263 research outputs found

    EU enlargement : what does it change for the european economic geography.

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    This paper evaluates the effects of the enlargement of the EU to the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs), focusing on agglomeration and industrial specialisation patterns in Europe. We first present the theoretical debate based on the New Economic Geography models. The outcome is that, in spite of the lack of labour mobility within the EU, a core periphery schema is expected to occur as a result of vertical linkages. Then, we provide evidence on real and structural convergence and FDI trends in the enlarged EU. We show that sectoral divergence resulting from agglomeration economies is likely to persist through a high-skilled core attracting increasing intensive activities and a low-skilled periphery. By discussing two alternative scenarios in terms of international specialisation, we show that Central European countries are likely to follow a “Spanish model” based on catching-up, industrial diversification and intra-industry trade, while Eastern countries could durably lag behind. Similarly, the Mediterranean economies, which are engaged in the Euro- Mediterranean partnership, exhibit very complementary international specialisation relative to the EU through resource- and labour-intensive industries.IntĂ©gration europĂ©enne; Relations euromĂ©diterranĂ©ennes; Pays d'Europe centrale; Economie gĂ©ographique; Elargissement de l'Union europĂ©enne;

    Determinants and Uses of Remittances to Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries: Insights from a New Survey

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    In this paper, we analyze the determinants and the final use of remittances of migrants settled in France sending remittances to the southern Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan African countries. Research using microdata is very scarce in this region; we rely on a specially designed survey (2MO) we conducted in 2007-2008 of 1,000 people who remit to the three Maghreb countries, to Turkey and to the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. We also use a second survey conducted by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (DREES) which includes a sample of 3,500 people from the regions we are interested in. DREES microdata set enables us to understand who is more likely to remit (extensive margin). 2MO microdata allows an analysis of remittance behavior amongst those who remit (intensive margin) including sum and reported final use of remittances (housing, investment, current expenditures). Using these two microdatasets, we examine the likelihood to remit across the different waves of immigrants, the motivations to remit and the intended final use of remittances to highlight behavior differences between the different waves of immigration on the one hand, and on the other hand, the importance of looking beyond classical variables to better understand remittance behavior and its changing nature. Our first result shows that, after controlling for all the variables linked to income, education, age or nationality, subjective variables such as attachment to the home country, history and the institutional context of emigration play a determinant role in explaining remittance behavior. Our second result shows that migrants, who are in France for a long time and who have low education levels, also send remittances in order to invest in their home country. The degree of the migrant’s attachment to his home country thus appears as a discriminating subjective variable. By contrast, the migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa send money for current In this paper, we analyze the determinants and the final use of remittances of migrants settled in France sending remittances to the southern Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan African countries. Research using microdata is very scarce in this region; we rely on a specially designed survey (2MO) we conducted in 2007-2008 of 1,000 people who remit to the three Maghreb countries, to Turkey and to the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. We also use a second survey conducted by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (DREES) which includes a sample of 3,500 people from the regions we are interested in. DREES microdata set enables us to understand who is more likely to remit (extensive margin). 2MO microdata allows an analysis of remittance behavior amongst those who remit (intensive margin) including sum and reported final use of remittances (housing, investment, current expenditures). Using these two microdatasets, we examine the likelihood to remit across the different waves of immigrants, the motivations to remit and the intended final use of remittances to highlight behavior differences between the different waves of immigration on the one hand, and on the other hand, the importance of looking beyond classical variables to better understand remittance behavior and its changing nature. Our first result shows that, after controlling for all the variables linked to income, education, age or nationality, subjective variables such as attachment to the home country, history and the institutional context of emigration play a determinant role in explaining remittance behavior. Our second result shows that migrants, who are in France for a long time and who have low education levels, also send remittances in order to invest in their home country. The degree of the migrant’s attachment to his home country thus appears as a discriminating subjective variable. By contrast, the migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa send money for current expenditures rather than for investment. The obligation feeling seems to be the important motivation for remit.


