427 research outputs found

    One- and two-dimensional quantum walks in arrays of optical traps

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    We propose a novel implementation of discrete time quantum walks for a neutral atom in an array of optical microtraps or an optical lattice. We analyze a one-dimensional walk in position space, with the coin, the additional qubit degree of freedom that controls the displacement of the quantum walker, implemented as a spatially delocalized qubit, i.e., the coin is also encoded in position space. We analyze the dependence of the quantum walk on temperature and experimental imperfections as shaking in the trap positions. Finally, combining a spatially delocalized qubit and a hyperfine qubit, we also give a scheme to realize a quantum walk on a two-dimensional square lattice with the possibility of implementing different coin operators.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; v2: some comments added and other minor change

    Tripartite to Bipartite Entanglement Transformations and Polynomial Identity Testing

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    We consider the problem of deciding if a given three-party entangled pure state can be converted, with a non-zero success probability, into a given two-party pure state through local quantum operations and classical communication. We show that this question is equivalent to the well-known computational problem of deciding if a multivariate polynomial is identically zero. Efficient randomized algorithms developed to study the latter can thus be applied to the question of tripartite to bipartite entanglement transformations

    Thresholded Covering Algorithms for Robust and Max-Min Optimization

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    The general problem of robust optimization is this: one of several possible scenarios will appear tomorrow, but things are more expensive tomorrow than they are today. What should you anticipatorily buy today, so that the worst-case cost (summed over both days) is minimized? Feige et al. and Khandekar et al. considered the k-robust model where the possible outcomes tomorrow are given by all demand-subsets of size k, and gave algorithms for the set cover problem, and the Steiner tree and facility location problems in this model, respectively. In this paper, we give the following simple and intuitive template for k-robust problems: "having built some anticipatory solution, if there exists a single demand whose augmentation cost is larger than some threshold, augment the anticipatory solution to cover this demand as well, and repeat". In this paper we show that this template gives us improved approximation algorithms for k-robust Steiner tree and set cover, and the first approximation algorithms for k-robust Steiner forest, minimum-cut and multicut. All our approximation ratios (except for multicut) are almost best possible. As a by-product of our techniques, we also get algorithms for max-min problems of the form: "given a covering problem instance, which k of the elements are costliest to cover?".Comment: 24 page

    Decision and function problems based on boson sampling

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    Boson sampling is a mathematical problem that is strongly believed to be intractable for classical computers, whereas passive linear interferometers can produce samples efficiently. So far, the problem remains a computational curiosity, and the possible usefulness of boson-sampling devices is mainly limited to the proof of quantum supremacy. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether boson sampling can be used as a resource of decision and function problems that are computationally hard, and may thus have cryptographic applications. After the definition of a rather general theoretical framework for the design of such problems, we discuss their solution by means of a brute-force numerical approach, as well as by means of non-boson samplers. Moreover, we estimate the sample sizes required for their solution by passive linear interferometers, and it is shown that they are independent of the size of the Hilbert space.Comment: Close to the version published in PR

    Green function approach for scattering quantum walks

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    In this work a Green function approach for scattering quantum walks is developed. The exact formula has the form of a sum over paths and always can be cast into a closed analytic expression for arbitrary topologies and position dependent quantum amplitudes. By introducing the step and path operators, it is shown how to extract any information about the system from the Green function. The method relevant features are demonstrated by discussing in details an example, a general diamond-shaped graph.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, this article was selected by APS for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, Vol 11, Iss 11 (2011

