
Martian rampart craters: Morphologic clues for the physical state of the target at time of impact


Current research attempts to describe morphologic features seen in very high resolution Viking Orbiter images of crater ejecta blankets and interiors, in order to constrain the most likely target properties at the time of crater formation. The Viking Orbiter image data set contains approximately 400 frames at a spatial resolution of better than 10 meters per pixel, and 2,200 frames at a resolution of better than 20 meters per pixel, for which the atmosphere was either clear or only slightly obscured. A search is being conducted of all these images and so far has revealed several examples of both interior and exterior features of impact craters that bear on the nature of the ejecta fluidizing medium. Preliminary observations and speculations on the physical state of the Martian regolith at the time of crater formation are given and briefly discussed

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