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    In this paper we analyze the main determinants of migrant's remittances by measuring directly the role of non observable variables related to subjective motivations and historical context of the emigration process. Subjective variables, such as attachment feeling and intent to return to the country of origin can also play a role in explaining the final uses of remittances. We have used two surveys in order to understand the types of behaviour linked to remittances from France to Southern Mediterranean countries and to Sub-Saharan Africa. The first survey used in this paper is a new DREES survey on the track and the profile of migrants and the second one is the 2MO survey which we have conducted in French post offices. Our first result shows that, after controlling for all the variables linked to income, education, age or nationality, subjective variables such as to the home country, history and the institutional context of emigration play a determinant role in explaining remittance behaviour. Our second result shows that migrants, who are in France for a long time and who have low education levels, also send remittances in order to invest (including investments other than housing) in their home country. These findings contradict the theoretical hypothesis of an alteration of the migrant's links with the home country as the duration of the stay in the host country increases. This can be explained by the fact that the duration of stay does not make any sense unless it is contextualized in the history of emigration, the conditions of arrival in the host country and the conditions of departure from the home country. The degree of the migrant's attachment to his home country thus appears as a discriminating subjective variable according to these historical conditions. By contrast, the migrants from Sub-Saharan African countries send money for current expenditures rather than for investment. The obligation feeling seems to be the important subjective variable for remitting money.Subjective variables ; attachment ; remitting decision ; multivariate probit ; modelisation

    Migration and Remittances in South Africa : the role of political factors.

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    This paper looks at the determinants of international remittances in the case of South-South migrations. Using micro-economic data from a survey conducted in 2006, analysis was carried out on 639 African migrants residing in Johannesburg. Besides the traditional variables (income, household’s size in the host country, age, sex, education
), political variables (regime change in the host country and conditions in the country of origin before the migration including war, and conflict) are used in the analysis. The results highlight the importance of these political variables as determinants of migrants’ probability to remit. The end of the apartheid regime in South Africa impacts positively and significantly the probability of remitting money to the home country while the fact of having fled one’s country of origin because of violence or conflict has the opposite effect. However, the political change in the host country has no influence on the amounts transferred. Once the decision to remit is taken, traditional variables have more of an explanatory power in predicting amounts transferred than political variables.International migration; political environment; South Africa; forced migration; remittance;

    Study of photovoltaic systems with differences connecting configuration topologies for applications in renewable energy systems

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    This paper focuses in the optimization of the efficiency of photovoltaic power conversion systems; we present a new alternative for improving both the optimization of the efficiency of photovoltaic power conversion chain. In this way, we present to the valuation problem of photovoltaic by new coupling systems between photovoltaic generators and their loads and performance of photovoltaic (PV) systems and the efficiency of the energy conversion by using different configuration of power converters. Different type’s improvements have been proposed of different architecture in order to choose the correct PV architecture for each PV installation on the efficiency improvement in all power conversion level stages between PV cells and loads. In this context, this work presents the study and adaptive simulation of photovoltaic systems with micro inverters configurations for applications of renewable energy. We performed comparative between a central and distribution connection of converter via an adaptation floor with Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) control. For this reason, it is important to know different types of architecture and different configuration of power converters in order to choose the correct PV architecture for each PV installation. Simulation results are used to demonstrate the proposed topologies to provide improvement in efficiency over existing traditional PV systems.