    Stochastic Budget Optimization in Internet Advertising

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    Internet advertising is a sophisticated game in which the many advertisers "play" to optimize their return on investment. There are many "targets" for the advertisements, and each "target" has a collection of games with a potentially different set of players involved. In this paper, we study the problem of how advertisers allocate their budget across these "targets". In particular, we focus on formulating their best response strategy as an optimization problem. Advertisers have a set of keywords ("targets") and some stochastic information about the future, namely a probability distribution over scenarios of cost vs click combinations. This summarizes the potential states of the world assuming that the strategies of other players are fixed. Then, the best response can be abstracted as stochastic budget optimization problems to figure out how to spread a given budget across these keywords to maximize the expected number of clicks. We present the first known non-trivial poly-logarithmic approximation for these problems as well as the first known hardness results of getting better than logarithmic approximation ratios in the various parameters involved. We also identify several special cases of these problems of practical interest, such as with fixed number of scenarios or with polynomial-sized parameters related to cost, which are solvable either in polynomial time or with improved approximation ratios. Stochastic budget optimization with scenarios has sophisticated technical structure. Our approximation and hardness results come from relating these problems to a special type of (0/1, bipartite) quadratic programs inherent in them. Our research answers some open problems raised by the authors in (Stochastic Models for Budget Optimization in Search-Based Advertising, Algorithmica, 58 (4), 1022-1044, 2010).Comment: FINAL versio

    Boosting search by rare events

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    Randomized search algorithms for hard combinatorial problems exhibit a large variability of performances. We study the different types of rare events which occur in such out-of-equilibrium stochastic processes and we show how they cooperate in determining the final distribution of running times. As a byproduct of our analysis we show how search algorithms are optimized by random restarts.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures. References update

    Worst case and probabilistic analysis of the 2-Opt algorithm for the TSP

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    2-Opt is probably the most basic local search heuristic for the TSP. This heuristic achieves amazingly good results on “real world” Euclidean instances both with respect to running time and approximation ratio. There are numerous experimental studies on the performance of 2-Opt. However, the theoretical knowledge about this heuristic is still very limited. Not even its worst case running time on 2-dimensional Euclidean instances was known so far. We clarify this issue by presenting, for every p∈N , a family of L p instances on which 2-Opt can take an exponential number of steps. Previous probabilistic analyses were restricted to instances in which n points are placed uniformly at random in the unit square [0,1]2, where it was shown that the expected number of steps is bounded by O~(n10) for Euclidean instances. We consider a more advanced model of probabilistic instances in which the points can be placed independently according to general distributions on [0,1] d , for an arbitrary d≄2. In particular, we allow different distributions for different points. We study the expected number of local improvements in terms of the number n of points and the maximal density ϕ of the probability distributions. We show an upper bound on the expected length of any 2-Opt improvement path of O~(n4+1/3⋅ϕ8/3) . When starting with an initial tour computed by an insertion heuristic, the upper bound on the expected number of steps improves even to O~(n4+1/3−1/d⋅ϕ8/3) . If the distances are measured according to the Manhattan metric, then the expected number of steps is bounded by O~(n4−1/d⋅ϕ) . In addition, we prove an upper bound of O(ϕ√d) on the expected approximation factor with respect to all L p metrics. Let us remark that our probabilistic analysis covers as special cases the uniform input model with ϕ=1 and a smoothed analysis with Gaussian perturbations of standard deviation σ with ϕ∌1/σ d

    Rate types for stream programs

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    The effect of large-decoherence on mixing-time in Continuous-time quantum walks on long-range interacting cycles

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    In this paper, we consider decoherence in continuous-time quantum walks on long-range interacting cycles (LRICs), which are the extensions of the cycle graphs. For this purpose, we use Gurvitz's model and assume that every node is monitored by the corresponding point contact induced the decoherence process. Then, we focus on large rates of decoherence and calculate the probability distribution analytically and obtain the lower and upper bounds of the mixing time. Our results prove that the mixing time is proportional to the rate of decoherence and the inverse of the distance parameter (\emph{m}) squared. This shows that the mixing time decreases with increasing the range of interaction. Also, what we obtain for \emph{m}=0 is in agreement with Fedichkin, Solenov and Tamon's results \cite{FST} for cycle, and see that the mixing time of CTQWs on cycle improves with adding interacting edges.Comment: 16 Pages, 2 Figure
