232 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the MEVTV Workshop on The Evolution of Magma Bodies on Mars

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    The workshop focused on many of the diverse approaches related to the evolution of magma bodies on Mars that have been pursued during the course of the Mars Evolution of Volcanism, Tectonism, and Volatiles (MEVTV) Program. Approximately 35 scientists from the Mars volcanology, petrology, geochemistry, and modeling communities attended. Segments of the meeting concentrated of laboratory analyses and investigations of SNC meteorites, the interpretation of Viking Orbiter and Lander datasets, and the interpretation of computer codes that model volcanic and tectonic processes on Mars. Abstracts of these reports are presented

    Possible origin of some channels on Alba Patera, Mars

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    Several alternative models were proposed for the origin and mode of formation of channels and valley networks on Martian volcanoes, notably Hecates Tholus, Ceraunius Tholus, and Alba Patera. Early interpretations of Mariner 9 and Viking images suggested that these features on Alba were lava channels, while those on Ceraunius Tholus were interpreted as fluvial or volcanic debris channels. Subsequent mapping of Tyrrehna Patera and Hecate Tholus has suggested that pyroclastic activity may have characterized eruptions on these volcanoes, and that at least for Hecates the channels were probably formed by fluvial erosion of unconsolidated ash deposits on the flanks of the volcano. As part of a continuing program to better understand the eruptive history of the young volcanic centers on Mars, numerous channels were identified on the flanks of Alba Patera that resemble the channels on Hecates. As a result, the possibility is being explored that some of the small channels on the flanks of Alba Patera may be fluvial in origin and potentail water sources and modes of formation are being explored

    The influence of oceans on Martian volcanism

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    Geomorphological evidence for episodic oceans on Mars has recently been identified. This idea of large bodies of water on Mars is innovative and controversial compared to the more generally accepted view of a 'dry Mars', but also enables some of the more enigmatic volcanic landforms to be reinterpreted in a self-consistent model. This hypothesis can be used to develop new models for the mode of formation of several volcanic landforms in the W. Tharsis and S.E. Elysium Planitia regions of Mars

    Effects of Volcanoes on the Natural Environment

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    The primary focus of this project has been on the development of techniques to study the thermal and gas output of volcanoes, and to explore our options for the collection of vegetation and soil data to enable us to assess the impact of this volcanic activity on the environment. We originally selected several volcanoes that have persistent gas emissions and/or magma production. The investigation took an integrated look at the environmental effects of a volcano. Through their persistent activity, basaltic volcanoes such as Kilauea (Hawaii) and Masaya (Nicaragua) contribute significant amounts of sulfur dioxide and other gases to the lower atmosphere. Although primarily local rather than regional in its impact, the continuous nature of these eruptions means that they can have a major impact on the troposphere for years to decades. Since mid-1986, Kilauea has emitted about 2,000 tonnes of sulfur dioxide per day, while between 1995 and 2000 Masaya has emotted about 1,000 to 1,500 tonnes per day (Duffel1 et al., 2001; Delmelle et al., 2002; Sutton and Elias, 2002). These emissions have a significant effect on the local environment. The volcanic smog ("vog" ) that is produced affects the health of local residents, impacts the local ecology via acid rain deposition and the generation of acidic soils, and is a concern to local air traffic due to reduced visibility. Much of the work that was conducted under this NASA project was focused on the development of field validation techniques of volcano degassing and thermal output that could then be correlated with satellite observations. In this way, we strove to develop methods by which not only our study volcanoes, but also volcanoes in general worldwide (Wright and Flynn, 2004; Wright et al., 2004). Thus volcanoes could be routinely monitored for their effects on the environment. The selected volcanoes were: Kilauea (Hawaii; 19.425 N, 155.292 W); Masaya (Nicaragua; 11.984 N, 86.161 W); and Pods (Costa Rica; 10.2OoN, 84.233 W)

    The Diversity of Martian Volcanic features as Seen in the MOC, THEMIS, and MOM Data Sets

