8 research outputs found

    Understanding circular business models: drivers, obstacles and conditions towards a successful transition

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    Abstract A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, value creation is maximized in the use phase and products and materials are recovered at the end of each service life. The thesis explores this concept by taking a business model perspective. The theoretical part of the thesis clarifies the phenomenon of circular economy. It summarizes the development of the concept from an historical perspective and clarifies its position with regards to existing contemporary concepts (biomimicry, industrial ecology, cradle to cradle, blue economy, performance economy). By taking a business model perspective on the concept, the thesis attempts to offers a first typology of circular business models. Through the field work, the thesis extends knowledge on the understanding of circular business models at practical level. It highlights the differences between the theoretical underpinnings of the concept (its principles) and its implementation, showing that there is a gap between the concept and the way companies implement it. The findings allow the author to discuss how circular business models are classified and shows that many hybrid circular approaches can emerge. The analysis of the common features of the cases allow the author to draw a first set of normative requirements that define how a circular business model is organized. The cross analysis of the cases supports the development of a framework highlighting the current drivers at internal and external level pushing company to operate within circular economy principles, addressing a set of conditions allowing for the successful implementation of circular business models, while acknowledging a number of recurrent challenges preventing from a full implementation of the concept. At the core of the framework is set of key steps explaining how the transition occurs

    Kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien hallinta : Kiertotalouden asiakasarvon luominen, dynaamiset kyvykkyydet ja arvoverkostot

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    Our current production and consumption patterns heavily rely on limited natural resources and simultaneously produce negative externalities in the shape of waste and pollution. In order to become future-fit, business models need to integrate these increasing pressures and become aligned with a circular economy blueprint, in which waste is designed out and products and materials provide optimized value though their recirculation. In order to do so, we need a conceptual framework that enables entrepreneurs and managers to design their circular business model. Consequently, the dissertation seeks to provide articulated knowledge on the mechanisms enabling the development and implementation of circular business models. We do so, first by providing an integrated characterization of circular business models, definition and guiding principles (essay I). Second, by looking at the configuration of three main elements, namely the features and characteristics of (1) customer value creation, (2) dynamic capabilities and (3) value networks in the context of business model transformation towards a circular economy (essays II, III and IV). The findings contribute to the emerging theory building literature on circular business models. In practice, the outcome of this integrated framework allows managers and entrepreneurs to redefine their value creation mechanisms in light of circular economy principles.Nykyiset tuotanto- ja kulutuskäytännöt rakentuvat vahvasti uusiutumattomien luonnonvarojen käyttöön ja aiheuttavat samalla kielteisiä ulkoisvaikutuksia jätteen ja saastumisen muodoissa. Kiertotalouden mallit perustuvat jätteettömyyteen, ja tuotteet ja materiaalit tarjoavat optimoitua arvoa takaisinkierrätyksellään. Vastatakseen tulevaisuuden haasteisiin liiketoimintamallit on yhdistettävä kiertotalouden malleihin. Sen toteuttamiseksi tarvitaan käsitteellinen viitekehys, joka mahdollistaa yrittäjille ja johtajille kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien muotoilun. Väitöskirja pyrkii tarjoamaan jäsennettyä tietoa kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien kehittämistä ja toimeenpanoa mahdollistavista mekanismeista. Ensin tarjoamme kokonaisvaltaisen kuvauksen kiertotalouden liiketoimintamalleista, määritelmän ja ohjaavat periaatteet (essee I). Toiseksi tarkastelemme kolmen pääelementin kokoonpanoa, eli (1) asiakasarvon luomisen, (2) dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien sekä (3) arvoverkostojen piirteitä ja ominaisuuksia liiketoimintamallien muutoksen yhteydessä kohti kiertotaloutta (esseet II, III ja IV). Havainnot antavat oman lisänsä teoreettiseen kirjallisuuteen kiertotalouden liiketoimintamalleista. Käytännössä tämä integroitu viitekehys mahdollistaa johtajille ja yrittäjille arvoa tuottavien mekanismien uudelleenmäärittelyn kiertotalouden periaatteiden valossa.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    From niche support to system building—Perceptions of the transformation potential of policy measures on packaging reuse

