, SFV infection was determined by specific serological (Western blot) and molecular (nested PCR of the integrase region in the polymerase gene) assays. Seropositivity for SFV was found in 70/84 (83%) captive and 9/15 (60%) wild-caught mandrills. The 425-bp SFV integrase fragment was detected in peripheral blood DNA from 53 captive and 8 wild-caught mandrills.Sequence and phylogenetic studies demonstrated the presence of two distinct strains of mandrill SFV, one clade including SFVs from mandrills living in the northern part of Gabon and the second consisting of SFV from animals living in the south. Among the NHP, 10.8% (31/286) of the plasma/sera were SFV seropositive. Integrase gene was characterized in 38 samples with novel SFVs in several species of Cercopithecus.Second, the presence of SFV was also evaluated in 20 people who worked closely with mandrills and other NHP. Integrase region of 425 bp was found in 2/20 (10%) humans. One man who had been bitten 10 years earlier by a mandrill and another bitten 22 years earlier by a macaque were found to be SFV-infected, both at the Primate Centre. Comparative sequence analysis of the virus from the first man and from the mandrill showed nearly identical sequences, indicating genetic stability of SFV over time. The second man had a sequence close to SFVmac sequences. Of the 78 people, mostly hunters, who had been bitten or scratched by NHPs, 19 were SFV seropositive, with 15 cases confirmed by PCR. All but one were infected with ape SFV. We thus found novel SFV strains in NHPs in Gabon and high interspecies transmission of SFVs from gorilla bites

    Photodynamic Therapy: A Prospective Therapeutic Approach for Viral Infections and Induced Neoplasia

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    The recent COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and arising complications during treatments have highlighted and demonstrated again the evolving ability of microorganisms, especially viral resistance to treatment as they develop into new and strong strains. The search for novel and effective treatments to counter the effects of ever-changing viruses is undergoing. Although it is an approved procedure for treating cancer, photodynamic therapy (PDT) was first used against bacteria and has now shown potential against viruses and certain induced diseases. PDT is a multi-stage process and uses photosensitizing molecules (PSs) that accumulate in diseased tissues and eradicates them after being light-activated in the presence of oxygen. In this review, studies describing viruses and their roles in disrupting cell regulation mechanisms and signaling pathways and facilitating tumorigenesis were described. With the development of innovative “or smart” PSs through the use of nanoparticles and two-photon excitation, among other strategies, PDT can boost immune responses, inactivate viral infections, and eradicate neoplastic cells. Visualization and monitoring of biological processes can be achieved in real-time with nanomedicines and better tissue penetration strategies. After photodynamic inactivation of viruses, signaling pathways seem to be restored but the underlying mechanisms are still to be elucidated. Light-mediated treatments are suitable to manage both oncogenic viral infections and induced neoplasia

    Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1-Related Diseases May Constitute a Threat to the Elimination of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, by 2030, in Gabon, Central Africa

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    The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030. Several factors related to the non-suppression of HIV, including interruptions of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and opportunistic infections could affect and delay this projected epidemic goal. Human T-Cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) appears to be consistently associated with a high risk of opportunistic infections, an early onset of HTLV-1 and its associated pathologies, as well as a fast progression to the AIDS phase in co-infected individuals, when compared to HIV-1 or HTLV-1 mono-infected individuals. In Gabon, the prevalence of these two retroviruses is very high and little is known about HTLV-1 and the associated pathologies, leaving most of them underdiagnosed. Hence, HTLV-1/HIV-1 co-infections could simultaneously imply a non-diagnosis of HIV-1 positive individuals having developed pathologies associated with HTLV-1, but also a high mortality rate among the co-infected individuals. All of these constitute potential obstacles to pursue targeted objectives. A systematic review was conducted to assess the negative impacts of HTLV-1/HIV-1 co-infections and related factors on the elimination of HIV/AIDS by 2030 in Gabon

    Underestimation of hepatocellular carcinoma incidence resulting from a competition between modern and traditional medicine: the case of Gabon