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    This one-year project (which included one-year no-cost tension) focused on the evolution of the summit areas of Martian volcanoes. It extended the studies conducted under an earlier MDAP project (Grant NAG5-9576, Principal Investigator P. Mouginis- Mark). By using data collected from the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), and the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) instruments, we tried to better understand the diversity of constructional volcanism on Mars, and hence further understand the eruption processes. By inspecting THEMIS and MOC data, we explored the following four questions: (1) Where might near-surface volatiles have been released at the summits of the Tharsis volcanoes? Is the trapping and subsequent remobilization of degassed volatiles [Scott and Wilson, 19991 adequate to produce eruptions responsible for extensive deposits such as the ones identified on Arsia Mons [Mouginis-Mark, 2002]? To answer this question, we investigated the diversity of eruption styles by studying the summit areas of Arsia, Pavonis and Ascraeus Montes. (2) What are the geomorphic characteristics of the valley system on Hecates Tholus, a volcano that we have previously proposed experienced explosive activity [Mouginis-Murk et al., 1982]? Our inspection of THEMIS data suggests that water release on the volcano took place over an extended period of time, suggesting that hydrothermal activity may have taken place here. (3) How similar are the collapse processes observed at Martian and terrestrial calderas? New THEMIS data provide a more complete view of the entire Olympus Mons caldera, thereby enabling the comparison with the collapse features at Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, to be investigated. (4) What can we learn about the emplacement of long lava flows in the lava plains of Eastern Tharsis? The result of this work provided a greater understanding of the temporal and spatial variations in the eruptive history of volcanoes on Mars, and the influence of the volatiles within the top few kilometers of the volcanic edifice. This relationship in turn pertains to the availability of volatiles (both juvenile magmatic volatiles and ground water contained within the near-surface rocks) and to magma supply rates at appreciable distances (tens to hundreds of kilometers) from the centers of volcanoes. Explosive volcanism on Mars, a major factor in the release of water at the surface, may have been driven not only by volatiles within the parental melt, but also by magma encountering water or ice at shallow depth within the volcano [Mouginis-Mark et al., 1982, 1988; Crown and Greeley, 1993; Robinson et al., 19931

    The Interaction of Impact Melt, Impact-Derived Sediment, and Volatiles at Crater Tooting, Mars

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    We are producing a 1:200K geologic map of Tooting crater, Mars. This work has shown that an incredible amount of information can be gleaned from mapping at even larger scales (1:10K 1:25K) using CTX and HiRISE data. We have produced two new science papers (Morris et al., 2010; Mouginis-Mark and Boyce, 2010) from this mapping, and additional science questions continue to arise from our on-going analysis of Tooting crater: 1) What was the interplay of impact melt and volatile-rich sediments that, presumably, were created during the impact? Kieffer and Simonds [1980] predicted that melt would have been destroyed during impacts on Mars because of the volatiles present within the target we seek to understand if this is indeed the case at Tooting crater. We have identified pitted and fractured terrain that formed during crater modification, but the timing of the formation of these materials in different parts of the crater remains to be resolved. Stratigraphic relationships between these units and the central peak may reveal deformation features as well as overlapping relationships. 2) Morris et al. [2010] identified several lobate flows on the inner and outer walls of Tooting crater. It is not yet clear what the physical characteristics of the source areas of these flows really are; e.g., what are the sizes of the source areas, what elevations are they located at relative to the floor of the crater, are they interconnected, and are they on horizontal or tilted surfaces? 3) What were the details of dewatering of the inner wall of Tooting crater (Fig. 1)? We find evidence within Tooting crater of channels carved by water release, and the remobilization of sediment (which is inferred to have formed during the impact event). Sapping can be identified along the crest of unit 8 near the floor of the crater (Fig. 2a, 2b). This unit displays amphitheater-headed canyons that elsewhere on Mars are typically attributed to water leaking from the substrate [Laity and Malin, 1985; Malin and Edgett, 2000]