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    Reuse is suggested as a strategy to reduce mounting single-use packaging consumption and the related pollution. In this exploratory study, we investigated how governance can create conditions for the uptake of reusable food packaging in Finland when phasing out the existing single use system is not viable. We identified policy instruments addressing packaging reuse and analyzed how key stakeholders perceive the ability of these instruments to induce systemic change. The results indicate that the current policy mix entails mainly niche support measures and that its transformational power is relatively weak; to strengthen it, further measures on single use regime destabilization should be jointly implemented with reuse system building and niche support. However, addressing all three simultaneously may create tensions between different instruments within a policy mix or between policy mixes targeting separate goals. This requires paying more attention to directionality, policy coherence, consistence, and congruence when designing transformative policy mixes.© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    L’adaptation au changement climatique en région wallonne

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    Les changements climatiques sont à présent une certitude au niveau mondial. Le 4 ème rapport du GIEC, publié en 2007, met en évidence l’origine et les responsabilités humaines liées à ce phénomène. Toutes les parties du globe sont susceptibles d’être affectées. Il n’y a pas un domaine ni un secteur d’activité qui n’en ressentira pas les effets d’où le besoin d’une nécessaire adaptation. Dès 2006, la Commission Européenne s’est engagée vers la problématique de l’adaptation au changement climatique. Tout d’abord au travers d’une consultation autour du livre vert « Adaptation au changement climatique en Europe : les possibilités d’action de l’Union Européenne » puis à l’aide d’un livre blanc « Adaptation au changement climatique: vers un cadre d’action européen ». Si la Commission Européenne y étudie la possibilité de rendre obligatoire les stratégies d’adaptation, plusieurs pays européens ont déjà réalisé la leur : la Finlande, le Royaume-Uni, la France… La Belgique via la Commission Nationale Climat a adopté sa « Stratégie Nationale Climat» fin 2010 avec l’objectif de pouvoir proposer un plan d’action opérationnel pour 2012. Ce plan d’action résultera de la fusion des plans d’actions des trois régions et du fédéral : la région flamande a réalisé une étude pour initier le processus de développement de son plan d’adaptation en 2010, la région Wallonne a emboité le pas par la présente étude et la région de Bruxelles Capitale ainsi que le Fédéral ont l’intention de suivre la même démarche en 2011. Cette étude a conduit à dresser un bilan exhaustif – caractérisation, vulnérabilités actuelles, vulnérabilités futures – de la région Wallonne suivant sept thématiques : l’agriculture, l’eau, les infrastructures/l’aménagement du territoire, la santé, l’énergie, la biodiversité et la forêt. Une consultation élargie d’experts de la région Wallonne a permis de dégager les principales mesures à mettre en œuvre afin d’adapter la région Wallonne au changement climatique. Le chapitre 1 « L’adaptation au changement climatique dans les régions européennes » dresse un état des lieux des stratégies d’adaptation aux changements climatiques mises en œuvre en Europe en vue d’en tirer des enseignements pour cette étude. Le chapitre 2 « Les avenirs climatiques de la région Wallonne » rend compte des projections climatiques spécifiquement mises en œuvre dans le cadre de cette étude et qui ont servi de support à la détermination des vulnérabilités futures de la région Wallonne. Le chapitre 3 « La vulnérabilité de la Wallonie aux changements climatiques » explore suivant sept thèmes – l’agriculture, l’eau, les infrastructures/l’aménagement du territoire, la santé, l’énergie, la biodiversité et la forêt – la région Wallonne dans le but de décrire ses vulnérabilités actuelles et futures mais aussi en mettant en avant une hiérarchisation temporelle et sectorielle des impacts. Le chapitre 4 « L’adaptation de la région Wallonne aux changements climatiques » définit les principes directeurs suivis pour les choix d’adaptation au changement climatique ainsi que les orientations proposées par thématiques. Le chapitre 5 « Vers un plan d’actions » présente les mesures par thématique avec les premiers éléments d’un dispositif de suivi évaluation. Enfin, les annexes rassemblent, d’une part, des documents opérationnels – les fiches thématiques complètes, le plan d’actions, la note d’orientation stratégique et l’analyse transversale – et des documents supports – cartes et base de données de projections climatiques, benchmark.Climate