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    Purpose: Much research on language writing instruction has focused on cognitive processes while little attention is paid to the affective side involved in writing namely from teachers’ perspectives. Teachers have a significant role in shaping learners’ experiences of success inside and outside the classroom setting. The present study aims to examine teachers’ perceptions of learners’ affect and anxiety in EFL writing. The study is an attempt to understand the ways teachers view learners’ writing difficulties, and teachers’ impact on creating supportive learning environments. Methodology: The method chosen was essentially descriptive. The data were collected from a sample of eight university teachers of first-year undergraduates at the English department of Algiers 2 University. The participants responded to questionnaires that included a background questionnaire and another questionnaire that was designed to depict aspects of affect and anxiety in writing, students’ writing difficulties, and EFL instruction. Findings: The study revealed that most teachers found assessment and students’ reluctance to write as areas of difficulty for their students. EFL writing was perceived as an examination-oriented course. The subjects had partially supported the view that negative or positive affect could ultimately influence students’ EFL writing. Practical Implications: The study has implications for both teachers and curriculum designers. The study contributes to the understanding of the role played by affect in shaping students’ experiences of EFL writing.  It helps to raise awareness of the affective dimension in students’ writing with the objective of considering both: students’ linguistic inadequacies as well as their emotional involvement in writing

    Pour une lecture integree des effets d’une alliance strategique

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    Nous proposons ici une lecture intĂ©grĂ©e des effets des alliances au-delĂ  de leurs retombĂ©es directes sur les alliĂ©s. BasĂ©e sur le cas de l’alliance PSA Peugeot CitroĂ«n/General Motors, qui a marquĂ© l’actualitĂ© du secteur automobile et est intervenu suite aux rĂ©percu-ssions nĂ©fastes de la crise de 2008, cette Ă©tude permet d’identifier des effets de natures diffĂ©rentes, ressentis par des acteurs Ă  des niveaux d’analyse distincts : compĂ©titifs, coopĂ©titifs, rĂ©ticulaires et institutionnels, avec de fortes interactions entre eux.Mots clĂ©s: Alliances stratĂ©giques, CoopĂ©tition, Effets, Cas PSA-General Motor

    MobilitĂ© des mĂ©nages versus MobilitĂ© des mĂ©nages versus mobilitĂ© des entreprises : de nouvelles marges de manƓuvre pour l’action stratĂ©gique de l’Etat en direction des rĂ©gions.

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    Cet article propose une rĂ©flexion sur l’action publique pour accompagner, orienter et rĂ©guler les transformations et les diffĂ©renciations rĂ©gionales face Ă  la mondialisation. Les dĂ©fis pour l’État sont importants dans la mesure oĂč il existe, Ă  cĂŽtĂ© des grandes agglomĂ©rations, des bassins d’emploi plus vulnĂ©rables : dans un contexte de vieillissement de la population et de faible mobilitĂ© de certaines catĂ©gories de travailleurs, les territoires sont confrontĂ©s Ă  des risques de pĂ©nurie de main d’oeuvre dans les rĂ©gions dynamiques et d’accroissement du chĂŽmage dans les bassins d’emploi vulnĂ©rables. L’efficacitĂ© (de la polarisation) et l’équitĂ© sociale n’étant pas nĂ©cessairement opposĂ©es, l’intervention en faveur des territoires ne peut ĂȘtre confinĂ©e au registre de la compensation par redistribution sociale, la politique de rĂ©duction des inĂ©galitĂ©s territoriales pouvant dans certains cas contribuer Ă  l’intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral. En outre, tenir compte des tendances nouvelles d’autonomie de la localisation des mĂ©nages ouvre d’autres voies possibles pour la politique rĂ©gionale. Trois orientations stratĂ©giques d’action de l’État en direction des rĂ©gions sont proposĂ©es : la stratĂ©gie « mĂ©tropolaire », la stratĂ©gie « Lisbonne+ » et la stratĂ©gie « dynamique rĂ©sidentielle ». Cette derniĂšre privilĂ©gie une politique de localisation des mĂ©nages dans des territoires rĂ©sidentiels arrimĂ©e Ă  un objectif de dĂ©veloppement durable des territoires. Mots-Action publique; Bassins d'emploi; Mondialisation; Politique rĂ©gionale; Localisation des mĂ©nages; Localisation des entreprises; Regional policy; Globalisation; Family location; Business location;

    International Specialization in Services: Insights from a New Theoretical Taxonomy.

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    commerce international de services; spécialisation pays; international trade in services; country specialization;