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    International audiencePrimary liver cancer, particularly hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), remains a major killer in sub-Saharan Africa. In this dreadful landscape, West and Central Africas are more particularly affected. However, a small country located on the equator, Gabon, is apparently not concerned by this adverse situation. Despite worrying prevalences of many bona fide risk factors of HCC, including high rates of chronic infections with hepatitis viruses and very high alcohol consumption, Gabon presents theoretically an amazingly low incidence of HCC when compared to other countries of the region. Reports from many places in the world have emphasized the widespread underreporting of HCC cases presumably attributable to the difficulties of proper diagnosis or to a lack of local cancer registry. In Gabon, the remarkably vivid tradition of religious initiation called Bwiti includes some therapeutic rituals exerted by healers or Ngangas. Those treatments are particularly popular in case of severe diseases generally associated with a supernatural etiology. In the present paper, we hypothesize that, in Gabon, the remarkably low incidence of HCC is primarily due to the diversion of patients from the modern medical system due to their preference for Ngangas. Promotion of a form of medical syncretism respecting both systems might be an efficient policy to increase the attractiveness of modern medicine and to ultimately promote public health in Gabon

    Molecular Identification of Trypanosome Diversity in Domestic Animals Reveals the Presence of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in Historical Foci of Human African Trypanosomiasis in Gabon

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    Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is an infectious disease caused by protozoan parasites belonging to the Trypanosoma genus. In sub-Saharan Africa, there is a significant threat as many people are at risk of infection. Despite this, HAT is classified as a neglected tropical disease. Over the last few years, several studies have reported the existence of a wide diversity of trypanosome species circulating in African animals. Thus, domestic and wild animals could be reservoirs of potentially dangerous trypanosomes for human populations. However, very little is known about the role of domestic animals in maintaining the transmission cycle of human trypanosomes in central Africa, especially in Gabon, where serious cases of infection are recorded each year, sometimes leading to hospitalization or death of patients. Komo-Mondah, located within Estuaries (Gabonese province), stays the most active HAT disease focus in Gabon, with a mean of 20 cases per year. In this study, we evaluated the diversity and prevalence of trypanosomes circulating in domestic animals using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. We found that 19.34% (53/274) of the domestic animals we studied were infected with trypanosomes. The infection rates varied among taxa, with 23.21% (13/56) of dogs, 16.10% (19/118) of goats, and 21.00% (21/100) of sheep infected. In addition, we have observed a global mixed rate of infections of 20.75% (11/53) among infected individuals. Molecular analyses revealed that at least six Trypanosome species circulate in domestic animals in Gabon (T. congolense, T. simiae, T. simiae Tsavo, T. theileri, T. vivax, T. brucei (including T. brucei brucei, and T. brucei gambiense)). In conclusion, our study showed that domestic animals constitute important potential reservoirs for trypanosome parasites, including T. brucei gambiense, which is responsible for HAT

    Drastic sex-dependent etiological distribution in severe liver diseases from Gabon

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    International audienceChronic liver diseases still represent a worrying public health issue in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this region, emphasis is generally made on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) albeit liver cirrhosis (LC) is also responsible for an important death toll. Very few studies have compared the presentation and etiologies of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver in Middle Africa. We conducted a comparative retrospective analysis of 74 and 134 cases of patients with HCC and LC treated in Libreville, Gabon. Viral or lifestyle risk factors, clinical symptoms, and biological features were compared. We observed that ages of diagnosis were 53.2 ± 15.7 years and 48.6 ± 18.6 years for HCC and LC with remarkably low M:F sex ratios (1.3–1.8). Ethanol consumption was highly prevalent in both disease types (65.0%–70.0%). Chronic viral infections with hepatitis B (HBV) or C (HCV) virus were also widespread with slight domination of the former in both diseases (43.4% vs. 34.3%, and 35.9% vs. 28.5%). Patients with HCC were presenting very late with a mean diameter of the main nodule of 84 ± 50 mm and a multifocal pattern in 72.7% of cases. HCC developed on a cirrhotic liver in 91.7% of cases. Serum AFP was frankly elevated (>400 ng/ml) in only 35.8% of HCC cases. The most striking feature of the HCC series was the contrasted contribution of distinct pathogenic etiologies involving sex, viral, metabolic, and toxic factors. A frequently dysmetabolic condition synergizing with hepatitis C (anti-HCV, 73.8% vs 22.7%, p < 0.0001) in females and a male cancer promoted by recreational toxicants and chronic hepatitis B (HBsAg, 83.5% vs 35.9%, p < 0.0001) were observed. Men with HCC were considerably younger than women (46.8 ± 14.5 years vs. 62.2 ± 12.2 years, p < 0.0001). Further studies are now warranted to identify routes of HCV transmission and if they are still fueling reservoirs of future patients. Public policies to prevent alcohol-related harm have also to be urgently implemented in Gabon