change is now globally accepted. The 4th IPCC report, published in 2007, clearly indicates that this phenomenon is mostly the result of human activity. All parts of the globe are potentially at risk. There are no activity sectors that will be left untouched. Adaptation is therefore necessary. Since 2006, the European Commission has been looking at the climate change adaptation issue. It first held a consultation on the European Commission Green Paper “adapting to climate change in Europe - options for EU action”. This led to the publication of the White Paper « Adapting to climate change: towards a European framework for action ». In this document, the EC puts forward the idea of a compulsory Adaptation Strategy at Member State level. Several EU countries have already done so: Finland, United Kingdom and France. Belgium, through the National Climate Commission, adopted its « National Climate Strategy » in late 2010. The objective is to recommend an operational action plan by 2012. This action plan will be the result of a merger between the action plans of the three regions and the federal governments. The Flemish region launched a study to start the development process of their action plan in 2010; the Walloon region has followed with this study and the Brussels region and the Federal should launch their studies during this year (2011). This study enabled to draw a complete review – characteristics, current vulnerabilities, future vulnerabilities - of the Walloon region on seven topics: Agriculture, water, infrastructure/ spatial planning, health, energy, biodiversity and forests. An enlarged experts’ consultation identified key measures to implement in order for Wallonia to adapt to climate change. Chapter 1, « climate change adaptation in European regions », is a stock-taking exercise of adaptation strategies found in Europe in order to draw relevant lessons for this study. Chapter 2: « the climate futures of Wallonia”, is an analysis of the climate projection specifically carried out for this study. Those projections were used to identify Wallonia’s vulnerabilities. Chapter 3 « Wallonia’s vulnerabilities to Climate change” explores the seven themes Agriculture, water, infrastructure/ spatial planning, health, energy, biodiversity and forests to describe the current and future risks and to put forward a time-dependent and sectoral hierarchy of impacts. Chapter 4 « Wallonia’s adaptation to climate change » states the core principles used to define the adaptation choices as well as the proposed guidelines for each theme. Chapter 5 « towards an action plan » presents the adaptation measures by theme along with the first elements of an evaluation procedure. Finally, the appendices contain the operational documents: the full thematic sheets, the action plan, the strategic guideline paper and the transversal analysis and the supporting documents: maps, climate projections database and the benchmarks

    Implementing a circular business model for reusable packaging : Multidisciplinary learnings from reusable pizza packaging

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    This article explores practical challenges in developing and implementing circular business models in the context of reusable takeaway food packaging from a transdisciplinary perspective. It touches upon the desirability, feasibility, viability, and sustainability dimensions of a reusable pizza packaging circular business model. First, a literature review is conducted to highlight current knowledge and gaps around circular business models for reusable packaging and the key factors addressing the desirability, feasibility, viability, and sustainability. Second, a case study approach is taken for an in-depth exploration of these factors and their effect on the successful implementation of a reusable packaging business model. A real-life pilot is structured and implemented; questionnaire, workshops and semi-structured interviews with consumers and key stakeholders of the novel business model as well as technical laboratory tests of used packaging are used as key data sources in the case study. This study contributes to research and practice with a novel framework for circular business model innovation in the context of reusable packaging highlighting the need to iteratively address packaging as well as system conditions affecting the desirability, feasibility, sustainability, and viability of such ecosystem-based business models. Future research should inherently take a systemic perspective to address interconnections between these four dimensions and explore in which steps and order experimentations should be developed to balance trade-offs between feasibility and desirability while ensuring sustainability and viability of the business model.© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed