68 research outputs found

    A sensitive mass spectrometric assay for mitochondrial CoQ pool redox state in vivo.

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    Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is an essential cofactor, primarily found in the mitochondrial inner membrane where it functions as an electron carrier in the respiratory chain, and as a lipophilic antioxidant. The redox state of the CoQ pool is the ratio of its oxidised (ubiquinone) and reduced (ubiquinol) forms, and is a key indicator of mitochondrial bioenergetic and antioxidant status. However, the role of CoQ redox state in vivo is poorly understood, because determining its value is technically challenging due to redox changes during isolation, extraction and analysis. To address these problems, we have developed a sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay that enables us to extract and analyse both the CoQ redox state and the magnitude of the CoQ pool with negligible changes to redox state from small amounts of tissue. This will enable the physiological and pathophysiological roles of the CoQ redox state to be investigated in vivo

    A sensitive mass spectrometric assay for mitochondrial CoQ pool redox state in vivo

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    Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is an essential cofactor, primarily found in the mitochondrial inner membrane where it functions as an electron carrier in the respiratory chain, and a lipophilic antioxidant. The redox state of the CoQ pool is the ratio of its oxidised (ubiquinone) and reduced (ubiquinol) forms, and is a key indicator of mitochondrial bioenergetic and antioxidant status. However, the role of CoQ redox state in vivo is poorly understood, because determining its value is technically challenging due to redox changes during isolation, extraction and analysis. To address these problems, we have developed a sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay that enables us to extract and analyse both the CoQ redox state and the magnitude of the CoQ pool with negligible changes to redox state from small amounts of tissue. This will enable the physiological and pathophysiological roles of the CoQ redox state to be investigated in vivo

    Evidence for Sexual Dimorphism in the Response to TLR3 Activation in the Developing Neonatal Mouse Brain: A Pilot Study

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    Toll-like receptor (TLR)3 activation during the neonatal period produces responses linked to the origins of neuropsychiatric disorders. Although there is sexual dimorphism in neuropsychiatric disorders, it is unknown if brain responses to TLR3 activation are sex-specific. We hypothesized that poly I:C in a post-natal day (P)8 model induces a sexually dimorphic inflammatory responses. C57BL6 mice received intraperitoneal injection of poly I:C (10 mg/kg) or vehicle [normal saline (NS)] at P8. Pups were killed at 6 or 14 h for caspase 3 and 8 activity assays, NFkB ELISA, IRF3, AP1, and GFAP western blotting and cytokines/chemokines gene expression real time qRT-PCR (4–6/group). A second group of pups were killed at 24 h (P9) or 7 days (P15) after poly I:C to assess astrocytic (GFAP) and microglia (Iba1) activation in the hippocampus, thalamus and cortex using immunohistochemistry, and gene and protein expression of cytokines/chemokines using real time RT-PCR and MSD, respectively (4–6/group). Non-parametric analysis was applied. Six hours after poly I:C, caspase-3 and -8 activities in cytosolic fractions were 1.6 and 2.8-fold higher in poly I:C-treated than in NS-treated female mice, respectively, while gene expressions of pro-inflammatory cytokines were upregulated in both sexes. After poly I:C, IRF3 nuclear translocation occurred earlier (6 h) in female mice and later (14 h) in male mice. At 14 h after poly I:C, only male mice also had increased nuclear NFÎșB levels (88%, p < 0.001) and GFAP expression coinciding with persistent IL-6 and FAS gene upregulation (110 and 77%, respectively; p < 0.001) and IL-10 gene downregulation (-42%, p < 0.05). At 24 h after poly I:C, IL-1ÎČ, CXCL-10, TNF-α, and MCP-1 were similarly increased in both sexes but at 7 days after exposure, CXCL-10 and INFÎł were increased and IL-10 was decreased only in female mice. Accordingly, microglial activation persisted at 7 days after poly I:C in the hippocampus, thalamus and cortex of female mice. This preliminary study suggests that TLR3 activation may produce in the developing neonatal mouse brain a sexually dimorphic response with early activation of caspase-dependent pathways in female mice, activation of inflammatory cascades in both sexes, which then persists in female mice. Further well-powered studies are essential to confirm these sex-specific findings

    A mouse model reproducing the pathophysiology of neonatal group B streptococcal infection

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    Group B streptococcal (GBS) meningitis remains a devastating disease. The absence of an animal model reproducing the natural infectious process has limited our understanding of the disease and, consequently, delayed the development of effective treatments. We describe here a mouse model in which bacteria are transmitted to the offspring from vaginally colonised pregnant females, the natural route of infection. We show that GBS strain BM110, belonging to the CC17 clonal complex, is more virulent in this vertical transmission model than the isogenic mutant BM110∆cylE, which is deprived of hemolysin/cytolysin. Pups exposed to the more virulent strain exhibit higher mortality rates and lung inflammation than those exposed to the attenuated strain. Moreover, pups that survive to BM110 infection present neurological developmental disability, revealed by impaired learning performance and memory in adulthood. The use of this new mouse model, that reproduces key steps of GBS infection in newborns, will promote a better understanding of the physiopathology of GBS-induced meningitis.The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of Encarnaca̧ ̃o Ribeiro for excellent technical assistance, Joana Tavares for assisting with IVIS Lumina LT, Susana Roque for the luminex instrument experiments, the Molecular Microbiology group at i3S for microscope use, and the Portuguese architect and artist Gil Ferreira da Silva for the artworks included in the last figure. This work was supported by funds from Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and Compete under project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016607 (PTDC/IMI-MIC/1049/2014) and from the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). T.S. and A.M. were supported by Investigador FCT (IF/00875/2012 and IF/00753/2014), POPH and Fundo Social Europeu. E.B.A. and C.C.P. hold postdoctoral fellowships from FCT (PTDC/IMI-MIC/1049/2014 and SFRH/BPD/91962/2012). Ar.F. and P.T.C. were supported by Laboratoire d’Excellence (LABEX) Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases (grant ANR-10-LABX-62-IBEID).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    VÀlkommen till den svenska skolan : En studie av nyanlÀnda elevers upplevelse av svenska skolan

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    Det Ă€r en studie som har som syfte att ta reda pĂ„ hur nyanlĂ€nda elever upplever den svenska skolan, och till vilken grad de kĂ€nner sig inkluderade i skolan. Och hur sprĂ„ket pĂ„verkar deras upplevelse av inkludering i det svenska samhĂ€llet. Det har gjorts intervjuer med Sammanlagt fem elever som har studerat pĂ„ sprĂ„kintroduktionsklass och genom öppna samtal liknande frĂ„gor har det försökts att belysa frĂ„n elevperspektivet hur de sjĂ€lva upplever den svenska skolan. I studien framkommer det att intervjuade elever har en positiv stĂ€llning till skolan och lĂ€rarna sĂ€rskilt i början men sen har de upplevt svĂ„righeter kring att etablera nya kontakter med de inlands födda elever. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller sprĂ„kinlĂ€rning, de nĂ€mner ”bra svenska” som en nyckel till framgĂ„ng bĂ„da i skolans arbete och framtida jobb och uttrycker att ibland skolans bemötandet Ă€ndrats efter en vis tid, nĂ€r de förvĂ€ntas ha lĂ€rt sig svenska

    VÀlkommen till den svenska skolan : En studie av nyanlÀnda elevers upplevelse av svenska skolan

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    Det Ă€r en studie som har som syfte att ta reda pĂ„ hur nyanlĂ€nda elever upplever den svenska skolan, och till vilken grad de kĂ€nner sig inkluderade i skolan. Och hur sprĂ„ket pĂ„verkar deras upplevelse av inkludering i det svenska samhĂ€llet. Det har gjorts intervjuer med Sammanlagt fem elever som har studerat pĂ„ sprĂ„kintroduktionsklass och genom öppna samtal liknande frĂ„gor har det försökts att belysa frĂ„n elevperspektivet hur de sjĂ€lva upplever den svenska skolan. I studien framkommer det att intervjuade elever har en positiv stĂ€llning till skolan och lĂ€rarna sĂ€rskilt i början men sen har de upplevt svĂ„righeter kring att etablera nya kontakter med de inlands födda elever. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller sprĂ„kinlĂ€rning, de nĂ€mner ”bra svenska” som en nyckel till framgĂ„ng bĂ„da i skolans arbete och framtida jobb och uttrycker att ibland skolans bemötandet Ă€ndrats efter en vis tid, nĂ€r de förvĂ€ntas ha lĂ€rt sig svenska

    Improved community detection for WDN partitioning in the dual topology based on segments and valves

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    This paper proposes a formulation of modularity tailored to the dual water distribution network (WDN) topology based on segments and valves, to be conveniently adopted for the partitioning into district-metered areas (DMAs). Notably, it allows considering both properties to be made uniform across DMAs, such as water demand or total pipe length, and properties to be made uniform inside each DMA, such as nodal ground elevations or pipe age for the sake of pressure regulation or maintenance easiness, respectively. This paper also proposes a new algorithm for the identification of the optimal clustering of WDN segments into any desired number of DMAs. Taking as a starting point any WDN clustering solution, i.e., the solution obtained with Newman’s fast algorithm for community detection, the novel algorithm operates by exploring changes in the community of belonging to segments lying in the boundary between adjacent communities, by applying an optimization inspired by the simulated annealing technique. The applications of the novel modularity formulation and optimization algorithm to two case studies yield well-performing clustering solutions in terms of engineering judgment criteria, such as the low number of inter-DMA boundary pipes, uniformity of DMAs and hydraulic performance
